
Impress Quotes

Quotes tagged as "impress" Showing 1-30 of 66
Michael Bassey Johnson
“Don't pretend to be what you're not, instead, pretend to what you want to be, it is not pretence, it is a journey to self realization.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The more you try to impress, the more you become depressed, and the more they get tired of your coercion. It doesn't make them love you, instead, they'll see you as a little child, trying to draw a senseless picture on a piece of paper, begging people to look at it and admire it by force. You can persuade someone to look at your face, but you can't persuade them to see the beauty therein.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Santosh Kalwar
“Celebration is an act of impressing sadistic someone residing in you.”
Santosh Kalwar

Trenton Lee Stewart
“Don't thank me,' Mr. Curtain called as the door slid closed. 'Impress me!”
Trenton Lee Stewart, The Mysterious Benedict Society

Israelmore Ayivor
“My father said this to me: "Israelmore, if you don't make any impact on earth, you will die before you die. But if you impress hearts with what you do, you still live even after you are gone”
Israelmore Ayivor

Israelmore Ayivor
“Don't be a pepper on the eyes of people; Rather be the salt on their tongue and make a difference that influences their sense of belonging to the earth.”
Israelmore Ayivor

Israelmore Ayivor
“How often you impress people when you have nothing and how often you oppress them when you have everything is what defines your real character!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

J.R. Rim
“Life is a first impression. You get one shot at it. Make it everlasting.”
J.R. Rim

M.F. Moonzajer
“If you always try to be cautious and careful, you will never impress anyone.”

Gift Gugu Mona
“Do not impress others at the expense of your progress.”
Gift Gugu Mona

Joanna Davidson Politano
“I've learned that a true hero is not an extraordinary man. He may not impress the world, but he so greatly changes hers. That makes him utterly heroic indeed.”
Joanna Davidson Politano, Finding Lady Enderly

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“You cannot really not care about what other people think of you and still wear a perfume or cologne.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Nitya Prakash
“People are a lot more attractive when they are not trying to impress you. Let go of the bullshit & start being you!”
Nitya Prakash

Nitya Prakash
“India, where English is a medium to 'Impress' not 'Express'...”
Nitya Prakash

Nitya Prakash
“Trying to impress other people is possibly the biggest insult you can hurl at yourself.”
Nitya Prakash

Prem Jagyasi
“There is only one thing in the universe that you can truly shine, It's your life, shine on.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
“A pressed person is obsessed with passion. He is blessed when impressed with an opportunity to express himself; if otherwise he gets messed up in distress.”
Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty 'n' Worthy African Proverbs - Volume 1

R.J. Intindola
“One who habitually jumps to conclusions to impress others with their knowledge, is offering opinions without reasoned judgment and wisdom.”
R.J. Intindola

Richie Norton
“1. Let go of toxic people in your life
2. Let go of regretting past mistakes
3. Let go of the need to be right
4. Let go of feeling sorry for yourself
5. Let go of the need to impress others
6. Let go of loyalty to those who don’t deserve it
7. Let go of holding yourself back
8. Let go of the need to please everyone
9. Let go of the need to control others
10. Let go of a job you hate”
Richie Norton

Holly Black
“He was nice in the carriage. I didn't know he knew how to be nice.'

That makes me laugh. At the door to my chambers, she puts her hand on my arm. 'He was trying to impress you, you know. Talking to me.'

I frown. 'I think he just wanted to hear about weird candy.'

She shakes her head. 'He wants you to like him. But just because he wants you to doesn't mean you should.”
Holly Black, The Queen of Nothing

Giridhar Alwar
“It's uncertain that you get happiness from the people you work hard to satisfy. But you can certainly make people around you happy when you are satisfied. So work for your satisfaction.”
Giridhar Alwar

“So if you are stuck with thoughts such as trying to keep everyone happy, always trying to impress others, always needing to get approval or worrying about what others think, then it is likely that your troop drive is out of control. Sit down and redefine your troop. Decide who is in it.”
Steve Peters

“The Human recognises that although everyone has different abilities and looks, everyone is equally valuable as a human being. The Human also recognises that trying to impress and keep others happy, in order to be popular, is not a good basis for living life. The Human believes that all you can do is your best. The Human also believes that the values that count in life are not based on looks, achievements or possessions but are based on values such as honesty, integrity, kindness and consideration.”
Steve Peters

“As the Chimp has based its confidence on giving a good talk and impressing people, it’s now severely lacking confidence and is looking to see what could go wrong. In contrast, the Human in Liz has decided that she will base her confidence on doing her best. The objective, therefore, is to do her best. She cannot control the level of the talk or what people think but she will be able to deal with these outcomes because she is an adult Human. Liz knows that she will definitely do her best, even if at the time it goes wrong and the talk is not quite up to scratch. It will still be the that she can do AT THE TIME of giving the talk. She cannot do better than her best. Therefore, Liz will definitely achieve her objective – ‘doing her best’ – and anything else is a bonus. With this approach she can relax and see the talk as an opportunity. Her confidence in doing her best is 100 per cent. Liz can also remember that she can reward effort rather than just celebrating achievements.”
Steve Peters

“Stop saying 'Yes,'
Just to impress”
Charmaine J. Forde

Sarah J. Maas
“I could feel the full weight of Tamlin's undivided attention on me- on every breath and movement I took. I studied the candelabras atop the mantel beside the table. I had nothing to say that didn't sound absurd- yet for some reason, my mouth decided to start moving.

'You're so far away.' I gestured to the expanse of table between us. 'It's like you're in another room.'

The quarters of the table vanished, leaving Tamlin not two feet away, sitting at an infinitely more intimate table. I yelped and almost tipped over in my chair. He laughed as I gaped at the small table that now stood between us. 'Better?' he asked.

I ignored the metallic tang of magic as I said, 'How... how did you do that? Where did it go?'

He cocked his head. 'Between. Think of it as... a broom closet tucked between pockets of the world.' He flexed his hands and rolled his neck, as if shaking off some pain.

'Does it tax you?' Sweat seemed to gleam on the strong column of his neck.

He stopped flexing his hands and set them flat on the table. 'Once, it was an easy as breathing. But now... it requires concentration.'

Because of the blight on Prythian and the toll it had taken on him. 'You could have just taken a closer seat,' I said.

Tamlin gave me a lazy grin. 'And miss a chance to show off to a beautiful woman? Never.' I smiled down at my plate.'

'You do look beautiful,' he said quietly. 'I mean it,' he added when my mouth twisted to the side. 'Didn't you look in the mirror?'

Though his bruise still marred my neck, I had looked pretty. Feminine. I wouldn't go so far to call myself a beauty, but... I hadn't cringed. A few months here had done wonders for the awkward sharpness and angles of my face. And I dared say that some kind of light had crept in to my eyes- my eyes, not my mother's eyes or Nesta's eyes. Mine.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

“That conversation turned around so quickly that it made me dizzy. I not only realized how immature I was, but also how menial and pathetic my lifestyle and worldview seemed to other people. In my attempts to impress her, I repelled her. I may have been able to impress and attract drug addicts, but those who were successful, I could not. For the first time, I realized that other people from other classes of society or with differing worldviews saw my pursuits and lifestyle through a different lens than I did. What could impress one crowd could disgust another.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

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