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She’s too smart, too pretty and too good for a thug like me.
Caro Archer loved me once then left me in the wreckage.

Now she’s back with danger on her heels and my heart in her hands.
Her safety should be my top priority.
Only Caro has other plans.
She wants to give us a second chance.

The part of me that aches for more wants to give in.
But I’m the same man she turned her back on all those years ago—the same brute she left in the dust.

What makes her think things will be different this time?
Especially when it’s more than my heart on the line?
Second chances don’t come easy for a man like me.
This time, I might not survive.

Novels in Scarred Hearts series include interconnected characters but each story can be read on its own and has an HEA. Reading them in order is not crucial but recommended.


Published May 27, 2021

About the author

S.M. West

43 books1,221 followers
USA Today bestselling and award-winning author, S.M. West, writes sexy, angsty stories about brave hearts and wild love, including, more times than not, heart-pumping twists and turns.

Apart from her infinite love of books, she’s a self-professed wine, chocolate, and travel junkie. When not writing or hanging with her family, she’s usually talking to her characters (in her head) or planning her next adventure!

She currently lives near Toronto, Ontario, with her husband and two smart and sassy daughters.

Pinnacle Book Achievement Award
Griffin - Best Thriller
Smash - Best Romance

Global eBook Awards
Griffin - Gold, Romantic Suspense
Scoring the Player - Silver, Romance

Global Book Award
Griffin - Silver, Romantic Suspense

NYC Big Book Award
Reverb - Distinguished Favorite, Romance

Finalist National Indie Excellence Awards

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 88 reviews
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,278 reviews956 followers
September 14, 2021
I should not pick Kit. I had a bad experience with Prophet. Out of whimp, I picked up Kit ( I have so many old books on my TBR).
And again, I am sorely disappointed.

I still not getting the chemistry with Miss West writing style.


2 stars
Profile Image for QuinnReads.
3,344 reviews168 followers
July 31, 2021
The Wisdom from Maturity

4.5 stars - This romantic suspense hit the spot! The mystery and danger starts right out of the gate and doesn't stop until the end. I anticipated many of the twists but the delivery was still good.

Kit and Caro find themselves in the middle of a situation compliments of her ex. Things get ugly. Bodily harm occurs and street drugs are at the heart of the matter.

My heart breaks for both of them as they have grown up since Caro ended their relationship years earlier and each realizes what they need now that may not have been understood then but maturity has given (mostly) Caro the wisdom to she where she incorrectly judged. Despite the numerous trips to the hospital, I love when they let their guards down and reunite, body and soul. 💜🔥🎉💜

I enjoyed an author's copy of the audio book and I liked Vanessa Edwin and Teddy Hamilton as the narrators. I kept finding reasons to leave my ear buds in to listen to more of the story. A really good book!

Story: 4.5 stars
Narration: 4 stars
Profile Image for BookAddict.
1,851 reviews169 followers
May 28, 2021
Once again West gives us a riveting, high-octane romance full of nail-bıting suspense, but filled with so much emotion my heart wallowed in it.

Kit and Caro had their chance at true love when they were younger, but Caro had issues with the type of work Kit did, always skating the line of legal. When Caro's brother finds out she may be headed for trouble though, Ryan asks Kit to check on her. When Caro manages to unearth a big, messy can of worms at the clinic where she works, Kit is determined to do everything in his power to keep Caro safe.

One of the things I love about this book is that the external conflict, rather than internal, provides all the angst we love so much in an amazing romance. Good thing for Kit and Caro, because they're going to need all their energy focused on staying alive rather than ambivalence about their relationship.

