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Shadow Veil Academy #2

Deadly Declaration

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Sometimes to avoid being hunted, you have to become the hunter.

Raegan is back at Shadow Veil Academy, even though it's the last place she wants to be. Her heart is broken, but her rage is even more prominent as she learns just how little has been done to find Malina since she was last there.

As the months pass, Raegan turns to her dragon side as she searches for the answers she needs to move forward. All the while, thoughts of Enzo's betrayal are never far from Raegan's mind, but no matter his reasons, she's not sure she can ever trust him again.

*** This is a working summary and will be updated closer to release ***

318 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 28, 2019

About the author

Heather Renee

63 books586 followers
Heather Renee is a USA Today Bestselling author who lives in Oregon. She writes Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy novels with a mixture of romance, humor, and sass. Her love of reading eventually led to her passion of writing and giving the gift of escapism.

When Heather's not writing, she's spending time with her loving husband and beautiful daughter, going on their own adventures. She loves to hear from her fans, so visit her website: www.HeatherReneeAuthor.com and check out the Contact Me page for ways to connect.

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Profile Image for Tassi (Read Ramble Repeat).
353 reviews65 followers
August 27, 2019
Soooo I promised a crazy review so lets see what I can cook up and since Heather liked my last one I gotto make this a real good one. Let's cook up a storm.

Oh gosh I don't even know where to begin with this one...but I carry across from what I said from my last review. If I sound like a crazy person its because Heather broke my brain. She's very good at it. It's like her superpower...so once again after a full day of reading...my next morning result is once again this...

So really all you need to know is that this book is crazy good and it'll put you through the worlds largest emotional wringer eva, spit you out and then you'll be chewed on lol....whhhyyy u do this to me Heather!? It's a good thing I live for this crazy stuff and love to be messed with. Must be how I get my adrenaline rush. lol...But seriously guys...

I do promise I'd never actually throw the book at you because GASP...you don't throw books - this is just metaphorical throwing

Soo i'm gonna try really hard not to give any spoilers for THIS book but I'm guessing if you're reading this then surely you've read the first one right? If not there will be spoilers from the first book.

So pretty much this book picks up with Raegan heading back to the school after a summer away trying to process all that has happened and to you know...process Enzo's betrayal. But she knows she has to return coz there is the threat of her crazy "mother" Malina out there...up to the same game. you know of taking over the world lol.

I feel like these characters would get on really well am I right?!

Aside from Malina's threats weeeelll she totally couldn't leave Gemma and Aunt Jules behind. They already shooting off crazy texts as it is, trying to get her to call them. Sooo would you really want to mess with those two? Honestly I wouldn't lol. But that tackle hug Gemma gave when she saw Rae for the first time...was like, this is hitting all the feels. Their friendship is #friendshipgoals

Jumping onto the story side of things I loved how quickly this story got right back into it. There was no dilly-dallying and before you know it you're right in the thick of things.

I know I said I wouldn't spoil anything and I'm really trying to keep my mouth shut. But can I just say the moment she saw Enzo for the first time and taking in his dejected self I was like oh boy...I can't take all these feels. But right from the get-go, I knew there was a reason behind why he did what he did because derh there was no other alternative...Enzo is meant to be hers. But having said that and knowing now the full reason...I was like ok let's give him a little grief and make him work for his forgiveness (coz well *shrugs* I'm evil like that)...but ok lets start mending the bridge guys. Soo although

It just may take Rae a little bit of time getting there...so be patient lol...But well we all know that once Enzo is ushered a challenge and he sees hope for them...he is determined not to give up on her. And thats where I'm all like...

Let me give you a little sneak peek of this in action.

"If—and that was a big if—I forgave him, there would be many more moments of groveling on his part. There was no making this easy for him after what he had done.
“Do whatever you want, Enzo. You’re a big boy and you can make your own decisions, but try not to be too disappointed when things don’t go your way.”
I patted his chest and then pushed him away before moving back toward the stairs. When I stepped onto the platform and turned around to press the button for the main floor, Enzo was still standing there with a grin on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. Damn. I just gave him a challenge, and he wasn’t even remotely afraid of it. I’d done the opposite of pushing him away, and I was in trouble."

