
Against All Odds Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "against-all-odds-quotes" Showing 1-7 of 7
Mitta Xinindlu
“I'm moving on like I never staggered. I'm moving to the top like I never fell off.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“They may disturb your energy with their negative actions. But, they will neither contain nor control that energy. If you're meant to shine, you will shine regardless of their efforts.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Against All Odds

Nobody taught me how to swim.
So, I swam and followed the rivers,
hoping that I'd end up in the ocean; the calm seas.
To see some dolphins and the colourful fish.

But the river that chose me was long
with hard turns, blockages, and fishing traps.
On some days, the river would run dry,
leaving me nowhere but in the middle of hard cracks.

While suffering underneath the hot sun,
the rains would hit again on my sore flesh.
Luckily by then, I'd still be breathing;
even though affected, harmed, and bleeding.

But, I had a dream that was heavier than my challenges.
So I continued with my journey,
following the stream of the river.
Hoping to reach the ocean; the calm seas.

Some days the current would be brutal,
even though I was flowing with it.
It would hit on my body,
my bones would crack.

Sometimes the river would eject me to the side.
Where I'd need to survive while I found my way back to it.
I'd have to fend off snakes,
defending myself from harm and malice.

Back in the river, I'd have to fend off scorpions, rocks, and the debris.
So, there I went, alone in the river I flowed.
At times I'd meet with swimmers
who'd be cooling off from the same waters.

Some were kayaking; others fishing.
All oblivious to my dreams, and to my state of struggle.
Some would greet me; smiling at me.
While some laughed the hardest, laughing at me.

Some would express pity,
while some expressed their sympathy.
Some would pretend that I wasn't even there.
And those who ignored me equalled my presence to that of the debris.

I remember that a few picked me up
and placed me in their small boats;
helping me to cruise afloat.
But, eventually, they left me in my struggle too.

Those who carried me,
left me in the rivers where they'd found me.
Those who passed me by,
passed-by me again on the following days.

Some shouted the loudest from their lungs
encouraging me from the sides.
Telling me that I was almost reaching the seas.
That the ocean was at a hand's reach.

But those who shouted the most rarely did anything else to help.
I also learnt that those who picked me up rarely shouted about their help.
Some used my vulnerability to gain charity points.
They'd say, "see I helped her, now clap for me from your joints".

But, above all the help, true or fake,
my dream was carrying me for my sake.
With my dream to reach the ocean, the calm seas,
I held my head the highest and swam beyond all the peaks.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“You are not defined by your past, your struggles, or your circumstances. You are defined by your strength, your kindness, and your ability to overcome. Keep pushing forward, and know that you are never alone.”
Lynda Dodds

“Imagine meeting someone who wants to understand your past not to judge or punish you, but to understand how you needed to be loved.”
Lynda Dodds

“It's a rare and powerful experience to be seen and heard, not as a victim or a statistic, but as a human being with a unique story to tell.”
Lynda Dodds

“Life is a game of chess, where each move requires careful consideration and strategizing. Sometimes, the pieces fall into place, and other times, we are faced with obstacles that seem insurmountable. It is in those moments of adversity that our true character is revealed, and we are forced to make decisions that can ultimately determine the course of our lives.”
Lynda Dodds