
Ministration Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ministration" Showing 1-20 of 20
“To fully communicate with people, you need to find tactics that would interest them”
Sunday Adelaja

“You must be able to communicate properly with the people you want to minister to”
Sunday Adelaja

“Locate the problems in people’s lives with the intention of finding a solution”
Sunday Adelaja

“To fully carry out your purpose as believers, you have to discover where the people you want to minister to are”
Sunday Adelaja

“You have to discover the needs of the people you want to minister to”
Sunday Adelaja

“You need to use the instrument that the people desire to captivate them back to things that are right”
Sunday Adelaja

“Teach the people the Word before converting and baptizing them”
Sunday Adelaja

“Reveal to the people and make them experience God first before you make them church members”
Sunday Adelaja

“You have to bring relevance to people before teaching them the ways of Christ”
Sunday Adelaja

“Find the interest of people and help them achieve their calling”
Sunday Adelaja

“When you provide things for free to meet their needs and help them discover their skills, they automatically become your family”
Sunday Adelaja

“We are not here to build our empire only but also to help people discover the kingdom of God”
Sunday Adelaja

“We were created to use our lives as an instrument and everything we have to extend God’s Kingdom”
Sunday Adelaja

“Love is the easiest way of evangelism”
Sunday Adelaja

“The needs of the people around you should your utmost priority”
Sunday Adelaja

“The desire of the people should be the major instrument used to draw them closer to God”
Sunday Adelaja

“Change the value system of the people you are ministering to”
Sunday Adelaja

“Reveal God to the people and teach them His ways”
Sunday Adelaja

“Find out the needs of the people you are ministering to and help them overcome their fears”
Sunday Adelaja

“God does not just save you for your personal interest but for you to become a channel for the salvation of others”
Sunday Adelaja