I saw this today and was like this is Enzo! Rae is his destiny. ❤️

So a lot really goes down in this book and we meet some really awesome characters that you are seriously going to love!

We also learn more about her dragon side after she comes in contact with this epic chick JayLeigh (you are seriously gonna love this one! All I'm gonna say is panty burp 😂)... anyway she is sent to take Rae back to Drakken the realm of the dragons basically. Where she will learn to hopefully connect and shift easier into her full dragon self. And who else other than our Sexy Elf comes along for the ride? He has to right? There was no other option hehe.

Can I just say I think Enzo got sexier in this book and soo much more hmm let's say uber protective...

Anyways...sorry I keep getting sidetracked by Enzo...can you blame me? But back to story...So between this new world and learning things about herself...Rae grows a lot...in fact every person within this story grows. They don't change because of what's happened to them but an inner strength shines through that is beautiful. Especially within Rae and Gemma. These chicks don't let any one hold them down - oh and same for RayLeigh that chick means business lol. She's one dragon that's got their backs. And the friendships within this book are the best. I love each one of their personalities and how sassy they are. Heather has an amazing ability of just bringing her characters to life.

Be prepared for a lot of stuff to go down...and I mean a lot! There will be old and new traitors popping out and plans being put in motion. But the one question is...can they take down the one person who is the biggest threat they could face? Malina.

I do have to say this cliffhanger is nowhere near as bad as the first book but my heart still hurts...I was like freaking out but didn't want to let myself panic...but it still physically hurt my heart. So when I was finished I had to go find some chocolate to process my emotions and the fact that the book was finished.

But like I'm totally zipping my lips shut because I physically have the worst restraint when it comes to this series and I don't wanna blab....this is why I have this magical little unicorn to help me out.

But once again fantastic work Heather! I honestly got so lost inside this book that I didn't even realise I was sitting in the dark like a mushroom. Loved every minute of this crazy awesome sauciness you created, so nicely done my friend!

So now here I am trying to take Rae's words "Dig deep and find some patience,” very seriously coz I like Gemma, this is not our strong suit lol.

C'mon Heather we all know you not human with all this crazy good work you give to me, soo put that magic brain of yours to work right now lol...Coz...

Hehe I swears I was never bossy until I started reading yours and a few others work...soo

(I know she loves her Supernatural so maybe she won't feel the need to give payback for me blaming her...but you gotta know girl

Thanks so much Heather for just going with my craziness, it's really the safest bet lol, and for having me on you're ARC team. I tell you it was the bestest day in like the universe when I got in. I love your books soo much, even when they put me through like the worlds biggest emotional wringer...I wouldn't have it any other way. Call me weird but those are best kind of books. It tells you I'm invested in your series...and who wouldn't be!? Unless you're insane and then it doesn't count 😏So unless you read it then no opinion allowed.

oh oops did my crazy just show?

Anywho don't delay with reading this book you don't want to miss this gem!

Happy Reading My Nerdy Friends 🤓

PS and i have absolutely no clue why but I wrote this review back-wards. That's totally a new thing lol...also blaming Heather for that one too lols. She got my head screwed on wonkily...
Profile Image for Katherine Paschal.
2,235 reviews60 followers
April 30, 2020
I have no idea how to write a review without spoiling anything that was revealed in this book, so this will be a short review. Keep in mind that Deadly Declaration is the second in a series and they need to be read in order since it is a continuing plot. Overall, this was a fast paced read that I blew through in one day. I could not put it down since it was completely engaging, full of action and surprises, a great romance, world building and all things paranormal. What started as a supernatural academy series evolved into an epic paranormal world.

My favorite part of the story was the complicated relationship between Raegan and Enzo. They were entertaining, be it when fighting or other things... the sparks flew between them and I loved the way Raegan interacted with him. I liked how he respected her choices but still battled his caveman instincts. Basically is was swoony and I ship them hard.

I listened to the audiobook and the narrator is one of my favorites! I will gladly listen to anything she wants to narrate, her personality and different voices make every story alive so I highly recommend listening to this series!

