
Toddlers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "toddlers" Showing 1-30 of 33
Rebecca Eanes
“Tantrums are not bad behavior. Tantrums are an expression of emotion that became too much for the child to bear. No punishment is required. What your child needs is compassion and safe, loving arms to unload in.”
Rebecca Eanes, The Newbie's Guide to Positive Parenting

Rebecca Eanes
“When you've had one call after another and your little one is tugging on your shirt, remember what really matters. When the milk is splattered all over the floor and those little eyes are looking at you for your reaction, remember what really matters. It takes 5 minutes to clean up spilled milk; it takes much longer to clean up a broken spirit.”
Rebecca Eanes, The Newbie's Guide to Positive Parenting

John Updike
“Nelson! Stop that this minute!" She turns rigid in the glider but does not rise to see what is making the boy cry. Eccles, sitting by the screen, can see. The Fosnacht boy stands by the swing, holding two red plastic trucks. Angstrom's son, some inches shorter, is batting with an open hand toward the bigger boy's chest, but does not quite dare to move forward a step and actually strike him...Nelson's face turns up toward the porch and he tries to explain, "Pilly have - Pilly -" But just trying to describe the injustice gives it unbearable force, and as if struck from behind he totters forward and slaps the thief's chest and receives a mild shove that makes him sit on the ground. He rolls on his stomach and spins in the grass, revolved by his own incoherent kicking. Eccles' heart seems to twist with the child's body; he knows so well the propulsive power of a wrong, the way the mind batters against it and each futile blow sucks the air emptier until it seems the whole frame of blood and bone must burst in a universe that can be such a vacuum.”
John Updike, Rabbit, Run

“I'm sure the other kids wouldn't mind not being lectured by another toddler over the virtues of sharing and the mental benefits of toy blocks.”
Hayden Thorne, Mimi Attacks

L.R. Knost
“Want to raise kind children? Be kind to your children.”
L.R. Knost, The Gentle Parent: Positive, Practical, Effective Discipline

Mitta Xinindlu
“Toddlers will attach themselves to energies that feel comfortable to them. Because energies don't lie.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Katherine Applegate
“Elephant toddlers are a handful. You think humans are bad? Try putting a two-hundred-pound baby elephant in time-out.”
Katherine Applegate, The One and Only Bob

“Toddlers, on the other hand, are able to wreak havoc vertically and with velociraptor-like speed.”
Mike Spohr, The Toddler Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Whiny Unfed

“Toddlers are like tiny Banksys who want their work to be seen on the biggest canvas possible, and in your home that canvas is your walls.”
Mike Spohr, The Toddler Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Whiny Unfed

Bunmi Laditan
“Toddlers don't like to eat from their own plates. It's far too predictable. They much prefer raining on your own food parade by picking at your meal. When toddlers do this, it's their way of saying, "Motherfucker, I own you." If you've never tried to enjoy food while having a dirty, chubby toddler hand that has probably recently been up her butt reach onto your plate and pull off your last slice of bacon, you're living the dream.”
Bunmi Laditan, Toddlers Are A**holes: It's Not Your Fault

Bunmi Laditan
“Having kids while not being rich enough to afford a nanny was the worst mistake you ever made.”
Bunmi Laditan, Toddlers Are A**holes: It's Not Your Fault

“Grandmotherly sales clerks present an unusual problem in their tendency to praise Polly for her beauty. 'Aren't you beautiful?' is a common greeting (to which Polly would reply with devastating honesty: 'I know'). This necessitated long speeches from me about the inconsequence of exterior beauty in comparison with the vital importance of interior beauty. The devastating logic of my speeches has now prompted Polly to offer the compromise response, 'I'm beautiful on the inside, too' (sometimes ungraciously adding: 'I have a brother called Bob who's beautiful as well — but he's only beautiful on the inside'). -(from Høstens Vemod)”
David Haywood, Tell You What: Great New Zealand Nonfiction 2017

Timo Pekx
“Nur ein ausgeschlafenes Kind kann den Tag und seine Herausforderungen meistern.”
Timo Pekx, Fluffy, der kleine Fuchs: Auf der Suche nach Schlaf

Timo Pekx
“Only well-rested children can enjoy their day and master any challenges that comes their way.”
Timo Pekx

Beverly Cleary
“Beezus and Ramona defended their possessions from Willa Jean. This is what - called playing with Willa Jean.”
Beverly Cleary, Ramona the Brave

Beverly Cleary
“Willa Jean did not feel she was beautiful because she was a healthy child. She felt beautiful like a grown-up lady on TV.”
Beverly Cleary, Ramona Quimby, Age 8

“Toddlers are like the worst inmates. When they're not lying to your face and tearing up your shit, they're napping, pooping, or trying to think of different ways to fuck with you.”
Karin Slaughter (author)

Karin Slaughter
“Toddlers are like the worst inmates. When they're not lying to your face and tearing up your shit, they're napping, pooping, or trying to think of different ways to fuck with you.”
Karin Slaughter, The Silent Wife

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Ignorance and curiosity often make toddlers do things that make them seem suicidal.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Behind me was a cacophony of children's voices, raised in high-pitched squeals and screams of excitement, the occasional cry of a toddler who must've fallen down, the yell of a parent telling a kid to stop putting mulch in your mouth or let go of your brother. "I don't know if I want kids, either.”
Alicia Thompson, Love in the Time of Serial Killers

“Saffy had never been an easy child. Defiant and headstrong, she was born with a will already forged in iron. Nonetheless, I’d always expected that having a teenager would be a turning point, the part of parenthood where everything got better. Throughout those early years of nappies, teething, tantrums and night terrors I’d consoled myself by imagining a time when my girls were old enough to be self-sufficient. Maybe then I wouldn’t be pulled in three different directions, always spinning plates. But Saffy’s defiance had grown into disrespect and contempt. I felt as though I needed an emotional suit of armour to protect myself from her spiteful comments. She resented every thought, cell, breath, and ounce of me.”
C J Cooke

Leyda Lazo
“Let your heart be your compass and your imagination be your guide. Believe in yourself, for you are capable of incredible things.”
Leyda Lazo, I Am the Magic Within: A Journey of Light and Wonder

Mitta Xinindlu
“Be fearless: just like a toddler who jumps out of his bed, seeking freedom or reassurance.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“A child's curiosity is greater, bolder, and louder than the fear within.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Our children are the extension of ourselves. If you didn't have the best upbringing, you now have a chance to make the life of your child much better than it was in your case. And in fulfilling that duty, you will also heal your younger self.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Parenthood is a lesson on its own. But the best lessons in parenting are from our children. Let's cherish them, appreciate them, and recognise their special roles in our lives. Let's love our children purely. Let's protect their innocence and develop them into being individuals who are self-assured.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“Children have the best imaginations ever, but sometimes they need a little help to get started. That’s where my books come in. Anything to help them interact with the page is a win, win, win!”—Kat Chen”
Kat Chen, Play Outside with Me

Mitta Xinindlu
“Motherhood is the only school that teaches us about genuine love.”
Mitta Xinindlu

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