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Faeven Saga #1

Crown of Roses

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Cursed with the blood of her enemy, Maeve will stop at nothing to prove she’s worthy of her mother’s crown. Her opportunity finally arrives when the Scathing, a dark fae magic, afflicts her kingdom and leaves a trail of death and decay in its wake. The only way to stop the Scathing is to retrieve the soul of the goddess Danua from within the fae realm. Maeve’s mother sends her off with one condition…return with the soul, or don’t return at all.
But Faeven is nothing like the fairytales she’s read; it’s full of ancient secrets and wild magic.
Determined to save her kingdom, Maeve has no choice but to rely upon Rowan, the one faerie she shouldn’t trust. But as her feelings for Rowan transcend from hardened resentment to blind passion, a more sinister threat lies in wait, one ready to destroy the fae and human worlds. Maeve must find a way to defeat it, or lose both realms to the rising darkness forever.

398 pages, Hardcover

First published October 18, 2022

About the author

Hillary Raymer

8 books239 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 235 reviews
Profile Image for Kassybetweenpages.
491 reviews51 followers
October 11, 2022

“You are the sun, then moon, the stars. Never setting. Always rising. Eternally”

This book took me on a journey in all the very best ways. Maeve is our FMC and she has been cursed with the blood of her enemies. When her Kingdom is attacked she will stop at nothing to save it. She is tasked with traveling outside of her kingdom and into the world of her enemies where things are never what they seem.

The way this book put its claws into me and refused to let go until the very last page was unreal…and the love interests ✨swoon✨. Maeve does have some serious past and present trauma that she’s been put through at the hands of a hateful parent I loved how the author didn’t shy away from that trauma and at times crippling ptsd that stemmed from it.

The entire book was phenomenal but those last 100 pages really flipped the work on it axis and dropped some major plot twists and it had me regretting the way I felt about some of the characters in the beginning.

I can’t not wait to re-enter this world again when book 2 comes out!!!
Profile Image for Jacks' Apple .
100 reviews
September 7, 2022
4.5* "Astora"perfect stars 😍😭

A enormous thank u to the author Hillary Raymer for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review

This was a very promising start to a new fantasy series
The descriptions were so detailed and vivid they brought the universe described alive in my mind and if anyone knows me well they know i'm a sucker for beautiful descriptions
The MFC is a badass heroin who always wants the best for her poeple and friends and the thing about her i relate to the most is she loves books so much you'll find her thinking about reading or not being able to resist going to the library even if the world came crashing down around her 😂 , like i feel u sis
Another thing i loved about this book is the Lore and the magical system , they were really interesting and i'm hoping we'll get to see more of them in the next books
And last but not least the plot twists; some were so clever they had my jaw hitting the floor and others had me whispering " I knew it !! " with a stupid smile on my face " cough" Astora "cough"😂😍😭
Can't wait to read the rest of the series !! Idk how i'm gonna cope with the wait tho seeing how the first book isn't even out yet 😂💔
December 10, 2022
I’m sorry - but this book is a complete rip off of ACOTAR. The only reason that can be acceptable is if the author takes the original idea and makes it better. This did not happen here at all. I shelved it halfway through because I could not get through the endless similarities. My fault, I should’ve known by the title (also almost identical) that it would be the case.
Profile Image for Sumner Byrne.
6 reviews12 followers
March 31, 2023
For those who have read Sarah J. Maas’ A Court of Thorns and Roses, expect to find an eerily similar world with an Irish tilt. My eyebrows were raised through much of this book; it reads like fanfic without acknowledging source material (maybe it started as fanfic?) Maas' series is so well known that I struggled to feel comfortable with the amount of highly detailed alignment. Examples at the end of this review.

That said, I want to acknowledge that the plot within this ACOTAR-but-Irish world is its own, outside of some sweeping themes listed below. It seemed to hit its stride around the 75% mark, when I settled in and stopped feeling as uneasy about the potential idea theft. Also, everyone is HORNY for the main character even though she seems to be...mostly snippy and impulsive? This was a trip.

