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Kings of Avalier #2

The Broken Elf King

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I never should have taken that loan but my aunt needed the meds and they were too expensive for me to afford by myself. Now I’ve been sold to slavery and the Nightfall Queen’s guards have found out I’m not entirely human.

I guess I’m lucky they didn’t kill me.

The next thing I know I’m transferred to the Elf King’s castle to find out that he has bought me. It will take me five years to pay off the debt but I get to be his personal assistant. Personal assistant to the king. That can’t be so bad, right?

Wrong. Oh how wrong I was.

His council has tasked me with finding him a wife before they will fund his war against the Nightfall Queen. That part should be easy, he’s rich, disgustingly handsome, and smart to boot. The problem? He’s rejecting every high born female I send his way.

The more time we spend together, the more we realize I’m not just some half elf. There is a deep power that runs through my veins, one that makes me a target. His solution?

Enter into a fake marriage with him so that he can get the council off his back and I can get some protection.

That’s a great idea, so long as I don’t fall in love with him.
Should be simple enough…

The Broken Elf King is book TWO of FOUR in the Kings of Avalier series. It's a full-length standalone fantasy romance that focuses on the Elf King Raife Lightstone.

354 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 26, 2022

About the author

Leia Stone

85 books5,614 followers
Leia Stone is the USA Today bestselling author of multiple bestselling series including Matefinder and Wolf Girl. She's sold over two million books and her Fallen Academy series has been optioned for film. Her novels have been translated into five languages and she even dabbles in script writing. Leia writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance with sassy kick-butt heroines and irresistible love interests. She lives in Spokane, WA with her husband and two children.

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5 stars
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127 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 843 reviews
Profile Image for aly ☆彡.
369 reviews1,635 followers
December 13, 2023
Saw this book in one of my local bookstores and thought that this is probably what I need at a moment of slump.

However, the book, though short, leaves much to be desired. Despite the apparent hustle and bustle within its pages, a sense of emptiness prevails. The characters' shallow emotional depth fails to breathe life into the narrative, leaving the overall experience lacking in vibrancy and connection. The brevity of the book amplifies the impact of this deficiency, making it feel like a missed opportunity to delve into the intricate emotions that could have enriched the story.

While there's room for improvement, it manages to escape the label of being entirely bad. Despite occasional shortcomings, it brings moments of enjoyment, which a rare feat for someone who finds reading to be a chore at this time. The quick passage of time while reading speaks to its overall enjoyable nature.

I don't think this book deserves its two stars feat but I also don't think it stands with my other three stars read, so it is what it is.
For that, my generous self decides to settle for 2.5/5 ☆ Further RTC
Profile Image for Sweet and Salty Reviews by DD.
604 reviews215 followers
December 15, 2022
This was a good read, like a 3.75 star. Sweet read. Loving. Smidge of excitement. Just not one that blew my socks off.

I am keeping it simple today...still recovering from the traumatic read from yesterday.

Happy reading,
DD 🥂
Profile Image for Paige IRB.
464 reviews
November 27, 2022
not a Spicy fantasy but it’s so good!

This was less spicy than the last one but the characters drew me in so much with this one. Lani was strong and born to be a queen and I respected how powerful she was and became. Great fantasy series.
Profile Image for Ashley.
447 reviews1,928 followers
February 20, 2024
I am legit LOVING this series! This is such a good - quick fantasy read!

I really love the immediate connection between the two main characters and how badass yet again the FMC is. I absolutely love a badass FMC!!

I also loved the fake dating in this becauseeeee well we all know it wasn't even close to being fake 😉
Profile Image for Mena.
266 reviews36 followers
December 5, 2022

The fmc was so pathetic….self respect could come round and slap her across the face and she still wouldn’t recognise what it was.
Profile Image for TheBookPlatypus.
1,085 reviews217 followers
November 29, 2022
One thing I love about Leia Stone is her writing just flows effortlessly. It captures my attention from page one. Nothing is overdone or feels left out. Minimal spice and all action and world building, I haven’t read a book of hers I didn’t like. I read this in one sitting.

