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The Belgariad #4

Castle of Wizardry

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A magnificent epic set against a history of seven thousand years of the struggles of Gods and Kings and men - of strange lands and events - of fate and a prophecy that must be fulfilled!


It had all begun with the theft of the Orb that had so long protected the West from the evil God Torak. Before that, Garion had been a simple farm boy. Afterward, he discovered that his aunt was really the Sorceress Polgara and his grandfather was Belgarath, the Eternal Man. Then, on the long quest to recover the Orb, Garion found to his dismay that he, too, was a sorcerer.

Now, at last, the Orb was regained and the quest was nearing its end. Of course, the questors still had to escape from this crumbling enemy fortress and flee across a desert filled with Murgo soldiers searching for them, while Grolim Hierarchs strove to destroy them with dark magic. Then, somehow, they must manage to be in Riva with the Orb by Erastide.

After that, however, Garion was sure that his part in these great events would be finished.

But the Prophecy still held future surprises for Garion - and for the little Princess Ce'Nedra!


375 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1984

About the author

David Eddings

359 books5,400 followers
David Eddings was an American author who wrote several best-selling series of epic fantasy novels. David Eddings' wife, Leigh Eddings , was an uncredited co-author on many of his early books, but he had later acknowledged that she contributed to them all.

They adopted one boy in 1966, Scott David, then two months old. They adopted a younger girl between 1966 and 1969. In 1970 the couple lost custody of both children and were each sentenced to a year in jail in separate trials after pleading guilty to 11 counts of physical child abuse. Though the nature of the abuse, the trial, and the sentencing were all extensively reported in South Dakota newspapers at the time, these details did not resurface in media coverage of the couple during their successful joint career as authors, only returning to public attention several years after both had died.

After both served their sentences, David and Leigh Eddings moved to Denver in 1971, where David found work in a grocery store.

David Eddings' first books (which were general fiction) sold moderately well. He later switched to writing epic fantasy, a field in which he achieved great success. In a recent interview with sffworld.com, he said: "I don't take orders from readers."

On January 26, 2007 it was reported that Eddings accidentally burned about a quarter of his office, next door to his house, along with his Excalibur sports car, and the original manuscripts for most of his novels. He was flushing the fuel tank of the car with water when he lit a piece of paper and threw into the puddle to test if it was still flammable.

On February 28, 2007, David Eddings' wife, Leigh Eddings (born Judith Leigh Schall), died following a series of strokes. She was 69.

David Eddings died on June 2, 2009 at the age of 77.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 983 reviews
Profile Image for Minh.
1,287 reviews33 followers
June 25, 2011
Garion gets a shock and Ce'Nedra gets a personality.
Profile Image for Sara.
211 reviews147 followers
July 12, 2021
My least favourite, just to much boring political stuff in the end and Ce'nedra is realy realy annoying😬🙄

Profile Image for Krell75 (Stefano).
362 reviews59 followers
December 22, 2023
"Sono così solo"
"E' tutto qui? Siamo tutti soli, caro, sfioriamo le altre persone per breve tempo, poi torniamo ad essere soli"

"Presto imparerete a mentire e allora sarete uguali a qualsiasi umano"

"il potere può essere molto dolce per alcuni, e non si sa mai come una persona se ne servirà finchè non le si dà l'occasione di provare"

"sembra che il problema consista nello scoprire con esattezza che cosa si è"

"Conta molto di più un'amicizia che una corona sulla testa"

"ma come posso combattere contro un dio?"
"con il coraggio"

"comunque in verità la forma non ha importanza, non sono forse quella che sono, indipendentemente dal fatto che appaia come un lupo, un gufo o una donna?"

"Chi ti ha fatto questo?"
"il Mondo, credo"

Un romanzo di transizione, attesa e preparazione al gran finale.
Un cambio di ritmo notevole rispetto al terzo romanzo in cui accadono poche cose ma tutte lasciano prepotentemente il segno.
Compassione, potere, avidità, diversità, uguaglianza, ingiustizia, questi alcuni dei temi trattati.
Coerenza e plausibilità, nessuna forzatura o buchi di trama, personaggi che riescono a strapparti un sorriso.
Nessuna divagazione su sottotrame di personaggi secondari o viaggi senza meta per migliaia di pagine, sempre tutto focalizzato, immediato e utile alla trama generale, anche molto divertente nei dialoghi.
I personaggi crescono e maturano. La principessa Ce'Nedra su tutti.