I read this one as fast as humanly possible, haņging on every word! Just when I thought I’d figured out a piece of the mystery, the story took a completely unexpected turn. If you love heartfelt romance, heavy on chemistry, that will keep you guessing to the very end, you'll adore Kit and Caro's story. Fast-paced, exciting, and mesmerizing, this one is a sure hıt for any romantic suspense lover!
Profile Image for Esther.
300 reviews2 followers
May 27, 2021
5⭐️ awesome spin-off story

This is the story of Kit and Caro who we met in the Phrophet. Love the characters, the story is exciting and suspenseful. This is a slow burn, second chance romance with a lot of baggage to sort through. And drunk sex doesn’t always advance the relationship.
Caro has finished med school and splits her time between the clinic in low income neighborhood and the ‘Home’ that she and her brother Nick started in dedication to their sister. She’s been too busy lately for a relationship since she broke it off with a fellow doctor
Kit has gone legit when his best friend Nick drops out of the business of fixing things, not always legally. Now, he works as a mechanic in Maggie’s restoration shop. He has plans to expand the business and make something more of his life. Until Nick calls asking for him to check-in on Caro. This brings memories of his time with Caro rushing to the forefront of his mind, erasing the years that he has tried to forget about his love for her. They were together since high school until she was halfway through med school. Then all of sudden she wanted nothing to do with him. She hated what he did. He never could understand this abruptly change. Maybe this is his second chance.
575 reviews6 followers
May 27, 2021
This book is part thriller, part romance. Kit has a criminal past - his home life forced him to support his mother and fend for himself at a young age. But in the past few years, he has become a legitimate businessman. With the help of his friend Nick’s wife Maggie, he is helping to run a garage that restores old cars and has a plan to build the business. Kit has never gotten over his break-up with Caro, Nick’s sister, but is trying to move on. When Caro is put in danger, Kit, Nick and their friend Logan have to jump into action to protect Caro and solve a mystery around a new drug dealer.

The relationship between Kit and Caro is sweet - they have a long history together and they love each other. At the time they broke up, their lives were simply incompatible. But now that some time has passed, they have both changed and this may be their second chance.

Kit is the second book in a series. I did not read the first book and I think this book works fit as a stand alone but you would probably have more background on all the characters if you read The Prophet.

I read an Advance Reader Copy. This is my honest review.
1,036 reviews11 followers
May 28, 2021
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I love Kit! S.M. West has written book 2 of the Scarred Hearts series. It is the story of Caro and Kit, who we met in book 1, Prophet. Kit has a criminal past that he shared with Caro's brother, Nick. Kit grew up the hard way and did what he needed in the streets to survive. Caro, studied long and hard to become a doctor. Giving back, she works at a walk-on clinic in a rough neighborhood.

Deception, lies, bad guys, unknown susbstances and the explosion of a bomb propel this story faster than fast. All this happens while Kit and Caro are trying to figure out whether to take a second chance at love.

Kit has really turned his life around. We see how hard he is working to prove himself to Caro and those around him. Through S.M West's words we see and can feel Kit's feelings. The character is strong yet he is revealed to be sensitive and caring. Caro is such a book smart woman. She is also smart enough to realize she made a mistake when she dumped Kit. I couldn't help but care about them and want them to find their way back to one another. If they could have just told the other what they felt.

I loved the book because I got pulled in and stayed to find out what was going to happen. The reunion was slow in coming but it just builds up the tension and desire. I recommend Kit. It is a read that reminds you about true love.
Profile Image for Lisa Petty (Book Bangers Blog).
1,935 reviews19 followers
May 27, 2021
You could probably read this as a standalone, but I wouldn't. I would read Prohpeht first because it gives you an inside look at Caro and Kit. These two have a love like no other both of them fell in love when they were young, but Caro destroyed it all to have a better life. Or so that's what she thinks. When her life suddenly becomes in danger it's her brother who sends the last man she wants to see to help. Kit wants to strangle Caro half the time. She's beautiful, stubborn, but has his heart no matter what. When these two find themselves in the middle of not only a police investigation but also accidents to end their lives. They will do whatever they can to bring the man or men to justice. But for Kit, it might be too late when his decision to protect Caro at all cost end not like they are supposed to. I loved this story and the love between Caro and Kit was so passionate and caring. You could feel how they felt about each other from the beginning. Find out if they get out of it all alive.
Profile Image for Veronica Ticker.
901 reviews54 followers
September 6, 2021
(audiobook) The author knows how to weave a believable and intriguing mystery plot. Though the hints are big enough to deduce who the bad guys are and what the connections between them are, it’s still smartly written, enough to keep you interested.

