
Matches Quotes

Quotes tagged as "matches" Showing 1-18 of 18
Laura Esquivel
“Each of us is born with a box of matches inside us but we can't strike them all by ourselves”
Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

Frank O'Hara
“After the first glass of vodka
you can accept just about anything
of life even your own mysteriousness
you think it is nice that a box
of matches is purple and brown and is called La Petite and comes from Sweden
for they are words that you know and that is all you know words not their feelings or what they mean and you write because you know them not because you understand them because you don't you are stupid and lazy and will never be great but you do what you know because what else is there?”
Frank O'Hara, The Collected Poems of Frank O'Hara

Charles Dickens
“There can be no disparity in marriage like unsuitability of mind and purpose.”
Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

Daniel Handler
“I don’t smoke, although it looks fantastic in films. But I light matches on those thinking blank nights when I crawl my route out onto the roof of the garage and the sky while my parents sleep innocent and the lonely cars move sparse on the faraway streets, when the pillow won’t stay cool and the blankets bother my body no matter how I move or lie still. I just sit with my legs dangling and light matches and watch them flicker away.”
Daniel Handler, Why We Broke Up

Stephen Chbosky
“He says when you're smoking a cigarette with someone, and you have a lighter, you should light their cigarette first. But if you have matches, you should light your cigarette first, so you breathe in the 'harmful sulfur' instead of them. He says it's the polite thing to do. He also says it's bad luck to have "three on a match." He heard that from his uncle who fought in Vietnam. Something about how three cigarettes was enough time for the enemy to know where you are. Bob says that when you're alone, and you light a cigarette, and the cigarette is only halfway lit that means someone is thinking about you.”
Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Jacques Prévert
Paris at Night

Trois allumettes une à une allumées dans la nuit
La première pour voir ton visage tout entier
La seconde pour voir tes yeux
La dernière pour voir ta bouche
Et l'obscurité tout entière pour me rappeler tout cela
En te serrant dans mes bras”
Jacques Prévert, Paroles

Erica Bauermeister
“The kids threw the rumors out like lit matches, to see what would catch. I stayed silent, listening to the fizz and spark of their words, pretending I was water, putting them out.”
Erica Bauermeister, The Scent Keeper

Nathaniel Hawthorne
“Another phenomenon, still more strikingly modern, was a package of lucifer matches, which, in old times, would have been thought actually to borrow their instantaneous flame from the nether fires of Tophet.”
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House of the Seven Gables

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I huddle in the dark with a mass of burnt matches strewn at my feet. And yet, for all of those matches I’ve not been able to light a single candle. And huddled in such deep darkness, I’ve somehow yet to realize that Christmas made both matches and candles forever obsolete.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

André Aciman
“Men were like matches: they caught fire and were shaken off and dropped in the first ashtray that came her way”
André Aciman, Find Me

Israelmore Ayivor
“Football Coaches do play football matches; their attitudes toward the game in times of tendencies of losing can cause a change in the scores of the games they monitor and mentor!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Shaping the dream

Sylvia Plath
“If Doctor Nolan asked me for the matches, I would say I'd thought they were made out of candy and hat eaten them.”
Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

Israelmore Ayivor
“Football teams that lost their matches can have many other chances to play in successive seasons; but a soul that is lost through death may not have the chance to justify its potential again!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Deyth Banger
“Tinder, sucks… few matches I got.... How FUCKING odd is that.”
Deyth Banger

“the matches are won on the training ground, not on the football pitch.
-Red White Love: The Love of Liverpool FC”
Mustafa Dönmez

Steven Magee
“The 2022 book ‘Magee’s Disease’ describes the cortisol test to detect it. The hypoxic very high altitude Magee’s Disease matches well with Long COVID. The amino acids supplementing protocol to treat Magee’s Disease is also documented.”
Steven Magee

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The fire that we are putting out today is a result of the match that we struck yesterday”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Passion is the match that ignites the kindling of legacy. Fear is the thief of matches.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough