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Third in the sweeping Chesapeake quartet, about three brothers who come together in a time of need. They honored their father's wish to raise young Seth as their own. And with all of the brothers home again, the Quinn family has never been so strong. But in the months to come, their strength is tested--once again.

Phillip Quinn has done everything to make his life seem perfect. With his career on the fast track and a condo overlooking the Harbor, his life on the street is firmly in the past. But one look at Seth and he's reminded of the boy he once was...

Phillip intends to fulfill his father's dying request and considers Seth to be a duty. But he never expected he would grow to love Seth, and soon his promise to his father has become more than just an obligation. Seth's future as a Quinn seems assured--until a stranger arrives in town. She claims to be researching St. Christopher's for her new book, but the true objects of study are the Quinns. Her cool reserve intrigues Phillip. He is determined to uncover her motives, but she is holding a secret that has the power to threaten the life the brothers have made for Seth. A secret that could tear the family apart... forever.

324 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published December 1, 1998

About the author

Nora Roberts

1,783 books55.4k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Profile Image for Geo Just Reading My Books.
1,382 reviews328 followers
January 25, 2024
Translation widget on The blog!!!
“Inner Harbor” ne oferă, pe lângă povestea lui Phillip, o mulțime de informații care completează puzzle-ul acțiunilor lui Ray Quinn care au dus la apariția lui Seth. Autoarea ne oferă o imagine completă a clanului Quinn, a modului acestora de a acționa, a felului în care sunt acolo unul pentru celălalt.
Phillip este tânărul monden, creator de reclame, orășean get-beget. Stilat, dar care nu se dă în laturi de la munca fizică. Un complex aparte de calități distincte, atrăgător, intuitiv, care iubește femeile.
Apariția dr. Sybill în micuțul orășel St. Chris îl incită și îi stârnește curiozitatea. Și este cum nu se poate mai șocat când descoperă că aceasta este nimeni alta decât sora mamei lui Seth... Vă puteți închipui și singuri ce concluzii trage de aici!
O lectură care împletește emoția cu suspansul încă din primele pagini. Care ne arată că familia este mai presus de orice și că, două suflete rănite își pot afla împăcarea și liniștea la un moment dat.
Avem parte de o avalanșă de noi informații cu privire la Seth, Ray și Gloria. Informații pe care doar Sybill le poate oferi.
Asistăm neputincioși la lupte emoționale, la sisteme de apărare concepute special pentru a menține o inimă întreagă, la ziduri care se prăbușesc în momentul în care sentimentele ies la suprafață. Și avem parte de o poveste de dragoste intensă, plină de pasiune și iubire, care este pusă la încercare.
Oare vor reuși Phillip și Sybill să depășească toate piedicile care le stau în cale?
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Profile Image for paige (ptsungirl).
769 reviews1,010 followers
January 2, 2024
"Sometimes, he realized, you do what's right without really thinking about it, and it makes a difference."

This is absolutely my favorite book of the series. I think it's going to be very difficult to beat. It started out much slower than the other books, for me, and I think that's why it became my favorite so quickly when I turned the last page. Phillip was the brother I least expected to like, and Sybill gave me really off vibes from the start. I didn't love the deception she was playing, and Phillip didn't rub me the right way in the first few books either.

It seemed like a set up for a book I just had to get through.

But the thing is, when you have two imperfect characters, they have the most to work with to become the kind of characters you love. Nora Roberts is a master of turning a narrative around and digging the truth out one secret at a time. This book was a masterpiece in how misinterpretation can ruin almost anything, but listening can heal everything.

I really enjoyed seeing this side of Phillip. He has the most practical brain of the brothers, and I loved watching him work everything out in a way that helped me understand Sybill. Especially because of the women in the Chesapeake Bay Saga, she is the one I related to the most. From her anxiety to never really allowing herself to feel her feelings, I understood her struggle and her pain. And watching Phillip take care of her, and help her work through some of her past was just a joy.

I loved this story, and I love how much these boys all fell for first their parents, and then their brother, Seth. I can't wait to see what happens in his story.
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
767 reviews242 followers
March 31, 2023
4 Estrellitas. Por fin un libro de ésta serie que sí me ha gustado. La empecé con muchas ganas, y realmente la historia de trasfondo con Seth me estaba gustando, pero a los romances los faltó chispa o interés, o directamente los protagonistas no me decían nada.

Éste caso ha sido distinto. Desde el principio, Phillip era el hermano Quinn que más me llamaba la atención y las expectativas se han colmado. Como el resto de muchachos que acogieron Ray y Stella Quinn, Phillip era un muchacho de la calle que salió muy mal parado y al que los Quinn adoptaron para darle una oportunidad.

Ahora, Phillip se gana la vida respetadamente trabajando como publicista para una empresa. Su labia y desparpajo le han servido para escalar laboralmente, pero su vida se complica cuando muere Ray Quinn.