L'idea della compagnia e del viaggio che ha guidato i primi tre romanzi viene momentaneamente messa da parte in favore di tematiche politiche, dal ritmo più lento. Mi sono mancati gli altri personaggi un po' abbandonati e fuori dai giochi.

Garion il protagonista era un bambino, un semplice sguattero analfabeta e da tale si è sempre comportato, sempre ai margini dell'azione. È certamente maturato con l'esperienza vissuta finora ma sempre dipendente dalle abilità e capacità degli altri. L'utilità delle competenze dei compagni, esperti combattenti, maghi millenari e la saggezza della zia Pol, sempre sinonimo di gruppo a colmare le mancanze del singolo.
Ora il suo destino lo chiama ad essere solo e ad affrontare il nemico in un duello finale e la mancanza di molti compagni al suo fianco risulta in tutta la sua forza emotiva. La paura giunge impetuosa e quella forza dovrà trovarla dentro di se.
Eddings non lesina consigli velati o diretti, il suo romanzo di formazione sempre sul tema e profondo.
Una storia all'apparenza semplice nasconde un viaggio che rappresenta quello della vita.
Profile Image for Jack Iles.
54 reviews7 followers
December 27, 2013
Since I departed on this journey I noticed that The Belgariad series subtly lends itself to Chess. This is evident in the titles, 'Pawn of Prophecy', 'Queen of Sorcery' and so on. However David Eddings never openly acknowledged the series' overarching theme regarding the centuries old game. He weaves a love for the game within this beautiful series in more ways than the titles. The movement of the whole series begins to unfold just like a game of chess. The first book was the game's opening, establishing Garion as a simple pawn moving inexorably towards the far side of the board. The second book explained the importance of Mandorallen and Hettar, the Knights. And further comparisons can be made at the reader's discretion towards other characters, and even who can be considered as players. The third book establishes the centre of the battle, the pivotal moment in a chess game where both sides have an equal chance of winning and losing. And now, the fourth book, 'Castle of Wizardry' shows Garion's promotion from pawn to... not a pawn. Castle of Wizardry was too beautiful and complex for a small review to do it justice. The pieces on the board are rallying towards the conclusion of the game, and the White Queen (Ce'Nedra) begins her final attack against the forces of darkness. The endgame is in sight. Oh, and look at the title of the last book...
Profile Image for Wanda Pedersen.
2,099 reviews454 followers
November 4, 2015
This fourth installment of the Belgariad series plunges in exactly where the previous volume left off—there is no exposition, no reminding the reader gently what came before. Fortunately, everything is simplistic enough that even my menopausally-challenged memory was able to fish out the necessary details within the first chapter, the circumstances slowly coming back to me.

I have to say that Belgarion is a frustrating hero. He never seems to catch on to what is happening in his own life and he ends up surprised by things that the not-necessarily-astute reader has seen coming since book one. I found myself a bit offended on his behalf at several points, however, as the adults in his life kept shoving him into situations that they should have been preparing him for. They all could see that he was struggling and not understanding his role in things and I felt they should have been more forthcoming with information and support.

I do appreciate that Eddings didn’t go all “Lord of the Rings” in this series—there are no elves or orcs and the sought-after Orb doesn’t need to be destroyed. In fact, there is another “Sword in the Stone” moment as Garion accepts the Orb and it acknowledges his status as heir. Eddings does create a moderately interesting world, albeit a fairly shallow one. When reading Tolkien, I always appreciate the fact that he knew Middle Earth inside out, had created a complex history for it and designed authentic feeling languages for all of its peoples. There isn’t that same feeling of depth to Edding’s world, but how many people would go to the extremes of world-building that Tolkien did?

Even the main characters are a little wooden in the Belgariad, but a few are quite entertaining. I am always fond of Silk and his spying, conniving ways. It was also lovely to see Lord Barak settle into a more comfortable family situation. Lady Polgara and Princess Ce’Nedra provide some female main characters, but they rarely talk about anything except Garion & Ce’Nedra’s relationship, such as it is. Bechdel test fail.

One more book to go, and I hope to read it before the end of this year!