Some examples from the ACOTAR/COR venn diagram:
- Literally the title: A Court of Thorns and Roses vs Crown of Roses. (I should have seen this coming.)
- High Fae rule seasonal courts.
- High Fae have special magical powers, and humans hate and fear them. Some fae also have wings.
- A plague is spreading that will overtake the mortal realm, which has come on the back of a Fae war.
- Bargains/promises made with a fae are sealed with a magical tattoo.
- There is a red-headed outcast prince from the Autumn Court. His brothers are awful and bloodthirsty, but he’s an ally of the main character for the most part.
- The winged, dark-haired, eyes-of-stars-and-moons supposed bad guy is in fact probably a good guy, a very powerful high fae, and probably in love with her. He can read and speak directly into your mind.
- There is a kindly older female housekeeper who is our first hint that the bad guy really isn’t that bad.
- There is a special word in their language for soulmate that people bat around. Bad guy ally uses it for her.
- There is a dangerous, elusive magical creature that lives in the woods, knows all, and speaks only the truth. She pursues it to learn how to stop the plague.
- There is a giant orgy with dancing that is somehow a seasonal rite. The supposed bad guy protects her from leery fae men by being overtly possessive to mark her scent.
- The former mortal main character becomes high fae and the most powerful of them all.
Profile Image for Nrsk8tireads.
172 reviews5 followers
August 19, 2022
It is difficult to put into words how incredibly amazing this book is. I'm an avid romance reader and I love PNR and fantasy romance. Hillary encompasses so much in such a beautiful way in this story. It's fae, but SO different from other fantasy books. The Faeven world Hillary creates is so intricately beautiful and dark at the same time. I was able to so easily see the ethereal world the characters are in, without being bogged down by an info-dump.
The plot twists (there's more than 1!) are SO good!! One I had half-figured out, but when the full twist came, I wasn't expecting it but I LOVED it!!
(Potential Spoiler!!) I also feel so torn between Tiernan and Rowan. Which one should Maeve end up with?! I don't know, I want her to be with both of them, but I do favor Rowan.
Maeve is a complete badass and I love her so much!
I can't wait to see what Hillary and the world of Faeven have in store for us!!!
Thank you Hillary for allowing me to be part of your ARC team for this book, Maeve's story will be in my heart forever!!
Profile Image for Kristin Hinck.
190 reviews10 followers
August 1, 2022
I cannot possibly put into words how this book made me feel. But the biggest thing is the LONGING I felt for two characters to get together.

For the first half of this book I kept thinking that everything was coming so easily, but after that- ooh man! The tension, the will they/won’t they? The LONGING.

I had figured out one of the big reveals pretty early on, but there are at least 5 or 6 big reveals that I was shocked and excited and LONGING for the last 40% of the book.

Love the Irish lore in this fantasy world! The FMC Maeve is strong and takes no shit. She has her own demons to overcome but doesn’t let them become her crutch. She is always learning and trying to be better. She wants the best for her land. I love her!

Can’t wait to see all the love this book gets!

I received an ARC from the author with the assumption that I would provide a review. I was not compensated. I freaking love this book!!
Profile Image for Whitney.
49 reviews1 follower
October 26, 2022
Let me tell you, this is the next series everyone will devour! It. Is. So. Good.

Our main character is Maeve, and she’s not only a princess but a badass. I’m reading the first few paragraphs I could picture her clearly in my mind, which I love. She’s sent on a mission by her mother with some of her friends and a fae, Rowan, who she does not trust. Their mission is simple: return with the soul of the goddess Danua in the fae realm or don’t return at all.

Enemies to lovers, royal fae, swords and blood, but who can she trust?!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ highly recommend!
Profile Image for Zoe.
114 reviews9 followers
December 1, 2023
I read this as ARC and I just want to say Thank You Hillary for letting me be an ARC reader.

I absolutely loved Maeve. she was such a badass and took no bullshit from anyone!! I felt so bad about all the trauma that she had to endure.

The world building is amazing in this book. I cannot believe all of the surprises that I found out about Maeve. I cannot wait to continue on reading more about Maeve in book 2.
Profile Image for Angie Uhl.
63 reviews13 followers
August 24, 2022
Thank you Hillary for the ARC!

