
Vibrational Energy Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "vibrational-energy-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 37
C. JoyBell C.
“People do not often stop to dwell on the reality that the most difficult daily challenges we face are a result of dealing with human energies. That vibe they sent you, that vibration you picked up... that's just as real as the chair you are sitting on. Our souls are struggling, playing, fighting, winning, losing... all on the playing fields and the battle grounds of human energy.”
C. JoyBell C.

“We often want quick answers, quick results, instant rewards, and that’s normal in our high tech, instant, Google driven world.
To take that first step towards reaching a goal or realizing a dream, knowing that there will perhaps be a thousand more steps to follow in order to make it happen, can be daunting.
It’s simple and yet complicated. The simple part of achieving success is that it just takes work. For me, staying focused on my goals and envisioning my dreams every day, makes the work flow almost on its own.
The hard part is the mindset, and to not self sabotage, because you don’t believe in yourself. We often think we can’t achieve our wildest dreams or that we are somehow incapable, and then we never, ever take that first step.
I never felt that I was a very confident person, but with the support of some wonderful people and my own inner fire, I kept going. The hardest part after working and working, was to actually accept that I deserved success.
Success in itself is kind of scary too, as it comes with having to be responsible, and not flake out. The people who have supported you and invested in you deserve that.
I guess what I am trying to say is that if you want something, you have to take action. A little step towards it every day. Then there is a reason to feel accomplished every day. Match your energy and vibration with what you envision. Believe. You deserve success, so go for it.”
Riitta Klint

“We're just bits of light
Trying to illuminate
We're just sound vibrations
With a unique pace
Wading in the waves, oh
Sailing through this sea
Making divine consecrations
Of the life we live”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“Parallel Realities

Here and now.

Other vibrations. Other frequencies.”

“I fit perfectly within my vibration. I am wholly complete in the knowledge that I am who I am supposed to be!”
Debbie A. Anderson

“When I am in balance with the vibration of the sun, the moon, the stars and the planets I am ultimately connected to the Universe.”
Debbie A. Anderson

“Clarity within your vibrational energy embraces the journey of your soul giving you clear direction.”
Debbie A. Anderson

“When I believe in myself my life is vibrationally amazing!”
Debbie A. Anderson

“When I live in the present moment my intent is to be vibrationally aware and united with everything.”
Debbie A. Anderson

“I am at peace and in balance with the vibrational love that is in my world.”
Debbie A. Anderson

Neeraj Singhvi
“Dreams are the manifestations of activities of mankind on a daily basis. They are vibrations happening inside everyone.”
Neeraj Singhvi, Temple of Destiny

“Human emotions are notes on a scale…each one has sound…smothering or burying that sound will only make the hum inside of you unbearable.”
Dr. Toni Sorenson

“My soul is always in the divine light of vibrational joy and forgiveness.”
Debbie A. Anderson

“When I am in the vibration of prosperity and abundance I am cosmically connected to my world and the Universe.”
Debbie A. Anderson

“I can overcome any hurdle when I am in my vibrational essence!”
Debbie A. Anderson

“My daily thoughts are vibrationally connected to the universal forces that surround me.”
Debbie A. Anderson

“Every day I grow in the wisdom that my soul is vibrationally connected to the Universe.”
Debbie A. Anderson

“My inward light is always vibrationally shining outwardly in my world.”
Debbie A. Anderson

“My vibrational beauty always shines through, because I am truly me!”
Debbie A. Anderson

“I can tell when I am in my vibrational energy, because the universe always provides me what I need!”
Debbie A. Anderson

“Every day I feel humble when I experience the vibrational essence of my world.”
Debbie A. Anderson

“The Guidance is Quantum Not Linear”
Syed Sharukh

“Be the most passionate person in the room. Your energy and vibe will lift others as well.”
Hiral Nagda

Abhijit Naskar
“Vibration and Frequency (The Sonnet)

Surpass the nonsense of vibration,
Surpass the nonsense of frequency.
Come down to the land of mortals,
Embrace the heart's simple beauty.
Science is science, sentiment is sentiment,
In rationalizing sentiment one breeds superstition.
There is no vibration to love and community,
There is no frequency to uplift and unification.
Cleanse your mind of all imitation science,
Just like you ought to do with bigoted holiness.
Trading in one blindness for another is no sanctity,
Replacing one superstition with another is no science.
With the rise of oneness, theories wither and fade away.
But if things are opposite, know that you are going astray.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mücadele Muhabbet: Gospel of An Unarmed Soldier

“Sound can transport you; beyond that, it can transform you.”
Dr. Toni Sorenson

“The primordial sound of the universe is something every living creature hums and vibrates to. If you are still, you will not only hear it, you will feel it.”
Dr. Toni Sorenson

“A drum was gifted to you before you were born: the beat of your mother’s heart.”
Dr. Toni Sorenson

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