Con su muerte, Ray dejó un último niño que adoptó, Seth. Y en su lecho de muerte, hizo prometer a Cam, Ethan y Phillip que cuidarían de Seth. Así lo han hecho durante tres libros.

Cuando el asunto por la adopción legal de Seth está casi culminado, aparece por St. Christopher una nueva turista: Sybill Griffin, una reputada psicóloga con un interés especial en escribir sobre las comunidades rurales, y sobre los Quinn.

Sybill esconde un secreto, y es su interés por el niño que están criando los Quinn, y las condiciones en que se halla para su bienestar y crianza. Para ello, Sybill se presentará en el astillero de los Quinn, y aunque un par de ellos están cazados, Phillip sigue soltero, y sin duda es el más encantador de todos.

La suya será una historia que comenzará con muy buen pie y tendrá una serie de vaivenes por ciertos secretos o malentendidos que irán surgiendo; pero pese a todo, la suya sí es una historia de amor que me ha llenado.

Por otro lado, la historia de Seth y su avance durante los libros me ha conmovido, desde ser un chico arisco y asustadizo, hasta alcanzar una seguridad y ser un niño feliz, que es lo que siempre tenía que haber sido.

Aborrezco con todas las letras al personaje de Gloria, de verdad que creo que Nora Roberts ha sido muy permisiva con ella, yo la habría dejado mucho peor. Pero ha tenido que crearla así para darle a la situación de Seth mayor credibilidad. Al menos me alegro de haber leído en éste libro el gran secreto de la serie, y es sobre la verdadera paternidad de Seth y el accidente de Ray, lo que hay de verdadero y lo que los ata.

Si éste fuese el final de serie me quedaría satisfecha, pero creo que Nora Roberts dio un salto en el tiempo y acabó escribiendo el libro de Seth. Lo leeré para acabar la serie, pero no sé si será puramente anecdótico o tendrá mucho que aportar como final.
Profile Image for jenjn79.
723 reviews266 followers
July 29, 2008
Of the 4 Chesapeake Bay / Quinn books, this one is my least favorite. Not because it's a bad book. It's really not. But just because of a matter of personal tastes.

Inner Harbor features Phillip Quinn, the 3rd troubled boy taken in by Stella and Ray Quinn when he was a teenager. Before they'd rescued him in, he'd been a street thug who ended up with bullets in his chest in a drive-by shooting. But Ray and Stella changed his life, gave him a future. When Ray died and Seth became partially his responsibility, Phillip's world was turned completely upside down. Part of him resented Seth for causing so many changes, but his duty to his family, and his love for them, keeps him doing what he knows he should do. And when Sybill arrives on the scene, things get even more confusing.

Of the three original Quinn brothers, Phillip is my least favorite. This is where the thing about personal tastes comes in. Phillip just wasn't my type of hero. Despite how he spent his early years and that he's still got a rough edge, Phillip is now the type who wears fancy clothes and shoes, has a wine collection, and has an elegant apartment. I just don't care for the spit & polish, suit-wearing CEO types. So I had a hard time engaging with Phillip throughout the story. Plus, he kind of annoyed me at times because even though he loved his family and would do anything for them, he was always grumbling about helping with the boat building business or doing errands and chores. He was the only one of the three who never really seemed to settle into the changes that Seth brought about. Which made him seem a little bit less than they were.

I also found Sybill irritating at times. She analyzed EVERYTHING and I wanted to tell her to shut up more than once. Essentially, I liked her, but I can't say she is a favorite character of mine.

If it hadn't been for the continuing story of Seth and the overall tale of the Quinn brothers, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed this book nearly as much. But I did really love Seth's progressing story. This book brings in a number of new developments that really enhance the story. And it's just really touching to see Seth become so comfortable in his surroundings, to grow to trust his new family. He's a character that just really sticks with you.

Overall, reading about the Quinn family is such a treat. Nora Roberts takes 2 do-gooders and a bunch of misfits and turns them into the poster-children for great families. It's a wonderful dynamic to read about how 3 lost boys lives were changed and improved by the luck of fate. How they developed a bond that surpasses familial-blood and lasts through their entire lives. And then to read about them finding their soulmates...it's sigh-worthy. They're a very memorable group of characters.

For those of you who love reading about classic romance, and about families, then you should read this set of books.
Profile Image for Kristalia .
394 reviews649 followers
January 21, 2016
Final rating: 4.75/5 stars

Sometimes it's really hard for me to write a review for a book. But I really loved this one and I just don't have enough words to express it. I'm starting to really love Nora's writing and the emotinal level she is able to wring out of a person. This series is dark - it's about people with really, really horrifying pasts, but they have been saved and given opportunity to live their lives to the fullest. And to save the last person their benefactor wanted to help. It's wonderfully done and I love this series with all of my heart.

