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Leveling Up #1

Magical Midlife Madness

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Alternate cover edition of ASIN B084VTC2P3

A woman starting over. A new house with an unexpected twist. A cape wearing butler acting as the world's worst life coach.

"Happily Ever After" wasn't supposed to come with a do-over option. But when my husband of twenty years packs up and heads for greener pastures and my son leaves for college, that's exactly what my life becomes.


This time, though, I plan to do things differently. Age is just a number, after all, and at forty I'm ready to carve my own path.

Eager for a fresh start, I make a somewhat unorthodox decision and move to a tiny town in the Sierra foothills. I'll be taking care of a centuries old house that called to me when I was a kid. It's just temporary, I tell myself. It'll just be for a while.

That is, until I learn what the house really is, something I never could've imagined.

Thankfully forty isn't too old to start an adventure, because that's exactly what I do. A very dangerous adventure that will change my life forever. I have a chance to start again, and this time, I make the rules.

316 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 16, 2020

About the author

K.F. Breene

113 books12.6k followers
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K.F. Breene is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post, Amazon Most Sold Charts and #1 Kindle Store bestselling author of paranormal romance, urban fantasy and fantasy novels. With over three million books sold, when she's not penning stories about magic and what goes bump in the night, she's sipping wine and planning shenanigans. She lives in Northern California with her husband, two children and out of work treadmill.

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Profile Image for K.F. Breene.
Author 113 books12.6k followers
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October 9, 2020
For a little background to this book for those wanting a behind the scenes look...

When I first started this book, it had a different tone to it. It was a bit more somber, and Jessie sadder about her life's situation. She was a bit lost, and a bit depressed. Which is not really a good time. And honestly, I just felt like I needed a good time.

So as I was writing, I thought to myself - I don't feel like writing the traditional approach to this situation. I feel like focusing on the adventure and the fresh start.

Basically, I wanted to write what it would be like to just throw caution to the wind, and head out into the great wide open with all the life experience I've gleaned in my 41 years.

So I went back to the beginning, and I scrapped the frowny bits. I recasted her situation totally, and had fun finding the humor in her life. I love finding humor in everything, so that wasn't very hard.

From there, things just started picking up pace.

Some things still surprise me, like coming up with Mr. Tom's name change. That was totally out of the blue, but like with most things in this book, I just went with it. Then the Drag Of Shame. That was a weird but fun time.

Most importantly about this book, I wanted to speak about the experiences of midlife and older women. Not just MY experiences, which at 41, are plentiful. But also get the experiences of my readers. I wanted to broaden my voice and share the voices of others.

I asked my readers a series of questions about their lives. What they loved about their age, and hated. What they dreamed about, and dreaded. I then collected all those voices, and wove them through this book. I think *that* is why this book touches so many different people - it isn't just me they are reading, it is a variety of women. It is the readers experiences shared.

It is them--us--no longer being ignored.

I'm so damn happy to be writing these books, and be carving out a place for the midlife and older ladies that are so often pushed to the side. That are so often the evil one, old crone, or just left at home. I'm happy to be taking that lady and whispering, "Let's go raise hell." :)
Profile Image for carol..
1,669 reviews9,176 followers
July 16, 2023
I really don't think it's QuarantineBrain™, but if you try and say it's Peri-menopause Brain, I will come over and beat you with an old shoe. This is the most satisfying CandyRead I've had in days, perhaps weeks. Almost as if I've been trapped in my house, unable to hit the vending machine at work for a Twix bar (I'm exaggerating; the hospital would never put chocolate bars in the vending machines. I have to get them from the Leukemia Fundraiser bucket). 

The premise is simple: our heroine, Jacinta, has recently, somewhat relievedly, become divorced after sending her only son off to college. Casting about for what to do next, she temporarily moves into her parent's place, only to discover they've become even more eccentric. When a job offer at a mysterious mansion comes through her bestie, she leaps at it, even though it's in rural, wine-tasting country where she doesn't know anyone. She finds herself feeling connected to the mansion, although the three geriatric weirdo caretakers that come with it can be a bit much. Although little does our heroine know just how weird their history is: 

"They’d crush skulls and blast… See, that was the thing. It had been so long, she couldn’t even remember all the violence she used to enact. What exactly would she blast once she’d dealt with the skulls? They’d be dead, case closed. Anything more would be overkill. Might as well pop a beer and have a victory chat instead."