King Raife Lightstone of the elves.

Kailani Dulane half elf/half human. She’s in trouble for not able to pay a debt and is now the kings assistant for 5 years to pay off her debt collector.

King Raife is so broken. The Queen killed off his entire family right in front of him. Poison. And he’s paranoid about his food. Overcome with despair and depression but also hyper focused on revenge. He needs the other Kings to agree to help overtake the human Queen and her minions.

This is a friends to lovers, marriage of convenience trope.

Lani and Raife become friends over the time she’s his assistant and ends up doing him a favor of marriage to get the council off his back and agree to war.

“Being fake married to a troll with warts on his nose would involve superb acting. Pretending I was in love with Raife Lightstone was a little too easy.”

But it’s hard to keep feelings in check. And friendship evolves into love.
Despite this, Lani finds herself as a rare and powerful being. It brings some drama to the table. And he also finds herself to be one badass Queen herself.

This is such a good action packed book! I can’t wait for the next one!
Profile Image for Moon.
399 reviews
August 9, 2023
I just seem to be DNF'ing books right and left these days. But I tried with this one. I really did! The beginning was off to a great start, but things quickly fizzled out from there. I didn't like The Broken Elf King (sorry, I cannot remember his name!) He was too inconsistent for my tastes. Says he

The writing was good, but the characters were too stupid for my liking. Not for me. 2 stars.
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,456 reviews114 followers
July 19, 2023
Recensione sulla mia pagina Bookstagram

Kailani aveva un debito da dover ripagare ma non le pesava, ciò che aveva fatto era stato necessario e per una buona causa.

Inoltre, a dirla tutta, quel debito l’aveva condotta a corte, dal re degli Elfi, anche lui come Drae in cerca di moglie. Le aveva offerto di essere la sua assistente personale e lei aveva accettato, soprattutto perché Re Raife si era mostrato fin da subito confidenziale e simpatico.

Kailami era mezza umana e mezza elfa, allora per quale motivo il re di punto in bianco le fece una proposta ancora più allettante e intima di quella di lavorare a stretto contatto?

🖋️Anche questo secondo volume della serie Kings of Avalier mi è piaciuto, se possibile più del primo. L’ambientazione fantastica e medievale mi affascina da sempre, e in questo libro che racconta una storia d’amore ma anche di un popolo che ha poteri guaritori, pacifico e leale, mi ha conquistata.

*Ringrazio la CE per le copie cartacee e la collaborazione
Profile Image for Maik.
173 reviews6 followers
July 22, 2023
In case anyone is wondering: this series does not, in fact, get better. If you don't like part one, then don't bother with this one. The author has yet to meet a fanfic cliché she doesn't love (and I'm talking Wattpad/fanfiction.net, not AO3).

It did make me laugh though, mostly because we have fantasy setting where, out of nowhere, the female protagonist wonders why she hasn't shaved her legs recently. Oh, and she wears a bikini. And a sundress with a floppy hat. Idk either.
Profile Image for Restless Isabelle.
243 reviews22 followers
December 15, 2022
Look, potentially this rating is a bit harsh but the fantasy x romance scene is completely inundated with books like this and I’m over it. BUT, if you’re looking for a trope based easy read - fake marriage, enemies to allies then lovers, light (VERY light) world building - then you might have a good time.
Profile Image for ♡ Martina ♡.
243 reviews284 followers
April 25, 2024
4 ⭐