The romance was once again lust-at-the-first-sight but I can understand that people can fall in love with each other in a month. My parents certainly did so and started living together after 2 months and married after 6. It was just a coincidence but they worked out and figured out they indeed love each other. So, yes, I believe in love that comes like a lightning. But this relationship here starts with lust and love is a differen't level for both of them. Which I liked. Love for both of them is something serious and sacred and they don't throw that word around so easily.

In any case, I loved it to bits and I want more. Thankfully, the last book in the series is Seth's and I can't wait to see how that will work out. This could have easily worked out as a trilogy but I'm thankful there is also Seth's book. We have read about Cameron, Ethan and now Phillip. It's only fair Seth got one too. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Nora did wonderful job with this series and I hope I will love the last one like I love these.


Boat business is progressing greatly and they are all happy. But Gloria is somewhere in the vicinity and Quinn brothers try to find a way to deal with that situation.

But aside from Gloria, there is another woman who takes a lot of interest in new member of Quinn family. Dr Sybill Griffin has come to their quiet town to observe and conclude the situation. Because she has the information that could either destroy them all, or help them.

The plot takes place 6 months after the death of Ray Quinn.


Phillip has been saved from certain death when the doctors managed to save his life after being shot 2 times near heart. And when his own mother lost it and told him he would better be off dead, Ray and Quinn appeared and gave him another chance at life. Former thief, involved in many unlawful activities like drugs, prostitution and worse, he had a hard time adjusting to his new life with 2 "Samaritians" and their two adopted sons. He never thought of himself as a victim, but he sure as hell fell in love with the Quinn family. Many years later, now 31, he is a successful marketing/advertising person working in Baltimore. And he loves coning the people in legal way. And now his family is gathered once again and he has to take care of their new brother Seth and in the free time... deal with his homework too. Being a nerd himself, that's actually not a bad deal for him. But he is the type of a man who preffers doing things from the chair: managing business, advertising, making deals and profiting out of it. Loves neatness, businessman looks and his current job, but nothing can beat his love for the family that gave him everything. But now, he has to deal with his stray emotions that make him almost bitter at the fact that the rumor about his father might be true - that his new brother is Ray's real son, which would make him unfaithful to Stella. And it gets worse when he starts seeing Ray and keeps making conversations with him... And he believes he might have cracked and lost his hold on the sanity.

Sybill Griffin is a woman who keeps many secrets. 29 years old, she makes a career out of writing research books. Psychologist, she wants to observe people and the places she wants to write about. But this is only her secondary goal right now. She came to the town where Quinns live in order to observe their family. In fact, to observe Seth and see how he fits in his new family. She wants to knows the truth of what is happening, and doesn't want to involve herself too seriously or do anything until she has all facts and proofs in one place. Very calculative, objective and reserved, she decides to approach the only brother left that is not married... yet... and use him to approach Seth. But beneath it all, she is a person who keeps her emotions bottled up and in check, and when the dam fails, she is in mess.

Seth is now sure that he belongs in this family and that they won't give him up no matter what happens. He wants to stay with them, especially after connecting with all of the members of Quinns household. And he is getting less reserved, more open and much more relaxed.


Loved, loved loved this one! I cannot wait to read the last book in the series, but I will definitely miss them. I only wish there were more scenes with Seth, especially as this book dealt with his at the near end and he needed more scenes. But everything was well done and there were still scenes with him and I loved it. Last 10 percent killed me because I cried so much, mostly of happiness. Great series indeed.

Point of View: Third POV, multiply characters.
Cliffhanger: No.
Love triangle: No.
Angst: Yes.
Supernatural: My theory:
Explicit content: Yes
Ending type:
Recommended: Yes
Note: There is only one book left :D

Sea Swept (Chesapeake Bay Saga, #1)
Rising Tides (Chesapeake Bay Saga, #2)
Inner Harbor (Chesapeake Bay Saga, #3)
Chesapeake Blue (Chesapeake Bay Saga, #4)

Other works by Nora Roberts - Stand alone books:
Whiskey Beach
Honest Illusions
Northern Lights
Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,403 reviews106 followers
August 31, 2017
This book finishes off the trilogy (although Nora wrote an extension set almost twenty years later. I love an author who knows how to take an encore.)
Of the three this is my least favorite. Although it had that stomach clenching element of 'her with a secret that will hurt him' that I love in a romance, it just didn't flow quite right. Maybe I just expected too much. Or maybe it was the reader on the audiobook. I'll probably try it again someday with just my own two eyes and the voices in my head. Lol!
Profile Image for Helena.
227 reviews71 followers
February 14, 2017
Phil no es mi hermano favorito pero sin duda tiene un hueco en mi corazón. El personaje mejor construido es el de Sybill, es tan complejo, tan humano... verla desprenderse de todo sentido común ha sido divertido y absorbente.
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,211 reviews1,958 followers
June 19, 2015
This one continued my steady progression of liking each slightly better than the last. It also carries on the series tradition of having a quirk or two that was at least mildly off-putting for my enjoyment.