I liked the romance part too, between this badass dedicated doctor and the reformed bad boy who’ll do anything for the woman he loves. They have a past that we learn about, and that kept them away from each other for years. The danger Caroline finds herself in forces them to reconnect and to confront their feelings. They had several interesting scenes together, including the sexy ones. It was also great to see the impact their failed relationship had on them. All in all, I though the characters were well written.

That goes for the side characters too. Between the bad guys, the various friends and family, and the detective, that made a compelling gallery of characters. And they all had their role to play in the story. Except one that I felt was unnecessary–though not uninteresting.

The pace was good, keeping you on your toes, with some action thrown in.

Both narrators were extremely good, with emotions, actions and even sexy times. I was never bored.


- Series: Scarred hearts #2 (can be read as a standalone)
- Hashtags: #romantic suspense #second chance #brother’s best friend
- Triggers: substance abuse and traffic, murder, violence
- Main couple: Caroline Archer & Kit Jensen
- Hotness: 3/5
- Romance: 5/5
- + the gripping mystery
- – Caro and Kit were quick to reconnect
Profile Image for Kathleen Bradbury (Bulfon).
16.4k reviews198 followers
June 3, 2021
I really enjoyed this book! The storyline was well developed, the characters were complex and well developed and the story world was detailed. The writing drew me in and I felt immersed in the story! I always look forward to more books by this author and would recommend this book!
Profile Image for xxBooksILovexx.
690 reviews28 followers
July 29, 2021
My first book by SM West. This second chance romance is filled with suspense as well as hot & steamy moments. Caro & Kit are amazing. Great listen! ReEally enjoyed the narration by Teddy Hamilton & Vanessa Edwin.
Profile Image for Rebecca Austin.
3,129 reviews3 followers
May 27, 2021
Dr. Caroline "Caro" Archer is shocked when two men come into her clinic looking for Dr. Elliot Foley and something he has that apparently Caro knows about. WHen the clinic is later broken into and Caro receives a threatening message she turns to her brother, Nick, for help.

Kit Jensen is Nick's best friend and has turned his life around after being involved previously in some shady dealings. He is also Caro's ex-lover and has never gotten over her but knows that she is too good for him.

With Nick out of town, Kit comes to help Caro where they find themselves in more danger than they could have imagined and their best shot is to try and find Elliot.

With the police watching them carefully and the bad guys after them, can they get to Elliot before they find themselves with their lives on the line?

This was such a good book and I really enjoyed the mystery behind it all!

Caro was a good character and she was dedicated to her job as a doctor. Yet at the same time she was proved to be very naïve and really had no idea what was happening when she wasn't at the clinic in the past.

Kit was obviously someone who had a difficult past and had turned his life around but still didn't feel like he was good enough. He had been avoiding Caro for so long as he still had a lot of feelings for her and it hurt him to be around her.

Obviously there was so much chemistry between Kit and Caro due to their past together. Yet Kit wanted to get Caro to Nick as fast as possible to avoid dealing with his feelings but when more things happened he realized he had to stay with Caro to protect her.

There were so many characters that I had questions about and how they were actually involved. One character seemed to know so much which made me wonder about them and there was a police officer who had their hand in everything as well. When a certain character was introduced he made me uneasy and seemed to know too much as well. I loved that this book raised so many questions for me!

I loved all of the mystery and action and watching all of the pieces fall into place! The end was so full of action although I'm still super curious on where the shipment ended up.

The very end made me happy and I am looking forward to more and maybe a book with Logan!
Profile Image for Amy.
1,200 reviews20 followers
May 26, 2021
“Kit’s my ex-everything. Everything aches—head, heart, and body—at the mere thought of him.”

S.M. West never fails to fully engage me in the danger, action, and romance in her stories and Kit is no exception. I was already invested in Caro and Kit’s relationship from Prophet so I was looking forward to learning more about their past and their current circumstances.

Caro and Kit had been together since they were teenagers, but Caro didn’t approve of Kit’s profession so she broke up with him. Both have struggled to move on because they both were still in love with each other. When Caro is targeted after a discovery at the clinic she works at, Kit vows to protect her and they are thrown back into close proximity which makes it difficult to deny their feelings. Can they have a second chance?

“She’s everything, the only thing, I’ve ever wanted.”

