
Books About Books Quotes

Quotes tagged as "books-about-books" Showing 1-30 of 62
Sohn Won-Pyung
“Books took me to places I could never go otherwise. They shared the confessions of people I'd never met and lives I'd never witnessed. The emotions I could never feel, and the events I hadn't experienced could all be found in those volumes.”
Won-pyung Sohn, Almond

Anne Bogel
“People read for a multiplicity of reasons. Nearly forty years in, I can tell you why I inhale books like oxygen: I'm grateful for my one life, but I'd prefer to live a thousand --and my favorite books allow me to experience more on the page than I ever could in my actual life.”
Anne Bogel, I'd Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life

Sohn Won-Pyung
“a bookstore is a place densely populated with tens of thousands of authors, dead or living, residing side by side. But books are quiet. They remain dead silent until somebody flips open a page. Only then so they spill out their stories, calmly and thoroughly, just enough at a time for me to handle.”
Won-pyung Sohn, Almond

“You see, there is no book that can please everyone. And if there were, it would be a bad book. You can’t be everyone’s friend, because everyone is different. You’d have to be completely lacking in personality, no rough edges or sharp corners. But even then, many people wouldn’t like you, because they need rough edges and sharp corners. Do you understand? Every person needs different books. Because what one person loves with all their heart, might leave another completely cold.”
Carsten Henn

Anaik Alcasas
“When you’re trying to communicate a big, audacious concept, it’s helpful to remember that where data falls short, a story might close the gap, and where story alone is not persuasive enough, data can make up the difference.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“The majestic whale travels the seven seas piping its unique song in the hopes of finding its tribe. The other whales in the sea can hear the solitary whale. But the song to them is foreign and unfamiliar. They’re not resonating on the same frequencies and so, it seems, there can be no reciprocity. The creature carries on, searching high and low for a sign of recognition and response.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“Communicators begin with generous intent and then surrender the work to the audience to do with as they will, including identifying and resonating with the work in their own unique ways.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“Our imagination tells us that being as connected as we are—the ease of travel, technological advances and pooled intelligence—should have produced better results for more people than we’re now seeing.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“Those who are resonating the most with your work, who recognize themselves in your vision, will naturally crave language that speaks to that you-and-me kind of 'we.' They’ll want to identify with your ideas personally and keep talking about them.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“While someone might attempt a feeble carbon copy of those ideas you’ve spent years developing, they can never match the undeniably distinctive aspect of your work. Especially if it resonates across multiple platforms and in multiple formats.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Jamise Harper
“In creating this miscellany, our goal is for you to find at least ten new-to-you and irresistible books by authors of backgrounds different from your own...that you'll read in the next year...The idea is to keep seeking out and reading diverse stories.”
Jamise Harper, Bibliophile: Diverse Spines

Anaik Alcasas
“We encounter ideas through the prism of our own lived experience and because of this a good argument can be made that we best understand big ideas when they’re presented through the same personal prism.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“Because we live in a highly uncertain world, life frequently demands that we adjust to a new normal and a new reality, different from our old normal and the old reality of yesterday. This often involves regaining our balance in the face of a diagnosis, a disability, a death in the family, a divorce or some other drastic change in our circumstances.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“We sing our way forward, on frequencies only we can, depending on the chosen space, the chosen medium, the idea we’re trying to spread and the promises we’re making to the audience we’re seeking to serve.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“Our ideas are like living entities, swimming in an ocean of other ideas. Every idea is being broadcast on a different frequency and has varying levels of resonance with those who respond to that frequency.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“Irresolution, it might be said, is a hallmark of our lives. That so much of what happens is beyond our direct knowledge or control, and that there is no way of knowing our own story’s ending (or even duration) might explain why we crave the complication-resolution pattern in story.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“An idea packaged up in nonfiction is a completely different animal to an idea packaged up in fiction. And while the lines blur in that hybrid creature called narrative nonfiction, we should be under no illusions that they’re the same animal.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“There are things we can say in nonfiction that cannot be said outright in fiction. And there are truths that can be conveyed in fiction that the constraints of nonfiction would never allow.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“One of the central problems of a time in which there are many competing voices on the airwaves, in the media and online, is finding a way to get in sync, on some semblance of the same wavelength as others who share the same values, questions and goals.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“If the alignment between author, audience, topic and timing is synchronized correctly, the audience will want to imagine themselves in the story.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“The best ideas weave in the logical as well as the emotional. Touch the head as well as the heart.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“If our transmission is too garbled due to an unwittingly arrogant tone, the idea we broadcast isn’t necessarily the idea that will be received in the minds and hearts of the hearers.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“The best ideas expand our possibilities as individuals, communities and global villagers.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“New wisdom is the wisdom that whispers to us to pursue detachment. It is the wisdom that, steady as breath work, releases us from our monkey-mind grip on exactly how life needs to look and sound. We don’t even have to obsess about how long an idea will be relevant, trusting the universe that when the idea’s time has expired an even more useful one will appear to replace it.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Anaik Alcasas
“Sending resonant signals is also different from merely adding to a cultural echo chamber. That’s because of the unique flavor of your own authority and experience, origins and obstacles. All the why’s you’ve addressed in terms of author, audience, topic and timing. Delineated in these ways, your big, generous idea, located at the edges of the possible, becomes a complementary addition to a rich and harmonic symphony. Complementary yet undeniably distinctive.”
Anaik Alcasas, Sending Signals: Amplify the Reach, Resonance and Results of Your Ideas

Lilith Saintcrow
“A place of literary canon wasn't a guarantee unless you tapped into something deeper, and Jay's longing was drawn from the deepest well of all...”
Lilith Saintcrow, Spring's Arcana

Jo Cotterill
“Kitaplar sizi gerçek hayatta hiç gidemeyeceğiniz yerlere götürüp hiç tanışamayacağınız insanlarla tanıştırır.”
Jo Cotterill, Limon Kütüphanesi

Stig Abell
“reading for me is one of the central facets of existence. I cannot spend a day without a book. I have – in common with everybody – regular moments of mental unrest, roiling disquiet, uncertainty and anxiety. I manage them with a sedative, an analgesic: the escape into worlds created by other people. The invention of the novel, it seems to me, is one of the true triumphs of human endeavour. It codifies something magnificent within all of us: the act of empathy. When we read, we forge a connection with an author, and often then a common culture or tradition that is greater than us. Reading is an act of enlarging, of expansion. It makes our ‘I’ bigger than just ourselves; it stretches our sense of identity and experience.”
Stig Abell, What to read next. How to make books part of your life.

Stig Abell
“You get to sit by yourself, listen to music and read a book. It must be heaven.”
Stig Abell, What to read next. How to make books part of your life.

Anand Suspi
“Books and idols! They are much the same. Both carry imagination. Both carry stories. Both carry hope for mankind. But between the two, I’d rather worship books.”

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