Vienas gražiausių gyvenime skaitytų komiksų – spalvos, scenos, figūrų plastiškumas... Kiekvieną puslapį būtų galima kabinti ant sienos arba studijuotiVienas gražiausių gyvenime skaitytų komiksų – spalvos, scenos, figūrų plastiškumas... Kiekvieną puslapį būtų galima kabinti ant sienos arba studijuoti, kaip čia padaryta ir kodėl. Iš kelių lengvai persidengiančių personažų perspektyvų atskleidžiamas vakarėlinimo spindesys ir skurdas.
Man atrodo, vizualinė medija šiaip yra įtaigesnė, taigi autoriai turi įdėti papildomų pastangų, kad minties perdavimas nevirstų pamokslavimu. Tai šioje knygoje labai nudžiugino nepamokslaujantis jos pobūdis (na, gal tik pats galas nuėjo ton pusėn), manau, prie to prisidėjo ir puikiai parašyti dialogai.
Nu žodžiu, labai patiko, labai rekomenduoju!...more
Laaabai graži knyga (faina, kad galima išleisti meno albumą MAŽU FORMATU neaukojant kokybės!), suvenyrų vystymasis – objektyviai įdomi tema, bet asmenLaaabai graži knyga (faina, kad galima išleisti meno albumą MAŽU FORMATU neaukojant kokybės!), suvenyrų vystymasis – objektyviai įdomi tema, bet asmeniškai jaučiau, kad skaitydama pradedu nelaikyti dėmesio, gal norėjosi daugiau gilesnės analizės? Kita vertus, tai irgi tarsi parodos katalogas, kiek čia tų mokslinių analizių išlauši. Užtat labai patiko Ernesto Parulskio detektyvinis apsakymas, tikra vyšnia ant torto! Pagavau save svajojant apie detektyvinių apsakymų rinkinį Vilniaus tema – argi ne faina būtų? Jei kas apsiimtų organizuoti ir užparinti autorius, aš irgi mielai dalyvaučiau! Nors turbūt reikėjo šitą sugalvoti anksčiau, dar nepraėjus Vilniaus jubiliejui....more
I love Lynda Barry's comics – with a simple, yet sometimes overwhelming, style, she manages to capture some truth, that is so refreshing and compellinI love Lynda Barry's comics – with a simple, yet sometimes overwhelming, style, she manages to capture some truth, that is so refreshing and compelling. I took this book searching for some inspiration both for my own work and, even more so, for the comics workshops that I sometimes conduct. While her teaching (and learning) style is rather different from mine, it's always interesting and educational to explore other people's ideas.
Some thoughts resonated with me so much:
People who quit drawing a long time ago make the most incredible drawings when they start up again. Some of the best, most original work I've seen since I've started teaching was made by students who hadn't drawn since they were kids. I have a hard time explaining what it is I find so compelling about what feels like a bad drawing to the person who made it and why this kind of drawing holds my attention so completely.
Man, I wish more teachers / organizers / people who drew those compelling pics would see it!
There was a lot of work on repetition - drawing the same character multiple times to see how it evolves, coloring, copying – that is so important in developing your own style, and that I often overlook. Same with "thinking while drawing". I myself usually emphasize thinking and THEN drawing, while letting your thought develop together with the drawing might be more freeing for some.
Anyway, I learned some valuable things, some things I found harder to use in practice, but it's nevertheless a great (and smart) book for inspiration, as well as a glimpse into the mind of one of the most original comics artists out there....more
Jei būčiau "lentynos kuratorė" (t.y. tas žmogus, kurį pasisamdo savo išsilavinimą norintys pademonstruoti vadovai ir pan., kad išdėliotų jų kabinete aJei būčiau "lentynos kuratorė" (t.y. tas žmogus, kurį pasisamdo savo išsilavinimą norintys pademonstruoti vadovai ir pan., kad išdėliotų jų kabinete ar svetainėje knygas, sudarysiančias lankytojams gerą įspūdį), tai šalia ten klasikos ir moderniosios klasikos įdėčiau šitą knygą. Sakyčiau, nebijokit, ji suglumins svečius gerąja prasme. Jie ims svarstyti, ar jūs domitės mokslu, ar menu, ar architektūra, ar esate šiaip įdomus ekscentriškas žmogus, kurio išsilavinimas platus, bet nenuspėjamas.