The narrator's voice feels entertaining, if a bit daffy and perhaps a little bit self-involved with the state of the midlife flesh. Not that I have the same thoughts, mind you. But she's quite funny with the commentary, which I totally haven't said either:

"Soon I'd get my diet under control—no more binging cookies right before bed—and then I’d be a rock star. I could do this! Okay, not as many cookies before bed. A lady had to live."

If you don't mind it feeling at times a bit ...over-connected to 'Clean Sweep' with a woman and a magical house, you'll probably love it. There's a ton of humor, the heroine has a delightful sense of herself, and the world-building is acceptable, with just enough difference from the Andrews' series to be palatable (in particular, I like that it avoids the sci-fi angle).

The romantic interest is well done. Our heroine is self-confident and not angling to jump into a relationship, as is the possible romantic partner. Because it's so back-burner, I'd hesitate to call this a paranormal romance, though clearly that's part of the story-line. But it's solidly done, with mature talking-out and sharing instead of stomping off and drama.

"Look, I’m not going to tell you what to do. I’ve given you all the information I have. You seem like a smart lady and this is your life. You’ll do what you need to. I just ask that you remember the town. The people here are good people. They deserve a fair shake, like you do.”

I can't tell you how rare that feels in a book with romance--I think almost all of the ones I've read recently had the classic misunderstanding/run-away situation, so it's all the more refreshing when it doesn't. I also appreciate the moments when Jessie notes that she needs to handle situations herself, not depend on others to get her out. It's a fine balance of individualism and team.

Oh, and remember how I complained about the 'accidentally drunk' trope in another book? It happens here, and it's really well done. It's funny as hell, especially with the rocks.

There are more than a couple of midlife runners here, but not so many that they became annoying. Mostly Jessie likes her middle-aged self, and doesn't want to trade it in for a younger version, even when that might be a possibility, which makes the joking tolerable. Although I had to chuckle at the last one:

"Then ran around them. Then hopped up and down. And tinkled myself a little. “Damn it!” I balled up my fists. “I forgot to ask about not peeing myself in everyday situations! That’s crap. That should’ve been a given.”

Just you wait, ladies. And men, don't snicker. Mother Nature gave you prostates.

2023 Update: Oh yeah, definitely QuarantineBrain™. I mean, the voice feels like a terribly superficial and breezy forty-year old, or like how a twenty-eight year-old imagines a forty year-old might sound. Maybe. Once you ignore the tearless divorce, it's still a lot of fun.
Profile Image for Ronda.
887 reviews166 followers
June 23, 2022
I absolutely loved this! The writing style was easy on the eyes, amazing on the imagination and creative in every sense of the word.

The characters are truly likeable and the storyline just superbly written, I felt involved throughout the book and I am so happy that there are more!

K.F. Breene is a new author for me and I am thrilled I came across this book, this series. I can't wait to start book 2!!
51 reviews5 followers
February 21, 2020
My goodness, 40 isn't THAT old.

I want to like this book, I really do. However, it's almost offensive how old the author is making 40yr olds sound. Jessie says at one point that at her age, if she jumps her knees are likely to collapse. What? Then some young guys, seemingly in their 20's, start bothering her and Austin on their walk back to the Ivy House and one of the boys calls Austin "grandpa". I get they were just jerks, but come on now.. 40 isn't that old. I'm 38 and in terrible shape, but I can still jump without hurting myself and I certainly don't even remotely resemble a grandparent. I mean good grief, they're 40...not 60 or 70. I understand that this book is specifically written about middle-age, but the author is making those of us that are middle-age sound like we're nearing the end of our life, not just beginning the middle of it. I'm not sure how old the author is, but in her writing she's coming across as a kid and how they view anyone over 30 as ancient. I know she isn't that young!
Profile Image for Adrienne McFarlane.
468 reviews37 followers
February 19, 2020