I absolutely loved Kit. He is such a gentle giant with a protective streak a mile long. He will do anything to ensure Caro’s safety even if it breaks his heart.

“I’ve always wanted Kit, even when I told him to leave.”

Caro is feisty and independent and has a big heart. She realizes that she has hurt both herself and Kit when she pushed him out of her life and sacrificed her own happiness. While fighting for answers about the trouble she is in, will she be able to convince Kit that her feelings never died?

The chemistry between these two was scorching and I loved watching them come to terms with their past while dealing with the danger that seems to lurk around every corner. Kit is a thrilling rollercoaster road with the perfect amount of suspense and romance.
Profile Image for Kim.
238 reviews3 followers
May 28, 2021
Everyone needs a Kit in their lives...

In this second book in the Scarred Hearts series, Caro and Kit's story comes to life. I've been patiently waiting to read their love story since they were introduced briefly in Prophet and I'm so glad that I did because it didn't disappoint. This author never fails to deliver a full-fledged story with a hefty dose of suspense and lots of heart that truly resonates with the reader.

These two definitely have a long past filled with laughs and love but their breakup a few years back at Caro's insistence left them both shattered and heartbroken. But with Caro in imminent danger the two are forced to accept that being in close quarters is a necessity neither can afford to refuse. They'll have to set their feelings aside in order to keep her safe, but can you ever really deny that much history and love?

As a Toronto girl myself, I absolutely loved being taken to landmarks all over the city within this story because it just makes it that much more engrossing for me. Even more so, I love having previous characters from the series make cameos so we get updates on their lives and stories. However, it's not necessary for the reader to have read the previous book because this is a standalone novel and you do get lots of background so you can get caught up quickly.

SM West is truly talented at bringing out the most raw emotions from her audience by weaving a story that pulls the reader in and takes them on a rollercoaster ride of feelings. Kit is certainly quite the ride and you won't be able to put it down.

I received a copy of this book for the purpose of a review.
Profile Image for Dee.
4,288 reviews58 followers
May 29, 2021
The addition starts with the book cover….yeah…yeah…yeah don’t judge a book by its cover they say ….well we all do it and this one here it is the scratch to your itch or better yet the filling to your oreos! Speaking of filling…..wait, that’s for later. Within the first chapters you get the panoramic view of whom you’re dealing with!
By the time you’ve figured out who is who and how deep hate can run, you’re already hooked, and you may as well give up the fight and prepare yourself for an all-nighter!

Can’t say I didn’t warn you.
This is a two book series although, you can read them each as a standalone why would you when you can have them both. Caro dated her brother’s best friend Kit but let him because she didn’t like his life choices although, it didn’t dawn on her that she was breaking and taking his heart with her when she left. She left with the intention of never seeing him again, but something is happening in her clinic and she is being targeted her brother sends his best friend Kit to watch over, help protect his sister. What her brother do not know is that they were together once, and she broke his heart, but will he keep her safe and can they try again this second time around would they find happiness?
Profile Image for bella rhys (semi-hiatus).
430 reviews8 followers
October 30, 2022
Kit was honestly just the best! Sweet, rugged & protective!

(Audio Review)
When Caro seems to unknowingly find herself in the middle of a dangerous situation, both her and Kit must find out the details of what is going on and help keep her from danger. This is complicated further as they are exes whom had a complex and difficult breakup.

‘Kit’ is the second book in the Scarred Hearts series, but can be read as a standalone.

What I loved most about this book was how much chemistry Kit and Caro had. Both introduced in the first book, I was looking forward to seeing their story explored further and them getting their happy ending. Kit was so lovely to read about. He was strong, protective, but also, soo sweet. All in the best ways. I also loved seeing the introspective work Caro did on the previous relationship and letting go of all the judgement she had for Kit in the past and finally exploring their relationship!