Book number 190 of my science fiction and fantasy reading project.
Profile Image for Susan Kennedy.
272 reviews9 followers
February 28, 2019
I love this series and I am enjoying the reread very much. This is a true epic journey. With that said, I find this book a bit slower than the previous three.It is mostly a setting up of the Rivan King and his betrothed. The journey is put on hold as they come to claim the crown. After all is said and done, Belgarion, Belgarath and Silk steal away to begin another journey.

After the trio leaves you follow them for a bit. Then you are back with the others as they begin to gather an army. You follow Ce'Nedra as she gives her speeches and gathers her huge army for Belgarion. They are on one journey as the trio is on another. It is not full of mystery and adventure as much as the other three, but the story is well under way and you need to reach here to continue.

Don't get me wrong, it is still an amazing story, just not as full on as the other three. But hold on, the adventure continues.
Profile Image for Olivia.
742 reviews131 followers
June 20, 2019
Less good than the previous ones; this entire book feels a bit: been there done that.

However, I like the evolution of the characters. I enjoy Garion and Ce'Nedra, and I'm looking forward to the conclusion. (But I don’t think I’ll read the Malloreon.)

This is still like sipping hot chocolate on a cold winter day, only I feel like really this is one book in five parts, and the abrupt endings dampen my enjoyment somewhat.

The entire series is a delight, and perfect for any young fantasy fan.
Profile Image for YouKneeK.
666 reviews90 followers
October 30, 2021
Castle of Wizardry is the fourth out of five books in the Belgariad series by David Eddings. I think I enjoyed this slightly more than the previous books, although I’m still sticking with a four-star rating.

This series is full of traveling, and this book had some of that too, but I enjoyed that the characters stayed in one place more. Events that readers have been waiting to see happen since the first book finally started happening too, so it was fun to see that. As with all of the books so far, I chuckled several times at the character banter, although I’m not sure if it was more or less than the other books. It seemed like a little bit more.

I’m not a big fan of the prophecy trope. That’s been present in the whole series but was more explicit in this book. I especially dislike it when it’s implied that people and events are being manipulated by a higher power to bring about the desired prophesied events. I feel like it cheapens the characters’ actions a bit if everything they do was fated to happen anyway.

I’m a little confused why .

One more book to go!
Profile Image for Michael Sorbello.
Author 1 book304 followers
November 8, 2022
The Orb of Aldur has finally been retrieved from the clutches of Torak’s henchmen, but the journey is just beginning. A terrible war is brewing. Ruthless soldiers and evil cultists are terrorizing the world with dark magic, slavery and human sacrifice. Garion must bear the burden of the destiny he was born to uphold and reach the heights of his true potential to stand against the ever growing threat of Torak’s awakening.

My favorite of the series so far. The prose and dialogue have improved a lot since the first book. The action scenes have more weight, sadness and brutality to them. The religious and political themes feel much more nuanced and thought-provoking. Everything feels more mature and serious in this one. Surprisingly, the comedy, romance and banter still remains just as consistently fun and entertaining as it’s always been in spite of all of this.

Garion and Ce’nedra receive a boatload of character development upon being forced to overcome some world-changing ordeals and internal struggles. Relg the religious zealot is more complex and interesting as he’s now placed in a position where his extreme beliefs are constantly being challenged. Polgara has a lot of emotional backstory moments that made me like her a lot more. Even Silk and Barak receive some development beyond being a couple of troublemaking goofballs. Barak evolves as a father and as a husband, Silk evolves as a son and as a friend. I’ve liked them both since the very beginning though.

There’s some really good subplots weaved in between the main narrative as well. Each one has a touching resolution that increases the depth of the internal struggles of the main cast as well as the finality of the building climax.

The pacing does get a bit messy in this one though. Some revelations are rushed and some really big moments fly by unexpectedly quickly. The last couple of chapters revolving entirely around Ce’nedra are great for her character development, but not quite as engaging or emotional as a lot of things that went down in the earlier parts. Still my favorite book in the series so far though.

Garion and Torak’s fated battle is finally on the horizon and I’m ready for the showdown.

My rating: 4.4/5
July 15, 2021
Pensaba que en este libro continuaría el formato de relato de viaje de nuestros protagonistas, prolongando las aventuras bajo las estrellas y los enfrentamientos cortos con las hordas enemigas, pero no. Edding me ha sorprendido.