I ended up liking Philip more than I expected to. I'm not so much a fan of urbanite pretty-boys with expensive tastes. I knew that going in so I was braced. Fortunately, he's much better than the other books lead me to expect, though he is, yes, an urbanite pretty-boy with expensive tastes. He was, however, also all man and comfortable with it. I didn't like his late-book development

Sybill, however, was a mess. From the early book anticipation of the inevitable crash to the middle book These things were small, though, and I did like her in the end. And her growth is outstanding.

But a large part of my enjoyment also has to be that the Seth storyline comes to a definitive conclusion. We get the promised reveals and they are what they needed to be. Sybill's role in that side of things was actually useful because it gave us the details at a comfortable remove and from a sympathetic source.

Anyway, the whole was better than its parts and that's no small thing.

A note about Steamy: A weak showing here. Yeah, there were a couple explicit scenes, but I wasn't much into them so they had less impact than they might have had.
Profile Image for Serena Miles.
1,345 reviews58 followers
June 19, 2023
He tenido un serio problema con la protagonista de este libro, y es que no he soportado a Sybill, la tengo tanta manía que ha hecho que disfrute menos de la lectura.
Comprendo que cuando se entera de que los Quinn se han quedado con su sobrino quiera investigar, pero que sabiendo como es su hermana, una persona interesada manipuladora y egoísta, la crea sin lugar a dudas, incluso comprobando que Seth es feliz con su nueva familia, me ha sacado de mis casillas. ¡Que te ha robado a ti la primera!... pufffffffffffff, no he podido con ella y me ha fastidiado la lectura.
Tampoco he comprendido que Phillip anteponga el bienestar de su nuevo hermano porque "él tiene una vida propia", vete a freír monos.
Y aunque luego la autora lo ha querido arreglar con pinceladas como el recuerdo de Seth o de que Sybill les ayude, pues a mi no me ha recuperado. Y me ha dado mucha rabia porque el libro se lee bien y los demás personajes no tienen culpa.
Soy Team Cam total, tenían que haberle dejado a él solucionar todo el tema de Gloria en la comisaría.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Iradai.
272 reviews28 followers
May 4, 2019
Esta historia me gusto menos que las anteriores. No termine de conectar con los protagonistas, Cam y Ethan me llegaron más, cuestión de gustos me imagino ;)
Profile Image for Jana.
1,122 reviews492 followers
February 28, 2010
The main thing I object is, cliché. Am I that stupid? Yes, I am. I really enjoy romances, quick light fix of alpha male and alpha female, just it’s hard to find an intelligent romance. But it is. Most of them are so badly written, that every time when I see so many 5 stars, I think about the readers and the old lady and her cats metaphor. Don't you have any whatsoever criteria if you rate THIS book 5 stars?

Why do they have to be so transparent? Quick fix doesn't necessarily need to be shallow as well. I know there are good romantic writers out there, just I haven't had my luck. And because I'm a junkie, I need my fix. So, I settle with everything, anything. Although, Roberts has a reputation as big as ... I don't know what comparison to use. National bank where she keeps her trillions.

The stereotypes were just killing me in this Chesapeake Bay Saga. Starting with the food: all they ate was pizza, meatball subway, lasagna and pasta. Budweiser. Period. They swear, they are gentle, they’re rough and they like their steaks blue rare. And they are all mind loosingly good looking. Like, properly good looking, like you would jump on them straight away. Like a nymphomaniac on a fly.

CAMERON, the oldest adopted brother is speedy, sexy, hands under skirt type of guy, been racing and likes speed, who met stunningly gorgeous almond shaped eye Anna, the Italian social worker. These two are fire, and they remain fire until the end. But, when I was reading their dialogues, it was so predictable. Why do you do that Nora Roberts? New York Times best seller countless times. You? The cats are meowing, sorry, I need to feed them.

Second brother ETHAN is an introverted fisherman, barely speaks, only hangs out with his boat and dog and is in love with Grace, first neighbor, who is sweet and good and peachy peach. PHILLIP, third brother, is an Armani wearing punk, falls in love with BA, MA, PhD psychologist Sybill, who was fucked up, but came to her senses. And the fourth brother SETH, with his upper DC class girlfriend Drusilla. And Seth is like - new Jackson Pollock.

And then Roberts tries to be smart as hell, and she starts writing about Seth's paintings. Because, you know, he’s seen the world. Rome, Cork and Paris. Wow, did you really? Did you really Seth?! Is world really THAT big? Will you tell me about your paintings? Weeeeell, if you wanna know sugar, I’ll tell ya all. When in Rome you’ll call every woman bella and you’ll paint Spanish steps, because you know, when in Rome.... In Paris you’ll paint Eiffel tower, because you know, c’est la vie. And of course in Ireland, all colors are green, and people there are happy, happy happiness all around me people, who only think and talk about leprechauns and they search for lucky shamrocks, because Irish are all ‘away with the fairies’.