As a woman in her midlife, I have been getting fed up with young, naive heroines who can use magic and kick ass. This book changes the trope of young ingenue and gives us a feisty, snarky 40 year old who has bad knees and has to pee at inconvenient times. The characters are well developed, the dialogue engaging and the storyline is superb. I highly recommend this book!
Profile Image for Aisling Zena.
634 reviews507 followers
November 3, 2020
4.5 stars

I don't know why but this year I've stumbled upon a fair few of these books. Middle aged woman has middle life crisis/awakening and finds magic/supernatural/paranormal really exists. Did all the authors have a Zoom meeting and decide to compete on the genre? If so from the ones I read K.F.Breene is in the lead and I'm loving reading all the competitors. I have a few years yet to reach the dreaded 40 but it wont be long and frankly I'm finding myself enjoying this genre. Hello, midlife crisis I guess.


Jacinta/Jessie is in a bit of a bind following her divorce and she is forced to move back with her parents. One day with them is enough to know that she does not want to be there. When her bestie offers her the position of caretaker at her aunts mansion in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, Jessie can't find any reasons to decline. She has fond memories of exploring the old house during a short vacation there with her best friend and her parents. She's ready to shed the practicalities and routine of her old life and jump feet first into adventure.


This one had, for me, characters that are under utilised in UF and I enjoyed seeing them here. Jacinta was no immature, tstl heroine but a confident woman and that made for a refreshing change of pace. I also loved how the author wove the story around her; finding magic and being babysat by the resident, elderly weirdos created a fair few amusing scenes. I'm also partial to K.F.Breene's style of writing so this was a no brainer for me.

If you love this genre/trope, give it a try.

P.S. Many thanks to CourtRocks' Rants and Raves who pointed out that I was actually, unbeknownst to me, right and there is a : "PWF- Paranormal womens fiction. They are trying to popularize the genre for women who want to read about heroines that they can relate to more at their age." There is a facebook group with the authors involved in this : https://www.facebook.com/groups/Paran...
Authors included are : K.F.Breene, Kristen Painter, Mandy M. Roth, Shannon Mayer, Michelle M. Pillow, Deanna Chase, Eve Langlais, Darynda Jones, Denise Grover Swank, Jana Deleon, Robyn Peterman, Elizabeth Hunter, Christine Gael etc.
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,862 reviews2,300 followers
November 20, 2020
Magical Midlife Madness
(Leveling Up #1)
by K.F. Breene
Narrated by: Nicole Poole
Oh my gosh! This book is hilarious! It would be funny anyway but if you are a woman over 40, a mother, and even divorced then you get the full benefit from this book! This book had me laughing frequently, giggling, and once crying from laughter! Definitely get the Audible version! The narrator is so good performing the voices and makes them that much better! A midlife, 40ish, mother of kid in college, gets a divorce ( hubby asked for it) and boy was she ready to get a life! She stays temporarily with her crazy parents until she gets a job to care for this old house. She loves this house although it comes with very bizarre things like a nutty butler and a rock throwing neighbor. What she doesn't know is that she is really doing in the house is a test. A test to see if the house will give her the magic it has been holding. Oh, and there is a hot bartender too!
I am going into book 2 right away!!!
Don't miss out on this gem!
Profile Image for ★Me Myshelf and I★.
292 reviews501 followers
March 1, 2020
between 3.5 and 4 stars. So 3.75 then.

The target market for this is pretty damn obvious. Psssstttt the clue in the title

Midlife. Crisis.

Now I am not in midlife quite yet but I can still appreciate this book. Its not one for the YA fo sur. You really have to be married and have kids to appreciate the humour here.

"Crash? What was I, twenty? Midlife ladies did not crash. Not unless there was a lot of wine involved and a rogue set of stairs jumped in front of her."

