
Seasons Of Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "seasons-of-life" Showing 1-30 of 65
Jared Brock
“There is a season for everything under the sun—even when we can’t see the sun.”
Jared Brock, A Year of Living Prayerfully

Yoko Ono
“spring passes
and one remembers one's innocence
summer passes
and one remembers one's exuberance
autumn passes
and one remembers one's reverence
winter passes
and one remembers one's perseverance
there is a season that never passes and that is the season of glass

-- Season of Glass, 1981”
Yoko Ono

Mandy Hale
“if I changed even one tiny little thing about that season, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I wouldn’t be WHO I am today. I wouldn’t have fought the hardest battles of my life and won.”
Mandy Hale, You Are Enough: Heartbreak, Healing, and Becoming Whole

Banana Yoshimoto
“The words I read in books seemed to strike me more deeply, and with my senses sharpened by grief, I noticed the glittering transition of the seasons as clearly as if I held the grief in the palm of my hand. It had been a long while since I'd experienced a fall so clear and crisp.”
Banana Yoshimoto, Dead-End Memories: Stories

Anoir Ou-chad
“I like winter just as summer. I love autumn and spring. Each season has its own bliss.”
Anoir Ou-Chad

Mona Soorma
“In my journey through the ever-changing seasons of life, I have learnt that winter is inevitably followed by a gorgeous spring and every spell of rain gives way to brilliant sunshine. What’s more, I have learnt that winter snow and drenching showers can be beautiful too. We just need the right eyes to look at them.”
Mona Soorma, Rainy Days and Sundays

“One of the most important lessons I've come to learn is this:
We are all sailing in our own individual ship of life; and no matter how great of a sailer you may be, we all experience seasons the same.
The storms will come, and the cold will come, the warmth shall come, and the blossom of spring shall also come.
... Winter is not bad for existing, nor is summer any less great for being hot.
Each season exists to serve its purpose...
And none of us are exempted from enduring the seasons.
Understand the seasons and times of life.
Take delight in the sun and at the sight of blooming flowers, but remember, the storms and the winter shall also surely come.
Learn how to adjust your sails and know when to adjust them, prepare yourself for the cold and the stormy seasons, but remember to always enjoy the sun while it shines...”
Tshepo H. Maloa

Janet Rebhan
“I searched among her crayons for a color that represented autumn and pulled out an orange-toned crayon, never used. It read “Bittersweet,” and I wondered why that particular name. Autumn was my favorite time of year… I was always ready for the change. I guess some people didn’t see it that way. Some people wanted to cling to summer... I loved both seasons, but I thought no one would ever call spring bittersweet, even though it was just another change, another new cycle, an end to one season and a beginning for another in an endless, never-ending spiral.”
Janet Rebhan, Finding Tranquility Base

“As sure as things will change, Is as sure
As things will stay the same. Stillness and flux
Are of the same fabric. And sameness, and change Are one.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, The Wealth Reference Guide: An American Classic

“Let the Holy Spirit prepare the outside platform for you while you remain in the secret place and hide there. Let Him be the One to call you out at the appropriate time.”
Benjamin Suulola

C.S. VanBeekum
“That which is must remain, yet that which is becoming must in its season change," he comforted. "There is a season for all things, and this, my precious love, is but the next path to follow on our journey together. A journey to a new life, a good and certain future.”
C. S. VanBeekum, The Children of the Sun and the Moon

“LIFE has Many SEASONS---but
Carroll Roberson

Jim Rohn
“The harvest, which is our life as we now live it, is the result of seeds planted at an earlier time”
Jim Rohn, The Seasons of Life

“While the blooms
were singing the success songs of Summer ;
quietly 'October' arrived.

Monika Ajay Kaul

Jenny Noble Anderson
“You stepped in rhythm to her breaths.
Strolling through seasons—
winter's whites,
the pink nectars of spring,
summer's ripest green,
and the speckled reds of fall,
inviting impermanence into us all.”
Jenny Noble Anderson, But Still She Flies: Poems and Paintings

Amy S. Foster
“She appreciated her own reflection- she looked less than a tenth of her earthly age- but knew the years were bound to catch up. There had been a time or two when she had put a glamour on herself, to reverse those years, to remember and even to capture the attention of a young man so she could make the kind of vigorous love she had enjoyed before. But she wouldn't have tried to keep up the glamour permanently, or to create the violent kind of spells that she could have to remain in a state of perpetual youth. The crone cannot be a sage or wisewoman until she reaches beyond the shallow confines of her skin. Children of the earth must also change, like the seasons do. Autumn had seen herself in all these transitions: the tentative buds of spring; the heavy sensuality of summer. And now, like the fall, she was colorful and majestic but right on the verge of winter, to be stripped down to what was really important, the bare branches of what was true.”
Amy S. Foster, When Autumn Leaves

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The only way to fully know the soul of a mountain is to live it’s all seasons and it’s all heights and the same thing is valid for people as well!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Eric Overby
“Times of suffering will come, use them
To grow into a better version of yourself.
Use the dirt to grow flowers. Let the storm water them. Watch them grow in the sunshine.”
Eric Overby, Legacy

“I may be small in size,
but inside I feel incredibly large!

I Am Sequoia, A Pinecone's Adventure
Written and Illustrated by E.P.Clanton”
E. P. Clanton

Jim Rohn
“Dwelling upon the severity of your personal winter merely makes the winter more difficult to endure”
Jim Rohn

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Spring and summer are the ones that want winter to come the most because spring and summer owe their beauty to winter! Don't be sad when winter comes to your life, those winters will make your spring and summer more beautiful!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Rising through the winter fog, spring is already here. And if I could have one wish come true, I'd wish that I could live inside the heart of spring and fill the world with the flowers of love and peace.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Moses Yuriyvich Mikheyev
“You don’t understand this when you’re younger but at some point, you cease doing things, cease creating new memories,” he thought aloud. “You are stuck in a rocking chair. And all you have are your memories. Those beautiful droplets of color you’ve managed to steal from the rainbow. And you go back to them over and over and over, like a Catholic praying the rosary. You dig in deep, sifting through decades, years, seasons, weeks, hours, and seconds of your life, trying to figure out what it all meant. I wanted to come back to you. I wanted to see you in color, to grasp my own little rainbow.”
Moses Yuriyvich Mikheyev, Vanishing Bodies: An Epic Science Fiction Romance

“According to the calendar, seasons change every 3 months;
But in life, a single season can be years long…
Embrace each season.”
Tshepo H. Maloa

“I hear the sound of marching in the air; I feel the turning of a season in my bones; I see the broken pieces becoming whole and I know the KING is rising in our midst! Be not weary or dismayed, GOD is just about to speak, and great shall be the sound thereof!”
Michael A Dalton

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