
Governance Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "governance-quotes" Showing 1-15 of 15
“It is a shame that those we elected to represent us are now turning to us with questions rather than solutions. If we can do it ourselves, why do we need them?”

“Can't buy a country where every venture is destroyed by individuals using their positions in government to either send a message or acquire them. If there was no interference politicians wouldn't have to mention them.”

“Shouldn't it be made a crime to vie for a position you can't deliver? We have a confused and compromised executive and an assembly of pigs providing checks and balances in Kenya.”

“If the people are selfish, their nation would be ruled by the corrupt.”
Dr. Ashok Anand

“Public interest is Gods interests and it is sacred”
Onakpoberuo Onoriode Victor

“I do not understand why America fails to see that by continuing to make education at college level unaffordable, credit rating-dependent and student loans almost impossible to repay, it is obstructing tertiary education from its potential brightest and poorest, and killing their best prospects of attracting high-paying employment.”
Peter-Cole C. Onele

“True democratic governance is doing what your people want, not just what you want for your people.”
Peter-Cole C. Onele

“The society that lives on subsidies and freebies, is always responsible for a corrupt governance.”
Dr. Ashok Anand

“The diminishing status of truth in the world requires two things: leadership (that doesn’t yet exist) and the ability to communicate (that is useless when no one is ready to listen).”
Qamar Rafiq

“From the perspective of academic models, the PTI has cynically operated the wind turbines of accountability to put opposition heads under the water.”
Qamar Rafiq

Paul Bamikole
“Governance left to the vile and filthy makes politics a very dirty game.”
Paul Bamikole, Trees by the river

“There is a need for leadership that recognises the value and essence of creating and promoting a good and sustainable business environment.”

“Actually it is annoying to see a grown up exhibiting pettiness in a way that shows they are proud of it. Worse if they are senior government officials.”

“Voting is not just a right, it's a responsibility. We must elect qualified and reliable leaders, regardless of our political affiliations, to ensure sane and efficient governance. The current political circus with its numerous casualties is a clear reminder of our duty to vote wisely.”

“The independence of the arms of government must be checked. Let's be real if the so-called 'democracy' we were sold doesn't embrace this and adapt to the times, do we really need it? It's okay to upgrade for the benefit of the nation and not the egos of a few individuals.”