The unique selling point (that's USP to those in buisness) was really thrown in our faces. The fact that this heroine wasn't 20 was mentioned...on every page. Not that there was anything wrong with it but it defiantly wasn't underdone. You'd no chance of slipping into the mindset of a 20 something. I applaud Breene for writing a book that doesn't feature an FMC who is 18 and saving the world... or a supernatural who has been 25 forever. No, this woman has been through motherhood and marriage. She's relateable to a lot of readers I bet!
There was copious amount of Wine, back trouble and oh joyous of days an older male interest!

"he was out of my league. Hell, he was out of my universe. Guys like him dated models who groomed themselves and wore cute clothes and didn’t forget to brush their hair before leaving the house. I didn’t have the energy for all that. If I had a bra on, I was betting aces."

The romance was in the background though, which was also no bad thing. Jessie has just got out of a bad marriage, she wouldn't be interested in jumping into bed with someone new right away. That's far more realistic to me, the romance wasn't the main thing. Jessie finding herself and moving into a new stage of her life was. But I still needed the promise of one to come to keep me reading. The balance was perfect.

“I’m not looking for more stories. I’m looking for…” I paused, thinking about it. “I’m looking for adventure, I think. It feels like time is running out. It feels like I need to get my real life started, the sooner the better. Guys can wait.”

The idea of a sentient building isn't new to us so again the manor is not the main focus here for me. Its an introduction to this supernatural world, for us and for Jessie. It wasn't action packed, it's a grower. So if you're interested in a story about a second chance for a midlife mother, your choices will be slim, but this is a winner.
Breene is a excellent writer. No doubt about it.

The choices in this category, ie midlife supernatural, are so slim I can't even think of another to recommend that would be similar. The only one that comes to mind is Oath Sworn, and she isn't even midlife!
April 17, 2021
🤪 I Must Be Somewhat a Little Insane Buddy Read (IMBSaLIBR™) with the MacHalos and stuff 🤪

Okay, let's try and get this over with as quickly and painfully painlessly as possible, shall we?

K.F. Breene, I am awfully very not sorry and stuff, but I am done done done with your books. As you well know, I 💕lurves💕 your Warrior Chronicles series. (Because it is slightly very good and features a slightly very yummy female lead and hahahaha and stuff.) But every single time I try to read one of your other series, it's all doom, oblivion, spontaneous combustion and stuff. And as this is the FOURTH bloody shrimping time I give you another chance, you might say I've kinda sorta had it.

Pretty much, yeah.

Moving on and stuff.

So. This book.

Issue #1 : the midlife-related crap stuff. As a Fairly Ancient Person (FAP™) myself, I think it's most wondrous indeed when authors are bold and audacious enough to make their MCs older than 20 30 40. The problem here is that both the female and male leads—who are in their early 40s—act and are described in such a way that you'd think they were more or less this age:

It's all cracking joints, knee issues, getting out of breath, kids calling the 42-year-old male MC "grandpa" and not going out past 8 pm (because that's obviously way too late for the elderly 40+ crowd) . (Not to mention that the heroine's age is mentioned CONSTANTLY. Sounds like the author someone is obsessing about turning 40 recently if you ask me.) A good thing I don't live in this world because if that were the case I'd probably be suffering from multiple organ failure right now. I mean, I have just reached the ripe old age of 48, which—by the author's standards—seems to indicate the end is very nigh indeed. Also, I'm pretty sure that this is what I would look like if I lived in this world, so phew and stuff.

Issue #2 : the supposed humor didn't do anything for me. Because there are only so many supposed jokes about “begonias” (don't ask) and tits (or the lack thereof) I can take. And because OTT comedy and total lack of subtlety are just not me. (Yes, this rhymes. Yes, a poet is me.) What can I say, I'm more Oscar Wilde and Jonathan L. Howard-type wit than college humor 🤷‍♀️. Sorry, what? I'm a despicable book snob, you say? Oh, get off your high shrimps, will you! I'm not judging here (for once), just stating a simple fact. This kind of humor might work for some people of questionable taste, but it usually leaves me feeling a little like this:

Issue #3 : blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler blah blah blah filler filler filler. Need I say more? Didn't think so.