The ending left me hanging and I need the third book as soon as possible to see what Raegan and her fantastic crew will do next.
Profile Image for Mona  Brown .
1,593 reviews12 followers
August 29, 2019
Another Amazing Story

This book is just amazing and I could not put it down. Raegan goes back to the academy for another year and of course things do not go as she planned. Enzo is there, a mysterious new dragon shifter shows up to take them away to help with her powers. The new developments that are revealed will leave your head spinning and wanting more. The growth of each and everyone is just amazing and I really need the next one now
Profile Image for Nisareen.
458 reviews14 followers
April 7, 2020
“You are more than you understand. To succeed, you must let go of what you know and become what you are meant to be.” - Ophelia

Sometimes to avoid being hunted, you have to be the hunter.

Raegan has spent the summer away from the Academy in her half dragon form as she tries to come to terms with Enzo’s betrayal and Malina’s revelations. During this time she becomes aware that she is being followed, her dragon picking up the same scent each time. However she is unable to ascertain who or what they are. When she returns to the Academy, Raegan is angry to learn that Enzo has been kept on and despite his attempts, she refuses to allow him to explain his reasons for working for Malina.

“You can hate me all you want, Raegan, but it only gives me hope. You can’t have hate without love and I will fight for as long as it takes.”

Reagan finally comes face to face with JayLeigh, the dragon shifter who was following her over the summer. JayLeigh explains that she was sent by their clan leader, Marek Skye, to check in on Raegan. She urges Raegan to accompany her to Drakken where she can be trained to access her full dragon at Dray Academy.

“I don’t know about your other two sides, but I do know that your dragon is suffering being on its own. Dragons need clans and from what I can tell your circle is too small to satisfy its pack needs. The happier your dragon, the more she will do for you when you need her.” - JayLeigh

Headmaster Stone hopes that by sending Raegan to Drakken, she will convince Marek to return to Earth and help them to defeat Malina. Raegan’s journey to Drakken leads to some startling revelations that will later lead to heartbreak and betrayal, resulting in a battle that will have far reaching consequences.

Deadly Declaration is the second instalment of the Veil Academy series that sees Raegan travel to Drakken in an effort to tap into her dragon powers. New faces are introduced and friendships formed in the previous book grow deeper. Some villains get their comeuppance, some remain elusive. This was definitely a more tense instalment than the first. Malina is a menacing power hungry and remorseless antagonist whose presence steals every scene. I hope we’ll learn more about her background in the next book as I feel that the author has only touched upon the tip of the iceberg as yet.

JayLeigh and Marek were welcome additions to the series. JayLeigh added to the comic relief along with Gemma. I also liked the interaction between Marek and Raegan and I’m looking forward to seeing their father/daughter bond deepening.

This was an engaging sequel and I’m looking forward to exploring what the author has in mind in the third instalment. Ideal for fans of urban fantasy, dragons, witches, seers, vampires, sorcerers, gargoyles, doyens and magical realms.
Profile Image for Heather Rainwater-Alvarado.
399 reviews15 followers
May 5, 2020
Book 1 hooked me and 2 dragged me along for the ride. I’d honestly rate this a solid 3.5 star book because of some of the plot gaps and inconsistencies. There was a time when Raegan was storming off on a mission to find the headmaster, the chapter ends, then she’s all of a sudden sitting on a wall conversing with her boyfriend, and decides to head back to his room with him. Enzo started out mysterious, sexy, and powerful. Now he’s just an overprotective jerk who tries to control everything that Rae does, and consistently drags her back to his tower to lock her away and keep her to himself. He stepped backward into a one-dimensional character when they could have become a powerhouse couple.

The revelation of Rae’s father was interesting, but I feel like the change of scenery could have been developed more and better explained. And finally the end was confusing since the author preached the setup of Rae making a huge decision about her magic, and she finally makes that decision, but a few chapters later, oh wait, in the middle of battle, I forgot to mention she only partially decided on the outcome and didn’t follow through with the initial decision. It’s something that was poorly explained and is inexcusable in my opinion. I like the characters, I love the original plot and idea behind it; the ending was just a bit of a disappointment for me that makes me hesitate before jumping into the next book that I was originally so excited to dive into.
Profile Image for Chanel.
667 reviews
May 26, 2023
3.5 stars

Dit deel was iets beter dan het eerste deel. Je ziet de charters meer groeien hoewel er meer diepgang in had mogen zitten. Het boek wist mij nu ook een paar keer te verassen!
5,726 reviews31 followers
September 28, 2019
The second book in this series with super-evil Malina still on the lose. Enzo is allowed to stay in the school even after the things he did in the first book. Then there's a girl that's been following Reagan and it turns out she will introduce her to a world of dragons. (Raegan is part dragon).

