
Informal Education Quotes

Quotes tagged as "informal-education" Showing 1-15 of 15
“Politicians wholeheartedly supported mandatory formal schooling, acknowledging its immense capacity to compel taxpayers, perplex parents and damage students, all the while directly bolstering the party and its devoted followers.

The ruling party implemented tax funded, education policies primarily for its own benefit, contrary to the Constitution, disregarding the burden imposed on taxpayers, parents, and children who are affected by them.

The intention from the beginning was never to benefit anyone in the country outside of the ruling party’s members, at the expense of the taxpayer.”
Salatiso Mdeni, The Homeschooling Father, How and Why I got started.: Traditional Schooling to Online Learning until Homeschooling

“Contrary to popular belief, the poor quality of education provided by the schooling system is not simply a result of incompetence. The education system ought to provide students with practical life skills to improve their own lives and succeed financially. However, this may pose a threat to the voter base. The ruling party intentionally undermines the education system to prevent graduates from acquiring sufficient knowledge to unveil the ruling party's deception. The curriculum is also modified to indoctrinate the masses in propaganda that attributes blame for failure of the current government to someone else.”
Salatiso Mdeni, The Homeschooling Father, How and Why I got started.: Traditional Schooling to Online Learning until Homeschooling

“After completing their education, many young individuals find themselves well-informed about their entitlements but lacking the necessary skills for income generation. In response to this challenge, the government once again steps in to provide social assistance through grants. The disdain for the prosperous is cultivated in classrooms such that extorting them through high taxes is not only seen as acceptable but necessary to achieve ‘equality’. Racially divisive policies are hailed by the masses and accepted as truth because the indoctrination at school was so effective.”
Salatiso Mdeni, The Homeschooling Father, How and Why I got started.: Traditional Schooling to Online Learning until Homeschooling

“It should be telling that even the most despotic governments that go out of their way to exploit their citizens often prioritise the formal schooling system and make it mandatory. The only way most of these governments have retained power other than brutal force was through indoctrinating its citizenry, from as young as possible with ideas meant to bolster the worship of the ruling party.”
Salatiso Mdeni, The Homeschooling Father, How and Why I got started.: Traditional Schooling to Online Learning until Homeschooling

“The hard left ideology that has accelerated the West’s demise and threatens the whole of humanity with World War III was entrenched through the formal schooling system. In 2023 it is the most educated college liberal that is likely to not know the difference between men and woman, believe that poverty is justification for criminality, and extorting money from those who earn it to distribute amongst those who don’t is a good thing, amongst other half-witted ideologies. This was achieved by constant repetition of man’s superior abilities over nature in formal schools and tertiary institutions.”
Salatiso Mdeni, The Homeschooling Father, How and Why I got started.: Traditional Schooling to Online Learning until Homeschooling

“There is a reciprocal relationship between politicians, government officials and intellectuals, whether in formal institutions or elsewhere. Politicians, especially on the left depend on intellectuals to give credibility to the ideologies that justify government overreach and leftwing policies. In return the intellectuals, including college professors are rewarded with taxpayer funded research grants, and other lucrative opportunities for personal gain.”
Salatiso Mdeni, The Homeschooling Father, How and Why I got started.: Traditional Schooling to Online Learning until Homeschooling

“The act of breathing is immensely advantageous for my overall well-being, and there should never be a need for legislation to enforce such a crucial practice, just like with eating. I know this, animals know this as do all plants with no legislative enforcement. Indeed, there have been more cases of authorities limiting where individuals can breathe, rather than widespread fatalities resulting from people refusing to do so. Why would people need to be forced to do something that is supposedly good for them, unless there are malicious reasons behind it?”
Salatiso Mdeni

“Since the family structure already fulfilled the roles the government wanted to take on, the government had to weaken the family. Throughout history, parents have played a myriad of crucial roles in the lives of their children. They have been consistent providers, ensuring that their children's needs are met. They have acted as protectors, always keeping their children's wellbeing at the forefront of their minds. Additionally, parents have served as educators, imparting valuable knowledge and skills to their children. These are just a few examples of the countless essential responsibilities that parents have shouldered.”
Salatiso Mdeni, The Homeschooling Father, How and Why I got started.: Traditional Schooling to Online Learning until Homeschooling