Nefarious Last Words (NLW™): some people I shall not name out of the goodness of my black, withered heart have compared this book to the Innkeeper Chronicles series. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, now that is exactly my type of humor! 😂😂😂 Also, some people I shall not name out of the goodness of my black, withered heart seem to have a death wish. I mean, why else would they dare compare this miserable little story to the glorious gloriousness that is the Innkeeper series? Sounds like they're literally begging to have me unleash the murderous crustaceans on them in retaliation if you ask me.

[Pre-review nonsense]

Sigh and stuff. This is yet another one of those Well, Um, Yeah, No, Not Really Type Thingies (WUYNNRTT™) and stuff.

Fascinating Review to come and stuff.
Profile Image for Sonia.
1,106 reviews1,603 followers
August 30, 2024
A magical house and a shifting polar bear? count me in

Midlife madness indeed… who says 40’s too old to start over? (It’s not 👏🏻).

Jessie (40) getting divorced from her cheating husband after being together for 20 years. Her son’s off to college and she’s temporarily moving in with her parents 😅. Except she’s realizing that seeing her dad walk around naked in the morning and hearing them bicker isn’t her ideal life 🤣. Her friend suggests that she goes to the town they visited when they were young and take care of an old house.

Seems like a good plan 🤷🏻‍♀️.

When she arrives, she feels a “pull” to this house, and the townsfolk are… interesting 😬and a little (or a lotta) bit different 😅.

Then she meets one of the alphas 👀 (Austin) and hooooly mooooly, he’s 🔥😉

It isn’t until she sees a woman get naked and shift followed by a vampire and gargoyle that she realizes she has a loooot to learn about this small town in the Sierra foothills 😅.

What I liked:
—that Jessie might be 40, but she ain’t dead yet 💅 and she’s got a lot to live for 👏🏻

—the side characters 👀. Besides the amazing Tom, the funny AF Niamh, and the dark Edgar, we get the sexy AF Austin 😉. And other side characters too lol. Niahm definitely made me giggle 🤣 and Tom was so sweet and always at Jessie’s beck and call 💅

—Austin, the polar bear and alpha 🔥🫠. I need to see more of him 👀 in all aspects 🤣👀👀👀

—the powers 👀. While I still need to find out more, I’m intrigued

—the united front 👏🏻. I love how close they all get when the time’s right 👏🏻. They might be small but they’re mighty 🫶

—the times I 🤣. Lawd 💀😅😅 the animated dolls?!?! Come on 🤣🤣🤣 I feel you Jessie 🤡💀🤣 (also NGL one of my childhood worst fears 🥴😬🤣. But they sure came in a clutch)

—although it’s mostly only Jessie’s POV (first person), we get some chapters in other characters’ POV as well

What I wanted more of: SPOILERS
—I know this is a looooong series, but only one kiss? 😒. Sigh… and them agreeing to only be friends and focusing on other things made me side eye them a bit 😐

—I really hope Jessie gets some powers 👀 or else I’m gonna complain 🤣

Overall this was interesting 😅. I can’t wait to continue the series 👏🏻

⚠️safety squad⚠️
-no cheating/sharing/owd/omd
-the H mentions a previous “mate” picked out who wanted an alpha. He was young and influenced by her
-no 🔥 besides a kiss at about 70% ish
August 4, 2022

I absolutely loved this book!! Being 40 never sounded so good!
Action, adventure, laughs, and romance. Everything you could want , and then some, when reading an excellent book. I did not want it to end, and I cannot wait for the release of book 2 in this series!!
Bravo K.F. Breene!!
Profile Image for Wanda Pedersen.
2,097 reviews453 followers
February 13, 2024
Book 5 of the 2024 Read Your Hoard Challenge

The perfect book for Galentine's Day (the day before Valentine's), especially since I've been on a bit of a romantasy binge lately. Most urban fantasy is inhabited by women in their twenties, looking for love and bad guys’ asses to kick. But does the desire to kick butt end when you're in your forties? You bet your sweet bippy it doesn't!