Ha adelantado acontecimientos que suponía que iban a ocurrir al final, haciendo recapitular todas las ideas previas que tenía. Cosa que se agradece en un libro de fantasía clásica.

En este tomo me ha gustado verdaderamente cómo construye las peripecias y sentires de las y los protagonistas, puesto que el volantazo dado a mitad del libro no sólo nos deja a las lectoras recalculando, sino también a nuestras y nuestros personajes, particularmente a Garion -que adquiere un protagonismo inusitado y no buscado. La incomodidad que sienten algunos/as por ocupar lugares en los que jamás pensaron estar, se transmite a las y los lectores. Y llegamos a desear que sean liberadas/os de esa carga.

En este primer arco también aparece un extraño personaje llamado Misión, que me imagino que tendrá un rol preponderante en la última parte de la obra. Ya lo veremos. Y hay otros integrantes de la compañía que se desdibujan aquí y que fueron fundamentales para este recorrido por distintos reinos y peligros.

Una vez transcurrida la primera mitad de la lectura, vuelve a girar la rueda y se desatan otras aventuras. Eddings cambia el centro de la escena y lo sitúa en los avatares políticos que deben resolverse por encargo de nuestro querido Belgarath y en el cumplimiento de la Profecía Mrin. En relación a esto último he disfrutado enormemente el encuentro de tres de nuestros protagonistas con la bruja de los marjales. Lo que tiene lugar ahí es conmovedor, es como una pausa en medio de la tensión que se va acumulado casi al borde del final.

Me gusta la construcción que el autor hace de las personalidades de las mujeres del grupo, Polgara, Ce’Nedra y Taiba. Todas con una fuerza arrolladora y caracteres muy diversos que se ponen de manifiesto en las situaciones más adversas. Polgara con su fortísimo carácter que mantiene a todos y a todas en vereda, Ce’Nedra atravesada por los caprichos de una vida sin privaciones y obligada a crecer por las circunstancias que rodean los Acuerdos de Vo Mimbre, y Taiba, ex esclava de los murgos que jamás fue quebrada a pesar de todo el sufrimiento atravesado.

En el próximo tomo se termina la historia, creo que extrañaré este mágico recorrido por estas tierras iluminadas por el Orbe de Aldur.
Profile Image for Belinda.
1,331 reviews211 followers
January 13, 2018
5 stars - Audiobook - if I don't hurry up their will be no more Murgo's to kill-Belgarion goes on a journey to meet up with the Child of Dark and Ce'nedra raises an army. I do so love the charaters of David Eddings books. Their hero's with some issues 😀🌸🌸
Profile Image for Jane Jago.
Author 86 books170 followers
February 19, 2017
You have to wait until I've done number five, then I'm gonna review the lot as a set.

Until then. Polgara still annoys me, and I do wish Garion would punch somebody
Profile Image for Massimo.
281 reviews
September 20, 2022
Continua l'avventura di Garion e compagni e la saga si avvia alla conclusione (manca un volume). Il libro mantiene la semplicità della trama mostrata nei precedenti volumi e il lettore è accompagnato nelle avventure già immaginando cosa potrà succedere. Bisogna comunque tener conto dei quasi 40 anni di età del romanzo. L'aspetto più convincente del racconto sono i suoi protagonisti, vari e piacevoli, che si integrano tra loro mantenendo viva l'attenzione con i loro particolari caratteri che mettono un pò di sale nella storia. Non travolgente, ma piacevole!
Profile Image for Economondos.
86 reviews8 followers
September 26, 2024
Eddings keeps up the quality in the fourth book of the series. We get a lot more time with Princess Ce'Nedra and Polgara, which make for some interesting reading. Can't write much more of a review without spoilers, so just consider this one a recommend (but not a solo book).
4 reviews
August 16, 2015
It does not often happen that I put a book away midway.

I have read the past 3 installments in a matter of weeks.

But with each book my annoyance has grown.

It is painfully obvious since book one who Garion is. To everyone but him and C'Nedra.
+That is not even the problem with the book.

It is the blatant dislike the reader has to form to two major charcters. Whereas Pol started as the good Aunt protecting Garion it has become more and more clear that Garion means only a prophecy to her. She cares for him as long as he follows her orders, uncaring to his feelings.

The same is she towards Ce'Nedra and in this book the reader understands just how far this scheming goes.

