Kat Kennedy's Reviews > Eon: Dragoneye Reborn

Eon by Alison Goodman
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bookshelves: fun-fantasy, kat-s-book-reviews

Well, I hope you're happy Tatiana, Penny and everyone else who convinced me to read this book. I hope you're REAL happy!

Happy Bug
They probably look something like this right now!

I just spent the last five hours reading this book and freaking the hell out. I swear the tension, anxiety and heart palpitations did not stop until the last page. Right up to the end I was clutching my chest like some kind of heart patient in desperate need of a quadruple bypass.

The big themes in this novel centre on sexuality, gender roles and personal identity so get ready to get a little confused about whether you need to pee standing up or sitting down.

Although, the Sheewee and P-mate have erased most of the need to worry about squatting if you do decide that you are, after all, a sitter...

Then again, there is another option:

You could just admit defeat now in the face of the overwhelming confusion you will experience when men are more feminine than you.

I felt that the writing was smooth with rich descriptions and powerful characters. I wonder what the moral of Goodman's story will be as the series progresses? What defines the essence of woman and what defines the essence of man?

We know from modern technology that our brains are wired differently and may in fact work differently. I'm still convinced it has a lot to do with the fact that men can have one type of orgasm... and women can have three.

man crying
Ya...I know! Sucks to be you!

This novel seems to stay mostly silent on what specific properties Goodman would attribute to women and men. I hope the series remains that way but the ending and Eona's power gives me reason to be concerned. In fact, Goodman doesn't really go into what it means to be woman or man in this novel and instead seems to glaze over it. However, I'm witholding judgment in this case as Eona is still discovering her own feminine identity. I'll be interested to see where this journey leads her.

And so should you, you know, since I'm using my massive sheballs to command your interest in this series.
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Reading Progress

June 2, 2010 – Shelved
April 5, 2011 – Started Reading
April 14, 2011 – Shelved as: fun-fantasy
April 14, 2011 – Shelved as: kat-s-book-reviews
April 14, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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Spider the Doof Warrior It's more in kick your butt mode, but it's so cute. I love praying mantises.

3 kinds? Really? This I did not know.

Kat Kennedy Why is my butt needing to be kicked? Did I do something wrong?

Kat Kennedy Also - 3, yes.

Tatiana Took you long enough to read it!

But yes, I am happy:)

Steph Sinclair Haha, this review is hilarious! This sounds interesting. Kinda like a "Mulan" concept?

Spider the Doof Warrior No no no. Your butt doesn't need to be kicked. Except for the fact that you haven't done videos in a while and it wouldn't be a kick, more of a gentle POKE with a stick several times.

The praying MANTIS is in butt kicking mode. But it's so cute when they do that. They'll do that against dogs and stuff. Praying mantises are badass.

message 7: by Cory (new) - added it

Cory Stephanie wrote: "Haha, this review is hilarious! This sounds interesting. Kinda like a "Mulan" concept?"

I thinks so, only with out the homoerotic undertones. Seriously, what's his name Chan or whatever was really in love with male!Mulan. The first time I watched it, I was like wow...you're really this mad that she's a woman. Confession time.

Steph Sinclair Cory wrote: "Stephanie wrote: "Haha, this review is hilarious! This sounds interesting. Kinda like a "Mulan" concept?"

I thinks so, only with out the homoerotic undertones. Seriously, what's his name Chan or w..."

Hahaha! I know! Kinda reminds me of the movie White Chicks. The part where Latrell feels betrayed that Marcus is black not white, completely ignoring the fact that he truly was a guy. Dude! Really?! *palmface*

message 9: by John (last edited Apr 14, 2011 07:37AM) (new)

John Egbert Stephanie wrote: "Cory wrote: "Stephanie wrote: "Haha, this review is hilarious! This sounds interesting. Kinda like a "Mulan" concept?"

I thinks so, only with out the homoerotic undertones. Seriously, what's his n..."

Well, there's a certain point where you can't hide who you are. Latrell couldn't hide it, and neither could Chan (who's real name is Li Shang, btw).

Oh, and this book does sound interesting. Maybe I'll look for an ebook copy of sorts.

The pokemon demotivational made me description

I do believe that episode was actually banned from viewing in America.

Spider the Doof Warrior Aw, why? Was it due to big boobage on men?
They also cut all of the lesbianism out of sailor moon...

Steph Sinclair Synesthesia wrote: "Aw, why? Was it due to big boobage on men?
They also cut all of the lesbianism out of sailor moon..."

They didn't just cut it. The entire 5th season never even aired in the US. I think half the 4th season as well.

Sailor Moon was one of my favorite anime as a child.

Spider the Doof Warrior Pesky prudish prudes. They won't have the last season of Sailor Moon. Probably because of Star Gentle Uterus and gender switching dudes.
Who might just be girls who disguise... urg, it's weird, but cool.

Steph Sinclair That is awesome. He looks like a ninja ready to strike.

message 15: by Noran (new)

Noran Miss Pumkin Loving the review!!!

Spider the Doof Warrior I know! He's so cute! I love praying mantises. I bought one in the library once and I had to find him and take him back outside.
Or her.

Kat Kennedy No no no. Your butt doesn't need to be kicked. Except for the fact that you haven't done videos in a while and it wouldn't be a kick, more of a gentle POKE with a stick several times.

Oh good! I was worried that I was in trouble!

This book is a little like Mulan but it isn't.

Mulan is the story of a woman who dresses as a man and has "To Be A Man!" (Sung with impressive vocals) and then find acceptance in herself whilst saving China.

Eon is a girl who feels more comfortable as a boy. People expect her to save China - an expectation that is out of her control and the price of failure is pretty darn steep.

Also, gender is a whole lot more confusing in this novel and doesn't seem to get cleared up when men stop wearing dresses and girls start.

message 18: by Kat Kennedy (last edited Apr 14, 2011 02:47PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kat Kennedy Yey for me. More eyecandy in my reviews from now on!

message 19: by Samyy22 (new) - added it

Samyy22 Your pictures sold the book for me i shall have to read it now

message 20: by Liam (new) - added it

Liam Bury There's no such thing as a quadruple bypass...

message 21: by Celeste (new) - added it

Celeste Wait... what 3 types. I think you need to link this information for the less well informed of us. You should also know I'm saluting your sheballs and have gotten the book.

message 22: by Ella (new)

Ella Inappropriate

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