Jacinta’s husband has requested a divorce and was most disappointed when she was overjoyed. Her son is in college and doesn't need her either. She is free! One thing leads to another, and she ends up as caretaker of magical Ivey House. There, she meets and elderly butler, a sinister gardener, a deranged neighbour, and an attractive bar owner. And you know what's refreshing? There's no romance! Jacinta is quite clear that she's done with that stuff.

First of all, I'm not twenty anymore. I'm not a naïve little chickie who thinks of nothing but love and marriage and consents to “I do" because she's afraid no one else will want her if she says no. Right now, on the other side of the naïve girl, I don't give two craps if no one else wants me. I want me, my friends want me, and that's plenty. So these anonymous magical people can shove their marriage proposals up their butts. I've been to that circus and I've seen all the clowns. I'm in no hurry to go back.

Jacinta does things on her own terms. She's direct and funny. She refuses to be stampeded into anything and negotiates for the things that she wants. I kind of love her.

I wish I'd read this sooner, when I might have bought book 2 for a reasonable price. I'm not willing to pay $30 for it and it's not available for interlibrary loan. Although I'd love to know what happens next, I have enough books on my TBR without pining for this series. I have a hunch that things could go all romantic anyway, and I prefer independent Jacinta, so that's probably for the best.
Profile Image for Erth.
4,040 reviews
February 27, 2021
This new series by Kf Breene is excellent. I love her wit and snark.
Jessie is a newly divorced woman looking for something new and interesting. So she takes the job of being a caretaker for an OLD mansion in the middle of nowhere. The job comes with some very strange co-workers, and a feisty neighbor. And a very interesting bar owner that everyone kept referring to as an alpha. It doesn't take long before she has to learn the truth, and decide what she wants for the rest of her life.
I don't do spoilers, so I'll just say get your copy and enjoy today!
Profile Image for Al *the semi serial series skipper*.
1,659 reviews791 followers
April 5, 2021
I surprisingly enjoyed this book.

This author and I have an off and on relationship. I have read some of her books which I absolutely loved and then some I absolutely hated because of that I read her books when I'm especially desperate.

I had seen reviews of this book when it first got released and wasn't remotely interested. The cover did not help either. As my desperation reached its fever pitch I decided to just go ahead and get this one done with and again, it didn't suck.

It was not like the typical YA/NA books. The heroine is in her 40's so we didn't get the usual teenage drama that even the 20-30 year olds exhibit in NA for some reason. This book was more of a sedate read about a woman who is trying to discover who she is after she had been something else for so long.

I read some reviews where they said the book was boring and I will agree with that but again there was a reason for that, we focused more on how she grew to be the person she is right now and less of the drama of what was happening. Romance also took a back seat.

The secondary characters were funny, I liked them. I always enjoy when I have multiple POVs, not enough to be overwhelming but just enough to see the bigger picture.

