June's Reviews > Burned

Burned by Karen Marie Moning
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it was ok
bookshelves: to-read

This was a book that inflamed fans from across the globe. No matter what you think of the material on display you need to give Moning kudos for inspiring a passionate response from everyone involved. I am trying to base my review on the material provided, not which character became the lead. This is how I feel. the book is sloppy, its presentation feels mismatched, characters seem "out-of character", and overall the wrapping up of plot points from Iced at moments seem contrived. Logical plotting seems completely amiss. Moning asks you to not question rational choices and 'just go with it' at times. My biggest complaint is the overall series arc is moved about an inch forward. Essentially nothing happens. The book feels designed to make fans fall in love with Ryodan rather than making a good quality product. Mac's character development felt pretty much nonexistent. And really it's not that surprising since she starts the book but a few months after the conclusion of the original fever series. I think the book would have read better 5 years into the future, I would have loved to glimpse how Barrons and her are interacting with Dublin post 5 years apocalypse. And the storyline centering around Dani, it felt stale and boring, it feels like Pri-ya all over again. Pri-ya was probably one of the better literary devices to push Mac's character along and I do not want a water downed version of it in Dani's development. Its not fresh for Dani's character and it belittles the original concept. I thought Iced pushed Moning into the category of a good fiction writer not a writer whom is cemented into a preconceived gendre. I think there were many factors that shaped the outcome of Burned- from marketing, sales, fans, and even Moning maybe felt Mac was easier for her to write. I don't know, but I think people should have applauded her efforts in Iced. Pushed her more to expand her potential rather than limiting her and pushing her backwards. Iced was a book that read well and the plot was pushed forward with character development and good storytelling. It felt fun and fresh. Burned feels stagnant and redundant.
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 61 (61 new)

Winnie I totally agree with you!! I am so disappointed. I hate the fact that KMM is removing critical comments on her website and suddenly her webpage was down when poeple started expressing their feelings.

I agree on the non-professional decisions, and making me believe that we would get another Dani O'Malley book without ever telling us otherwise. I agree on Mac being a boring character and I was tired of Barrons.

Please don't hesitate to recommend a new series if you have any suggestions :)

Shishko I also agree with you. I didn't like Mac at all as a main character, and one of the reasons I loved Iced was because she wasn't in it!! I really hoped this was going to be a trilogy about Dani but now that I know she's pushed behind boring Mac... I'll just read the parts in the book where she's mentioned because I'm really interested in her story.

June Winnie wrote: "I totally agree with you!! I am so disappointed. I hate the fact that KMM is removing critical comments on her website and suddenly her webpage was down when poeple started expressing their feeling..."

I saw the update and people were commenting on being edited. Then I literally saw a post, that was not highly critical yet was removed right on her feed. I was blown away. So I should say the review I posted was more in line with KMM as a professional author rather then the book itself.

June Shishko wrote: "I also agree with you. I didn't like Mac at all as a main character, and one of the reasons I loved Iced was because she wasn't in it!! I really hoped this was going to be a trilogy about Dani but ..."
I got roped into the fever series through recommendations but I really did not enjoy it. Mac was terrible for a lead, for me at least. I know others enjoyed it and thats their personal taste. I am glutton for punishment and decided to pick up Iced because I had nothing else to read and I was really pleasantly surprised. Moning had finally wrote something that was beyond her normal parameters. I knew I would pick up Burned for sure. Now I think I will pass, Mac holds no interest for me. Maybe Burned will be great but I will not buy it, maybe the library.

Winnie June wrote: "Winnie wrote: "I totally agree with you!! I am so disappointed. I hate the fact that KMM is removing critical comments on her website and suddenly her webpage was down when poeple started expressin..."

I'm just bitter. Very, very bitter for the changes she has made.

I will have to remind myself that this is just a book :)

June YES.LOL It is just a book. But it is disappointing that KMM never addressed it at least a year ago. Waiting for 5 months until release really puts her in a poor light. 512 pages, half will be devoted to Mac logically speaking, that leaves about 42 pages a piece for the other 6 viewpoints. Seems like Dani will shine and her story line will be fully exposed. Please. LOL You might have said Iced never even happened. Why publish a book in the series and never take it any further. That's frustrating! Library will get my business on this one, not purchasing. JMO

message 7: by June (last edited Aug 26, 2014 06:28PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

June Sue wrote: "Karen never disappoints. She always ask us readers to keep the faith and with good reason. She always delivers. I trust her to tell the story the way she feels is best. I saw on her Facebook page w..."

My review was really in reply to KMM being I feel unprofessional in regards to how she handled announcing the directional format change. She can do whatever she wants, she owns her creations. My biggest complaint was watching people ask questions on her FB feed and their questions being removed because the questions were about why the change occurred. Nothing inappropriate but the comments were removed. I am not a KMM fan but I felt insulted on behalf of her fans. Her and her staff belittled people for simply asking questions about the shift. And in general you do not announce such a drastic change when the synopsis is posted leaving 5 months until publication, when she had almost 2 years to be upfront with people. I am sure you will enjoy the book and I hope others do to if they purchase it. I just felt strongly that an author should be held accountable to professional standards like anyone else. JMO

message 8: by Najie (last edited Aug 27, 2014 09:54AM) (new)

Najie Andherzoo "I am not a KMM fan but I felt insulted on behalf of her fans" This particular comment in this review and several replies invalidates everything written. You're not a fan yet you feel the need to feel insulted at something on behalf of those like myself who have read every book she's ever written? No Thanks. Authors don't owe you anything but a good book. They don't owe you explanations to a creative change, a publishing date or the condensing of a story. Whether the story takes the direction you want or not, as a true fan..you read it and your choices are to like or not. I've had stories i don't particularly like from many of my autobuys, but i certainly don't waste my energy on becoming so embittered that i trash something before its even released and than validate those actions on behalf of "other fans" what hogwash.

message 9: by June (last edited Aug 27, 2014 11:44AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

June Delilah wrote: "Karen talked about the change from five books to three at Celebrate Summer in Sarasota (June 2013) and that was over a year ago. She told us she’d realized she couldn’t tell the story the way she’d..."

I think you do bring up a valid point. I do believe Karen was trying to lessen the blow so to speak when she was answering questions and talking about combining the books. But at the same time I don't believe she was completely up front and how drastic the viewpoint was changed, she should have just said a year ago that Mac is primary and there are other secondary characters and among them is Dani. I think she would have had a less shocked reaction from people instead of waiting until the synopsis was released. Moning also told her "Dani"fans that the book would be much longer due to the amount of narratives so that Dani did get her fair share, now stands that Burned and Iced are the exact same word count. I also did not like seeing people's comments edited during her impromptu QA on her FB feed, they were only questions no rudeness. I thought it was very unprofessional. That's were the poor rating really comes from. I think many people will most likely enjoy the book, myself its release will be tainted with poor choices and again I just really do not like Mac's voice, that is simply a personal like nothing else. But again I think you made a valid point, I just think Moning should have ripped off the band-aid a long time ago and write the way she wanted to write and just dealt with the change differently giving her Dani fans a little more time to accommodate to the change. JMO

message 10: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June Najie wrote: ""I am not a KMM fan but I felt insulted on behalf of her fans" This particular comment in this review and several replies invalidates everything written. You're not a fan yet you feel the need to ..."

I am not sure how to respond because I am pretty certain you will feel I am being demeaning to you in some way. I think you love this author and enjoy her work. Enough said. I will not apologize or change my opinion that if someone ask a question to the author while they are doing an impromptu QA answering questions that a comment is removed if it is slightly uncomfortable for the author to address. And in all fairness Moning did not have to answer any question she did not feel like answering but to remove it from her "feed" seems I think unprofessional. I said several times Karen owns her creations, should write the way she wants to but just be upfront when people, when asked over a year ago would Dani share center stage Moning answered simply "of course". Again, I do apologize. If you felt me feeling empathy for anyone that bought an author's book should have the ability to express themselves or ask a question about an author's future book is somehow insulting. I guess this was a good place to express yourself. Goodreads is a wonderful forum to express one's self and as long as a person is conducting themselves with manners and remaining professional Goodreads allows all readers to do just that.

message 11: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June To anyone that either "liked" this review or cared enough to express their opinion in either agreement or disagreement. Thanks for taking the time. I never even thought anyone would read it or care enough to offer up her or his own opinion.

message 12: by Najie (new)

Najie Andherzoo June wrote: "Najie wrote: ""I am not a KMM fan but I felt insulted on behalf of her fans" This particular comment in this review and several replies invalidates everything written. You're not a fan yet you fee..."

