
Imprint Quotes

Quotes tagged as "imprint" Showing 1-10 of 10
Bessel van der Kolk
“In the culture people talk about trauma as an event that happened a long time ago. But what trauma is, is the imprints that event has left on your mind and in your sensations... the discomfort you feel and the agitation you feel and the rage and the helplessness you feel right now.”
Bessel A. van der Kolk

“Every day in every way we are leaving our mark.”
Rachael Bermingham

David Grossman
“What do people see in me on the first impression? Can they still see what I was until not long ago? Is there any imprint left from the love I knew? A rebirth mark?”
David Grossman, A Horse Walks into a Bar

Kamand Kojouri
“Violinists wear the imprint on their necks with pride
For they are the players of harmony.

Pilgrims, too, wear the imprint on their foreheads with pride
For they are the conductors of unity.

And Lovers? Why, they are made humble by the imprint on their hearts
For they are merely the instruments of rhapsody.”
Kamand Kojouri

Belle Hale
“I would remember this as one of those moments in life that I can hold onto and smile about, forever.”
Belle Hale, Soul Imprint

Belle Hale
“You have been missing from me for far too long.”
Belle Hale, Soul Imprint

David Grossman
“What do people see in me on the first impression? ... Is there any imprint left from the love I knew? A rebirth mark?”
David Grossman, Komt een paard de kroeg binnen

Steven Magee
“When we die, we live on in our children.”
Steven Magee

Catherine Toon
“You were created in Love for impact to leave your
imprint on the world!”
Catherine Toon

Tilly Lawless
“This is a love letter to friendship, I want you to write it on me in ink and then press me against the pages, your personal printing press.”
Tilly Lawless, Nothing but My Body