Can't wait to read more.
Profile Image for Heather.
682 reviews
January 26, 2020
Wow! This is the first book by the author that I have read and I will be back for more! This story drew me in and quickly hooked me. Jacinta is like any middle aged woman out there. Things sag, a few wrinkles, and so on. That on top of being freshly divorced and trying to re discover herself make her more relatable than a younger heroine. She is given the opportunity to be the caretaker of Ivy House., where things are not always what they seem. She meets new friends and has to prove herself to others, although she does not really know that...yet. There is magic all around her and she must open her eyes to it all. What was once so easy as a child is more difficult with age.
I laughed, I cried, and I screamed. There was not a slow part to this book. I kept wanting more, even as I reached the last page I wanted it to continue.
Profile Image for Lauren.
471 reviews36 followers
June 6, 2024
When Jessie (40ish) gets a divorce, she finds herself free for the first time in 20 years. Then she finds herself the care taker of the most insane magical house ever. (Not dolls, please not dolls!) Hilarity follows! This is a great book. Magic, fun, comedy and maybe a bit of romance???
2 reviews3 followers
January 16, 2020
I can’t describe how much I absolutely loved this book! Having a heroine in middle age is so relatable. (Even tho I’m 32) I had many laugh out loud moments while reading. Jess is amazing and someone that, as not so young women, we can relate to. I can’t wait to continue this series and look forward to more pwf books!
Profile Image for Gwen.
292 reviews53 followers
July 8, 2020
2020 the Year of the Brief Review and....Be crazy, be stupid, be silly, be weird. Be whatever, because life is too short to be anything but happy.
And that for me is what sums up the Magical Midlife Madness book, it was a great break from the current reality. Highly recommended and I can't wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,804 reviews238 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
September 27, 2022
DNF at 50%. I can’t take this book anymore.
Profile Image for Erin *Proud Book Hoarder*.
2,651 reviews1,147 followers
April 11, 2020
Well-written, ample humor, small-town setting, older heroine. I have a feeling it will be a fun series. This is mainly a start-up book where most of the book is set up explaining things to the heroine slowly, where she is meeting people for the first time, does not have an idea of the truth for the majority of the book, and has chapters of build-up and explanations. Due to this, the pacing is a bit slow and wears me down after a time. I will read the second book, which will probably be better since the introductions will be done with.
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews926 followers
February 21, 2021
So much fun. 40 doesn’t mean life is over it’s just beginning. A new adventure for our lead heroine & a magical world that opens up to her eyes. I really enjoyed the cast of characters you’re funny cookie I’m just perfect as a group. There’s a budding romance that will blossom throughout the series. We focus on our lead heroine and her shedding the stillness of life, embracing her freedom, who she is a strong independent woman. Great character dialogue I left a lot with all the witty comments. Enjoy the magical house and it’s uniqueness. Looking forward to reading on in the series.

Rated 4 Stars
Want to read
September 13, 2020
"Thankfully forty isn't too old to start an adventure, because that's exactly what I do. A very dangerous adventure that will change my life forever. I have a chance to start again, and this time, I make the rules."

Awww, how cute! Yes girl, go on an adventure. Is it possible to like a character from the premise? I am so invested!
Profile Image for Diana.
597 reviews18 followers
August 4, 2024
This is my first book by this author and although I did enjoy it, I did have a few niggles. The story is unique with quirky characters that made me smile.

Now, as much as I enjoyed the story, I did have an issue with the names of the characters. A couple characters names were very similar. The FMC name was Jacinta, but they would call her Jess/Jessie as well as Jacinta in the same conversation. Honestly, it did take me out of the story when that happened. Once I got deeper into the story, I did get used to it. Also, without giving too much away, the age thing was getting on my nerves.

I will mostly likely continue with the series at some point.
Profile Image for Icey.
167 reviews183 followers
September 13, 2020
so much fun!
God such a surprise!
I actually didn’t remember why I bought it, when I checked my kindle I just found it at the bottom so I just click it.
And it turns out,
Oh man! Really??!!
The writing style is really my thing and the characters are so vivid and intriguing. I love Jess so much OMG she is hilarious!!! This is the first time that I laugh so often when reading a book, and she is absolutely adorable.
And I really enjoy the relationship between Jess and Austin, ewww so sweet, I just couldn’t wait to know what happened next between them!
Profile Image for Alicia.
6 reviews
May 20, 2021
This book was not at all what I expected. I don't think the author knew who her target audience was. A 40 year old woman who acts like a teenager and calls testicles "begonias"?! So odd. Also, I understand this is the first book of a series but the exposition to actual content ratio was so uneven, favoring the former... And I don't even feel like I learned anything about this world. So disappointed.
Profile Image for Katyana.
1,642 reviews252 followers
January 21, 2023
Loved this. Seriously, loved.

Parts of it remind me just a little of Innkeeper by Ilona Andrews, but not in a derivative way. Just the sentient house, being the caretaker and getting abilities through that.