Non pensavo che mi sarebbe piaciuto più del primo!
Questo secondo volume mi ha riservato molte sorprese alcune, diciamo, piuttosto piacevoli anche se (come nel precedente volume) ci sono cose che mi hanno fatto storcere il naso.
Mi è piaciuto molto il personaggio "tormentato" di Raife anche se oltre al volere vendetta per la sua famiglia non si è approfondito molto il suo personaggio, stesso discorso vale per Kailani le cui caratteristiche sembrano molto abbozzate. Inoltre per un passaggio particolare del libro (NO SPOILER) ricorda moltissimo un passaggio del primo volume.
Il punteggio sicuramente vi lasciarà confus* (considerando ciò che ho scritto sopra) ma in verità vi dico che il merito (o la colpa) di questo punteggio piuttosto alto sia dovuto al rapporto tra Kailani e Raife (e alle trope presenti in questo libro che mi hanno fatta dannare).
Continuerò la saga? Penso proprio di sì considerando che il terzo libro è quello su cui ripongo più aspettative!
Non accennerò ad altro per evitare spoiler ma (nonostante gli evidenti difetti) vi consiglio questa saga se siete alla ricerca di romantasy senza troppe pretese e che vi faccia staccare la spina per un po'.
Sarà forse il motivo per cui ho dato un punteggio così alto? Sicuramente sì!
Profile Image for Madison.
831 reviews26 followers
January 5, 2023
3 ⭐️

I think a major downfall in this book is not allowing the main character to truly explore her magically abilities. I feel she came off as a naive girl in the world of Elves that just didn't get to enjoy or explore her gifts. It was so focused on the marriage and romance, the world and plot fell down more than I expected.
Profile Image for Anna  Quilter.
736 reviews38 followers
July 28, 2024
This was fun.
Half Human Half Elf Kailani finds herself personal assistant to handsome Elf King Raife..when she was expecting far worse
Score! (In her words)
However what she doesn't expect is an offer of marriage from a King succumbing to pressure from his Council..
Of course she's fallen in love with him.
Plus there's the threat of the Queen who poisoned the Kings family and is intent on finishing the job.
What a Shitstorm! ( Her words).
Quickish read that moves along at a fair speed and adds to the Authors line of feisty heroines.
Profile Image for Amarilli 73 .
2,487 reviews85 followers
June 1, 2023
Okay, era solo un impiego part time. Trovare moglie. Ricordare nomi, compleanni. Partecipare alle assemblee. Assaggiatrice. «Nient’altro, mio signore?»

Il secondo volume mi è piaciuto di più, anche perchè ho più familiarizzato con l'ambientazione: oltre alla regina umana di Nightfall, super cattiva (benché ingegnosa e in grado di creare macchinari bellici), ci sono tutta una serie di popolazioni soprannaturali che invece risultano molto più pacifiche e che gradiscono vivere in un sereno habitat medievale.
Uomini industriosi contro creature easy life, per così dire.

E mentre tutti le stanno buscando dalla regina-guerriera, pare che i quattro giovani re di ciascun popolo stiano perdendo i loro poteri, a meno che non si sposino e non generino una lunga scia di eredi.
Il problema è trovare la consorte adatta: dopo il re dei Draghi, anche quello degli Elfi si è rassegnato a una selezione di candidate idonee.
Finché Kailani non gli piomba al castello, venduta come schiava, riscattata e quindi finita a fare un colloquio di lavoro per assistente personale del re (dall'assaggiare i pasti a tenere l'agenda, sino a prendere appunti).
Se Raife è stato traumatizzato dalla strage della sua famiglia ed è cupo e sospettoso, lei è solare, simpatica, intraprendente.
Anche questo carino. Leggero, ma scorrevole.
Profile Image for Hilda.
1,198 reviews263 followers
April 17, 2023
This story follows Raife and Kailani and I ate it up. There’s so much action in this story and the evil Queen makes an appearance. I really enjoyed it. Again, I was frustrated with the MC’s but I’m figuring out my least favorite trope is miscommunication. I hate it! Just communicate. It’s not angst. It’s being dumb. And some people can write real good angst and some can’t. It just frustrates me. This is one of those authors. The story could be so much more enjoyable instead I spend a lot of time rolling my eyes. But at the same time it’s like a car accident, I have to read these books. Like now, I’m anticipating the third and final book. They can’t come fast enough.

I was left wondering about Kaklani’s gift though. And will we ever find out?
Profile Image for Sharon Hughson.
Author 31 books61 followers
December 18, 2022
Prepare for Laughter & Tears

It’s a good book when you like the character and can’t predict every turn of the story. It’s a great book if the character is so real you want to befriend them, and the story keeps you turning pages.

When it makes you laugh and then cry? That’s the best type of book, and Stone brought those emotions to the surface for me with these characters and this story.

