
Growing Up Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "growing-up-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 36
Jason Versey
“Even a spineless anthropod sheds what's no longer useful and leaves it behind them. Are you not greater than they?”
Jason Versey

T.F. Hodge
“When you grow your own garden, it grows you.”
T.F. Hodge

Naomi Charles
“Don't let growing up kill the precious parts of you that should never die.”
Naomi Charles, Focus

Caroline   George
“Nostalgia makes hallowed ground from mundane places.”
Caroline George, The Summer We Forgot

Adhish Mazumder
“On the crossroads of future most good friends lose themselves to an eternity of regrets. Most of us lose connections unknowingly thinking that it is only natural until we realize the deceit in our understanding and end up craving for something we put to rest a long time ago. Thus begins a morbid curiosity within our conscience.”
Adhish Mazumder

Caroline O'Donoghue
“I thought of my parents as heads on Easter Island, and it took moving two miles away to realise they had been people all along.”
Caroline O'Donoghue, The Rachel Incident

Roshani Chokshi
“Like this life is one grand test and if we grow up wrong, then we'll end up as Cast-Out Susans."

Her mouth pinched at the idea. That week, Indigo and I had finished rereading The Chronicles of Narnia and were once again obsessed with Susan Pevensie. A queen locked out of the real she'd once ruled, exiled for the crime of growing up.
Susan Pevensie was our nightmare.”
Roshani Chokshi, The Last Tale of the Flower Bride

Carrie Vaughn
“I'll tell you something,' Arthur said. 'Until a certain age, everyone thinks their parents are heroes. Then they grow up a little, start to understand a little more of the world, and they realize their parents are just people. It destroys them, just a little bit. But it's part of becoming an adult. Everyone goes through it. You, on the other hand--your parents really are heroes, at least to everyone else. It's a bit remarkable, really. You never went through that disappointment of finding out your parents are just people.”
Carrie Vaughn, After the Golden Age

Sasha Martin
“You need a name for every stage of your life. Butterflies don’t go by ‘caterpillar’ forever.And they certainly don’t go by ‘pupa’ one second longer than they have to. You, my dear, are no longer a pupa.”
Sasha Martin, Life from Scratch: A Memoir of Food, Family, and Forgiveness

Adhish Mazumder
“I think it happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want. Then you realize that the people you have known forever don't see things the way you do and so you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.”
Adhish Mazumder

Robert Coover
“It was almost like there was something wicked about growing up.”
Robert Coover, Huck Out West

Jason Dias
“Our parents are the worst for us, the most difficult to endure, precisely because they have the most intentions towards us. Hopes, dreams, needs for relationship. Acknowledgement.”
Jason Dias, Finding Life on Mars: A novel of isolation

Pradip Bendkule
“Growing up as an adult does not mean that you have to kill a child inside you.”
Pradip Bendkule

“The more time you waste when you're young, the sadder you'll be in your nursing home”
Daily Florence, Grace - A Funny Book For Women

Candice Jarrett
“There comes a time when we can’t blame our parents anymore, when our crimes become our own.”
Candice Jarrett, Mortal Tether

“As you age, days quickly become weeks, weeks swiftly become months, and months rapidly become years.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

Edward J. Santella
“Puberty. The word itself sounded like a half-digested lump of rubber.”
Edward J. Santella, American Ghosts

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“If you grow from inside to outside, you will be the light else if you grow from outside to inside, you will be the candle”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Aiyaz Uddin
“If you have to scaleup in life then you must first scale down, if you want to taste success you must first taste failure. If you don't know what is right you will not know what is wrong. One must reach the earth first to reach the sky.”
Aiyaz Uddin

Christine Arnothy
“Remember this: Justice and charity come before everything. In any case, what happens to us here on earth is not very important, since our true life is waiting for us above.”
Christine Arnothy, I Am Fifteen—and I Don't Want to Die

“No longer was she the little girl trying to be an adult. She was a grown woman, feeling ten feet tall.”
Evangeline Duran Fuentes, Finding Erin

C. JoyBell C.
“It's truthfully difficult growing up a woman. When I was a girl, we lived in a small town for the most part and nobody cared to know about anything other than what they already knew. And I was something they didn't know. I really think it was harder for me than the average... girls hate you when you're adorable. Every girl in a small town wants to be the only one worth loving and I've always just had this champagne-bottle personality, unafraid to be soft. But girls took that from me, they really did. They hurt me until I had to toughen up. The best thing about being a woman is that, by now, I've learned how becoming even more like myself is more powerful than any tough exterior I could ever put on. They hate that. It really kills them.”
C. JoyBell C.

Holly Bourne
“The end of childhood is when you realise that adults have no idea what the hell they're doing”
Holly Bourne, The Yearbook

Brian Spellman
“I've finally decided what I want to be when I grow up - late.”
Brian Spellman, We have our difference in common 2.

Donna VanLiere
“Time in the valley will teach you to be a man, Nathan," she had said. "It's where your character will form. I hope you go through the valley so that you'll learn so that you'll learn how to love and feel and understand. And when life wounds you, I hope it is because you loved people, not because you mistreated them." It was a blessing of sorts, a blessing that forges love in the darkest places.

There have been times, especially during those early years without her, that I thought time in the valley was anything but a blessing, but now I know otherwise. As I grew, I began to understand what my mother meant: It is those times of struggle and pain that teach us how to live. It's not really living until you've thrown your heart and soul on the line, rising failure and suffering loss. And I have come to realize that we're never alone; everyone has been through their own valley or is walking through it now...

There were times when the grief in my life made it impossible to believe that God was alive and working, or the doubts were so great it seemed hopeless to believe anything at all, but as I look at the faces in the seats before me I now once again that we're all hear for a reason, a purpose that is often beyond us.
-The Christmas Blessing by Donna VanLeire”
Donna VanLeire

Rafael Moscatel
“Our parents were the types to cover our eyes in theaters when movies got violent and our ears if a conversation became explicit. They didn’t want us to grow up so fast that we’d forget what it was like when the only monsters in life were the ones under the bed.”
Rafael Moscatel, The Bastard of Beverly Hills: A Memoir

Mystqx Skye
“I kept looking for my old self but then I realized that I have not lost myself in the journey. I am still ME... just REDEFINED”
Mystqx Skye

Cory Richards
“At some point every generation is lost. We must be. How else can we find ourselves?”
Cory Richards, The Color of Everything: A Journey to Quiet the Chaos Within

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