Enzo goes along with her, though. The head of the dragon group doesn't want to come to the Shadow Veil Academy area to help fight Malina, though. Enzo and Raegan end up having sex which complicates things even more.

Then there's the problem of a dragon traitor, a kidnapping and a major battle.

There's two things I don't understand about the story, though.

First, why Reagan still has anything to do with Enzo at all. He proved to be a traitor in the first book. You would think that Reagan would be extremely unlikely to trust him at all yet she goes as far as even having sex with him knowing full well that he cannot be trusted. Hormones before rational analysis?

Then there's the major battle and a problem many of this type of book has. The books center on magical powers and shifting. All the people on both sides fight with those powers (plus physical strength, of course.)

They put all of their eggs in a magic basket and totally ignore the fact that there are other ways to fight, especially in what is essentially a war. No one even things of using guns, bows and arrrows, spears, swords or anything like that at all. Those things would definitely kill shifters even if they might not kill someone with magical ability (unless there was a coordinated attack on that person.)

Maybe I'm expecting too much.
Profile Image for Genieinachanelbottle.
364 reviews35 followers
August 30, 2019
Welcome back to Shadow Veil Academy where Mystery magic N danger wait for U just behind the gates!

Deadly Declaration is Heather Renee at her very best An Epic follow up to Delayed Admission. She brings the heat with a fast-paced, action packed story, full of intrigue, wickedly funny humor N delicious romance that had me burning through the pages as fast as I could!

Raegan is one Badass Heroine she has to overcome so much in this story but becomes even stronger with each obstacle that she blasts out of her way! I love her sass N the passion she has to protect those she loves! I have to say I love Enzo even more after reading this book he is twice as Hot this time around, very intense N determined to win back Rae's trust N heal her heart swoon! 😍 Enzo N Raegan Spark N Sizzling together the sexy tension between them is off the charts I couldn't get enough!

There are so many characters in this series that I'm dying to see get books of their own, but if I had to pick just one it would be Gemma I absolutely adore her she is a fierce N feisty little fashionista, this girl is loyal brave N sweet as sugar!

5 Shinning Stars I can't wait to sink my teeth into the next book Daring Provocation!!! 🖤🖤🖤
Profile Image for Ashley Shvetsova.
260 reviews5 followers
September 14, 2019
Great read

Quickly paced with lots of action and interesting storylines. Great character development and a few curveballs you didn’t see coming while others could be seen. I’ll admit I hated Enzo in the beginning and it took maybe 2/3rds of it for me to finally warm back up to him but I’ll say I’m not disappointed. Overall wonderful read!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
27 reviews2 followers
September 20, 2019
Book 1 was good...

Little boy toy scre2ed her over, she was done with him...then book 2.. omg i love him, i totally hate him and dont want him in my life but i love him and im going to have sex with him and let him know i still love him...yeah, pass. I thought this chick had a back bone. She doesnt. She is weak. I'm done with this book, couldnt make it past that part.
1,046 reviews11 followers
May 18, 2020
Title: Deadly Declaration
Author: Heather Renee, Narrated by Vanessa Moyen
Publisher: Heather Renee
Buy Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07...
Reviewer: Teresa Fallen Angel
Shadow Veil Academy 2
Some decisions aren't meant to be easy.

Raegan is back at Shadow Veil Academy, even though it's the last place she wants to be. Her heart is broken, but her rage is even more prominent as she learns just how little has been done to find Malina since she was last there.

When an unexpected visitor arrives at the school, Raegan turns to her dragon side as she searches for the answers she needs to move forward. All the while, thoughts of Enzo's betrayal are never far from her mind, but no matter his reasons, she's not sure she can ever trust him again.

Though, when unforeseen circumstances push them together, ready or not, Raegan has to decide which is more important: her heart or the chance to figure out just who she really is.