This second chance romantic suspense had me on the edge of my seat throughout. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

I listened to the audio version of this book. Both Vanessa Edwin & Teddy Hamilton did amazingly with the narration. They brought the characters to life and I enjoyed the experience!
1,183 reviews5 followers
May 26, 2021
Caroline, doctor by profession, runs a clinic which becomes embroiled in a drug related disaster. Unknown to her, her ex Elliott had become involved and was using the clinic as a means of storage for the distributors. He has disappeared and so has the assignment, which the barons are after and target the clinic and Caroline. They do not believe she knows nothing and have her in their sights. Enter Kit, her ex, to help her and the feelings on both sides have never gone away but Caroline broke it off because of his past in criminal activities. He is now working and operating ligit and has been asked to help by Nick her brother. Nick runs a charity for people in need, but also has had a criminal past.
Who is desperate to find Elliott and why are they using Caroline? Who is the boss man? Where does the Detective Holman fit in to it all?
Protecting Caroline is Kit's priority and Caroline admits she wants to try again....bombs, missing people and drugs, thugs, car chases, kidnap, hostage and ransom, second chance for happiness. A lot is happening in the lives of this couple.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Patty.
4,552 reviews41 followers
July 14, 2021
Scarred Hearts, Book 2
By: S.M. West
Narrated by: Vanessa Edwin, Teddy Hamilton

SM West never disappoints! I await her audio releases and I was caught up in Caro and Kit's story from chapter one! Caro and Kit were once together. Kit, Caro's brother's best friend, has a checkered past, always doing what was needed to keep his family afloat. When Caro could take it no longer, they broke up and went their separate ways. Now Caro is a doctor, and her clinic has been bombed! To keep her safe, her brother Nick calls in his best friend to keep her safe. Will she accept his help? Will their smoldering feelings reignite? I loved this story! It's not only a second chance at love, but the story is full of suspense! Twists, turns, surprises and the bursting love keep this story alive and flowing. I couldn't stop listening! It's a great addition to the Scarred Hearts series!

I love both Vanessa Edwin and Teddy Hamilton and were thrilled to see they were teamed up to tell this story! Both are capture their characters so perfectly, it's not even an effort for them to keep me engaged. I enjoyed this narration and hope to see more of them together!
Profile Image for Terry.
1,339 reviews
May 23, 2021
4 1/2 Stars for this edge-of-your-seat romance!

This book had me from the first chapter! Kit stole my heart in the first book and he just continues to be that big bear with a heart of gold. Who wouldn't love an alpha protector with a soft side? ... no, really who? Caro is a strong woman who keeps her heart locked up, but she loves the people close to her fiercely. Kit and Caro's chemistry is undeniable and they sizzle between the sheets. They were together in their late teens and early twenties .... but then Caro broke up with Kit and I just really didn't get why. I wish that the story would have gone back in time a bit when Kit and Caro were together as teenagers. This book had me turning the pages into the wee hours of the morning because I just couldn't wait to see what happens. Next up is the elusive Logan's story and I can't wait! This is a great series and I recommend it.

I received an early copy courtesy of the author in exchange for a honest review.
Profile Image for Babara-Anne.
1,454 reviews15 followers
May 28, 2021
In Prophet SM West gave us a glimpse or a knudge that there is more to Kit and Caro that meets the eye!

In the second book of the series we get the background story on their past together how Caro broke both their hearts.

While evading drug dealers/smugglers and fighting for their lives they discover each other again and the flame that was snuffed by Caro years ago ignites to an inferno!

I loved the smoldering chemistry and heat build up between these two "old" flames!

Throw an ex in the mix, life threatening car chases and buildings exploding....

SM West has done it again with an action packed keep you glued to your seat Second Chance Romance!

Loved it! I want more Scarred Hearts!

