
Poetry Books Quotes

Quotes tagged as "poetry-books" Showing 1-30 of 111
Sanober  Khan
“Not words.
nor laughter.
but rather someone
who will fall in love
with your silence.”
Sanober Khan

Wendy E. Slater
“It is in the healing of self-blame and judgement, that the self is liberated from the constraints of binding emotions...And you come to remember your true authentic self." © 2015 W.E. Slater”
Wendy E. Slater, Into the Hearth, Poems-Volume 14

“Your insensitivity neither lets me live nor die,
Your betrayal lets me neither smile nor cry,
I can't stand this parting of shores,
Be mine or make me yours.”
Hareem Ch, Another World

Bella Coronel
“Love is the choice of creating sandcastles even if you knew it'll be washed away by the sea. It's the pursuit of building something so fragile because it makes you genuinely happy.”
Bella Coronel, Chasing Dandelions: A Collection of Prose and Poetry

Kirsten Robinson
“You can never tie a string to someone's heart to keep them from walking away; you can only love them in their freedom and hope that they choose to stay, hope that they love you back freely in the same way.”
Kirsten Robinson, Evergreen

Erna Grcic
“Don’t be a poet, my darling
The taxidermist for ideas and lost dreams”
Erna Grcic, Beneath the Surface

Kirsten Robinson
“I hope you choose kindness. Even when others are being cruel. When someone asks you to give them your heart all warm and full of trust, and they give you something makeshift and full of barbed wire in return: be kind. Some people need to feel your heart wrap around them more than you know.”
Kirsten Robinson, Evergreen

Tyler Max Redding
“There’s no race, but I tire of stillness—
Which side of that reflection puzzle is the juggernaut key to willingness?”
Tyler Max Redding

Tyler Max Redding
“The memories live long after the turn—
They’re eternal, like healing flames for heartaches; Heart breaks but evolves—
Revolving like a universe destroying and fixing itself;”
Tyler Max Redding, Parallel To Sundown

Tyler Max Redding
“It’s all cycles you see, and you don’t have to take it from me—Your soul already knows;
The trick is outwitting the lies you’ve been unwittingly sold—”
Tyler Max Redding, Parallel To Sundown

Tyler Max Redding
“My heart bleeds both red and blue,
My spirit smiles with a frown,
Gonna turn heaven upside-down”
Tyler Max Redding, Parallel To Sundown

Indirah  Ambrose
“If you stare in the face of evil too long, it will become your reflection. Turn toward the light of love.”
Indirah Ambrose, StarChild 000000088: A journey of Courage, Growth and Love

Dawn Via
“The allure of a puzzle is the unity of each difference.”
Dawn Via, Stuck Here Thinking

“! سننجو معاً حين تغدو اللحى فكرة للرجولة لا مدخلاً للعبادة
!سننجو معاً حين يغدو الحجاب سلاماً لسيدة لا قرارًا وعادة”
Mahdi Mansour

“فكّر بها،
كي ترتقي بك،
كي يسيل نبيذ قلبك حين تكتب عن هواها…

السماء مقوّسة الظهر لشدة ما تعلّق بأطرافها المتعبون…”
Mahdi Mansour

“لو تتفتح أزرار القمصان،
كما تتفتح أزرار الورد بكامل حريتها فوق الأغصان...
لتحرر نهران من العطر على أغنيتي الآن...
حين تكون الحرية في السجن أجيبي:
ما نفع القضبان؟
مقفلة أبوابك بالتاريخ وبالموروث وبالأوثان...
وكلانا يحترق بنار الخوف
ونار الرهبة
حين تكون الآلهة سراباً أسطورياً
ماذا يجدي نفعاً أن يحترق القربان؟!”
Mahdi Mansour

“أجمل القصور، التي يقصدها السواح والعشاق، هي تلك التي لا ملوك فيها ولا سلاطين…”
Mahdi Mansour

