
Softness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "softness" Showing 1-30 of 42
“Just because you are soft doesn't mean you are not a force. Honey and wildfire are both the colour gold.”
Victoria Erickson, Edge of Wonder: Notes from the Wildness of Being

C. JoyBell C.
“It’s the hard things that break; soft things don’t break. It was an epiphany I had today and I just wonder why it took me so very, very long to see it! You can waste so many years of your life trying to become something hard in order not to break; but it’s the soft things that can’t break! The hard things are the ones that shatter into a million pieces!”
C. JoyBell C.

Bryant McGill
“Your suffering needs to be respected. Don't try to ignore the hurt, because it is real. Just let the hurt soften you instead of hardening you. Let the hurt open you instead of closing you. Let the hurt send you looking for those who will accept you instead of hiding from those who reject you.”
Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life

L.R. Knost
“Do not be hardened by the pain
and cruelty of this world.
Be strong enough to be gentle,
to be soft and supple like running water,
gracefully bending around sudden turns,
lithely waving in strong winds,
freely flowing over sharp rocks,
all the while quietly sculpting
this hard world into ever deeper beauty,
gently eroding rigid rock into silken sand,
tenderly transforming human cruelty
into humankindness.
Remember, true strength is not found in the stone,
but in the water that shapes the stone.”
L.R. Knost

C. JoyBell C.
“The thing about learning how to fight is that— some of us are not born with that desire. They say some are born fighters; but they don't usually point out that others just aren't. Some of us are forced by life to take up arms and fight. Many of us are. The art lies in knowing when to wield those arms and when to put them down. I don't think it's a matter of pretending to be ideally unharmed by life and untouched by darkness; because that is hypocrisy. Rather, I think it is a matter of being true to your truth and learning when to fight and learning when to be soft. Hopefully, our soft moments in life will largely outweigh, outrank, and outrun our fighting.”
C. JoyBell C.

Junauda Petrus
“Take your feelings and hold them with softness, but also with power. And whenever you feel afraid, know you can ask your fear about itself.”
Junauda Petrus, The Stars and the Blackness Between Them

Munia Khan
“My heart can feel the softness of a star
Only when the moon stays afar
I lay my mind on the pillow of sky
Where sleep dares not ever to pry”
Munia Khan

Richelle E. Goodrich
“The soft heart is not a thing to harden but a treasure to protect. For soft hearts extend mercy, compassion, refuge, and God’s redemption to the world.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a Few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year

Alain Bremond-Torrent
“The softest pain on earth must be the pain au chocolat.”
Alain Bremond-Torrent, running is flying intermittently

“We need softness in the world. When you go to sleep at night, do you lay your head on a brick?”
Adrienne Posey

Kristian Ventura
“If I told you the few things keeping me alive,
Don’t run, don’t laugh, don’t cry.
Just forgive me for being soft in life,
I am one of those things that die”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

Sudha Nair
“There was a softness in her eyes, a genuineness that ran deep.”
Sudha Nair, Priyamvada & Co.

Avijeet Das
“You are the softness of the morning dew!”
Avijeet Das

Avijeet Das
“Some women are truly beautiful. The light of love shines through their souls. And the world gets drenched in their inimitable light of love. But do not try to dominate them. Let them keep their softness and tenderness.”
Avijeet Das

Valentina Quarta
“Keep your heart soft
a hard heart breaks when it falls
a soft one bounces back in the chest
it hurts
but it doesn’t shatter”
Valentina Quarta, The Purpose Ladder

Colson Whitehead
“Turner had never met a kid like Elwood before. Sturdy was the word he returned to, even though the Tallahassee boy looked soft, conducted himself like a goody-goody, and had an irritating tendency to preach. Wore eyeglasses you wanted to grind underfoot like a butterfly. He talked like a white college boy, read books when he didn't have to, and mined them for uranium to power his own personal A-bomb. Still--sturdy.”
Colson Whitehead, The Nickel Boys

Holly Black
“I slip in to Cardan's room. Though it is not yet dawn, I am lucky. The room is empty of revelry. No courtiers doze on the cushions or in his bed. I walk to where he sleeps and press my hand over his mouth.

He wakes, fighting against my grip. I press down hard enough that I can feel his teeth against my skin.

