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Trailer Park Heart

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Trailer park born and raised. It’s my legacy. That’s how my mama lived. And that’s how her mama lived. It’s the life I was born into and it’s the life I swore I would leave the second I was old enough to make it out.

Only legacies have a funny way of sneaking up on you. An innocent decision the night of high school graduation led to a series of complications in my plans to escape.

Seven years later, I’ve resigned myself to this small town and the roots I’m tied to. Nothing could make me leave. And nothing could make me spill the secrets that keep me here.

Until he walks back into town with a chip on his shoulder and a stupid hunch nobody else in town has been smart enough to follow.

Levi Cole is my opposite. Born on the right side of the tracks with family money to spare, he’s the kind of black sheep that can afford to be rebellious—because his family will always pay for his mistakes. He’s also the only living heir to Cole Family Farms, after his brother Logan was killed in duty seven years ago.

He sees something in my life that he thinks he has a right to. But he’s wrong. And obnoxious. And he needs to take his stubborn good looks and that intense way he looks at me and go back to wherever it was he came from.

I know better than to trust men like him. I was born and raised in a trailer park, I know nothing good happens to girls like me—girls with trailer park lives and trailer park hearts. Especially from gorgeous, kind, pigheaded men like him.

338 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 23, 2018

About the author

Rachel Higginson

115 books3,483 followers
Rachel Higginson is the best-selling author of The Five Stages of Falling in Love, Every Wrong Reason, Bet on Us and The Star-Crossed Series.

She was born and raised in Nebraska, and spent her college years traveling the world. She fell in love with Eastern Europe, Paris, Indian Food and the beautiful beaches of Sri Lanka, but came back home to marry her high school sweetheart. Now she spends her days writing stories and raising five amazing kids.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 412 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,232 reviews35.1k followers
December 20, 2018
5 stars!!

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“The hard things make the victory and the success so much better, so much more beautiful.”

Rachel Higginson is another new to me author who made their way on my top favorites list of 2018. I’ve seen a bit of a buzz with this book in groups I’m in, and even though the title didn’t appeal to me, I picked it up. I am so glad I did! Trailer Park Heart is an emotional, sweet, and somewhat angsty enemies to lovers story and I couldn’t have loved it more!

Ruby Dawson grew up in a trailer park, but she’s determined to get out. She’s graduated high school and is starting college in the fall. Everything is going according to plan. Ruby gets this bright idea to get rid of her virginity before she goes. One night, and her life is forever changed. She’s pregnant, and suddenly she finds all of her future plans have been crushed. Years later, she’s working in town, living with her mom and son in the same old trailer. And she wouldn’t change a thing. Because her son Max is her world.

Levi Cole is not from the trailer park. The opposite of that, actually. He was Ruby’s rival in high school and he hasn’t been home since graduation. His brother died tragically and he’s stayed away ever since. It’s been seven long years. When Levi and Ruby meet again, sparks fly and their back and forth banter is in full force. Ruby has no idea how Levi has always felt for her, and she’s starting to realize she feels the same. She just has no idea what to do with those feelings. She fights it at first, but Levi is very convincing.
“You’ve been in my bones since we were kids, Dawson. I get that our lives have gone in different directions, but don’t you think you should at least give us a shot?”

You see, Ruby has been holding on to a secret for seven years. One she’s not told a soul about. The paternity of her son. And she doesn’t know how Levi will react to this news. Will it bring them closer together or break everything they’ve tried to build? 

One of the things I loved most about this book was Levi’s relationship with Ruby’s son, Max. Even though Levi wasn’t his father, he was so great with him and always made him feel special. