
Making Memories Quotes

Quotes tagged as "making-memories" Showing 1-9 of 9
Kellie Elmore
“Some of the best memories are made in flip flops.”
Kellie Elmore

E.A. Bucchianeri
“You staying home all alone on New Year's Eve? Unthinkable. Take my advice ... the countdown should be shared with someone, or it's just another set of numbers passing you by.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

Mandi Hart
“Make memories with your children because, in years to come, you will want to remember days such as these. Memories are made up of spontaneous and planned moments. They are shared times of laughter, sadness, and surprise with those you love.”
Mandi Hart

Abhijit Naskar
“Once in a while you go somewhere, or meet someone, and you take a few selfies as memento, that's life - but if you spend every moment of life taking selfies, then that's not called being social, that's called being sick - clinically sick.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulldozer on Duty

Donna Goddard
“When raising children, it is not 'making memories' that matters. It is the making of a home. That home is us—the state of our mind and heart. We are what makes the memory of a child. Who we are, who we become as a parent and a person, and how we respond to them and their needs is the most critical element in setting them up for their venture into life. When raising a child, it is time to make ourselves into something as memorable as possible.
Donna Goddard, Touched by Love

Abhijit Naskar
“Click Less, Live More (The Sonnet)

Moments are vessel for memories,
Don't waste them on snobbish hypes.
A memory cherished with a loved one,
Is worth more than a billion likes.
The less devices you have to charge,
The more charge you have for your mind.
The less you obsess over convenience,
The more you develop actual insight.
Purpose of camera is to capture memory,
Not to desecrate the moments seeking attention.
Purpose of a picture is to rejuvenate emotions,
Even a thousand pictures are useless without emotion.
Click less, live more - that is the motto of wellness.
Or else, click more, sick more - there is no treatment.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“It used to be a place of refuge,' he said. 'Now, it's become a place of nightmares. But it can only stay that way if you let it.'

'If I let it? How do I change the fact that Rylan died out there?'

'You don't.'

I stared up at him. 'I'm not following where you're going with this.'

He stepped closer, dipping his chin. 'You can't change what happened in there. Just like you can't change the fact that the courtyard ued to give you peace. You just replace your last memory- a bad one- with a new one- a good one- and you keep doing that until the initial one no longer outweighs the replacement.'

I opened my mouth, but then I really thought about what he'd said. My gaze travelled to the darkness beyond the door. What he's said actually made sense. 'You make it sound so easy.'

'It's not. It's hard and uncomfortable, but it works.' He extended his bare hand, and I looked down, staring at it as if a dangerous animal rested in his palm- a fluffy, cute one that I wanted to pet. 'And you won't be alone. I'll be there with you, and not just watching over you.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

“Who'd have thought our road would be so long when we started this ride together
Facing every storm by standing strong for worse or for better
Making memories with every passing day that will last us a lifetime
And even in the darkest of days your love makes me shine
Now under the summer moons sky lost in the sparkle in your eyes
So many things I want to say to you but no words would ever do
Here in this moment, I just want to love you”
Marie Helen Abramyan