You are correct. What you fail to realize is that if you're going to express your opinion and in so doing it, you state "im doing it not for myself but on behalf of her fans" then you're totally making your opinion seem baseless don't you think? Don't speak for a group of people if you don't count yourself amongst that group. Its like me saying I can speak for all men even though i am not one. Now i'm not saying your opinion doesn't count, you are of course entitled to one, but if you make it..then OWN IT. I haven't liked every book she has ever written, i loved ones and not others, but i'm also not going to sit and bash it when it has not even been released. This seems a little premature. Is it simply because she didn't like something you wrote on her wall and removed it? Is it because you feel slighted or because you felt your opinion didn't count? All personal reasons for you of course..but please be honest in your review....that's not what occurred here. What ever direction she chose, its her book, her characters and her creation. Give others the ability to read it and form their own opinions by you honestly not tainting it over a slight. Her creative direction might have changed, thats her right...but be honest in your approach...and no..i would not have felt insulted at all. Speak your mind...after all this is what forums are for. Honest Reviews and opinions...

message 13: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June Najie wrote: "June wrote: "Najie wrote: ""I am not a KMM fan but I felt insulted on behalf of her fans" This particular comment in this review and several replies invalidates everything written. You're not a fa..."

Lets start with this I am not a Moning fan. I have read a total of 6 of her books (5 the fever series and once I start something I typically do not stop) , I thoroughly enjoyed one. I thought Karen did a great job with Iced changing formats and expanded herself as a writer. No I did not write any comments that were altered on her feed so i felt only slighted in a third party sense. And it is an extremely silly argument stating you can not empathize with a group you do not belong too. That's like saying you lack empathy for anyone except people that you feel represent you as a group. Can you not empathize with victims of crimes you have not experienced, people who suffer from illnesses you have never been diagnosed with, with people whom have have felt discrimination that you personally have never been inflicted with? The lists goes on. And my review is but one of 15 one star reviews...thousands of 5 star reviews for a book that has not been released? So I ask why direct your attention towards mine in particular? What makes this question even more sensational that I have proposed is that as a Goodreads member you have never even rated a book nor are you currently reading one? For a person who is consumed by an honest review it seems you do very little of them. It also seems highly suspicious that you are on a forum board of another author. So I am wondering if you have a vested interest in poor comments relating to the editing of a forum and FB comments? Do you work for Moning or are related somehow to their site? Anyone that has never rated a book or reviewed one in particular seems a highly unlikely candidate to go out of their way to review a simple poor rating from another reader?

message 14: by Najie (new)

Najie Andherzoo LOL, oh yes you have certainly answered my question. Your issue is you were indeed slighted or snubbed and have taken this as your pet project. So now i totally understand your direction and can certainly answer you appropriately.. You come across as one of these readers who feels authors "owe" you.

But to answer your questions so there are no misunderstandings here goes :

"stating you can not empathize with a group you do not belong too" <<-- never said I couldn't emphathize with a group, i was specific and said don't speak on behalf of ME as a fan and act like she's wronged us because of your feelings of entitlement. Considering your initial statement was and still is I AM NOT A FAN..it boggles me why you are so adamant in voicing your dislike after having forced yourself to read all 5 books..what torture. And for what?? I can empathize with many groups, what i don't do is voice my opinion on their condition, feelings, circumstances or beliefs based on incomplete or misguided feelings of entitlement.

And since you took so much time to go through my profile here in an attempt to make it seem like i have purposely signaled you out based on what looks like your odd feelings of conspiracy...please feel free to look up my previous profile under my name Najie Fernandez active since May 2012 where i have rated over 20 books. I also have a profile on amazon by the way. I was transitioning into this one via Facebook. I certainly hope that makes my argument a tad more valid in your eyes now. What makes your question sensational is your utterly groundless review based on a book you havent even read. Oh by the way... I've read ALL HER BOOKS. More then once by the way in case that matters at all...and i've never had to force myself to finish one. Oh yes and my current read that i haven't had the time to post on here..but plan to soon is Kresley Cole's Lothaire.