Total Score: 5/5


Raegan’s life was torn in half when she learned her boyfriend Enzo had been working with Malina since before she had met him. Imagine everything you thought was a lie or was it. Things are never what they seem in Shadow Veil Academy leaving suspense just around the corner. Now Raegan learns that other dragons exist and she is invited to go to their world to try and release her dragon. Before leaving she learns that Enzo may have dragon blood and will be going with them. Tasked to learn more of her heritage hoping that what she learns can be used in the fight against Malina. The dragon realm is not exactly what she thought and the only person she trust is Enzo. Back in shadow Veil Academy, the wait for Raegan leaves her friends worried for her safety as they struggle to find out where Malina is hiding.

This is an incredible edition to the series and the fight is not over yet. Enzo is more than he seems, but can Raegan find the strength to truth him again. Raegan’s desire to find out who she is could be more than she ever expected. This series is addictive and shouldn’t be missed. The audio-book gives the characters a unique flare as their story unfolds.
Profile Image for Candice Allen .
541 reviews1 follower
May 15, 2020
Hold on to your seat, it's going to be a bumpy and crazy fun ride. Book 2 starts with Reagan returning to the school after the summer spent flying around in her half dragon form trying to get over Enzo betrayal. Jewels her aunt is waiting for her to return along with her friends. Reagan gets a surprise from the head master when she finds out Enzo is still at the school, marlena has escaped and they need his skills to figure out when she will return for Reagan. Then we discover that there is a dimension for dragons and Reagan is invited to travel there to learn how to shift fully. Before she goes, she forgives Enzo and he goes with her to Draco. There she meets her 'father' the king of the dragons and tries to access her full dragon. Thanks to a visit from a seer, she learns that she will need to give up something to fulfill her destiny and become a full dragon. Reagan returns to find time runs differently and it's been months not weeks, leaving her friend Jemma alone but happy to have her back. At least until she gets caught by malena who takes a scale in order to get to Draco herself. The adventures continue after Reagan is rescued, she bonds with Enzo which leads to him being able to partially shift into a dragon and she has her elf and witch powers removed so that she can fully become a dragon. This book is packed full and we are left with the battle just beginning. What will happen next? Will Reagan and her friends be able to defeat malena? Only time will tell!
Profile Image for Rayne.
1,334 reviews14 followers
November 23, 2020
Ok - continuing on from book 1 this book did try to bring in the action. Unfortunately this still didn’t deliver. Where the storyline developed the characterisation fell flat. Things were introduced and then dismissed as non consequential the next. Like the developing relationship between Enzo and Rae - we are to believe that this is deeper than a normal relationship but not only does Rae just accept - ok this guy that i have trust issues with is ‘bonded’ to me - she is really frivolous about the whole thing. She doesn’t consider him or his feelings later in the book either - actually making a mockery of him and he just blindly accepts that. The whole relationship feels forced and just too convenient. I actually found Rae’s whole character shallow and very hard to take seriously which overall affected my ability to connect with this book.
Profile Image for Sandi.
670 reviews42 followers
May 10, 2020
This was a fantastic continuation of the Shadow Veil Academy series. I’m still loving the snarky, fun, witty dialogue, and all the romance that is wound toge the et with a good amount of action and mystery. We have new worlds, daddy revelations, new/old hook ups, dragons, and one crazy sorceress. We’re also starting to see more of Aunt Jules, which I’m all here for, because there’s definitely more there than we know, and I can’t wait to get more of her story. A very fun listen, and the narrator does a fantastic job of bringing the story to life!

I received this audiobook free in exchange for my fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Laura Martinez.
1,924 reviews47 followers
April 14, 2020
Raegan returns to Shadow Veil Academy where she has to prepare herself to face Enzo. Omgee. I’ve been dying to listen to the second book after finishing the first book and let me tell you that the author does not disappoint. My head is still spinning from all of the revelations we learn in this book. It was absolutely amazing and the author continues her world building. I loved it!!
I cannot wait to listen to the third book!!
If you enjoy academy books or if your not sure, pick this book up. You will love it!!
Profile Image for Christine Marie.
383 reviews22 followers
February 22, 2021
Second in the series and we picked up 3 months later from where the first book ended. Still working through the pain of betrayal Reagan is slowly maturing more and more.

The plot for the end of Malina who was still at large brought us in a new direction where Reagan embraced her dragon side and found more about her past than she expected.