Wow! This was definitely one of my favorite books I’ve read this year! It was so good! If you love SJM and JLA you need to read this book!

The story is so rich with action and emotion and tension! The world building is exceptional and I can’t wait to dive into the story even further in the next book!
Profile Image for Rachel Elyse.
55 reviews16 followers
March 19, 2023
4.25/5 ⭐️
1-1.5 🌶️

This has been on my TBR for far too long. I’m so thrilled to have finally read it, just in time for book two as well. While I was super excited going into this, I did initially have a hard time getting into it. For me, personally, the writing (at first) felt a little off. But as the story continued, Hillary’s writing got more comfortable and I was hooked.

I found Maeve a bit unlikable at first, her naïvety frustrated me. But I think that needed to be done so we could see her grow over the course of the book. She was also so starved for attention and love, her relationship felt too forced with Rowan. But again I think that was the point. We needed to see these points in her journey.

Rowan is such a flirt. While I didn’t like their “rushed” attraction/relationship (whatever you would like to call it lol) I still like his character. Over the course of the book you could see how much he cares about Maeve. I think I just wish there was more friendship 😂

Tiernan… listen, listen he was such a d*ck from the get go 😂 but like sometimes there’s something wrong with some of us and THAT’S OKAY. We love to hate him. We love to love him. Lol. I like him, I like his character. I think we even got a Mr Darcy moment from him? 🙈🫣 I’m thrilled to see his development in book two and his friendship/relationship, his somethingship with Maeve.

I also really like the few side characters we got a really good glimpse at (Saoirse, Ceridwen, Lir, Aren) there are more but these were the three that really stood out to me. I’m hoping we get to know them and the couple others we were introduced to!

I think Hillary has set up a great foundation for this series. I was on the edge of my seat by the end. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for all these characters, I definitely recommend picking this up 🖤

Profile Image for Books_and_Crafts.
402 reviews1,881 followers
October 30, 2023
This was ok. Incredibly similar world & plot to ACOTAR and not in a good way. Again, there is a difference between taking inspiration and just taking… However I did appreciate the tangled/Rapunzel retelling within it, and it did have some good characters.

For me, this story wasn’t unique enough to want to continue reading. Not bad, but not original.
Profile Image for Rhiannon Chillingworth.
800 reviews188 followers
December 22, 2023
The first two thirds were a 3 star read, but the last third bumped it up, just about. Maeve was a bit of an annoying character, but I liked her more by the end of the book.

However, with the way the second one ended I am excited to go and pick up the second.
Profile Image for rissys.bookshelf.
124 reviews1 follower
September 22, 2023
✨ Crown of Roses ✨

~ Fae
~ Found Family
~ Good banter

✨ My thoughts ✨
I absolutely enjoyed this one. I loved all of the action and adventure in this book. I enjoyed the world building. The plot twist had me gasping. I can't believe I waited so long and left this book sitting on my Kindle. The Female MC Maeve is such a badass. I'm excited to see her grow and read her journey. Then there is Rowan and Tiernan.... I may have a slight love for one more than the other but I love them both. The banter in this book was so good. I can't recommend this one enough.

Crown of Roses is book one in the Faeven Saga by Hillary Raymer. I recommend this one for 18 +. And as always please check TW before reading.
Profile Image for Clara.
224 reviews6 followers
May 19, 2024
This book completely surprised me. In the beginning I wasn’t sure how I was feeling I found it a little slow paced and couldn’t really connect with Maeve the fmc. So I gave it a few more chapters and wow am i glad I did. Once I started I couldn’t stop reading and read 40% within in one day that’s how good it became.

The writing is absolutely beautiful and flows so well the world building is exceptional and every little detail is described in such an easy yet vivid way that I was loving learning more about the world of Faevan. Like I said in the beginning the pacing does move a little slow but once the plot starts developing it picks up so well that i became engaged in every moment.

My heart completely broke for everything that Maeve has been through and I loved seeing her character growth from the beginning to the end and while it took me a little while to fully connect with her, I am so happy I carried on. The mental health rep is written exceptionally well and especially during one of the later chapters I did find myself filling up at one of the most beautiful scenes that I have ever read.

