Childish Quotes

Quotes tagged as "childish" Showing 31-60 of 81
Christina Henry
“We were still children, for all that we thought we weren’t. We were in that in-between place, the twilight between childish things and grown-up things.”
Christina Henry, Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“It is human to be angry, but childish to be controlled by anger.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Kamand Kojouri
“Put down your glass,
it is time to dance.
If you want to get drunk
all you need is to drink love.
Put down your pipe
and do away with these childish toys.
If you want to get high
all you need is to breathe love.
can I have this dance?”
Kamand Kojouri

Katherine Rundell
“But the writing we call children’s fiction is not a childish thing: childish things include picking your nose and eating the contents, and tantruming at the failure to get your own way. The 45th President of America is childish. Children’s fiction has childhood at its heart, which is not the same thing.”
Katherine Rundell, Why You Should Read Children's Books, Even Though You Are So Old and Wise

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“It is childish to envy someone for something you do not need.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“We are broken. Our ways are apart.
Still we laugh together and taunt.
We fight and get hurt...
Still we don't stop!
We spread love among us,
With the scent of believe.
We write on live.
Our dreams are shattered.
We think to move on,
But scared to miss each other.
We smirk when someone scolds,
But we drink a jar of poison each time.
We die and born everyday.
We rely on each other.
We get furious.
We tease and never step back.
We listen but never act on.
For public we are mature,
But among us we are childish.
We act like ninjas among us.
And we love to stay like this...
Among us forever!
Because we are siblings.”
Irfa Adam

Robin Sacredfire
“Most people are asleep and need to be confronted, like adults that are still behaving like they're 5 years old, and don't want to assume responsibility for their mistakes.”
Robin Sacredfire

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“It is a curse to be childish, but a blessing to be childlike.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Shon Mehta
“The problem with inner child is that if it keeps showing too often, people label you as childish.”
Shon Mehta

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“It takes maturity to admit that you are wrong, especially when you are right.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Most adults are adults all over except between their ears.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Toba Beta
“Blaming is a childish act.”
Toba Beta

Ljupka Cvetanova
“So long as our parents are alive, we are children. Then we become childish.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

“An adult who is never childish, playful, is like an insane spider becoming the victim of its own web.”
Rune Kjær Rasmussen

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Many of those who might grow up someday are already adults.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“I have always loved fairy tales, even now at the age when I am supposed to be too grown up and cynical for them.”
Claire Wong, The Runaway

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Things that are truly great need nothing from me, and to somehow think that they do speaks to my utter lack of greatness.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Georgette Heyer
“Hero soon lost interest in the conversation, and left her chair to go and look out of the window into the busy street. When the Viscount at last rose to go she was employed in drawing faces on the dusty window-panes.
'If ever I saw such a troublesome chit!' exclaimed Sherry. 'Now look at your glove! What's more, I dare say Stoke don't like to have his windows looking like that.'
Mr. Stoke, watching in some amusement her ladyship's conscience-stricken scrutiny of one dirty finger-tip, said that he thought her window sketches brightened the room, and earned a grateful smile.”
Georgette Heyer, Friday's Child

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“A man whose mind has completely left childhood behind would not be surprised if he were to walk in on his wife having sex with her father … or with his mother.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“A man without a plan is simply an aging boy.”
VaeEshia Ratcliff-Davis

Cornelia Funke
“But that was the trouble with this world--at heart, it was childish.”
Cornelia Funke, Inkdeath

Alexandre Dumas fils
“One finds pleasure in childish enough things, and it is too bad to destroy such a pleasure when, by simply leaving it alone, one can make somebody so happy.”
Alexandre Dumas fils, La Dame aux Camélias

Pat Barker
“There were several paintings to admire, one of them very fine indeed. Many were urban, industrial landscapes. Paul was generous with his praise, though inwardly discouraged. In comparison with this his own work was immature, and he couldn't understand why. He wasn't particularly young for his age. His mother's long illness and early death had forced him to grow up and take on responsibility. So this maturity of vision in a man whom he found distinctly childish in many respects bewildered him. Living at home, spoiled, self-pitying, moaning on because his mother didn't pay him enough attention - for God's sake! The work and the man seemed to bear no relation to each other. And the contrast was all the more painful because Neville was painting the landscape of Paul's childhood.”
Pat Barker

Ijeoma Oluo
“How self-centered. I remember thinking that it was yet another sign that the former president was a weird emotional child who was not at all qualified for the presidency (this was, of course, before Donald Trump showed us all what ‘weird, emotional child not at all qualified for the presidency’ really looks like). But I thought of this mostly as a funny aberration.”
Ijeoma Oluo, So You Want to Talk About Race

“Who wanted to grow up, when we had the heroes like batman and superman and we had this little tiny body to act with, like them. Alas, we all have that childish nature still in us, but it's all about how people would think of us.”
Neymat Khan

“We will love each other.
We will be young.
As two dogs playing together, childish again.”
Emmanuelle Soni-Dessaigne

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If we choose to make the darkness our light we must ascribe Christmas to the genre of childish myths of the most mythical sort, for that is the only way to make it dark enough for us to tolerate it.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Jean Baudrillard
“Idle, archaic, indifferent mentality. I am beginning to feel I might give all this up, as if the challenge were not worth the trouble, might give up all judgement. This state of mind has been with me from childhood, from adolescence - a lack lustre, slipshod, idle, irresponsible, uncultivated, undesiring state. These books, did they ever interest me? These women, did I ever feel any emotion for them? All these different countries, did I want to discover them? Only the inhumanity of things has affected me, and I have in fact been unable to bring this into my own life. I read this verdict in the graph of the tonality of events, of the melancholy of faces, of the vanity and futility of our undertakings. I am still astonished by the mirror we can offer to others, by the loving or ironic image which we still are sometimes in each others' mirrors.

Increasingly, it is machines, not people, who get nervous. People only become nervous if they force themselves to look like machines.

All situations where you have to make a choice come down to this: do you prefer a woman with a very ordinary body but an attractive face, or one whose body is attractive, but whose face is nothing special? The problem is a false one. It is always preferable to be in a situation where there is no choice to be made either because the woman is perfect, or because she is the only one available.”
Jean Baudrillard, Cool Memories