Lissa Smith Reads'~A Bookaholics Bookshelf

I'm a southern woman myself & when you noted the grammar effect my first thought was backwoods & uneducated. I was rather please that the dialect was free flowing and down to earth without coloring the characters as uneducated. Do you sometimes feel as a southern woman using southern colouring that fellow authors and readers frown upon your writing?

S.M. Donaldson Not other authors. I put that disclaimer in there because after reading some of my reviews when I first started writing I felt like readers needed to better understand more of where I come from. That though we do have a slang we are not ineducated. I am from the south and this is how we speak. There are words that we always leave the "g" off of. Not every single time but just like many people from Boston leave the "r" out of words. I also try to make my characters speak just like as if I were having a conversation with a friend. Thank you for asking

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