Even though the end wrapped too quickly (which I also complained about in book one), this is a five-star read in every way.
Profile Image for Unalettricesuldivano♡.
72 reviews6 followers
August 18, 2024
Review 🇮🇹🇬🇧

2º Kings of Avalier -> confermo: saga carinissimaaaa *-* letto in meno di 1 gg!
Raife, re degli Elfi 🧝🏻‍♂️(adoroh), assume Kailani (venduta alla corte come schiava) come assistente personale incaricata di trovargli moglie, ma indovinate un po’? I due faranno faville! La futura regina risulterà oltre che un’empatica una donna con le 🎱🎱
Tra emozioni e battaglie questo secondo volume diventa più interessante del primo.
La Stone mi sta letteralmente catturando col suo modo di scrivere fluido e leggero. Conquista filtrando le emozioni di Kailani, e non solo, e trasmettendole direttamente al lettore!!!
Leggetelo! Niente di impegnativo e una boccata d’aria fresca!

Personaggio preferito: Kailani, e il cuoco Brulier 👨‍🍳 che non spiccica na parola ma mi sta troppo simpy.

2nd Kings of Avalier -> I confirm: very cute saga *-* read in less than 1 day!
Raife, king of the Elves 🧝🏻‍♂️(AWWW), hires Kailani (sold to the court as a slave) as a personal assistant in charge of finding him a wife, but guess what? The two will make a sparks! The future queen will be not only an empath but also a woman with 🎱🎱
Between emotions and battles, this second volume becomes more interesting than the first.
Stone is literally capturing me with her fluent and light way of writing. Conquer by filtering Kailani's emotions, and more, and transmitting them directly to the reader!!!
Read it! Nothing challenging and a breath of fresh air!

Favorite characters: Kailani, and the chef Brulier 👨‍🍳 who doesn't say a word but is too cute for me.

Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,270 reviews215 followers
October 4, 2023
Karin - per RFS

Un romanzo accattivante, che armonizza il romance con la sua componente fantasy in una realtà al limite delle più mistiche caratteristiche medioevali fino alle innovazioni urban, che rendono la storia avvincente non solo per le descrizioni di un mondo antico che si sposa con quello moderno, ma anche da un lato per il fascino delle tradizioni di uno dei popoli più amati del “vero” fantasy, gli elfi, e dall’altro grazie a una rivoluzione che tende a spingere l’essere umano a volere la supremazia della specie. La storia tra i nostri due bellissimi protagonisti è semplice e al contempo ricca di temi importanti quali l’amore, il rispetto, l’amicizia e il senso di famiglia. Tuttavia non manca quel tocco di originalità in cui la protagonista femminile, la mezzelfa Kailani, si ritrova a combattere non solo per sopravvivere a un’esistenza di stenti, ma anche a riconoscersi in un popolo che finirà per amarla per la sua vena combattiva. Una giovane ragazza di appena “diciotto inverni”, come piacevolmente la descrive l’autrice, che passa da momenti di leggerezza della sua età a uno spirito di battaglia e ricerca di amore.

Il re degli elfi, invece, è un essere dalle orecchie a punta e dalle sembianze celestiali, che nasconde in sé il fuoco della vendetta sin dai suoi quattordici anni, momento in cui tutti coloro che amava sono stati trucidati davanti ai suoi occhi.

Facciamo un breve accenno alla storia: in soldoni, Kailani viene venduta per aver contratto un debito, la “acquisterà” proprio Raife, il re degli elfi, dopo il piccolo show messo in atto dalla ragazza (non è lo spettacolo che potete immaginarvi). Da qui “contrarranno” un patto dal quale ne leggerete di tutti i colori!

Devo ammettere che questo volume delle serie mi è piaciuto e mi ha presa molto più del primo!

Il rapporto tra i protagonisti vi potrebbe risultare troppo young, scordatevi scene hot all’ennesima potenza, ma di certo sensualità e attrazione non mancano. In tal modo risulta adatto anche a una lettrice più giovane, sebbene avrei preferito qualche dettaglio di passione maggiore. La trama è semplice e la narrazione rende la lettura estremamente scorrevole, qualche conflitto al momento giusto senza dinamiche eccessive, una bellissima costruzione dei personaggi che sono, a mio avviso, il punto di forza del libro.