I can’t wait to carry on with this series and highly recommend if you enjoy books with touch her and die vibes, enemies to lovers (the tension was so good) plot twists, found family, heartbreak and betrayal.
Profile Image for readinglara_ .
180 reviews2 followers
August 19, 2023
Eigentlich hat mir das Buch ganz gut gefallen, aber dann kamen die letzten hundert Seiten...in denen ein Geheimnis nach dem anderen gelüftet, viel zu schnell nach einander und es passierte einfach zu viel im letzten Viertel des Buches.

Maeve ist unverstanden, eingesperrt und ein wenig naive. Sie versucht mit aller Kraft sich zu beweisen, um die Anerkennung ihrer herzlosen Mutter zu bekommen. Was passt da dann besser, als ihr eigenes Königreich von einer dunklen Plage zu retten...
Insgesamt fand ich sie ein wenig zu "optimistisch" hinsichtlich der Rettung, da es einfach nicht so schnell und leicht funktioniert, wie sie es dachte. Auch ihren Love-interest fand ich... langweilig. Es gab keinen wirklichen Aufbau, keine Entwicklung zwischen den beiden, sondern alles drehte sich nur um die Anziehung, die einfach präsent war.
Da fand ich den zweiten Love-interest um einiges spannender, da es sich aufbaut und nicht aus dem Nichts existiert...

Die Plottwist am Ende habe ich eigentlich kommen sehen. Trotzdem bin ich gespannt auf den Folgeteil, da ich das Gefühl habe, dass dieser mir mehr gefallen wird!
Profile Image for Sophie.
188 reviews4 followers
February 8, 2023
I love it when you find a new fantasy series that just ticks all the right boxes.
Strong female lead
Quests with adventure, quests and discoveries
Fae, romance, enemies to lovers, enemies to friends, friends to enemies.

You name it this has got it.

Maeve the halfling princess is on a quest to the Fae world to bring back the solution to ridding her kingdom of the dark fae and destroy her evil mother
But when she and her human companions find themselves in the summer court they must learn what can defeat the scourge and try and discover who they can trust, for all humans know, you can never trust the Fae, especially those who tell you not to trust them.

Maeve finds herself confused and lost when the solution she once thought was simple is even more complicated and the Fae she is falling for continually breaks her trust.

A fantastic start to a new series. Only missed out on 5 stars as I found some descriptions lost in between dialogue and had to often reread to figure out where people where standing/moving.
Profile Image for Linds (honeyy.fae).
232 reviews80 followers
May 9, 2024
This book will make you question everything and also somehow won’t leave your thoughts and is, I kid u not, un-putdownable lmao. You think you know romantacy? You think you couldn’t possibly read another fae/fae court story? THINK AGAIN, FAM. 🔥 sit back, relax, and trust the process. 😏

Maeve, our FMC, has got some issues. Her mom sticks her in a metal cage on a cliff, hanging over the ocean for heck’s sake. But when I tell you I LOVED seeing this little spitfire constantly get back up and swing with the punches, I was like a proud lil mama bird over here.

It takes a lot for me to like side characters. I usually think they are in the way of enjoying the story. 🤣 not here. I love ALL the side characters. There were laugh out loud moments, moments when I didn’t know if someone was bad, or was gonna backstab someone… and I’m still out here getting whiplash from this roller coaster of a story.

And don’t even get me STARTED on the romance!! AHHHH!!! Trust the process, boo, just trust it. And thank me later. 😏
Profile Image for Nagma (Take A Look At My Bookshelf).
1,478 reviews92 followers
October 22, 2022
“You are the sun, then moon, the stars. Never setting. Always rising. Eternally”

This book was phenomenal and an amazing way to start this series! The plot, the twists, the world, and the characters are all *chef’s kiss*.

I love the FMC Maeve. She’s a bada$$ who will stop at nothing to protect her Kingdom. And can we talk about her love interests? Rowan and Tiernan are fire and it was so hard to pick which one I think Maeve should end up with!