So to help ease your suspicions No i do NOT work for Moning at all, nor am i one of her FB "lackeys" as you have stated in the above comments. I don't have vested interests in poor comments nor do i monitor FB nor am i related to her site in any way. You know what i AM? A True FAN. Someone who has had the pleasure of enjoying her work, of meeting her and listening to her love of books and her writing process. Someone who when she calls herself a Fan, buys and reads all the authors books, enjoys some and may not enjoy all, but keeps an open mind to the difficulty of the creative process and life itself. Now to cure your other suspicions I am also a huge fan of Linda Howard, and yes I am on her forum here...know why? Because again I AM A FAN, and Linda doesn't have a forum or website. as a true Fan i started my own over at Proboards at LindaHowardBookBoard, and this is how we keep up with events. You know what we don't do? is Bash a book before its published. We give everyone the opportunity to read it, discuss it, form their OWN unbiased opinions and we certainly don't post dishonest and ridiculous reviews based on a slight or to use your own words...extremely silly argument based on what you feel she should have been done with her story..and didn't. Yes your review caught my eye based on the above...to break it down..i hate bully's. Your review should not even be considered that..its inflammatory based on what you have even termed a..."third party slight." and the fact that you don't even read her, or enjoy her work. So i certainly hope that has answered your question fully. So maybe you should consider in the future actually READING a book you're reviewing..that might make your arguments more valuable.

Winnie I agree with June's assessment. It's not a review of the book, but a review of the author's actions. June is entitled to express them as the author have taken away the our possibilities to do so in other arenas.

Maybe June will like the book when it's released and change her score for the book.

message 16: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June Delilah wrote: "June said “My biggest complaint was watching people ask questions on her FB feed and their questions being removed because the questions were about why the change occurred. Nothing inappropriate bu..."

Thanks for sharing I had no idea that she answered any other questions. I saw some comments I felt were not inflammatory but highly inquisitive but that is up to my interpretation not Moning's staff. I guess we differed. Maybe I will check it out later. Thanks for sharing and helping to shed a little light on their version and the reasoning behind the editing of comments. I really believe lots of Moning fans will really like the new book. This particular author I know has a huge fan base and she at least tries to answer question on her FB which is a pleasant surprise. I just was a little taken back from the editing. JMO Thanks again for sharing that she answered more questions. I think people that came across this review would love to check it out.

message 17: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June Winnie wrote: "I agree with June's assessment. It's not a review of the book, but a review of the author's actions. June is entitled to express them as the author have taken away the our possibilities to do so in..."

Great point. Once it gets to the library I will check it out and update. I think that is more then fair and adult-like behavior.

message 18: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June Najie wrote: "LOL, oh yes you have certainly answered my question. Your issue is you were indeed slighted or snubbed and have taken this as your pet project. So now i totally understand your direction and can ce..."

I never had this happen before. I have never ever written a review that caused someone such serious time and devotion to my comments that differed from his or her's personal opinion. LOL I am glad to see someone that is a true fan of an author's work. I think you will thoroughly enjoy the book when it comes out. Peace.

message 19: by Najie (new)

Najie Andherzoo Since i didn't attend the Facebook posting nor the Q & A I cannot comment or form an opinion on any actions conducted at that time. The basis for my reply on this forum is the rating and review on a book not published. Its false misleading and at this point, in my opinion done only to inflame incite and falsly influence readers based on a bad experience, not a bad read. And for June to sit here and use terms like Facebook lackey and basically accuse my actions and motivations to stem from a vested interest due to a personal or working relationship with the author basically proves my point. Its wrong. So for those of you who love her work, have patience. And as pointed out in this original review post..for those of you Not Fans or who relegate her work as "cheesy romance" move on and review actually read works.

Winnie ⓜⒿ wrote: "Seven points of view? Sigh....I hope this won't be like Lover at Last by J.R. Ward for me. I'm a little disappointed. I enjoyed Dani's narration."