Il re degli elfi si lascia leggere in poche ore e permette di empatizzare un po’ con tutti i personaggi, il bello inoltre è che vengono accennati e ripresi vecchi e nuovi protagonisti che sono curiosa di conoscere e approfondire…

In attesa del terzo volume della serie, consiglio questa lettura per un momento di relax per nulla impegnativo, scappano anche un paio di risate!

Profile Image for Marzia.
187 reviews
February 1, 2023
remember assistant trying finding wife for her boss and getting fake married to him like for the foreseeable future?

There you go, classic fake married trope we're talking here , but what makes it unbearable?

The protagonists obviously, it's kinda one of those rare time the male MC is more annoying than the female one. Lemme tell you the whole story in a line......

Girl thinking he lovers her, he trying to make her hate him cause he is scared, let's keep it till the end... THE END
Profile Image for Amber.
74 reviews
December 8, 2022
strong start and then…

I feel like I somehow tricked myself into believing this was going to be a good book. It’s all predictable, all of it… and it’s just simple. If you want something to just skim through, sure, go ahead… but you won’t find anything of sustenance.
Profile Image for Wendy.
523 reviews6 followers
January 16, 2023
Again another female lead with so much potential. At least in this one she gets to exercise more of it, but this is another one that would benefit from the characters oh I don't know actually talking to each other?
Profile Image for Roxanne.
982 reviews67 followers
May 21, 2023
I didn’t like the first book so I’m not sure why I thought this would be any better. The author has some good story ideas but the writing is just SO weak. It’s painful to read.
Profile Image for Annette.
3,329 reviews156 followers
March 25, 2024
I remember finishing the first book in the series and loving it that much that I had to have the three other books right away. I also remember receiving them, putting them on the shelves and having them stay there for quite some time. However, this weekend I wanted something quick and easy. I wanted to know for sure that I could finish it today. The choice was easy. This book was the perfect fit and I started reading right away.

What I absolutely love about these books is the sort of predictability. I know that some people like to be surprised while reading, but in some cases I like to get exactly what I'm expecting. This is such a case. This book is all about a fake wedding and of course we know from the start how this is gonna end. Both characters will catch feelings for each other and eventually their fake wedding will become a very real wedding.

I did like that it really took a long time before both characters were ready to admit their feelings though. Especially the king has build a tough wall around his heart, which is easy to understand once you read his backstory, and our heroine has to go very far to make him see that being with her is far better than being without her. However, I do like that it appears all her attempts aren't working until it's clear his wall has crumbled completely.

I also like that our heroine, since the hero is taking so much time to admit that he's in love with her and that this marriage is very real, has to discover who she wants to be without him. There is an amazing moment towards the end of the book where the heroine is escaping the hero's shadow. I have to admit that it's a little unbelievable that she can be this good after reading a book about the topic, but those are details I'm willing to forgive. I loved the moment too much.

I can't wait to dive into the next book!
Profile Image for Maika Medici.
555 reviews19 followers
July 10, 2023
“Al momento la cosa migliore in cui potevo sperare era che il mio nuovo padrone fosse una persona… ehm, un elfo perbene.”

«Come ti chiami?»

«Kailani Dulane, signore.»

C’è chi ruba, chi uccide, ma per commettere reato basta contrarre un debito… che non si riesce a saldare. Kailani si è indebitata per comprare le medicine all’amata zia, che l’ha cresciuta come una madre.

«Cosa pensi della regina di Nightfall?»

«La odio. Vorrei solo che morisse così potremmo vivere tutti in pace».

Primo incontro con il re, e la risposta di Kailani le assicura un lasciapassare per la libertà, ma con un prezzo: dovrà lavorare come – udite, udite! – assistente personale di sua maestà, per saldare il debito. Troppi giorni, troppe ore, ma non è un lavoro né sporco né faticoso – se per fatica non si intenda lottare contro la bellezza e il carisma del re Lighstone. Tra l’altro, il compito principale di Kailani è indicargli la sposa più adatta, visto che il Consiglio sta facendo pressioni affinché il re si unisca in matrimonio.

