
Cathars Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cathars" Showing 1-4 of 4
Laurence Galian
“Do not cling to the shore, but set sail for exotic lands and places no longer found on maps. Walk on hallowed grounds. Blaze new trails. The term synchronicity was coined in the 1950s by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, to describe uncanny coincidences that seem to be meaningful. The Greek roots are syn-, "together," and khronos, "time." Synchronicity is the effector of Gnosis. Explore the Bogomils and the Cathars not just through books but, if at all possible, by visiting their lands, cemeteries and descendants. Finally, explore the most contemporary manifestations of Gnosticism: the writings of C.G. Jung, Jorge Luis Borges, Aleister Crowley, René Guénon, Hermann Hesse, Philip K. Dick, and Albert Camus. Gradually, you will begin to understand the various thought currents and systems existing in Gnosticism, and you will have begun to understand what does and does not appeal to you in Gnostic thought.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Bernard Cornwell
“-"I have kept the faith, Planchard."
-"Then you are the only man who has" Planchard said, "and it is an heretical faith."
-"They crucified Christ for heresy" Vexille said, "so to be named a heretic is to be one with Him.”
Bernard Cornwell, Heretic

“First, there was the Medieval Inquisition, which was largely used to prosecute the Cathars.”
Hubert Wolf, The Nuns of Sant'Ambrogio: The True Story of a Convent in Scandal

“In Cathar beliefs, humans were, by nature, imperfect — fallen angels whose soul and spirit had been given physical form in frail bodies. [...] Cathars strove for this moment of consolamentum when their souls would be reunited with their angelic form.”
Janina Ramírez, Femina