And then when you get bored with travelling, you’ll paint a man and his boat aka presenting character's inner disturbances (never seen that coming!), wheat fields during the summer and a little girl with a red balloon in it, and if you are in a special mood, you’ll paint the love of your life, covered with just rose petals. Really Seth, red roses, my favourite flowers are red roses. You just outwit yourself in originality. Let me grab you another Bud and pizza with all the toppings.

Annoying as hell. No, I am annoying as hell. Because you really have to be a dumbass to like it so much to give it more than 2 stars.
Profile Image for Tiffany PSquared.
494 reviews84 followers
April 18, 2018
"Now he was getting himself twisted up over a woman none of them knew they could trust if things got sticky. He for one was going to keep a close eye on Sybill Griffin."

Book 3 in the Saga of the Quinn brothers is given from Phillip's perspective. From his sketchy upbringing to the fortuitous events that led to him meeting Ray and Stella Quinn, which eventually became the foundation of the successful life he has today.

It also continues the family's continued battle with youngest brother Seth's estranged and drug-addicted mother for custody.

Nora Roberts writes great, if not extremely quick & fairly predictable, romance stories. She's consistent and cozy and this novel is no exception.
Profile Image for Erin.
3,404 reviews472 followers
May 8, 2023
Upon the death of their adopted father, Cameron, Ethan, and Philip Quinn have to band together to take care of Ray Quinn's ten-year-old ward, Seth. Each book in the Chesapeake Bay Saga series focuses on each brother tackling their demons and finding romance. But Seth's biological mother, Gloria is always there ready to ruffle the feathers of the Quinn family.

Inner Harbor is all about Philip Quinn who was a bit of an enigma in the first two books( aside from knowing he enjoys urban living and beautiful women) has his moment to shine. When a beautiful woman named Sybil comes to town, the two find a mutual attraction. But Sybil has secrets that could damage their relationship before it even gets started.

All of Nora Roberts's magic was in this book with a good balance between romance and conflict. My one quibble was Philip was a bit annoying with all his wine knowledge. His back story( highlighted in the prologue) was much more interesting than anything he did in the present day.

Goodreads review published 08/05/23
Profile Image for Allison ☾.
366 reviews17 followers
July 16, 2018
It was a satisfying conclusion to the big mystery about Ray Quinn and Seth. I'm just happy all our questions were answered.

As for the romance in this book.... meh.

I relate more to Sybill than to Anna or Grace but I found her incredibly naïve and her constant groveling was annoying. I really don't care about Phillip either, he could have been a bit more complex and troubled than he was.

Overall a good series. I probably won't read the 4th book about Seth after he's grown up, I'm content leaving it as is.
Profile Image for Yolanda.
666 reviews187 followers
June 29, 2015
me están gustando todos los libros de la saga muchísimo, los 4 hermanos son maravillosos con una niñez complicada... una familia estupenda. Me encantan
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,203 followers
May 10, 2013
I have become so familiar with the characters in this series and the more books I read the more I have fallen in love with these 4 amazing guys. . I have been along on the Quinn brother’s journey to becoming a strong and close family since the sudden death of their adopted father, Ray Quinn and it feels as if they are now my friends, who I care for and want to ultimately see happy.

The 3rd book tells the story of Phillip Quinn, the sophisticated, stylish, and gorgeous advertising man, that likes designer labels and good wine [image error][image error]and who has pushed away the ugliness and horrors of his past before he was rescued and saved by Ray and Stella Quinn to become a person of worth

Dr Sybill Griffin, a well-know socialist and author arrives in the area supposedly to do research for her next book. But she’s there to check on Seth, who we discover, is her nephew. I found it difficult to warm to her. She just shut herself off and so emotionless …. She does not allow anyone close to her, preferring to observe people.
But the more I got to know her, the more I understood why she showed that face to the world, living the life she had until now. Underneath that shield was a person with a kind heart and mind and suddenly I wanted Phillip and her to find the way to being happy together.

After discovering Sybill’s secret, Phillip’s reaction is more than just betrayal:

“Oh, and Dr Griffin, you may want to look over your notes again. When you do it might be interesting, psychologically speaking, to ask yourself why you find it so much more rewarding to observe than to participate.”

But they cannot ignore the growing attraction for each other. Wow, Phillip just knows how to seduce a woman…champagne, flowers and climbing up the side of the hotel to get into Sybill’s room because she’s not opening the door for him. Loved it!!!!!

The sexual tension is hot. Phillip slowly helps her opening up her heart and to admit that she’s a person that’s worth loving.