I enjoyed the extensive details and thought that was placed into reveling just enough background that I kept on reading. Straight into book 3 to find out the end game of this entertaining series.
656 reviews3 followers
April 29, 2020
Book 2 has plenty of action and character growth

Raegan has come back to Shadow Veil Academy after much soul searcher during her self-imposed exile. She finds several surprises upon her return, but she pulls up her big girl panties and takes charge of her life...with the help of her friends both new and old. The fight continues against Molina with a major clash at the school but Malina escapes.

Things are heating up for Raegan and her allies. On to book 3.
Profile Image for Sarah Hickner.
Author 6 books31 followers
May 12, 2020
I listened to this book on audible. So far it’s my least favorite Heather Renee book. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed everything I’ve read of hers until this series. I’m not sure if the narrator isn’t doing it justice or if it’s just not for me. Everything seems poorly developed and 1 dimensional. Sex where they glow is often the answer. Enzo is basically just a super hot possessive jerk but Reagan still thinks he’s amazing. I’m not understanding the rave reviews
Profile Image for Jessica.
768 reviews18 followers
May 15, 2020
Renee takes us once again into a world of magic and dragons. While Regan must discover more about herself, she’s afraid of leaving those she loves behind. Filled with revelations, betrayals, action and romance, this is a middle book that leaves the listener breathless and eager for the next. Moyen again captures Regan’s ferocity and vulnerability, making her both relatable and admirable simultaneously. I cannot wait to listen to the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Brenda.
793 reviews3 followers
April 30, 2020
This is book is very entertaining. Loved the storyline and characters. If you’re looking for adventure, love, romance and a lot of kicking ass the. This book is for you. Definitely a must read/listen. The narrator did a great job. I really enjoyed how she brought the characters to life. Hope you enjoy as well. Can’t wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Sarah.
65 reviews3 followers
May 8, 2020
Another amazing story from the mind of Heather Renee!

I’m not even sure where to start with this, she’s kept me on the edge of my seat through both books. I read this one in under 18ish hours. While I usually know that there’s always gonna be a happily ever after, Heather keeps us guessing from beginning to end, if she’s going to be another Roth. 10/10 would recommend!
Profile Image for Sarah.
332 reviews21 followers
August 11, 2020
"Stupid traitorous heart"

Loved this sequel! Sometimes with trilogies the second is a little lackluster...not the case here! Heather keeps things interesting. Definitely some unexpected twists. We meet some fun new characters and do some traveling. Though I won't say where to avoid spoilers. You won't be disappointed. 😁
Profile Image for Nicole  Yaker.
100 reviews2 followers
February 29, 2024

Just how does she write such an amazing book. I cannot imagine having such a talent to write so many different books and series. But I’m so glad she does and puts them out there for us to enjoy. I highly recommend this book and series. I cannot wait to read the ending. On to book 3! HAPPY READING!
Profile Image for Inga O.
526 reviews2 followers
June 14, 2020
I received a free audio copy of this book directly from the author for an honest review.

I didn’t think I could love the book more than the first but the ups downs twists and turns and dang the cliff hanger that leaves you desperately seeking more. I can’t wait for the next book in the series!
183 reviews
June 16, 2020
Holy ending

That seriously could have been the end. That end battle was like the epic battle you get at the end of the trilogy not the end of the second book. I’m so excited bring on book 3
Profile Image for Maria Barra.
211 reviews1 follower
July 6, 2020
I just love this book! poor enzo alway on her shit side lol. I really enjoy the story it keeps me guessing and I just love vanness moyen as the Narrator. she is one of my favorites. can't wait to listen to book 3. this is a must read. even my 15 yr old daughter loves this book.
Profile Image for Lyndsey Gollogly.
1,134 reviews5 followers
April 13, 2022
I’m a sucker for Dragon shifters. I really enjoyed this book. Took me a few chapters to settle back in but once I had I didn’t want to put it down. Seemed a little rushed at the end but it worked. Highly recommended if you like your Dragon shifters!
356 reviews1 follower
May 16, 2023
The series continues smoothly into book two. This book has an even more fantasy feel with less emphasis on the academy aspect, so it's even better than the first, IMO. I've already jumped straight into book three!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 84 reviews

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