
Self Directed Learning Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-directed-learning" Showing 1-23 of 23
Neil Postman
“Free human dialogue, wandering wherever the agility of the mind allows, lies at the heart of education. If teachers do not have the time, the incentive, or the wit to produce that; if students are too demoralized, bored, or distracted to muster the attention their teachers need of them, then THAT is the educational problem which has to be solved. . . That problem . . . is metaphysical in nature, not technical”
Neil Postman, The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School

Anthony Eldridge-Rogers
“If the educational system can claim anything consistently it would be that it is masterful at evoking a destructive axis of boredom and anxiety accounting for the increasing levels of mental health problems in young people.”
Anthony Eldridge-Rogers, Jump, Fall, Fly, From Schooling to Homeschooling to Unschooling

Brian Huskie
“I’m sure if Socrates were alive today, and had to sit through even a single meeting discussing how to use data to inform instruction, he’d kill himself all over again.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“It was my assumption that skilled teachers spent their days imparting important and meaningful knowledge to eager students. I also believed, as many of you do, that I didn’t remember or wasn’t good at the things we learned in high school because I didn’t pay close enough attention or didn’t work hard enough.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“Maybe you’ve noticed what I’ve noticed, and thought it strange, or dismissed it as youthful foolishness or that you were missing some critical piece of information that would reveal itself with age and wisdom – that is: every single teacher believes feverishly in the importance of the content of their class, and furthermore, believes that their assessment of you in their class is a direct measure of your capacity for future success, while simultaneously not having a clue as to the content of virtually any other discipline in the school. They will boldly state things like, That’s math, I’m an English teacher or That’s literature, I’m a biology teacher, practically admitting out loud that nothing learned in school is important (except, of course, the course they are teaching).”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“How many of us have read history, and shook our heads and puffed our chest, and said, “If I were alive during that period, I would never have done those things to those people!” Yet here we are, doing those things to those people.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“Know what you’re working toward and eliminate debt, so that if you change your mind later it doesn’t kill you to know you have a hundred thousand dollar biology degree hanging in the kitchen of the tapas restaurant you just opened.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“A teenager’s nature is not laziness, their preferred state is not ignorance, and it is not necessary for extrinsic motivation to be delivered by trained professionals in order to prevent them from bareknuckle boxing under a bridge in exchange for drugs and money.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“I tend to agree with Robert Frost when he says, 'Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.' By this definition, I don’t think anyone can claim that we are successfully educating this next generation.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“If a law violates a person’s liberty, is it not our duty to disobey? Is it not your ethical responsibility to act? Did you not join this profession to help and serve kids?”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“And there you sit, atop the smoking mountain of rubble that was once your home, covered in gray dust, cradling the mangled corpse of your little girl in your arms, looking south to a Mexican people who, in solidarity with you, have stopped riding Uber.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“Going to school is rarely a choice at all, but rather just the thing you do because everyone else does it.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“It’s good and just that you practice on teachers and school principals, because one day you are going to have to live in a world of lawmakers and tax collectors, and you should have some sense of how to use your freedom of speech to claim control over your life.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

“A person whom seeks self-improvement must design specific tasks that instigate learning.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Lehla Eldridge
“I no longer believe that the current education system is able to equip our children for a fast-moving future. Technology has evolved so rap-idly in the last five years that to put a child in an education system that was designed for a future that will most likely no longer exist for the majority, seems almost absurd.”
Lehla Eldridge, JUMP, FALL, FLY From Schooling to Homeschooling to Unschooling

Brian Huskie
“We smashed their schools, burned them, and shot people based on the time of night they were outside. They dressed up like our allies and blew themselves up, when they weren’t murdering the families of our actual allies and throwing their headless bodies into the Tigris. Write a five paragraph essay on that. Make sure each paragraph has a topic sentence.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“Being lawful and following the rules means allowing their reality to become your reality, and their reality includes you pledging your allegiance to their republic before you’re old enough know what the words “allegiance” or “republic” mean.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“This guy tried to kill me, he’s out there, and I’m going to blow his f***ng head off.' Nothing happened for a few weeks, then we went to Kuwait, then we went home to New York, and I was in a bunch of undergraduate English classes within thirty days of landing at Fort Drum.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“You would think that after fifteen years of war on terror, waged by a country with nuclear submarines, all terror on earth would be destroyed. I’m shocked that nary a nightmare has made it out alive. Yet somehow, killing the shit out of people – thousands and thousands of people – doesn’t make the living not scared. What you do wind up with are millions of refugees and armies of genocidal fanatics.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“Compulsion – nonconsensual education – requires violence; it requires complete control over what students put into their brain, the people they are exposed to, the places they are authorized to be, and oftentimes, with free lunch programs, what food goes into their body. Compulsory systems are resentful of families who do not enforce homework or dress code policies; are reluctant to allow parents into its buildings except once or twice a year on special “open house” days; and fear parents who choose to homeschool.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“School vision statements often read something like, “We believe all kids can learn” or “life-long learners” or something silly like that. What an absurd thing to put in writing! “We, at Grassy Hill Elementary, believe all Kindergarteners can get taller” or “We, the Prospect Junior High cafeteria staff, believe that all kids can and will eat food.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

Brian Huskie
“Our freedom of speech is not some cute, optional, anachronistic thing that you write about on a short answer quiz about school uniforms or some such silliness. Your freedom to assemble (e.g., Junto), to create and distribute content, and to express yourself (e.g., to ask a Klan member Why do you hate me when you don’t know me?), and to be able to do so without fear of violence or censorship (which are essentially the same thing), is absolutely fundamental to a free and just society.”
Brian Huskie, A White Rose: A Soldier's Story of Love, War, and School

“We didn't want our children to waste their time in the same empty rituals of education that we did: passing tests only to forget the subject matter when the grades were given; spending years with passing grades in foreign-language instruction yet being unable to have even a rudimentary conversation in the language outside of the classroom; struggling to learn advanced math skills that were seldom used outside of class; doing lab experiments that were more rote exercises than scientific inquiries. Time and youth cannot be regained, so perhaps, ultimately, the real crisis in education may be one of disillusionment among graduates rather than poor performance among current students.”
John Holt, Teach Your Own: The Indispensable Guide to Living and Learning with Children at Home