
Snapchat Quotes

Quotes tagged as "snapchat" Showing 1-11 of 11
Rick Riordan
“I raised my face to the heavens. “Please, Father, I get the point. Please, I can’t do this!”

Zeus did not answer. He was probably too busy recording my humiliation to share on Snapchat.”
Rick Riordan, The Hidden Oracle

“Millennials (aka Generation Y) are great at social media (Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter,Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr, Snapchat, Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo, and Periscope) but lack time tested social skills ( patience, humility, active listening, respect for parents, teachers, elderly)”
Ramesh Lohia

Aysha Taryam
“Having to explain to a child of today, who has learned to swipe before they can speak, that certain aspects of a person’s life must remain private for the preservation of one’s sanity is almost frivolous.”
Aysha Taryam

Aysha Taryam
“We are imperfect creatures created with egotistical defects, insecurities and an incomprehensible desire for perfection and the excessive use of social media feeds the raging fires within, most of the time adding salt to wounds we never knew existed and at times creating new ones.”
Aysha Taryam

Aysha Taryam
“Just as one goes on a fast or a body cleanse you owe it to yourselves to detox your mind, it will not be easy but easy never yielded lasting results.”
Aysha Taryam

“Self-Obsession & Self-Presentation on Social-Media"

Some people always post their cars/bikes photos because they love their cars/bikes so much.
Some people always post their dogs/cats/birds/fish/pets photos because they love their pets so
much. Some people always post their children’s/families photos because they love their
children/families so much.
Some people always post their daily happy/sad moments because they love sharing their daily lives
so much.

Some people always post their poems/songs/novels/writings because they love being
poets/lyricists/novelists/writers so much.

Some people always copy paste other people’s writings/quotes without mentioning the actual writers
name because they love seeking attention/fame so much. [Unacceptable & Illegal]

Some people always post their plants/garden’s photos because they love planting/gardening so much.
Some people always post their art/paintings because they love their creativity so much.
Some people always post their home-made food because they love cooking/thoughtful-presentation so
much. Some people always post their makeup/hairstyles selfies because they love wearing
makeup/doing hair so much. Some people always post their party related photos because they love
those parties so much.
Some people always post their travel related photos because they love traveling so much. Some
people always post their selfies because they love taking selfies so much.
Some people always post restaurant/street-foods because they love eating in restaurants/streets so
much. Some people always post their job-related photos because they love their jobs so much.
Some people always post religious things because they love spreading their religion so much. Some
people always post political things because they love politics/power so much.
Some people always post inspirational messages because they love being spiritual. Some people
always share others posts because they love sharing links so much.
Some people always post their creative photographs because they love photography so much. Some
people always post their business-related products because they love advertising so much.
And some people always post complaints about other people’s post because they love complaining so

Zakia FR

Germany Kent
“There seems to be a direct correlation between the spike in suicides by young people and the increase in cyberbullying amongst young people.”
Germany Kent

Aysha Taryam
“The first few days felt quite surreal for gone was that filtered world of perfect angles made up of peoples’ best moments and selves. Gone was the wormhole that one jumped into at the sign of any awkward silence or pause in conversation.”
Aysha Taryam

Rick Riordan
“I mounted the stairs to my pavilion and sank onto Hlidskjalf, the magic throne from which I can peer into the Nine Worlds. The seat cradled my posterior with its ermine-lined softness. I took a few deep breaths to focus my concentration, then turned to the worlds beyond.
I usually begin with a cursory look-see of my own realm, Asgard, then circle through the remaining eight: Midgard, realm of the humans; the elf kingdom of Alfheim; Vanaheim, the Vanir gods’ domain; Jotunheim, land of the giants; Niflheim, the world of ice, fog, and mist; Helheim, realm of the dishonorable dead; Nidavellir, the gloomy world of the dwarves; and Muspellheim, home of the fire giants.
This time, I didn’t make it past Asgard. Because goats.
Specifically, Thor’s goats, Marvin and Otis. They were on the Bifrost, the radioactive Rainbow Bridge that connects Asgard to Midgard, wearing footy pajamas. But there was no sign of Thor, which was odd. He usually kept Marvin and Otis close. He killed and ate them every day, and they came back to life the next morning.
More disturbing was Heimdall, guardian of the Bifrost. He was hopping around on all fours like a deranged lunatic. “So here’s what I want you guys to do,” he said to Otis and Marvin between hops. “Cavort. Frolic. Frisk about. Okay?”
I parted the clouds. “Heimdall! What the Helheim is going on down there?”
“Oh, hey, Odin!” Heimdall’s helium-squeaky voice set my teeth on edge. He waved his phablet at me. “I’m making a cute baby goat video as my Snapchat story. Cute baby goat videos are huge in Midgard. Huge!” He spread his hands out wide to demonstrate.
“I’m not a baby!” Marvin snapped.
“I’m cute?” Otis wondered.
“Put that phablet away and return to your duties at once!”
According to prophecy, giants will one day storm across the Bifrost, a signal that Ragnarok is upon us. Heimdall’s job is to sound the alarm on his horn, Gjallar—a job he would not be able to perform if he were making Snapchat stories.
“Can I finish my cute baby goat video first?” Heimdall pleaded.
“Aw.” He turned to Otis and Marvin. “I guess that’s a wrap, guys.”
“Finally,” Marvin said. “I’m going for a graze.” He hopped off the bridge and plummeted to almost certain death and next-day resurrection. Otis sighed something about the grass being greener on the other side, then jumped after him.
“Heimdall,” I said tightly, “need I remind you what could happen if even one jotun snuck into Asgard?”
Heimdall hung his head. “Apologetic face emoji.”
I sighed. “Yes, all right.”
Rick Riordan, 9 From the Nine Worlds

Scott Galloway
“Imran Khan, director de estrategia de la empresa, aseguró: «Snapchat es una empresa de cámaras, no es una empresa social».

No sé si es por resentimiento, después de que Evan Spiegel rechazara las ofertas de adquisición de Zuckerberg, o si se trata de una respuesta justificada ante una amenaza, pero creo que lo primero que piensa Mark Zuckerberg en cuanto abre los ojos por la mañana, y lo último antes de cerrarlos por la noche, es: «Vamos a barrer a Snap Inc. de la faz de la Tierra». Y lo va a hacer.

Zuckerberg sabe que las imágenes son la funcionalidad más potente de Facebook, y gran parte de ella reside en esa ala de su imperio social llamada Instagram. Tardamos sesenta mil veces menos en procesar imágenes que textos. Las imágenes tienen línea directa con el corazón. Y si Snapchat amenaza con llevarse un considerable pedazo del negocio, o incluso con encaramarse al liderato, esa amenaza hay que machacarla.”
Scott Galloway, The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google

“I feel like a fraud, what do I do?
I have lied to millions, I have hurt many.
I just divorced number 3, what do I do?
I still love number 1, and number 2,
but they have moved on, I will still get what I want.
My worlds are blending, my online fantasy
becoming further from my real truth of life.
I wish I could have both, Maybe if I lie more
no one will ever know, who I really am.
but will I remember? who am I again?
Louise short, or Veronika Jensen?
my worlds are colliding, fusing together.
I now have two, delusional worlds.
I will keep up the fraud. No one must know.
only my Soul, and number 3 but I dealt with him.
no one will believe him, Because I am Veronika Jensen, but...Who are you?” —lulus.secrets.desires”

Facebook - lulus.secrets.desires”
Lulu short