There is so much in this story that really pulled my heartstrings -

*Discovering the secret of Seth’s parentage
*Sybill putting Gloria straight about Seth [image error] photo images41_zpsbbe8932a.jpg
*Sybill walking Foolish, the dog to meet Seth after school
[image error][image error]  photo images30_zps6f718db1.jpg
(was she really hoping for????[image error] photo images32_zps438bfabd.jpg
*Seth’s birthday party with his friends leaving Anna in a “frazzle”
*Seth’s birthday present from Sybill
*The bond between the four brothers and their interaction
*The kinship between the Quinn’s
*Ray’s “visit” to Phillip – what great advice he gave his son (just like he did with the other two before)
*The first time Phillip makes love to Sybill on the small boat….i smiled when she lost the one shoe!!!!
*Sybill arriving unexpectedly at Phillip’s city condo and unable to finish a sentence, feeling so uncertain…….and Phillip…he’s just an adorable and lovable man, both kind and sexy too.

The dialogue is really fabulous (is it not always if written by NR???)

“Is this your definition of a distraction?” she countered. “It fits my definition of a confrontation.”
“You’re right.” He pulled his own sunglasses off, tossed them aside. “We’ll analyze later.”

“Your family won’t approve.”
“Family approval important to you?”
“Of course.”
“I don’t discount it either. Normally, this wouldn’t be any of their business. In this case, it is.” It bothered him, more than a little. “But it’s my family, and my concern, not yours.
“This may sound hypocritical at this point, but I don’t want to do anything else that will hurt or disturb Seth.”
“Neither do I. But I’m not going to let a ten-year-old take charge of my personal life. Relax Sybill.” He skimmed his fingers over her jaw. “This isn’t the Montagues and the Capulets.”
“I’m hardly thinking of you as Romeo, she said, so dryly that he laughed and kissed her again.
“You might, darling, if I put my mind to it. But for now, let’s just be who we are.”

If you love romance, endearing characters, great dialogue and fabulous plots, then read this series. You will love it.

I can’t wait for Seth’s story.
Profile Image for Laura.
820 reviews326 followers
June 25, 2023
I enjoyed the fourth book in this series many years ago and thought I’d go back to the third one for a light vacation read. It started out pretty good but I wasn’t blown away by it. I eventually circled back and skimmed the ending because I can’t renew the library book anymore. If you’re a Nora Roberts fan or a fan of this series, you’ll probably really enjoy it. I think I expected more bc I enjoyed the fourth book so much (but that was over 20 years ago, so…).
Profile Image for Laura V..
734 reviews59 followers
April 6, 2015

Decepción. Desilusión.

No me gustó el romance. No funcionó para mí. El principal problema es Sybil, seguramente esconde muchas cosas en su interior y se entiende un poco, pero no hace que me caiga bien. El romance es frio, no tiene gracia. Ella entra en la familia Quinn con dobles intenciones y yo no puedo perdonarle su ingenuidad. Es una farsa de profesional, nadie que estudie el comportamiento humano puede ser tan estúpido para no diferenciar una broma juguetona entre hermanos, o peor aún, cuando alguien te ve la cara. ¿Qué clase de psicóloga sería esta mujer?

No me gusta la manera en que se acercó a Seth. Como puede invertir tanto tiempo en averiguar que el chico viva bien, sin preguntarse cómo fue a parar allí y cómo eran sus condiciones de vida con Gloria, la madre de Seth.

Phillip es encantador, lo único que me hacía sonreír era verlo coquetear con sus cuñadas. Con Sybill la química es cero y si no la compré al principio, menos voy a aceptar el paquete completo del final.
Sybil no pinta nada en esa familia, y siento lo mismo que cuando Anna pasó a ser una Quinn. Es incómodo. Es forzado. Yo no me lo creo, y no me gusta que a Phillip le haya tocado una historia así.
Profile Image for Anita.
2,410 reviews195 followers
February 7, 2015
I loved Chesapeake Bay Saga series and I was caught up with the overriding question: How is Seth related to Ray Quinn? Finally we get an answer to that question and Phillip Quinn meets his match in Sybill. It was wonderful to watch Phillip, the urbane, sophisticate, fall for the analytical, distant Sybill. She reminds me a lot of Bones from the TV series. I could just hear her when Sybill went all analytical on Phillip. Her repression of any emotions when faced with a very emotional situation was a key element of the book. Her growth as a woman and coming to terms with her family and Phillip was a high point of the book.

Dr. Sybill Griffith, a renowned author and psychologist comes to town to do a study on the social mores of small town life. She takes an interest in the Quinns' and in particular, Phillip. She has reasons, other than professional ones for her interest in Seth. Phillip is smitten from the first glance and only gets more deeply involved as Sybill's secrets are revealed.
Profile Image for Mitch C..
465 reviews45 followers
October 28, 2022

Ah the revelations. Perfect plot for this wonderful series.

