I am a first generation Canadian. My parents both immigrated to Canada with their families, although they all arrived at different times. I know from I am a first generation Canadian. My parents both immigrated to Canada with their families, although they all arrived at different times. I know from my family's personal experiences the hardships that they endured and how they came here with nothing but the clothes on their backs and had to start over from scratch. They had to learn learn the English language and become educated, and then to find a job. It was extremely difficult for them, but they were grateful for the opportunity that Canada afforded them and they strove for success so that their children would have more than they had growing up. So, immigrant stories are dear to me. If my parents never immigrated, I would not have been born in Canada and my life would most certainly be very different. So, when I saw this book on my library's bookshelf, I was immediately drawn to it.
I really wanted to love this book but, for the most part, I found the stories very depressing. The overall tone of most of the immigrant stories in this anthology was that the writers felt like they didn't belong anywhere...that they felt like they didn't fit in here in Canada and that they missed their homes that they left. I can understand that, and I can only assume that these stories were written very soon after their arrival in Canada. Hopefully, they were able to make better lives for themselves and have learned to appreciate all that Canada offers!