
Growth Mindset Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "growth-mindset-quotes" Showing 1-28 of 28
“I have a choice.
Instead of worrying what others think,

I realize no one else
can change who I am inside.
I choose to feel proud of who I am,
even if I am different.
Because each tree is valuable because
it brings something unique to the world.
I believe in myself.
I know I am exactly as I am meant to be,
like a seed who knows it is a tree,
Lauren Martin, Insecurity is a Seed

“It can take forever for a willing underachieving to reverse his underachievement and become an achiever. There are about a handful of reasons for this. His empowerment needs for which he needs help with, his basic needs according to his age, his mental language and skills he must master typically slows down the process of reversal.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“All underachieving persons need help. All. No underachieving adult or child can reverse his underachievement by himself. With resilience and an inner locus of control, an underachiever can try though, but it wouldn't be as effective as getting help. Without help, an underachieving person would literally get little results compared to the effort put in.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“I have a choice.
Instead of worrying what others think,
I realize no one else
can change who I am inside.
I choose to feel proud of who I am,
even if I am different.
Because each tree is valuable because
it brings something unique to the world.
I believe in myself.
I know I am exactly as I am meant to be,
like a seed who knows it is a tree,
Lauren Martin, Insecurity is a Seed

“Teach your children to Smile when doing Tasks they consider hard. Many times, children would cry when they are asked to do a task they feel is hard. They would frown, sulk, begin to feign hunger or wee-wee. If you have been wondering what a FIXED MINDSET looks like, That's a FIXED MINDSET. Reversing a fixed mindset is about CHANGING EMOTIONS. It is changing a child's state of mind CONCERNING the SPECIFIC task to be learnt. It is changing his state DURING learning. It is changing the child's Perspective ABOUT LEARNING generally. Teach them to JUST SMILE! or even SING while they learn or practice "HARD" tasks. Keep them SMILING even when the task is so hard they want to CRY. Explain that a PERSON cannot excel at a thing he doesn't like. Explain that in life those who succeed AS A RULE, first had to be HAPPY and GRATEFUL for the opportunity to TRY. TEACH them that sadness and anger at the things they don't know makes what they don't know HARDER.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“You are responsible for any underachieving person in your Care Their failure? That's on you. Their success? That's on you. Their day to day life is on you...except if you don't WANT that! Then, It's okay to LET THEM BE. If you choose to do the work however, you are not ALLOWED to blink let alone STOP. You are practically in a RELATIONSHIP with an underachieving child, husband, wife or friend that entails you GETTING USED. And yes you may need some USING yourself. That's where it hurts. Underachieving Persons are everywhere and all over because it takes SUSTAINABLE work to get to them. Your work isn't to do everything and anything for them. Far from it. They are doing poorer than expected ONLY because they CONSCIOUSLY OR UNCONSCIOUSLY choose to. So they would BLEED you dry and tire you out until you can get them to CHOOSE to FLY instead of SINK in their real or imagined PAIN. Your efforts should be to EVOKE emotions that make them make the BEAUTIFUL CHOICE to negate the OLD CHOICE. FOR THIS, all you need is an AGREEMENT. Get them to AGREE in the presence of a witness. Consider the SKILLS they need to LEARN. Provided REQUIRED resources. GIVE them enough time to COME THROUGH. The AGREEMENT is the MOST IMPORTANT. A solid AGREEMENT. If you have the capacity to get them to AGREE you have made more progress than you ever will forcing a change in their attitudes by using CONTROL tactics. It's why sitting them down works. It's why providing guidance works. It's why punishment doesn't...especially if it doesn't elicit a SOLID AGREEMENT. Without an AGREEMENT all your effort may come to waste or still their achievement will be lower than expected. Well, a miracle could happen. Say they make the choice on their own. Or as a result of a divine encounter. And Yes, they aren't foolish. Just people who have sworn to be mediocre...unconsciously or unconsciously!”
Asuni LadyZeal

“You see, because parents contribute to their children's underachievement, many teachers “Judge, Lecture and Compete” with them as a way of working on the case. Instead of this, you should Support, mentor and Partner. The idea is to Support not judge. Mentor not Lecture and Partner not Compete. Judging parents wouldn’t get you anywhere especially if those parents are underachievers themselves. Instead look out for ways to support them say by providing the needed information for them to do better. Instead of lecturing them it is better to mentor them –plus you would automatically gain a position as a mentor instead of a critic and they would look up to you as such and lastly, remember, these children are theirs so don’t compete with them on that, instead partner with them concerning these students. In Medical School, there is said to be a protocol taught to nurses and doctors and other relevant hospital personnel to deal with upset persons. It contains 6 steps or ideas , you should look into the protocol and come up with something similar. What better place is there to learn how upset persons who usually are the cause of their problems are than the hospital”
Asuni LadyZeal