“ولو أننا نستعير الأيادي كالقبّعات،
لكنت استعرتُ يداً من يديك
لأكتب أجمل من شجرٍ في ربيع الكلامْ...
وأرفعها فوق جرح الثرى والحطامْ...
وأسكب حلماً حليباً على شفة الميّتين الصغار،
أهزّ سرير المقابرِ من تحت أطفالها كي تنامْ...
أمدّ يداً من يديك إلى جهة الورد،
إنّي أشمّ الحقيقة لا أقتفيها،
وإن الصباح يجمّع أنفاسه في صدور الأكمّ
أمدّ يداً كي تصير الأيادي سوراً
وتحتفل الأرض بالطيبين...
عليهم سلامُ يديك..
عليكِ السلامْ...”
Mahdi Mansour

Lali A.  Love
“In this tide of life, no doubt,
Everything flows in and out.
The rhythm of change is always there,
A steady stream beyond compare.

The pendulum swings to the left and right,
In a constant dance, both day and night.
We face bitterness and sweetness,
Grief and joy, all parts of our uniqueness.

We choose the next chapter of our story,
Through good and bad, in infinite quarry.
We’ll face each page, with courage to borrow,
Emerging with strength, hearts mending sorrow.”
Lali A. Love, Realms of My Soul III: A Golden Gift

“Llevo tu sonrisa a cada parte que voy
y tu mirada para mí es creer que todo es eterno".”
Rafemago, Sondetí

Siya Taara
“Expect and know, the truth is revealed,
To the one who is, aligned to self, to the core.
In the sacred chambers of the heart,
Timeless secrets reside, that the brave explore.”
Siya Taara, BeU: Be Unique - Embrace Your Individuality

Kailey Oliver
Kailey Oliver, World Stained Us System Blamed Us: Poetry by Kailey Oliver

H. A. Wyvern
“The Finch still sings a requiem from time to time, though hopeful and idealist, sorrow too he chimes. Because life is a bag of mixed seeds, with fresh-hewn grass grain as well as burnt millet. One wing leans on the world's beauty and the other on suffering.”
H. A. Wyvern, The Finch & the Phoenix

Andrea L. Wehlann
“Naked and raw
You create this stream
Into a world of blessing
You have yet to dream”
Andrea L. Wehlann, No Matter How Dark the Stain

Alesa Bernat
“We were always going to be
two trains colliding on a one-way track.
There are no survivors
when you hit head-on like that.”
Alesa Bernat, Everything Is Fine

LaTesha Monique
“For many poets such as myself since I am highly empathetic, the journey starts with emotion, a profound realization, or simply an observation that begs to be articulated. It's an intimate dance with words, that I love to do with my pen, my mind, my heart, my soul, and my spirit”
LaTesha Monique

Richelle E. Goodrich
“If you were not so gentle,
If you were hard to please,
If you were never patient
And always ill at ease,

If you were far from humble,
If you could not forgive,
If all you did was grumble
And curse the life you live,

If you were irreligious,
If you were not composed,
If you were quite ignoble,
If you had not proposed,

If you were daft as killdeer,
If you were less than kind,
If you were proud and pushy,
I’d pay you little mind.
And never would I ever
Call you Valentine.

But you are kind and gentle,
So patiently at ease.
You’re gracious, sweet, and humble.
Not ever hard to please.

You evince faith and service;
They dictate how you live.
Good will along with mercy
Allow you to forgive.

Despite the trials and heartaches,
You count your blessings all.
Despite the miles between us,
Persistently you call.

The gestures of affection.
The compliments so kind.
The selfless acts of service
Endear you in my mind.
And that, my dear, is why I
Call you Valentine.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, A Heart Made of Tissue Paper

Shakara Ann Francis
“Remember to attach your worth to who God says you are and who He is for you. When you do this, you'll never be disappointed when mankind doesn't come through for you.”
Shakara Ann Francis

Courtney Peppernell
“Sensitivity is such an honorable thing.”
Courtney Peppernell, I Hope You Stay

Ritu Negi
“I bark poetry to chase away trespassing pain,
For it knows my street, my home, and my name.”
Ritu Negi, Ethereal

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