The cast is fantastic, the banter is tons of fun, and I just can't wait for the next one.
Profile Image for Lina.
89 reviews41 followers
April 17, 2020
I'm a basic binch - I see a good paranormal women's fiction, I give it 4 stars ;)

I shouldn't have enjoyed reading this so much, and, to tell the truth, at first I was annoyed by certain jokes, but I came to love the main heroine (she was the perfect type of 'feisty' for me).
3,5 stars
You might be wondering: Lina, how come you gave this book 4 stars when it’s obviously one of the many paranormal romances?
So, let me explain you how this happened.
Firstly, I picked up ‘Magical Midlife Madness’ knowing exactly what to expect. Neither synopsis nor the marketing were misleading, which definitely made my reading experience more pleasant.
The authoress clearly states that this is paranormal women’s fiction (with everything that this entails), despite the prejudices about this particular setting (urban fantasy), and I’m grateful for it!
Yes, you'll find overused paranormal romance tropes here.

So, here are my incoherent thoughts:

*There are shifters (hence, the whole alpha-beta thing, too), vampires (though, they aren't romanticised), but the tiny unremarkable town is also inhabited by gargoyles, nightmare alicorn(s), druids, wraiths and other sorts of creatures.

*It’s important to mention that I’m definitely not the target audience (which I’m assuming are women in their midlife). Even though I didn’t find the postpartum struggles and ageing body relatable, it didn’t stop me from enjoying this book.

*To summarise the writing style in one sentence:‘If Sophie Kinsella wrote paranormal romance, it would be this.’
The humour at times was a bit too much for me. Old men's saggy balls wasn’t something I wanted to read about (this is one of those times I hate having vivid imagination). Nonetheless, I still found myself wondering ‘why am I grinning?/why did I find this funny. It’s so absurd!’.

*Austin (potential love interest) is a mix of a cliché alpha+a keeper. He often says super corny stuff like: ’Age is only a number, Jess. Don’t let it define you. You are only as old as you feel.’ (which might have felt inspirational if I were 20 years older, but, well, I'm not)
Austin feels fake (idealised) – he says exactly what a woman would want to hear/acts how she'd want him to
He’s one of those super-hot-and-muscled-yet-caring(basically perfect) guys.

*I asked myself multiple time what is it about this book that let me enjoy it, despite all the flaws, and the answer is simple:
I just loved the main character, Jessie.
For me, emotional connection with the characters is no.1 on my priorities list and, oh boy, she was so fun to follow!
Jessie's the right type of feisty: confident, independent, she doesn't cower, yet she's very rational and has typically human feelings like fear, doubt etc.
You don't see a 40 year old main characters that often, but being past that age, when you are insecure, chasing your (unrealistic) dreams or are determined to change the world, makes her even more appealing as a character. Jessie has already found herself, knows what she's worth and has a clear idea of what she wants and doesn't want.
Note: She does shittalk her ex-husband quite a bit, so be ready for that.

*MMM has a lovely message - ‘accepting yourself as you are’.

*Surprisingly, there's logic in this book, like shifters’ clothes don’t appear out of nowhere.

*Almost forgot to mention that the narrative switches from 3rd to 1st person and vice versa, as we get to see the events from multiple perspectives .

Overall, this was a decent paranormal women’s fiction novel . It served as a nice little break from violent and gruesome grimdark fantasy - my brain relaxed.
'Magical Midlife Madness' isn't for everybody, but If you’re specifically looking for an urban paranormal romance with an unconventional main heroine (or have a poor sense of humour like I do), then you should give this series a try.

Profile Image for Laura.
108 reviews67 followers
April 6, 2023
If we're talking about shifter, what would you imagine?

Werewolf? Absolutely.
Tiger? Why not.
Phoenix? That'd be amazing.

But NO. We got rat and polar bear shifters. I had to admit that it was funny and I did not expect that.

Magical Midlife Madness is a first book from the series. It's a decent book with a good storyline. The writing is also easy to digest. Tbh, I almost gave this book 3⭐️ But I appreciate the originality about the shifters.
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