Not one of the Friends and family explain a thing to Garion. He blunders his way through politics and no one helps. But everyone is rather vocal afterwards, chastising a boy who was a scullery boy for not behaving kingly. As they complain about his simple mind no one realizes that they have kind of forgotten to raise him as something but a farm hand. Especially nobody complains that Pol has not raised the boy as anyone but a pot scrubber.

The thing is: she could not have raised him differently as it becomes painfully clear she just needs him to fulfill a prophecy and cares no further for the boy. That is the twisted truth of her affection. It is only showing when Garion does as she says, precisely.

It makes you want to tear out your hair.

As the dislike for Pol and Ce'nedra grows in the third book, it explodes in the fourth. These are the supposedly two strong females that have been written as poor stereotypes. They lack everything a strong female character needs and make a sick joke of women in ruling positions, drawing them as power hungry schemers that use affection and partly their body to silence justified anger.

I could not read further as each scene with them simply kept me shaking my head in despair. Besides that the story is as so many fantasy stories the first book had been promising a good read, the second made you cringe in fear for future installments, the third sadly made you realize it would get worse and in the fourth it did.

I can not get over my dislike for Aunt Pol and Ce'nedra and as these are mains I can not continue rading sadly.
Profile Image for Stephen.
1,516 reviews11.9k followers
December 4, 2010
3.5 stars. Fourth installment of the Belgariad. Not quite as good as the previous entries but still a good, solid read.

One final note: I listened to the audiobook narrated by Cameron Beierle and he did an excellent job with the series.
Profile Image for Joanne.
745 reviews81 followers
April 22, 2021
The fourth installment of The Belgariad Series By David Eddings. The characters have me totally immersed in this fantasy world, and Eddings writing and story telling has improved with each book.

This book is the set-up for the finale in book 5, so it was not as action-packed as the first three. The series is old school fantasy, good vs. evil and all the elements/people have come together for the final battle. A good fun read
Profile Image for Jim.
Author 7 books2,066 followers
July 24, 2016
The characters are all there & are coming into their own, but otherwise there's not much to say. These books must be read in order & as a set of 5. I was happy that this book kept up the pace & I blew through it quickly. On to the final one.
Profile Image for Julie.
180 reviews22 followers
July 14, 2010
Book 4 of the Belgariad, I must admit, is a slog. We start off with a bit of action as Garion & friends escape from Cthul Murgos and back to the west. About halfway through the book comes the moment we've all been waiting for since the prologue of book 1: Garion is crowned the Rivan King. After that, unfortunately, the book slows way down as Garion has to deal with Politics (tm) and come to terms with life as a king.

About two-thirds of the way through, Garion secretly escapes from Riva with his "grandfather" Belgarath and everybody's favourite spy Silk (probably the most entertaining character in the series). They're off to Mallorea so that Garion can face the god Torak in one-on-one battle and decide the fate of the world. They travel for a bit, but nowhere more interesting than the swamps of Drasnia. (I can just hear Eddings now: "Look, it's another country I invented! Isn't it neat? Don't you like the little animals I created? Aren't they clever?")

With our main point-of-view character gone, the last 75 pages of the book are told from the perspective of Princess Ce'Nedra, Garion's betrothed. At first, those slog too, as Ce'Nedra must also deal with Politics (tm). There's a bit of a bright point at the end as Ce'Nedra -- helped by the usual cast of characters, who don't have anything better to do now that Garion's gone -- musters an army. She's off to fight a hopeless battle against the evil Asharaks to give Garion time to kill Torak.

If Book 1 felt like an extended prologue, book 4 feels like a capstone to the first three books and a setup to book 5. It doesn't really have much of a story in-and-of itself. Here's hoping that book 5 will give us a decent climax, because otherwise book 4 will have been mostly wasted.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for James.
366 reviews16 followers
May 3, 2019
While this was not my favorite of the series as a whole, it had some of my favorite moments. Everything is coming together, and actions from previous books are beginning to show their consequences. The lead up to the throne room at Riva was particularly well done, as is the development of Ce'nedra in the later half. Polgara is still kind of irritating me. She's so abrasive and condescending so much of the time. It would be nice to see another side of her. Ready to conclude with book 5!
Profile Image for Stephen.
1,516 reviews11.9k followers
June 25, 2010
3.5 stars. Fourth installment of the Belgariad. Not quite as good as the previous entries but still a good, solid read.

