La biblioteca

Grupo del podcast sobre literatura La biblioteca
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This is a public group. Anyone can join and invite others to join.
Las normas que regirán este grupo so…more

Monstruos en el Oeste
Start date
November 1, 2017
Discussion leader
Jaume Lara
Why we're reading this
Nos encanta la novela popular bien escrita y esta recopilación de cinco de ellas va a dar mucho jugo en e…more
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Showing 5 of 6 topics — 6 comments total
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Solaris, de Stanislaw Lem
By Jaume · 1 post · 3 views
last updated Nov 26, 2017 11:59PM
Uesebé a 1 €
By Jaume · 1 post · 2 views
last updated Sep 18, 2017 12:48AM
Giveaway de mi última novela
By Jaume · 1 post · 3 views
last updated Aug 15, 2017 08:23AM
Os presento mi nueva novela
By Jaume · 1 post · 2 views
last updated Aug 04, 2017 11:03PM
Reseña de El viejo cocinero
By Jaume · 1 post · 2 views
last updated Jun 12, 2017 02:38AM
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