Per il re, tuttavia, tutte le donne del suo lignaggio sembrano inadatte e propone un patto a Kailani, con la quale nel frattempo si è instaurato un vero rapporto di amicizia, quindi di fiducia totale: un matrimonio finto che non implichi un sentimento dalla parte di lei. Per quest’ultimo dettaglio è già in ritardo, visto che Kailani da un po’ ha iniziato a fare dei pensieri tutt’altro che casti nei confronti di Raife.

I due si sposano e non consumano; Raife promette di curare la zia di Kailani; Kailani sviluppa dei poteri che credeva di non avere e che la mette in pericolo. Tra colpi di scena, battaglie in vista e uno spiccato istinto di protezione, il re si scopre innamorato della vera regina.

«Che cosa ti spaventa così tanto?»

«Innamorarmi di te. Perderti. Essere degno di te. Non essere dentro di te. Tutto quello che ti riguarda mi spaventa, Lani.»

Secondo volume della serie King of Avalier, perfettamente legato al primo con dei riferimenti inequivocabili a l’alleanza tra Draghi ed Elfi contro la regina di Nightfall. Il Re degli Elfi mostra lo stesso canovaccio del primo volume, Il Re dei Draghi: il Re cerca una moglie, che successivamente mostra dei poteri particolari, per la quale perde la testa e nella quale trova una forte alleata in guerra. Ma nonostante ciò, quindi una certa prevedibilità, questo volume è avvincente quanto il primo. La scrittura potente e ricca di particolari della Stone rende vivida ogni scena e insinua una continua voglia di scoperta nel lettore.

Ho completamente perso la testa per tutti i primi quattro protagonisti, ora resto in attesa dei restanti due volumi; fremo dalla voglia di scoprire che piega prenderà la guerra contro la regina di Nightfall, soprattutto è impellente conoscere da vicino il terzo alleato, un amico con cui Raife ha avuto un piccolo screzio in passato.

Non mi resta che augurarvi buona lettura e felice innamoramento!
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,056 reviews153 followers
February 6, 2024
I still enjoy the writing and really admire the world-building, and I will definitely read the rest of this series (I really have to see the Evil Queen defeated...) but.

Oh, but. I'll put the rest in spoilers, as my concerns are tied to the plot.

As with the first book in this series, I really enjoyed the story, flaws and all, but I do think these issues should be addressed at some point. I feel like the men's POV at the end are just not (soon?) enough to give insight into why they acted the way they did.

*I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for sam (nesta's version).
241 reviews11 followers
February 14, 2024
★ ★ ★.5 | 🌶 (fade to black)

check TWs

Note: I try my hardest to not include spoilers in my reviews. However, spoilers and how you define a spoiler is subjective. Proceed with caution.

*A special thank you to Netgalley and Bloom Books for early access to this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.*


Y’all know how I felt about the first book in this series, but I thought I’d give this one a try anyway. And I’m glad I did.

I definitely liked this one more than the first one. The main thing that ruined the first one for me was the end, so I went into this one a little worried about the ending.

And that didn’t end up being completely unwarranted. The ending for this book just felt… abrupt. Like it just ended after the main conflict. But, there was enough to prepare for the next book.

As far as the characters, I lowkey loved them way more than the ones in the first book. I mean Raife? SWOON. I also liked how independent Kalani was, though that wavered at times.

My biggest gripe with this book is the lack of development in both the plot and the characters. Most of the time, I can handle a book that is more plot driven versus character driven and vice versa. But, this one had too little of both.

The book could’ve been longer to incorporate more world building and character development. I wanted to know more about the world and about Raife and Kalani. Their traumas and how it shaped them as characters. A lot of it just felt surface level.