I was captivated with this book from the first page and I can’t wait to see what Hillary Raymer has in store for these characters in book 2!

Rating: 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Tessa.
36 reviews1 follower
October 21, 2022
4.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This book follows the strong and fiercely independent Maeve on her journey to save her kingdom. She faces betrayal, as well as the short comings of her own misconceptions about the world around her. Hillary uses her words as her paintbrush and builds the story and world of Faeven with each brushstroke. Her details are breathtaking. I still can't decide who my heart belongs to, and I have a feeling my decision will only get harder as the series goes Will she be able to find what her kingdom need in order to survive, will she find herself? Read to find out! If you enjoy fantasy, plot twists, betrayal, adventure, hot fae men, and strong independent women who can fight and don't take shit from anyone I highly recommend you read this book ❤
Profile Image for Chrissy Nicole.
Author 10 books17 followers
October 21, 2022
Where do I even start. First ABSOLUTELY READ THIS BOOK!! It has everything I want in a fantasy book! Tension (chefs kiss) two hot male faes that I still can’t choose between, did I mention tension? The world building was done so well and the plot twists were phenomenal!! Easily a 5 star read!
Profile Image for Sheily Ruiz.
28 reviews
October 9, 2022
If I could give this book more stars I would. Amazingggg!! The first few pages had me captured. Highly recommend this book!! Hillary Rayner u did amazingggg!!! Can’t wait for the next.
Profile Image for bailey | baysreads ⚡️.
68 reviews17 followers
March 8, 2023
“She’s quite the misfit, that one.” “Agreed. Positively problematic.”

It took me a second to get it invested into this one, but once I was, I was HOOKED.

Maeve is a gal with a curse who would do anything to save her kingdom. And when her kingdom is attacked by dark fae, she sets off on a journey to Faeven to save her people.

All of of my fav tropes wrapped up in one: a touch of found family, female friendship, two RATHER morally gray potential love interests, royal fae who can’t (or can?) lie, and several care-taking scenes. Add in banter, tension, super high stakes, a lil spice, and side characters that had the exact same reactions I did, and I was set up to have a great time.

My only critique was that I didn’t connect to Maeve from the get-go, but she grew on me by the end. I wish we had seen her prove her warrior-ness a bit more, so I have high hopes for Throne of Dreams!

I am SO glad I was was invited to be a part of the ARC team, because the plot twist and reveals at the end had me anxiously wanting to get into the next book!!
Profile Image for Mara Sky.
92 reviews1 follower
April 20, 2024
This book kept me on my toes with many secretive, unreliable characters. I devoured it. A book ft. mommy issues and interesting magic and multiple love interests ? Say less. Equal parts romance and solid plot that drives the story. The FMC felt real and vulnerable, yet strong and interesting. Definitely continuing the series!
Profile Image for Lia.
326 reviews23 followers
July 10, 2023
When I started this book I really didn't feel sold on it the first few chapters. I checked the reviews on GoodReads and people seemed to really enjoy it so I gave it a little more of a chance and I'm glad I did.

I agree with what another reviewer said that this book feels a bit like an "ode" to SJM. Sure, there are similarities/parallels, but that is why I'm enjoying it. The recipe works and I'm here to gobble it up.

One of my only complaints was sometimes the vernacular didn't feel like it matched up with the setting of the story, but I know that doesn't bother everyone. Personally, it takes me out of the story a little, but I was able to recover.

I truly have no idea what book 2 is going to bring because this was such a ride especially that last 30% or so. Will be purchasing next payday to see what kind of mayhem is going to unfold.
Profile Image for Carrie Goolsby.
57 reviews3 followers
December 12, 2023
A slow smile spread across his handsome face. “Astora. Now, that is a term I haven’t heard in a very long time.”

“It’s a revered term of endearment. It means pulse of my heart.”

Just wow! This story has it all. •Fantasy •Fae •Enemies to lovers •Betrayal •Hidden identity •Found family.
and don’t get me started on the twist!

Hillary brought this story to life in so many ways for me and enraptured me on Maeve’s journey.
Maeve is such a strong female lead whom has dealt with so much trauma in her life and is tasked by her mother to help save her realm from the impending darkness threatening to take over everything in her land she lives so dear.