The first time I read this book, I didn’t see the twists coming. Now that I’ve read it again, I remembered the first twist, but the second one, it blew me away again and I had the same feels like before.

Just wonderful.
Profile Image for Teresa.
1,048 reviews36 followers
February 25, 2017
I enjoyed this one mostly for the relationship of these foster brothers. I adore Seth and can't wait to get to his book.
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,011 reviews71 followers
June 7, 2015
I was really into the romance at the beginning. Phillip and Sybill just worked for me; their dynamic and the way their jobs and lives kind of seemed to fit together and complemented each other. But then it all kind of fell apart right around the time Sybill's true identity came out. I wish that had been handled differently. A lot differently.

If these books had just been about the three brothers and how the Quinns took them in at an early age and now they're all grown up, etc. etc., I would've loved them a lot more. It's not that I disliked Seth, but I didn't care for the entire storyline surrounding him all that much. The question of his parentage and the threatening biological mother was not something I was particularly into. I would've been maybe, if it had just been one book that dealt with it, instead of that storyline being spread out over all three books.

However, I did like that aspect of the books a lot more here than in the previous two. Maybe because that part finally came to a conclusion.
Profile Image for Elia.
204 reviews31 followers
December 3, 2018
No me he creído su historia de amor. Todo pasa demasiado rápido. No he llegado a conectar con Sybill, y aunque es un personaje con sus propios traumas, sencilla y fuerte, no terminó de llenarme. Phill es estupendo, como todos los Quinn. Se resuelve, por fin, la trama y de manera coherente. Entretiene pero el romance es muy flojo.
Profile Image for Belinda Vlasbaard.
3,364 reviews84 followers
June 22, 2022
4,5 sterren - Nederlandse paperback

Dit derde deel in de Chesapeake Bay Saga vertoont meerdere gelijkenissen met zijn voorgangers. Zo zien we in de eerste plaats enkele bekende gezichten opnieuw verschijnen. Cam die na jaren rondtrekken nu gesetteld lijkt aan het thuisfront en gelukkig is met Anna, de stille Ethan die minder eenzijdig is nu hij Grace en haar dochtertje in zijn leven heeft en de jonge Seth die veel meer aanvoelt dan je bij zijn jonge leeftijd zou verwachten. In dit boek komen we meer te weten over zijn voorgeschiedenis.

Op zich vind ik het echter wel leuk dat de personages een hechte kliek vormen. Koppels passen mooi bij elkaar.

Ik merkte echter wel dat dit boek een herdruk is en het eigenlijk veel eerder werd geschreven. ‘De roep van de haven’ werd immerrs in 1999 gepubliceerd en vooral bij erotische scènes en bepaalde woordkeuzes komt dit naar voren.

Het voordeel is dan weer wel dat je nu meteen kan doorlezen en niet lang moet wachten op het vervolg in de serie.

Het verhaal zelf komt gelukkig niet gedateerd over vermits liefde en familie iets van alle tijden zijn. Ook dit boek heb ik met plezier gelezen, de Quinn-familie voelt steeds vertrouwder aan.

En hun handelingen en conversaties laten me regelmatig glimlachen. Heerlijke humor. Dit is toch voor mij de grootste aantrekkingskracht in deze boeken.
Profile Image for Omaira.
837 reviews208 followers
February 6, 2022
"Con un romance que no parecía muy prometedor al inicio, este libro consigue sorprender y dejar buena impresión. Aunque la historia de amor surge de modo algo repentino, acaba atrapando y logra que sus protagonistas tengan buenos instantes de dulzura y pasión. Los otros aspectos de la trama están bien tratados y se cierran todos los interrogantes que estaban pendientes de aclarar. A pesar de no ser totalmente perfecta, es una novela que vale mucho la pena si buscáis algo romántico y que tenga humor y algo de drama".

Reseña completa: https://entrelalecturayelcine.blogspo...
Profile Image for Elena.
1,479 reviews
April 6, 2017

While far from amazing, this one is the best one in the series so far.... Too dramatic, as usual, but not as over-the-top as the previous two books! I liked both main characters... Finally some conclusion to the family drama , even though there is one more book (although i think that one was written much later?) ...
Profile Image for 78sunny.
2,210 reviews39 followers
June 3, 2016
Ich habe dieses Mal ein kleines Experiment gewagt und gleichzeitig zum Buch auch das Hörbuch gehört. Gerade bei dieser Reihe kann ich mich nicht recht entscheiden, was ich besser finde, da jede Art ihre Vorteile hat.