I would still like to read the next book to see if the series gets better, and I gotta be honest, I’m definitely intrigued by the Fae King.
Profile Image for Fen'Harel.
237 reviews49 followers
August 24, 2023
I refuse to believe these books were edited by an adult. Or a human at all.
Let's start it off strong. How about we don't allow for a character to have her name spelled two different ways MULTIPLE TIMES!?!? Corleena/Corleenaa is introduced with two a's, switches to one a, and then begins a fun back and forth between the spelling. It was so obvious and done multiple times I almost started laughing. Is the author trolling us at this point?


Now, this book I will admit something. The romance was a lot better. There's a little bit of chemistry between them and I could see them being together. Here's where it also fails too. It starts that stupid bouncing like in the previous book. "I love you - wait, no I don't - but actually I do - but actually I don't". Just pick one! It gets so boring! And then it just gets tedious. Just like the last book where Arwen was squawking about her WOMB LANDS, Lani (I can't remember her full name despite reading it today because she was a boring protagonist) is all "he wants me for my empath power".

That leads us to the empath discussion. So, she's never noticed in her life that she sucks up people's emotions? Ever? She just suddenly can? And even though the word is pretty obvious what it means, she still acts like a clueless person about it?


Slavery starts us off and I regretfully report that it's not a major topic in this book, nor is it ever broached again. Lani starts this book off as a slave and I was expecting her to want to fix some of the conditions for the future people, maybe change the system but nah. Once she was a privileged slave (not even a slave, just an assistant) she didn't care what happened to the rest of them. So, uh, enjoy slavery I guess.

This leads us into the idea that she becomes he's food tester. I admit, it's a bit of a good plot point - except for the fact that it isn't and makes no sense after a while. When she's engaged to be married, doesn't she have to be pulled out of slavery? So why is she still tasting his food for poison when their wedding is the next day? And the whole "but no one else will do it". Can I reintroduce the author to the fact that she included SLAVES in this book? What do you mean no one else WANTS the job? Cut off a bit of the steak, feed it to the slave, wait five minutes to see if it's poisoned, and then eat your food. Damn, this was the dumbest storyline.
Note that I fully condemn slavery, but the idea that this world has them and they're like "hurr durr we'll make them wash plates and not taste food" is stupid.


Now, Lani is meant to be smart. She stands up for herself and is educated. But the idea that she can suddenly successfully lead an army left me scratching my noodle. This isn't because I don't think she would be able to, but because she literally says she's read a book and now she's ready to lead an army. So she does. Successfully. It just... rubs me the wrong way. And throughout the fight she's like "Ohh yeah a leader does this according to paragraph six". Eurgh.

The Queen is interesting. We're going to ignore Lani's misogynistic quote where she basically tells a bunch of soldiers that they're 'scared of a woman' as if that's laughable, and then refers to the only people fighting as men despite that fact that she's there too and she couldn't possibly know that every single person there was a man. She's literally right there.
Anyway, it's getting a little tedious how she's in each book and it's clear that she won't be eradicated until the last one where they're all united. At least make a couple of villains so they could get rid of one this book. Like, have her family members or a couple of guards be villainous characters so it feels like SOMETHING happened.


My other issue is the healing commentary in this book. The King says that only someone more powerful than you at healing can heal you, but I got confused. Lani wants to be a healer, and while she isn't yet, someone was easily able to heal her. So does that guarantee she won't be as strong as them? Or can you grow your power? Also, is it only healing power that does this? Or if she's a strong psychic (for example) can a low level healer not heal her? Just make it make sense. Pls.

Anyway, not thrilled by this sequel. The only reason I read it was because I bought the first and the second in store before I read them and it was the dumbest decision of my life.
I'm honestly in a state of confusion with whether I should read the final two because I love a bit of torture and they're quick reads, or if I should save my brain cells.
Profile Image for Jessica Fuller.
302 reviews69 followers
June 29, 2024
3.5 ⭐️

This started off the exact same as book 1 just with different characters. It made me feel so bored. If I wanted to read the same story I’d just read book 1 again. The ending was pretty ok though which made me give it the .5 star. I’ll try book 3 but if it starts the same yet again I’ll probably end up DNFing like I almost did with this one. 🙈
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