Running, Track and Field

Dedicated to the exchange and discussion of books, training methods, competitive techniques, and experiences with running and with track and field, and to the celebration of this great sport.
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Welcome new members!
By Douglas , Group Moderator · 15 posts · 18 views
last updated Feb 13, 2021 10:16PM
Greatest Finishes
By Douglas , Group Moderator · 8 posts · 25 views
last updated Feb 12, 2021 01:16PM
Usain Bolt: Using Steroids?
By Douglas , Group Moderator · 21 posts · 42 views
last updated Feb 11, 2021 09:32PM
Books we recommend
By Douglas , Group Moderator · 27 posts · 159 views
last updated Feb 11, 2021 09:12PM
Greatest female sprinter(s) of all time?
By Douglas , Group Moderator · 10 posts · 37 views
last updated Feb 11, 2021 08:59PM
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Steven Harbin
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John Karr
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