The storyline is a tad choppy at the beginning, but soars once you’re in the rhythm of things. I honestly could not put this down and the character development was phenomenal. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the characters and were in utter shock by some.
( I’m telling you, these twist! )

The heat between Maeve and her love interest are just chefs kiss! - That Autumn Court scene. 🔥 Iyk
I honestly can not wait for the next book to see how that goes.

Hillary wrote this story so beautifully and had me on my toes the last 100 pages of this book. It is perfect for fantasy lovers. I definitely recommend.
Profile Image for wildnorthernerrr.
272 reviews25 followers
October 19, 2022
I had a good time reading this book! It’s full of action, fun banter, tension, world building, fae and dark fae, and romance! It’s a perfect Romantasy rec!

My absolute favorite character was Tiernan. Shocker. Give me all the morally grey characters.

I liked him more than Rowan. Much more. #teamtiernan

I couldn’t relate to Mauve a lot of times. Like everyone should like her, but for no special reason.. she was very cocky and snarky but didn’t have much to back it up. She grew on me by the end though.

The spice level was just right! Soooo good. 🌶🌶

The side characters were good. Some better than others. A lot seemed to have the same personality. Like they all had the same sassy quirky banter. Some stuck out more than others.

The writing was amazing. I loved the world building. The descriptions were lyrical. I felt I was there. I belong in Autumn Court 🍁

I will definitely be continuing the series!
Profile Image for see nic read.
555 reviews12 followers
July 13, 2023
DNF at 25%. I skimmed the rest to see if maybe there was character development or something but it all seemed pretty consistent unfortunately. Really disappointing because of all the good ratings!

Here are the main reasons I DNFed:
- The mc is dumb
- Basically every man she comes across is in love with her
- The “romance” is so rushed and superficial
- Way too much ACOTAR crossover. I say this as someone who understands some of ACOTAR has become common trope and plot points, but this is way too close
- I didn’t care what happened to her anymore
- The dialogue is very immature, cringey, and bland. I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes.
- Virginity is an ancient societal construct created by men to label a woman’s worth, I hate when books perpetuate this with things like “I can’t have sex with you… you’re pure and perfect” ��� no thank you. She knows what she wants and it’s not up to the guy to decide this would make her less perfect or something? Barf
February 11, 2024
This was recommended to me by a trusted group of reader friends, and I really enjoyed it!

I love stories that keep me guessing and invested in what's going to happen, and this was certainly one of those.

I really enjoyed the cast of characters. Maeve was an intriguing main character, and I admired her desire to serve and protect her kingdom.  Her sassy best friend, Saoirse, made me laugh out loud, and I loved how loyal and supportive she was of Maeve and her decisions.  I can't wait to find out more about so many of the side characters introduced in this book, especially the grumpy Summer Court fae king, Tiernan.

Just when I thought I had it all figured out, Hillary shocked me a few more times in the last chapters!  I immediately grabbed the other books available in this series because I need to know what happens! 

If you're looking for a fantasy romance with great characters and a beautifully described world with lots of plot twists and turns, pick this one!
January 10, 2024
WOW.. wow wow wow. I'm obsessed with this story. I stayed up wayyyyyyy too late reading because I couldn't put it down. which is a big deal because I've been struggling with book burnout.

I sometimes have a hard time with how the MFC's and can find them frustrating. However, that was not the case here. Maeve grew on me right from the get-go and I loved her development from the beginning of the book to the end. The world building in this was a bit hard to follow in the beginning but eventually I got a handle on it and really enjoyed the complexity of what was unfolding. The twists and turns, betrayals, sexual tension.. all of it just chef's kiss. Avoiding spoilers.. I CANNOT WAIT to see how her love story unfolds and I'm already so invested. The third book is coming out in September, so I'll be jumping right in to book 2. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for alexandra.
97 reviews8 followers
November 26, 2022
ooof I am a sucker for a beautiful cover but did this one ever lead me astray. This story plot line and characters were all over the place. The story had potential but was executed poorly….
Displaying 1 - 30 of 235 reviews

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