This is my honest review after receiving an ARC.
Profile Image for Dawn.
833 reviews
May 28, 2021
Years ago Caro dated her brothers best friend, Kit. She broke it off because she didn’t agree with his life choices. After vowing never to see him again, her brother sends him to her rescue. Together, they try to figure out what’s going on. Along the way, their old feelings come back even stronger.
This book is fabulous. It has the perfect mix of suspense, mystery and romance. The attraction between Kit and Caro is palpable to the point you wonder why they broke up in the first place.
This is the second in a series of stand alone books. (I know that sounds odd but it’s true.). I will be checking into the first.
Many thanks to Bare Naked Words for providing me with an ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Kylee.
2,806 reviews54 followers
May 28, 2021
Kit and Caro's story is a second chance at love, it is fast paced, action packed and has just enough suspense and angst to have you gripped by each and every page. These two are like oil and water but as they say opposites attract and that is definitely the case with these two. Kit is a strong, protective character but we also get to see another side of him that allows us to see his more caring side, showing us just that touch of vulnerability. Even though these two have a second chance at love together it is still a slow burn giving us the build up and anticipation that just adds depth to the story. A story that holds you close and gives you romance, action, twists and turns and two characters that you will fall in love with.
Profile Image for Sua.
597 reviews
May 24, 2021
The amount of suspense and action in this story really kept me thoroughly intrigued as both Kit and Caro try to investigate on why Caro is being targeted for something she wasn’t aware of that’s been happening around her clinic. It also follows a second chance for both of these characters as they are thrown together and get to reconnect on their past love that still lingers between them. I must say the love they still have for one another was so good to read about as their connection to each other was deeply felt in each scenes of the story.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Anna.
1,010 reviews4 followers
May 29, 2021
Wow, this journey between Kit and Caro will have you wanting more. They had a chance to be together when they were younger but Kit was doing things that Caro didn’t agree with. Now years later her brother asks Kit to check on her and well we all know that they will fall into each other’s arms again. This story is heated, hot, full of suspense and will keep you on your toes. This is my first S.M. West book to read and I will most definitely be reading more from this author.
I am freely leaving an honest review for the arc copy that I received.
Profile Image for J. Ockenhouse.
1,743 reviews13 followers
May 30, 2021
KIT is like a well balanced meal. It's got the suspense, romance, imperfect but perfect characters and it leaves you closing your reader say "that was so good".

Caro and Kit will definitely get inside you. The scenes and situations pop. I could see and feel it all. It's exciting, nail biting, thrilling and steamy enough to have you forgo any plans you had. I received an ARC for an honest and voluntarily review.
2,966 reviews
May 30, 2021
A definite must one click! I love a good second chance romance read and this newest release delivers. Kit and Caro story was filled with action, danger, suspense and a delicious chemistry that builds up. A well written storyline with enough drama and heat level that will have you flipping the pages from start to finish. Although this is only the first book of the series I have read I didn’t feel like I missed anything but will definitely read the first book.
Profile Image for Elsie Pitt.
1,746 reviews12 followers
June 12, 2021
Mystery suspense and drama enfold around these two characters. Can they both come away with their hearts intact or will they suffer at the hands of the enemy? Will Kit be able to stay alive ling enough to claim what is his? Can Caro overcome her issue to love the man that Kit has turned into? This and many more questions abound within? Miss West weaves a wonderment with so much energy coming off the pages that it will have flipping and cursing at your kindle. This is a great addition this series and one not to be missed?
Profile Image for Jill  Kirtley.
1,446 reviews11 followers
July 14, 2021

The biggest mistake Caro ever made was ending her relationship with Kit. Now she has a second chance of making things right but Kit’s priority is keeping Caro safe from the bad guys intent on harming her. As the heat rises between them so does the threat against them in this thrilling, fast paced, steamy suspense. I highly recommend KIT (Scarred Hearts #2) it’s an exciting race against time romance, brought to life by wonderful narrators!
Profile Image for Suze Prescot.
Author 11 books20 followers
October 13, 2022
Docs, drugs and deceit.

Caro and Kit split up because she didn't want to be involved with his criminal activity; now, his life is turned around and it's the criminal behaviour of another boyfriend she needs protecting from.
SM West's story is thrilling and scary, as Kit and Caro try to find out who is threatening her and why. Well-crafted with endearing characters, Kit is an excellent read.
Profile Image for Courtney-ReadonReader.
2,246 reviews4 followers
May 20, 2021
Yesss this second chance at love hit that spot for me. Kit was wild as a youth, did what he had to do to survive, became friends with Nick, then fell hard and deep in love with Nick’s sister Caro. Caro has carried guilt over how her older siblings had to work hard to give her the best life and she took it out o Kit. Years later she is still hating herself for letting him go, but events now have led them back to each other. Can Kit ever prove himself worthy of her? Can Caro ever trust Kit has left his past behind? Will these new threats take them away from each other entirely? This is the love Kit deserves and he will fight everything and everyone to keep it for sure this time around.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 88 reviews

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