When the very sad story of the young English Queen Jane Grey who ruled after King Edward Tudor for nine days to be dethroned and beheaded by Mary TudoWhen the very sad story of the young English Queen Jane Grey who ruled after King Edward Tudor for nine days to be dethroned and beheaded by Mary Tudor whose historically familiar by Bloody Mary, became in this outstanding novel a happy and a very funny story of the forgotten Lady Jane Grey! It was magnificent!
Merged review:
When the very sad story of the young English Queen Jane Grey who ruled after King Edward Tudor for nine days to be dethroned and beheaded by Mary Tudor whose historically familiar by Bloody Mary, became in this outstanding novel a happy and a very funny story of the forgotten Lady Jane Grey! It was magnificent!...more
Sixty five years ago, a love story bloomed, Al Locke an officer in the Navy met Elin Jenkins the Welsh nurse who captivated him from the first look. ASixty five years ago, a love story bloomed, Al Locke an officer in the Navy met Elin Jenkins the Welsh nurse who captivated him from the first look. An interest in Abraham Lincoln's ancestery, he followed her to her home town where she showed him Abraham Lincoln's grandmother's grave. A love story so beautiful ended with plan for marriage but a misunderstood telegram ruined it all. Elin's side is so sad and heartbreaking, I felt her pain deep inside my heart.
"A beautiful and heartbreaking story about lost love, forgiveness and family secrets." It is exactly that.
I received this audiobook thanks to Bookuture and NetGalley....more
The story has multiple storylines to the point I was very confused half of the book! The story could have been more enjoyable without all the jumps! MeThe story has multiple storylines to the point I was very confused half of the book! The story could have been more enjoyable without all the jumps! Mecca is a community in California, named that for its climate. Its people are a mix of ethnicities and backgrounds. And the story is following different characters, Mexicans, black, Latinos, native Americans... The stories were interesting and has a mix of historical and contemporary fiction.
I liked listening to the audiobook but it took forever! Mainly due to the confusion.
P.S. I received the audiobook thanks to NetGalley and publisher....more
Dahlia was born into slavery, her father was the master of the plantation, and she was white. When the chance of freedom presented itself she took it. Dahlia was born into slavery, her father was the master of the plantation, and she was white. When the chance of freedom presented itself she took it.
This is a fascinating story about a white slave girl, who neither her father accepted her nor her fellow slaves. She was merely the property of her father, a name among many names. Two things bothered me, the first is when Bo left Dahlia even when he saw her and thought she was being kidnapped, and the second is how easily Ryland let her leave. It felt like the end was rushed.
P.S. I received this e-book thanks to NetGalley and the publisher in exchange of a review. ...more
A Jewish family fled Poland after the war and take refuge in America. Aaron who lost his entire family, his wife Dita, a convert Jew who saved Jews inA Jewish family fled Poland after the war and take refuge in America. Aaron who lost his entire family, his wife Dita, a convert Jew who saved Jews in Poland during the war, and their twin girls who were born in a Displaced Persons Camp.
This book centers around the twin sisters, Bronka and Johanna who were just toddlers when they arrived to Bellerose, New York in 1951, until their teenage years. The story is how their family as immigrants and their neighbors cope after the war and the holocaust, and in the middle of the cold war.
Meryl Ain wrote a beautiful captivating historical fiction. Though I don't appreciate the mention of Israel as a place for glorification. IT IS A STOLEN LAND!
And I mostly enjoyed listening to the narrator.