Tai žodžiu, čia plačiai aptariami ir parodomi objektai, kurie pasiekė ar bandė pasiekti mėnulį. Objektai: įdomūs, utilitaristiški, juokingi, besikartojantys. Misijos: sudėtingos ir tikrai ne visada sėkmingos. Architektūra: turbūt apibrėžiama nauju, neįprastu būdu (nežinau, šiaip nieko neišmanau apie architektūrą) Mėnulis: man kiek trūko info apie patį mėnulį, bet negaliu skųstis, skaičiau apie jį kitą knygą.
Nėra viską apjungiančio naratyvo, bet knygą tikrai faina būtų laikyti ant kavos stalelio (jei esate tas vadovas ar pan) arba ant virtuvės stalo (jei esate normalus žmogus), kartkartiniam pavartymui ir pasvarstymui "O tu matai, kokį jie ten sukonstravo"....more
I had never read anything by the author, so I had no expectations, except dogs - spontaneously picked this book up, because it contained some of the mI had never read anything by the author, so I had no expectations, except dogs - spontaneously picked this book up, because it contained some of the most beautiful dog art I've ever seen. I liked the general statements about the dogs, accompanying the paintings, but wasn't too touched by the personal story. Text itself was visually beautiful, I can think of so many examples where a great comic / picture book is ruined by introducing generic typed font where it doesn't fit. In any case, I'd say text is secondary here, and the paintings of dogs with their people take the stage. ...more
I'd love to tattoo this whole book on myself! For those who don't know - Public Domain Review is a site that publishes many curious and beautiful thingI'd love to tattoo this whole book on myself! For those who don't know - Public Domain Review is a site that publishes many curious and beautiful things form, well, public domain. So everything that's collected in this book is, basically, open to public. What this book provides (apart form a very pleasurable experience of having a physical book) is an amazing curatorial choices, putting the images in a continuous 'narrative', without over-explaining or moralizing. I think it's an amazing book for artistic inspiration or just to have as a bit of a curiosity cabinet. ...more
MA: How would you define yourself? FB: Perhaps by what I don't like.
That's how this book feels at times.
As I've said before, I love Bacon's sober app
MA: How would you define yourself? FB: Perhaps by what I don't like.
That's how this book feels at times.
As I've said before, I love Bacon's sober approach to his own work, which I find both refreshing and insightful. But I just don't think that the Archimbaud and Bacon are VIBING at all here. They seem to be talking about different stuff entirely. Maybe their different approaches to art were supposed to highlight the tensions and contrasts in the field? Dunno. I personally think both approaches would be represented better and explored deeper if Archimbaud and Bacon were talking not to each other, but to different people entirely.
MA: And you don't think that the self-portrait is the essence of figure painting? FB: No, I don't think so. It's a model just like any other. The important thing is always to succeed in grasping something which is constantly changing, and the problem is the same whether it's a self-portrait or a portrait of someone else.
Quai Branly is one of my favourite museums: I love the impressive collection of indigenous art and the creative ways they organize their exhibitions.
SQuai Branly is one of my favourite museums: I love the impressive collection of indigenous art and the creative ways they organize their exhibitions.
So I applaud their idea to publish a small affordable book (as opposed to a huge expensive catalogue) containing high-quality photos of some of the masks in their collection. A dozen or so masks representing every habitable continent represent human creativity in interpretating the expressive and pliable form of a face....more
Imagining extraordinary scenes isn't at all interesting from the point of view by painting. It's not imagination. Real imagination is constructed by t
Imagining extraordinary scenes isn't at all interesting from the point of view by painting. It's not imagination. Real imagination is constructed by technical imagination. The rest is imaginary imagination and it leads nowhere
People say, "Relax!" What do they mean? I don't understand people who relax their muscles, relax everything.
I love Bacon's paintings and I love his lucid extraordinary mind. A very nice little book you can carry around and read for inspiration or just look at the reproductions....more