
Signals Quotes

Quotes tagged as "signals" Showing 1-18 of 18
Craig Clevenger
“Everyone is the Umbrella Man and he is everyone. Every cough, sneeze, smile and wave means both everything and nothing. The signals are everywhere.”
Craig Clevenger, Dermaphoria

Prem Jagyasi
“An aware individual stays awake from within to catch such signals and utilizes them to delineate their perception of the world.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

Roger Spitz
“Signals are fragments of the future that can be observed today.”
Roger Spitz, The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: Volume I - Reframing and Navigating Disruption

Roger Spitz
“Horizon scanning enables you to catch a glimpse of the future by observing fragments embedded in the present.”
Roger Spitz, The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: Volume I - Reframing and Navigating Disruption

Girdhar Joshi
“If you shed all your inhibitions, your anger, your fears, and all your bitterness towards others, you will be receptive and you can recognize the signals when you come across your soulmate.”
Girdhar Joshi, Some Mistakes Have No Pardon

Steven Magee
“The human body when kept in an indoor environment of low lux light will not realize that it is daytime, as it cannot sense the increasing levels of daylight that the genetics are accustomed to. As such, by late morning your body may start sending a signal for you to sleep!”
Steven Magee, Electrical Forensics

“She understood that pain was necessary in the world, a sense as critical as sight or hearing. It functioned to keep people safe, a very persuasive stop sign. In a way it was the mother to us all, slapping us back from the hot stove, forcing us to put down the sharp knife, teaching us self-preservation, training care into our bones. Pain was the reason we were alive. It was why as children we didn't toss ourselves down the staircase for the thrill of the ride, didn't stop eating just to bother our parents, didn't nibble off our fingertips to examine our insides. Pain made our existence in this world possible, opened life up to us...
Unstoppable pain was different. The sensation in this case was not a mother. It was an abuser. It taught nothing. Instead it wrapped itself around the ribs, settled on the shoulders, a weight to be borne, making it hard to breathe or talk.”
Audrey Schulman, Theory of Bastards

Adam Weishaupt
“Nothing is more important than who controls the signs. To change the world, it is necessary to change the signs that are used to condition people.”
Adam Weishaupt, Hypersex

Richard Price
“On the nights they went to bed at the same time, Rocco would lie there and watch her go to the closet, watch her choose either silky slips or mannish shirts, like running up sex flags from across the room.”
Richard Price, Clockers

Enock Maregesi
“Kutokana na utafiti wa kisayansi wa kionairolojia ambayo ni sayansi ya ndoto; wakati tumelala, sehemu yetu ya akili isiyotambua huamka na kuanza kazi; kwa kupangilia mawazo, kuanzia mawazo ya siku iliyopita, na kuimarisha mahusiano baina ya mawazo hayo na matukio ya wakati ujao, huku ikiondoa mawazo yasiyokuwa na maana, kunusuru ubongo usielemewe na msongo. Kazi hiyo hutambuliwa haraka na akili inayotambua, kwa njia ya alamu, lakini akili inayotambua inapagawa kwa sababu haijui akili isiyotambua inamaanisha nini kutuma alamu kama hizo. Kwa hiyo inajaribu kwa kadiri inavyoweza kutunga hadithi kuhusiana na vitu mbalimbali, ambayo baadaye hutafsiriwa kama ndoto. Hii ndiyo sababu tunaota ndoto za ajabu ambazo aghalabu hazina maana yoyote, na hazina maana yoyote kwa sababu hazitakiwi kuwa na maana yoyote, na hazina ujumbe wowote halisi kutoka akilini mwetu. Hayo ni matokeo ya akili kujaribu kusanisi sauti, kutoka katika akili isiyotambua.”
Enock Maregesi

Enock Maregesi
“Mwili wako una uwezo wa kujua kabla yako kitakachotokea baadaye. Kama una njaa kwa mfano, mwili wako utakwambia. Kama una kiu, mwili wako utakwambia. Kama unaumwa, mwili wako utakwambia. Kama kuna kitu kibaya kinatarajia kutokea katika maisha yako au katika maisha ya mtu mwingine, mwili wako utakwambia. Kuwa makini na alamu zinazotoka ndani ya mwili wako, kwani hizo ni ishara za Roho Mtakatifu kukuepusha na matatizo ya dunia hii.”
Enock Maregesi