One final note: I listened to the audiobook narrated by Cameron Beierle and he did an excellent job with the series.
Profile Image for Ariana.
315 reviews46 followers
February 17, 2015
Eh, probably the least interesting in the series. I am not a fan of the way the Ce'Nedra is treated throughout this book, and Polgara is at her meanest, in my opinion.
Profile Image for Katy.
2,050 reviews197 followers
July 16, 2023
2023: Yes, I did stay up late and read this one.

2019: A reread of this fun series.
Profile Image for Narilka.
666 reviews47 followers
April 29, 2020
April 2020 reread: Ahh yes, the slowest book in the series. Still an enjoyable read. And Ce'Nedra's still annoying though I think she has grown as a character by the end. Only one book to go! Review from 2013 below.


Castle of Wizardry is the fourth book of The Belgariad. The story picks up immediately after events in Castle of Wizardry. While a few events do happen to move the story along, this book focuses more on the characters than what we've seen previously. It is also the set up for the final book so reads more as the middle book in a series to me than the previous two. As we have less events happening, the book is a slightly slower read than those previous as well. This is also the point when Eddings has more characters than the story needs. A few get focused on while the rest fade into the background.

Two characters we were briefly introduced to in the last book become members of the party: Errand, an innocent child and unlikely thief, and Taiba, a slave woman the party rescues. While he plays a larger role in the second series, here Errand is primarily used as a plot device. He is the only true innocent on the planet and therefor able to touch the Orb. His name comes from "errand" being the only word he says as he tries to give the Orb to anyone he sees. His innocence is also used occasionally as a distraction to get others to do the right thing. Taiba seems primarily to be a foil to Relg. Being a slave her entire life, she has had a hard life and is unused to the outside world. She also represents the ultimate temptation for Relg: sin. It is through her that Relg starts to have a small character arc as he realizes that the world is not as black and white as he would like. Ironically, after the party gets to Riva, these characters pretty much fade into the background.

Garion continues to grow, transitioning from a typical teen to the beginnings of maturity. After his true heritage is announced to the world, Garion has no choice but to accept the role the Prophecy has laid out for him. It is with a mixture of relief and trepidation that he looks full on his destiny and choose the path that will save the most lives.

Ce'Nedra also begins her character arc. For the first time in her life she realizes that she is not the center of the universe and cares more for another than for herself. It is through this strength that she is able to complete the tasks set out for her by the Prophecy. It is good to see her as something more than a spoiled princess.

One of the downsides to The Belgariad is that Eddings sets up little side stories and then they don't go anywhere. It's a shame really as some of those stories could have been interesting. It is probably to keep things focused as many of those asides don't have much bearing on the overall story, but it still would've been neat as a way to revisit other areas of the world.
Profile Image for Scot Parker.
268 reviews66 followers
April 29, 2018
This was an enjoyable continuation of the series. The armies of the west have begun to assemble to do battle with Mordor....er, wait, I got confused again. Armies are assembling though as we march towards the ultimate confrontation between Garion and Torak. If you've been enjoying the series so far, this book won't disappoint.
Profile Image for Cheri.
477 reviews7 followers
August 30, 2016
More of the same. Classic fantasy.

Yet: I am beginning to tire of the horrible way David Eddings writes women. They're all shrill, half of them are empty-headed, and they all enjoy cooking and sewing.

How lazy is that kind of writing?
Profile Image for Anita.
224 reviews4 followers
July 16, 2021
Damn la reseña que escribí era para el libro siguiente 🌚 este me encantó!
Profile Image for Xabi1990.
2,054 reviews1,167 followers
November 8, 2020
Leído en 2011.
Recomendaron a este autor/saga en el tema sobre “Ciencia ficción y fantasía” y aunque empecé con él con bastante reticencia es cierto que se deja leer. Le he comentado un poco en ese tema, por si alguien tiene interés.

EDITO : para no alargarlo voy actualizando este mensaje con los distintos libros. Creo que caerán los 5. El 2º muy bien, mantengo el 4 alto.

VUELVO A EDITAR : Ya han caído los 5 libros de esta saga. Mantengo la nota general del "4", pero solo para aficionados a la Fantasía. Muy entretenida la saga pero no creo que se lleve ningún premio Nobel de literatura.

(Copio/pego en los 5 libros)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 983 reviews

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