
Illusion Of Control Quotes

Quotes tagged as "illusion-of-control" Showing 1-7 of 7
“Escape from reality. In some instances, dissociation induces people to imagine that they have some kind of mastery over intractable environmental difficulties. Dissociation is often implicated in magical thinking or self-induced trance states. This aspect of dissociation is frequently found in abuse survivors. It is not uncommon for abused children to engage in magical thinking to retain an illusion of control over the situation (e.g., believing that they "cause" the perpetrator to act out).”
Marlene Steinberg

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“When we are healthy, wealthy and powerful, we forget about our mortality. It’s only when irreparable cracks set in that we come back to reality.”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

“He said that my problem was that I was perfectly healthy and had the illusion that I would be able bodied forever. I could only begin understanding his problem if I gave up that illusion and that would be very difficult, given how healthy I was. I understand, I mistakenly said, and he said no you don’t.”
James C. Coyne

Trish Mercer
“You like to claim that you’re in charge of the world, but it’s as if the world hasn’t noticed and it does whatever it pleases in spite of you. You claim the sky is blue, but almost on a daily basis it betrays you.”
Trish Mercer, The Falcon in the Barn

Tina Sequeira
“We come into the world naked, procreate and bring forth another life in our naked being and we leave this world behind in our nakedness. Yet, we all live in our grandeur naked illusions!”
Tina Sequeira, Bhumi: A Collection of Short Stories

“Inaction driven by the belief that we have no control creates a breeding ground for unaccountability. Believing this can excuse us from making proactive decisions, we tend to shirk responsibilities, resulting in a dangerous cycle of unaccountability as we fail to take responsibility for the outcomes we can influence, we attribute our inaction to external factors rather than our own choices. By not recognizing the control we do have, we passively allow life to happen to us rather than actively shaping our destinies.”
Carson Anekeya

Raz Mihal
“The past is one part of the movie, and the future reveals how the film will continue... You can't change fate. Life and surroundings you can't change. You just have the impression that you can do something about it.”
Raz Mihal, Just Love Her