Yup, we are all a bit disappointed, but it suddenly became a lot easier for me to stop obsessing about the book, and Ryodan and Dani. :)

message 21: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June ⓜⒿ wrote: "Seven points of view? Sigh....I hope this won't be like Lover at Last by J.R. Ward for me. I'm a little disappointed. I enjoyed Dani's narration."

i never read that book but i think to myself in terms of GRR Martin books. He always has multiple viewpoints, sometimes up to 12 even but on the other hand they all pretty much have equal chapters. Most of his books are in the 700 plus category too. It will be a hard switch from Dani narrative's to Macs in terms of storyline. BUt I think that has to do with personal taste for me rather then most fans.

message 22: by Najie (new)

Najie Andherzoo By the way there was almost a six year gap in the publishing and release dates of George RR Martins books..and about the same as this book for paperback release. Just saying...things happen.

And Goodreads should consider making it a policy NOT to allow ratings on unpublished books like amazon does. I enjoy reading the reviews and how others perceived the story

Shishko I'm little sad that out of the 7 POV's, neither one of them is Ryodan. :(

message 24: by Killian (new)

Killian You can't possibly compare GRRM's series to this one. It's a thousand times more complex with an endless list of characters and plot lines. It requires much more time to write.

Having said that, the 6 year wait was because GRRM decided to change the direction of the books and had to start all over. The same obviously happened with KMM and I would really like to know why. I don't think it's outrageous that fans would want to know

SHOOKITHA TEA EXACTLY. It's not like she didn't have PLENTY of time to tell the reader's about the change! I would know, I've been waiting! lol. KMM definitely used/is using some shady tactics and all signs point towards her cashing in right now.
Mac and Barrons is a guaranteed seller, a blurb about an already established character is bound to sell more plain and simple.
She waits til the day the blurb drops to inform fans that have been waiting literally years?! now, that oh hey guess what dani's taking a backseat. oh and I'm just gonna take down the site to redo it when burned isn't even coming out til months and months later!
she should've wrapped up shadowfever more neatly.. all the teasers from Mac's pov are infuriatingly redundant. no way am I going through more of this ms. lane/barrons crap. like really!? it's like nothing changed at all!
I am honestly so disappointed. Iced was off to such a strong start. maybe Dani will be lost in the silvers or something.. but of course we lose, you know the whole point of her story which is to watch her grow and evolve.

HStevey310 @Tea I agree!! This is straight up shady!!

Maddy Comments and questions are removed from KMM's page even if they aren't flaming, intentionally inflammatory, or repetitious. I saw someone ask Karen if she set any goals for herself with the upcoming Fever books and it was deleted. The poster asked why it was removed, and then her post got removed as well. I was surprised so I asked the admins why original/nonflaming questions were being removed, and guess what? My post was removed as well.

Who knows what can and can't be asked anymore.

HStevey310 All they want is the positive. when you start treating fans with vaild points or views or questions like they don't matter you get more complaints and its nobody fault but theirs. Posts get deleted and the forum gets taken down because of its inactivity when really there was a lot of convos going on. Why?? Because they don't what the "negativity" but its them thats causing it.

A poster on FB asked yesterday how much of Dani and Ryo will be in the news books Feverborn and Feversong? An Admin stated that KMM had answered this question many times and that were posted questionnaires that answered this. No not really. KMM has changed basically everything and we are expected to go with the answers that no longer apply. Guess what that post has been deleted.

message 29: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June A few things since last time. Did see she has released at least one more tease that was completely Lor centric and seemed a little raunchy? Today a book trailer was released and it was terrible. Whomever made the trailer misspelled immortals. Who does that for a book trailer??? And noticed they used the word erotic with a 'porn like' voice over. Couple with the Lor snippet I think marketing is really laying it on thick. I feel bad for Moning, this trailer feels like end of your career trailer.

SHOOKITHA TEA Yeah the Lor teasers kinda through me for a loop, I really wanted his pov but now I'm not so sure. the book trailer was cheesey but I've never seen one that wasn't, tbh lol. can't believe in all of this promo Dani isn't even mentioned ONCE! I don't understand why KMM set up Iced the way she did only to seemingly set it aside and go back to the previous story! dude super sloppy lol. and WHY have a 14 yr old protagonist in the middle of all this smut, bad call all around! I think she.prob felt pressure bc there was no sex in Iced.. but I don't read KMM for that at all. I loved Iced a lot and I do still have hope this won't be horrible but K Mo, you're testing me girl!

message 31: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June Melissa Tea- I am no book trailer expert but the misspelling killed me. Did K Mo (i do love that moniker and stealing it from you) not preview it? I think it is all about SEX for book sales which really feels not my type of thing either. Pretty sure Dani will be a no show in this book, she will be brought back in when she can have sex. Feel really bad for her. And my last comment, for all the Ryodan lovers out there, predicting Christian gets the girl.