“Are Class Captains and School Prefects managers or leaders? Schools miss it when they assign a student to discipline other students. Class captains and school prefects are leaders not managers. A Leader is on A MISSION not on A DUTY. And being a leader goes beyond expecting compliance from others, which is what managers do. If your school assigns prefect to enforce compliance in any way you are doing it all wrong. For one, seeking compliance from anyone is complicated and it comes with a position that "demands" respect and thus you are putting such children at a risk of being hated by their peers. Prefect should be examples not authority figures, plus they should be trained to act like leaders should, if you also don't train them, you are doing it too wrong. Here are some of those "things" you should train your prefect: 1. Active listening 2. How to help their peers and other students find meaning in learning 3. How to make others students wellbeing and safety their priority. 4. How to inspire others and lead by example. Charity begins from school too. Your prefects can learn people skills that can guarantee their future right from your school. Your prefects should be assets to your school because of what they can learn to do now to become better in future not because of what they can do for your school now, which obviously is very little.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“Many of the issues you have with your some of your students are not a reflection of how qualified you are as a teacher but more about how qualified you are as a leader and manager. Many students hide their pain behind school work. Many Students are too confused to pay attention to what you are teaching. And they are not confused about what you are teaching cos they aren't even listening to you. Their mind is far away. Far away from all of the things you try to make them see. Like someone in a trance. So your problem is not you and your qualifications. The problem is you and your professionalism on the job. A professional teacher knows when students are having real time issues that didn't start from school. He knows when they came to school with them. And when they left it all at home. He knows that even when school is the problem, the problem is usually bigger than school. He knows that until the student gets his acts together, not much progress would happen. In school and in other places. Plus he knows that whatever he does to help the student must be sustainable. Or the student would go right one day And wrong the next. Then may be wrong, wrong, wrong for a while again before going right again. Worse, right may never happen. The will of the child is more important than the school of the child. Even though the choice of school can shape the will. The art of teaching is way beyond the writings on the board and the notes in the bags. It is more about working on the mind and the shaping of destinies.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“Two things must be considered JUST BEFORE teaching students who are doing below their potentials - the content to be taught and the students' mindset. And two other things that must be considered LONG BEFORE they are taught are their motivation to learn and level of attainment.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“Many underachieving students truly want to bridge the gap between their current achievement and their desired achievement. But desire alone is not enough to do so, their effort at times even may not be enough and hence they tend to shut down too soon, or never at all, trudging along. Like an athlete, many run like their lives depends on it but without an exact idea of what success is and how much it entails to get there. They, unconsciously or even consciously have lost their spice and winning now FEELS harder- a proof that our past choices can either make or mar our future.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“We need industrious people in the education sector. The job is beyond the four walls of a classroom. Teaching itself is an empire. In it is the job of a healer, a doctor, a businessman, a researcher, a visionary, an accountant, an auditor, a leader, a manager, a designer...the list is so long, it scares the typical teacher.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“The first job or duty of a parent is to provide the emotional needs of a child, the second is to provide the learning needs of the child and the last job is the motivational needs of the child. If as a parent you don't get these three duties right, you wouldn't get every other duty (inbetween) right”
Asuni LadyZeal

“All underachievers know they need help. All! But many of them don't want help - they know how much they need it yet they want it not. It's further proves that they are underachievers. Underachievers stay underachievers by choice. If a person or child behaves like an underachiever, he is. If a person or child performs like underachiever would, he is an underachiever. If such a person or child performs below his potentials, no doubt he is an underachiever.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“Underachieving students usually have personal issues that are affecting their achievements in school that they use as excuses for giving up on their potential or as justifications for their behaviours.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“It usually takes at least one person who knows what to do and how and is willing to go all the way with an underachieving person to reverse their underachievement.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“But insecurity is like a seed
that doesn’t believe it is a tree.
So I remember to feel confident,
even before I succeed.
I believe that I can do it,
even if it hasn’t happened yet.
Because every tree
started as a tiny seed,
that fell to the ground
and had to grow up.”
Lauren Martin, Insecurity is a Seed

Jill Telford
“If you can’t crawl, roll. If you can't roll then get that tummy time in.  This is the story of the stages of development and how children need caring grown ups to nurture our babies so they grow into their fullest potential.”
Jill Telford

Dhayana Alejandrina
“Before wanting to feel at home with someone else, learn how to feel at home with yourself.”
Dhayana Alejandrina, Agridulce: poetry and prose

Carlos Wallace
“Avoiding accountability and shifting blame only delays the path to growth and self-improvement.”
Carlos Wallace

“A bright star doesn't ask to be seen. Similarly, bright students are never afraid to try and fail because they are motivated by accomplishment rather than pride.”
Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo

Marion Bekoe
“Perfection may never be attained, constant repetition of good habits are the closest thing to perfection.”
Marion Bekoe

Mystqx Skye
“I have been looking at the wrong side of “The looking glass”. Like Alice I thought I fell down the rabbits hole only to realize that the answer to all my questions and finding “wonderland” was / is all about “MY CHOICE” . What I keep forgetting is to find JOY in the present moment. Finding my "happy place" and that place is "in me”
Mystqx Skye

Mystqx Skye
“Having a positive relationship with yourself, taking steps to be mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically healthy — is the greatest gift you can give yourself.”
Mystqx Skye