Dies ist der 3 Teil der Quinn-Saga, um 4 Brüder, die ihren Adoptivvater vor kurzem verloren haben. 3 der Brüder sind bereits gestandene Männer, aber der Jüngste (Seth) ist erst 10 und nun müssen sich die Älteren um ihn kümmern. Dafür geben sie vieles aus ihrem gewohnten Leben auf, aber gewinnen auch eine Menge dazu. In diesem Band geht es um Phillip. Eigentlich fand ich ihn von allen Brüdern am langweiligsten, aber in diesem Band änderte sich das total. Von der ganzen Chemie her, gefiel mir das Buch bisher am besten. Phillip verliebt sich in diesem Band gerade in die Schwester von Gloria, der schrecklichen Mutter von Seth. Das bringt natürlich einige Schwierigkeiten, zumal Sybill anfangs auch nicht ehrlich ist. Phillip ist aber die ganze Zeit einfach herrlich. Er reagiert super auf Sybills etwas merkwürdige Entscheidungen und gibt nicht auf. Sybill konnte ich oft nicht verstehen. Sie ist eine gebildete Frau und Psychologin und trotzdem ist sie schrecklich naiv, was ihre Schwester angeht. Das ganze wurde versucht anhand ihrer Vergangenheit zu erklären, aber teilweise fand ich es schon sehr zum Kopfschütteln. Sybill hatte das Wort Opfer wirklich auf ihrer Stirn tätowiert. Das Zusammenleben der Brüder und der zwei Frauen, die Phillips Brüder in den anderen beiden Bänden kennengelernt haben, war wieder herrlich. Ich liebe diese Familie. Seth, der Jüngste, ist einfach zum knuddeln und die Hunde der Familie sind noch ein witziger Bonus.

Der Schreibstil der Autorin lässt einen richtig miterleben. Sie schreibt witzige, unterhaltsame aber auch sehr bewegende und emotionale Szenen. Vor allem ihre Dialoge und das Zwischenmenschliche kommen so gut herüber. Man hat alles bildlich vor sich und taucht so richtig in die Story ab.

Die Vorteil der Printausgabe überwiegen gegenüber des Hörbuches. Einziger Vorteil des Hörbuches ist wirklich der geniale Sprecher. Empfehlen würde ich aber doch eher das Buch zu lesen, da es ungekürzt ist. Die Kürzungen bemerkt man zwar nur, wenn man beide Varianten liest/hört, aber dann sind sie schon sehr entscheidend. Durch das Lesen der ungekürzten Geschichte kommen einem die Charaktere noch so viel näher und einige Szenen würde ich sehr deutlich anders interpretieren, als ich es beim Hörbuch hören getan habe. Selbst einzelne Charaktere verändern sich leicht durch das Lesen des gesamten Textes. Die Autorin hat einen wunderschönen Schreibstil, gerade was Dialoge und das Zwischenmenschliche betrifft. Beim Selbstlesen bekommt man da viel mehr mit und fühlt sich hinein. So sehr ich das Hörbuch liebe, so würde ich es doch nur als Ergänzung und sonst nur das Buch an sich empfehlen. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist die wunderschöne Aufmachung der Reihe. Ich finde die neuen Cover einfach himmlisch und die Bücher sehen toll im Regal zusammen aus.

Der Vorteil des Hörbuches liegt eindeutig beim Sprecher, Sascha Rotemund. Mein Gott kann der Mann schön vorlesen. Er hat eine so angenehme Stimme, dass man sich einfach nur irgendwo hinsetzen und ihm lauschen möchte. Die unterschiedlichen Charaktere bekommen alle eine eigene Stimme von ihm, ohne dass er einen Charakter künstlich übertreibt. Auch die verschiedenen Altersgruppen kann man allein an der Art wie er sie liest erkennen. Für mich gehört Sascha Rotemund zu den besten Hörbuchsprechern und daher würde ich das Hörbuch unbedingt empfehlen. Leider werden schon einige Szenen geschnitten. Ich bin absolut kein Fan von gekürzten Hörbüchern und normalerweise höre ich diese aus Prinzip nicht. Hier bei dieser Reihe kann ich aber einfach nicht darauf verzichten. Die Kürzungen fallen beim Hören nicht sehr auf, nur wenn man wie ich das Buch noch hinterher liest, merkt man den Unterschied.

5 von 5 Sternen (Print)
4,6 von 5 Sternen (Hörbuch
Warmherzige Charakter, emotionale Beziehungen, ein toller Familienzusammenhalt und ein grandioser Schreibstil machen dieses Buch zu einem echten Lesevergnügen. Ich kann es jedem, der gern Contemporary Romane liest, empfehlen. Da ich mir sowohl das Hörbuch als auch das Buch zu Gemüt geführt habe, kann ich eindeutig sagen, dass ich das Buch dem Hörbuch (obwohl auch das ein echtes Vergnügen war) vorziehen würde.

Tief im Herzen
Gezeiten der Liebesgeschichte
Hafen der Träume
Ufer der Hoffnung
Profile Image for Melissa Pearl.
Author 65 books850 followers
August 31, 2019
As expected, I loved it.
This is such a wonderful family of characters.
Awesome book :)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 854 reviews

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