P.S. I received this audiobook thanks to NetGalley and OrangeSky Audio in exchange of a review. ...more
مرعبة ومخيفة ورائعة هذه هي الرواية العربية التي أفخر بها وأفخر بترشيحها أحب الروايات التاريخية وأحب الروايات التاريخية العربية أكثر
ووجود الكتاب ضمن مكتبمرعبة ومخيفة ورائعة هذه هي الرواية العربية التي أفخر بها وأفخر بترشيحها أحب الروايات التاريخية وأحب الروايات التاريخية العربية أكثر
ووجود الكتاب ضمن مكتبتي يجعلني سعيدة، وحزينة باستغراقي ثلاث سنوات لأقرأ هذا الإبداع
قصة محمد الغرناطي محمد الذي انطلق في رحلة البحث عن أخيه، التي استغرقت 15 سنة من غرناطة بعد اختفاء أخيه الربيع بسبع سنوات، اتباعا لشخص قيل له أنه يشبه، قصة محمد الغرناطي محمد الذي انطلق في رحلة البحث عن أخيه، التي استغرقت 15 سنة من غرناطة بعد اختفاء أخيه الربيع بسبع سنوات، اتباعا لشخص قيل له أنه يشبه، كأنه هو في ملامحه. غادر تاركا أباه المفلوج وأمه وأخواته ليعود بعد أيام لكنه لم يعد
قرطبة ثم بلنسية، هُوجم ورٌميَ في سجن من قبل إسبان، حُمِّل سجينا على سفينة إلى جنوة ليتم انقاذه من قبل بربر هاجموا السفينة، رافقهم ليقيم بسبتة بالمغرب لمدة، ثم تونس المكان الذي استقر به وأسّس به عائلته الصغيرة، ثم كأنّه نسِيَ سبب مغادرته غرناطة وترْك أمّه بعد سنوات استكمل رحلة بحثه نحو القدس التي كانت تحت سيطرة الصليبيين، ثم طرابلس وأنطاكية
أسلوب ربيع جابر فعلا آسر ولكن المشاعر التي حملتني إياها روايته الأولى التي قرأت دروز بلغراد: حكاية حنا يعقوب كانت غائبة تماما هنا أكيد الفرق في أسلوب كاتب زاد نضوجه، من رواية نشرت في 2002 إلى أخرى في 2011
ومما لم أقتنع به في هذه الرواية، الحقائق التاريخية التي حملها أسماء مدن في القرنين 11 و 12 لم تكن كأسمائها الحالية ...more
حكاية حنا يعقوب بائع البيض، مسيحي من بيروت الذي بحظ عاثر نفي مع 550 درزي إلى بلغراد، دروز قاتلوا في جبل لبنان في دروز بلغراد، رواية تستحق أن تقرأ فعلا
حكاية حنا يعقوب بائع البيض، مسيحي من بيروت الذي بحظ عاثر نفي مع 550 درزي إلى بلغراد، دروز قاتلوا في جبل لبنان في الموقعة التي عرفت بمجازر 1860 حرب أهلية بين دروز ومسيحيين حكاية مؤلمة رغم أني أحببت العلاقة بين حنا وقاسم، بين حنا والإخوة غفار عز الدين بعدما أخذ مكان أخيهم سليمان العلاقة التي نشأت بين دروز بلغراد بعد أعوام من الظلام والعذاب
ابتسمتعند نهاية الرواية لما عاد حنا لبيته لزوجته هيلانة وابنته بربارا بعد غياب لأكثر من 12 سنة، رأى الموت فيها أمام عينيه مرات ومرات
A historical fiction in the time of the siege of Sarajevo in the 90s the one that lasted four years. I can't say I know anything about it nor the authA historical fiction in the time of the siege of Sarajevo in the 90s the one that lasted four years. I can't say I know anything about it nor the author add any significant infos about it.
A novel based on the true story of a Sarajevan Cellist who played Albinoni's Adagio for 22 days in the honor of 22 people who were killed after several mortar shells struck a group of people waiting to buy bread during the siege. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWGPNG...
And the author here tells the story of three people surviving the hell of the city; Arrow, a female sniper; Kenan, a father who would do anything for the safety of his family and Aragan, an old man who detached himself from the present to get his past life back; and the cellist who was in the middle of everything trying to do something but at the same time not!! ...more
Just amazing!! For me to give five stars to a novel is something, I just loved it and really felt sad when I finished it, to say goodbye to Liesel, to Just amazing!! For me to give five stars to a novel is something, I just loved it and really felt sad when I finished it, to say goodbye to Liesel, to Rudy, Herr and Frau Hubermann.. This story was really something brilliant!! And it did brought my tears at the end :(...more