Adrian Tchaikovsky
“I have taken on many Understandings in my life [...]. I have listened to another Messenger's incomprehensible signals in the night. The thing you call God is not even alone in the sky. It is a thing of metal that demands we make more things of metal - and I have seen it, how small it is.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky, Children of Time

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The untuned mind receives no signal from the universe.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Enock Maregesi
“Mapenzi, kama ilivyo kwa vitu vyote hapa ulimwenguni, hayawezi kuwepo bila kujumuishwa na fizikia na kemia yake! Bila kemia hakuna mapenzi ya kudumu. Tamaa ya ngono kimsingi huanza pindi unapokutana na mtu. Tamaa hiyo huweza kukua na kuwa kitu kingine kadiri muda unavyokwenda lakini chanzo kinakuwepo toka siku ya kwanza mlipokutana. Kemikali inayosababisha tamaa ya ngono na hata kuikuza tamaa hiyo ni 'phenyl ethylamine' ('fino itholamine') au PEA ambayo ni kemikali ya mapenzi ndani ya ubongo. Husisimua watu na huongeza nguvu za kimwili (fizikia) na kihisia (kemia). Tamaa husababisha mtu azalishe PEA nyingi zaidi, kitu kinachosababisha kujisikia kizunguzungu (cha hisia za kimapenzi) na dalili zingine kama magoti kutetemeka, jasho kutoka viganjani na kutokutulia. Kemikali hii inapozalishwa kwa kiwango kikubwa, hutuma alamu ('signals') kutoka kwenye ubongo mpaka kwenye viungo vingine vya mwili na kutumika kama 'dopamine' au 'amphetamine' ambazo ni kemikali za ulevi ndani ya ubongo. Iwapo unajiuliza kwa nini wewe au mtu mwingine unavutiwa na mtu ambaye hamwendani kimapenzi, inaweza kuwa ni kwa sababu una kiwango kikubwa cha kemikali hizo kuliko mwenzako, kitu ambacho huzidi uwezo wa kutumia kichwa na kutoa maamuzi bora kulingana na akili ya kuzaliwa.

Kwa jumla, mapenzi yote ya kweli uhitaji angalau kiwango kidogo cha PEA kwa wale wanaopendana. Cha msingi kukumbuka ni kwamba kemikali hizi huja kwa vituo, nikiwa simaanishi kwamba tamaa ya ngono hupotea pale mtu anapoelekea kwenye uhusiano wa kudumu. Lakini mambo hubadilika. Hatuwezi kuvumilia zile hisia kali kadiri tunavyozidi kusafiri kuelekea kwenye uhusiano wa kudumu na kwenye maisha ya pamoja yenye furaha. Katika uhusiano wenye afya hata hivyo matatizo hutokea hapa na pale. Chanzo cha Murphy na Debbie kupendana kilikuwa kemia zaidi kuliko fizikia. Kama hakuna kemia hakuna mapenzi.”
Enock Maregesi

Nitya Prakash
“I wish I had a dictionary to translate mixed signals.”
Nitya Prakash

Nitya Prakash
“She kept giving him signals and at last when he understood them, she had more important things to do.”
Nitya Prakash

Steven Magee
“To survive, you must teach the mind to interpret the signals that the sickened body sends to it.”
Steven Magee

Miranda July
“All of the darkness was inside me, and I could feel it glowing, like the volume of music when it shows you how to move. Just the weekend before, I had danced in a sexy way for the first time; my butt and the beat had connected in a way that portended great things in my future. But I didn’t think it would happen so soon, and like this. Later, I realized my dance moves were probably so powerful, they had called it from its corner of the universe. I’m not saying I asked for it, only that there are moments when we are sending signals not just to the boys in the room but to all of creation.”
Miranda July, No One Belongs Here More Than You