SHOOKITHA TEA hahaha please do! it cracks me up :p She did fix it though lol I'd how that got through. But the thought of only bringing Dani to the playing field as a blink offering is too gross to fathom and I will not believe it of K Mo! lol idk how Dani being a no show will help progress her storyline in any way since her whole development is hinged on her ability to form bonds with others. For example being locked away in the silvers would surely make her colder no?? ugh poor kid. I think K Mo's gonna decimate Christian tbh, she said something about going all bad and idk if she wants to bring in that cheesy highlander redemption thing. He's probably gonna let out Cruce so the four of them can ride together~~
I think Ryodan's endgame.. it was set up too intently to be anyone else, from that first scene in Chester's.
I like Dancer but even with whatever is dark in him he's too safe, their relationship is cute and I don't think K Mo does "cute" in the fever series lol

SHOOKITHA TEA hahaha please do! it cracks me up :p She did fix it though lol I'd how that got through. But the thought of only bringing Dani to the playing field as a boink offering is too gross to fathom and I will not believe it of K Mo! lol idk how Dani being a no show will help progress her storyline in any way since her whole development is hinged on her ability to form bonds with others. For example being locked away in the silvers would surely make her colder no?? ugh poor kid. I think K Mo's gonna decimate Christian tbh, she said something about going all bad and idk if she wants to bring in that cheesy highlander redemption thing. He's probably gonna let out Cruce so the four of them can ride together~~
I think Ryodan's endgame.. it was set up too intently to be anyone else, from that first scene in Chester's.
I like Dancer but even with whatever is dark in him he's too safe, their relationship is cute and I don't think K Mo does "cute" in the fever series lol

Jenna Lindemuth Can't wait until you write your own books I'll be the first to post my comments! Your a horrible fan ! Your comments are deplorable and personal not professional critique you should be ashamed of yourself!!!

message 35: by Rozus (last edited Jan 20, 2015 03:06PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Rozus Lane is boring? what's wrong with you? Did you read 5 books? They are amazing and there's no porno covers btw. Dani is 14 years old and you ship something with old mens? Are you kidding me people?

message 36: by Mizuki (last edited Jan 20, 2015 08:30AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mizuki Hi June! The same like you I'm not a fan of this series nor its author, and I hate Mac with a passion which I haven't felt for a fictional character (not even Bella Swan) for as long as I can recall. In fact, there's nothing KMM can do to make me feel happy other than killing Mac with a stake in her book.

Although I'm not a fan of Dani neither but I can still share your rage/disappointment: selfish 'holier than thy' Mac starring in the 7th book all over again after 5 full books!? Goodness, dear author please gives us a break! Bring something new to the table already!

PS: I'm sorry to see people butting in here and bothering you just because you'd expressed your displease *in your own review*.

message 37: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June Thanks Mizuki. I was fortunate enough to get a copy from the library so i will be able to review the book regarding content. I hope that pleases everyone and in all fairness it is the right thing to do. I still do not like Mac and I agree with you regarding her character. I am just always surprised that anyone would even care enough to comment on this review in particular, i made it public so its a free for all, agreement or disagreement wise. People seem extremely passionate about Moning, in all reality that's a good thing. I would rather have an author have a fan club rather than a athlete ...or Justin Beiber. LOL

message 38: by Mizuki (last edited Jan 20, 2015 09:45PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mizuki June wrote: "Thanks Mizuki. I was fortunate enough to get a copy from the library so i will be able to review the book regarding content. I hope that pleases everyone and in all fairness it is the right thing t..."

I would have loved to see Dani being the MC for a change (I know she's the MC in Iced, but still), but no, milking the cash cow is more important than trying something new and giving other characters a chance.

Honestly I can't even imagine what Mac can offer after 5 long books. Hell, I only read up to the third one and already I wish Mac to get eaten by a monster.

Ikku Summers I'm currently at 21% and still no sign of Dani. :( I waited 2 years for this book and this is what I get. *sigh*

message 40: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June I finished it yesterday and there was not much of Dani. But I think Moning put it out there 6 months ago that it was essentially a Mac book. maybe the next one will have more of her but....

