
Limestone Quotes

Quotes tagged as "limestone" Showing 1-2 of 2
Lee Strobel
“Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, absorb infrared energy and help warm the planet. So they're absolutely crucial. The problem is that their concentration in the atmosphere needs to be regulated as the sun slowly brightens. Otherwise, the Earth would not be able to stabilize its surface temperature, which would be disastrous.

Plate tectonics cycles fragments of the Earth's crust -- including limestone, which is made up of calcium, carbon dioxide, and oxygen atoms -- down into the mantle. There, the planet's internal heat releases the carbon dioxide, which is then continually vented to the atmosphere through volcanoes. It's quite an elaborate process, but the end result is a kind of thermostat that keeps the greenhouse gases in balance and our surface temperature under control.

--Guillermo Gonzalez, Ph.D. (astronomer & physicist)”
Lee Strobel, The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God

“once more, I am
flat out
on a slab of oolitic limestone,

absorbing the dusk
leaking blue
through its tall net

of branches”
Sarah Maguire, The Florists At Midnight