He grabs for my throat, and for a moment, I am scared that I'm not strong enough, that my training isn't good enough. Then his body relaxes utterly, as though realizing who I am.

He shouldn't relax like that. 'He sent me to kill you,' I whisper against his ear.

A shiver goes through his body, and his hand goes to my waist, but instead of pushing me away, he pulls me in to the bed with him, rolling my body across him on to the heavily embroidered coverlets.

My hand slips from his mouth, and I am unnerved to find myself here, in the new High King's new bed- one I am still too human to lie in, beside someone who terrifies me the more I feel for him.

'Balekin and Orlagh are planning your murder,' I say, flustered.

'Yes,' He says lazily. 'So why did I wake up at all?'

I am awkwardly conscious of his physicality, of the moment when he was half awake and pulled me against him. 'Because I am difficult to charm,' I say.

That makes him give a soft laugh. He reaches out and touches my hair, traces the hollow of my cheekbone. 'I could have told my brother that,' he says, with a softness in his voice I am utterly unprepared for.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

Toni Morrison
“...I've had only two regular women. I liked the small breakable thing inside each one. Whatever their personality, smarts, or looks, something soft lay inside each. Like a bird's breastbone, shaped and chosen to wish on. A little V, thinner than bone and lightly hinged, that I could break with a forefinger if I wanted to, but never did. Want to, I mean. Knowing it was there, hiding from me, was enough.”
Toni Morrison, Home

Donna Goddard
“The heart carries the beat of life. It makes existence meaningful and beautiful. The heart bypasses language. It doesn’t lie. Everything moving and powerful has heart.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing

John Milton
“Thus saying, from her husband's hand her hand
Soft she withdrew”
John Milton, Paradise Lost

John de Ruiter
“Relate to softness of heart like the air that you need to breathe. It’s your living
connection to goodness. Open your heart and it lives.”
John de Ruiter

Paul Kalanithi
“Paul's decision not to avert his eyes from death, epitomizes a fortitude we don't celebrate enough in our death avoidant culture. His strength was defined by ambition and effort. But also by softness. The opposite of bitterness.”
Paul Kalanithi, When Breath Becomes Air

John O'Donohue
“We put terrible pressure on our minds. When we tighten them or harden our views or beliefs, we lose all the softness and flexibility that makes for real shelter, belonging, and protection.”
John O'Donohue, Anam Cara [Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition]: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

“Ato flinin ambëlsisht, si munden vetëm fëmijët që ndjejnë sigurinë e afërsisë së nanës.”
Rexhai Surroi, Besniku

Lisa Kleypas
She... her... He couldn't hold on to her name... it kept darting away from him... but he was aware of her soft presence, her voice like honey, her hands bestowing cool, sweet calm on his tortured body.
But for all her softness, there was steel in her. She was unrelenting when it came time to dose him with medicines he didn't want. She made him sip water or broth despite his struggles to keep anything down. There was no bloody refusing her. This was a woman who would keep him anchored safely to the earth, to life, with the force of her will.
During the worst of it, when Keir was maddened by suffocating heat, and every breath felt like someone was stabbing a peat knife into his chest, the woman packed ice around him, or bathed him all over with cool cloths. It mortified and infuriated him to lie there helpless and naked as a wee bairnie while she took care of his intimate needs, but he was too damned sick to do anything for himself. He needed her, both the softness and the steel.”
Lisa Kleypas, Devil in Disguise

John de Ruiter
“The way to realize is to open. The more you open, the more you know, and soften, and
John de Ruiter

Florence Rivieres
“Did you ever fall
in a place that felt genuinely
Florence Rivieres, evidence room

Will Advise
“The nights again will be on fire, like this, -
forever, I’ll look, without you, freshness for;
beneath the eternal ancient Populus trees,
and freshness I’ll find in the night, above all…

And winter will come later, once more, again,
when vile winds will howl right outside, being mean,
yet there, in the heart, with no refrain,
I will have softness, dreamlike, clean…”
Will Advise, На чист Български...: Pristine Bulgarian sayings...

“Why does society boast about hearts made of stone?

Like something unfeeling and frozen is superior to something warm and beating.

-- I will keep my bleeding heart”
L.E. Bowman, The Evolution of a Girl

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