Mizuki June wrote: "I finished it yesterday and there was not much of Dani. But I think Moning put it out there 6 months ago that it was essentially a Mac book. maybe the next one will have more of her but...."

Please do write a review!

Ikku Summers I blame dem Dani x Ryo haters for this!

message 43: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June ^^ I think they had a lot to do with it. I hated what she did to dani in this book!

Latoyia Ok. I will review the book because I am a fan. I was disappointed. Lets be honest she (KMM) made no mention of changing the point of view of the book until she started getting hassled about Dani's age. Also If this is still Dani's story but the point of view changed there was very little of Dani anything in the entire book. It seemed all over the place with no real rhyme or reason. I personally would like to have read what KMM originally wrote before the pressure was on.

Fresiako Yeah, I really want KMM to release her original plan for Burned.

message 46: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June Knowing the original layout might depress me more. LOL The book felt very forgettable to me, nothing left a lasting impression.

message 47: by Rozus (new) - rated it 1 star

Rozus antifans>fans that's why

Thqueenbee "Please don't hesitate to recommend a new series if you have any suggestions :) (less)

If you have not read the Illona Andrews series, READ IT--very good. lots of books, Ilona + Andrew are a husband and wife team (he is Andrew and she is Illona, LOL) and their stories are engrossing and great, also if you want a more comedic twist, G A Aiken's Dragon series is good and a lot of books--of course Kresley Cole has several story arcs from the Lore books to the Arcana which is more about teen love though good and even a historical set that are great sitting in the tub with a box of chocolates reading.

Meridith Gentry series by Laurell K hamilton is good but steer clear of the Anita blake books unless guns and a lot of screaming during sex (but no real action) is your thing--of course Laurells, girls are all into multiple partners--often at the same time but her heroines are prety lame in bed other than liking to give oral sex to half hard men--not sure what that s about.. either come with it or don't COME at all is my motto.. but that is just me.

Karen will get this back--she as to--she just has to say fuck you to all of her fans and then write what she wants and stop the kowtow-she wrote best when she never knew how her fans felt--never cater to the fans like that-if we knew how to write and create a world like her, we would not be reading her--she not only is the author, she is the CREATOR--so create and ignore whining, even now--if this IS the story you want to tell then tell it--maybe I will grow to like the new writing style the insipid explanations the changing of the historical record of the other books..

If not.. I will just not buy them any more and keep it movin' . Because you cannot please everyone, but when you start trying to cater, you can end up pleasing NO ONE.

Thqueenbee "Maddy Comments and questions are removed from KMM's page even if they aren't flaming, intentionally inflammatory, or repetitious. I saw someone ask Karen if she set any goals for herself with the upcoming Fever books and it was deleted. The poster asked why it was removed, and then her post got removed as well. I was surprised so I asked the admins why original/nonflaming questions were being removed, and guess what? My post was removed as well.

I'm CRACKING UP!!! Guess if KMo was in charged of Goodreads at least 85% of the post would be removed as well--that is one way to stop dissension, the other is to be true to your vision and let the chips fall where they may.

message 50: by June (new) - rated it 2 stars

June @Thqueenbee In the paranormal fantasy realm I would recommend the Kim HArrison Hollows books and Anne Bishop's The others. They are essentially paranormal fantasy books, with only very mild inclination towards a romantic storyline. Essentially what I would consider Iced is. I agree with most of what you have said regarding how Burned played out. It was a disappointment to me, maybe not to others and that is great for those fans. I will continue with the next book but it is from the library until I feel like Moning deserves my "cash". I will never justify buying an inferior product just because I have bought the author before, it rewards the author and the publishing company for putting out an inferior product and in the long run nothing in the series will improve unless they see fans will not buy non-quality books. Money talks in EVERY industry. That is why I am somewhat dismayed by people coming on and attacking others they that did not give Burned a higher rating. People are entitled to their opinions, whatever their opinion is. I hope Moning can change directions with the next book. Burned felt just a real mess in terms of actual technical logical writing. And really seemed non essential and redundant in the scheme of the overall arc. Fingers crossed because in all realities every author wants to write good stories. And that is all i want, a good story.

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