“There is no greater threat to a power-hungry government than a well-functioning family structure. What better way was there to weaken this unit than separating the children from their parents for most of the day?”
Salatiso Mdeni, The Homeschooling Father, How and Why I got started.: Traditional Schooling to Online Learning until Homeschooling

“In The 33 Strategies of War one of the strategies Robert Greene tackles is Defeat Them in Detail: The Divide-And-Conquer Strategy "Never be intimidated by your enemy's appearance. Instead, look at the parts that make up the whole. By separating the parts, sowing dissension and division, you can bring down even the most formidable foe. When you are facing troubles or enemies, turn a large problem into small, eminently defeatable parts."
Most of us have been captivated by the beauty and often gruesome nature of big cats like lions catching their prey in the wild. These hunters are so skilled that they have evolved strategies to overcome prey that is sometimes significantly larger than themselves and outnumbers the hunters many times over. "They hunt water buffalo by stampeding them into the water where they can attack and kill the young or weak members of the herd. After the initial stampede, the lions herd the buffalo through the water and relentlessly pursue them for hours at a time " according to National Geographics.
Despite appearing extreme, given the current ruling party's track record, it is difficult to find many who would disagree that it is more focused on fighting its own citizens than on serving us. In South Africa, it is quite ironic that the term "public servant" is used. The situation is such that the public themselves serve the government employees and elected officials, who are considered to be the elite benefiting from our hard-earned tax money. Who else among us is more vulnerable and weaker than our children? Is it any wonder their predatory antics are targeting children? Making formal schooling seem authorized by the Constitution and passing related laws was a big move to reduce parental authority over their kids. But it was just the beginning.”
Salatiso Mdeni

“I am not saying that the path I have chosen will work for everyone, and I am also not saying that the formal schooling system has no successes.

The prevalence of such arrogance is what has led us to adopt a uniform approach that has taken advantage of taxpayers, caused children to feel insufficient because they couldn't meet an absurd standard that held no relevance to their future success, and produced grown-ups lacking fundamental abilities required to sustain oneself, which is the ultimate benchmark of maturity.”
Salatiso Mdeni, The Homeschooling Father, How and Why I got started.: Traditional Schooling to Online Learning until Homeschooling

“The tax funded formal school system has wasted taxpayer money, kept children away from their families, indoctrinated people to hate others on the basis of immutable characteristics or cumulative efforts of their ancestors, and caused the country to regress.”
Salatiso Mdeni

“It should have been a warning from the beginning, of the detrimental effects of the institution, when attendance of a formal school was presented as though it was mandatory.

Why would one need to be forced to do what is good for them? No laws have ever been required to compel people to eat or breathe, all living entities instinctively know this and do it.

Rather than people wasting because they are not eating, obesity is a problem in prosperous countries. Laws are enacted to restrict eating certain foods because all living entities know nutrition is necessary, thus always seek it.”
Salatiso Mdeni

“I used to firmly believe that prestigious schools, which encompasses both private schools and top-tier quantile 5 public schools with impressive graduation rates, held a clear advantage over lower-quality no fee public schools. That was, until Dr Thomas Sowell introduced me to the sorting function of the formal schooling system and the unfair advantage prestigious schools have since they can pick and choose who they admit.

From the outset they can choose to admit students of a certain intellect thus increasing the chances of these students performing favourably relative to no fee public schools that have an obligation to admit everyone.

Parents who can afford to send their child to private school are usually more involved and provide more resources for their child to succeed.

The ability of parents to afford the prohibitively high costs of the schools is also an indicator of the child’s abilities since his parents had it in them to work hard enough to earn what enabled to afford a prestigious school.

Once you have factored those aspects as a minimum, the prestigious school’s performance doesn’t seem that great. As long as the parents have resources to support the child’s learning environment, the type of school a child attends becomes less relevant.

This is why the quantile 5 public schools perform at the level of private schools. As the level of the parent’s material wealth increases such that more educational resources can be availed to the child, so does the performance of a child.

This, off course happens to a certain level as the law of diminishing return eventually kicks in.”
Salatiso Mdeni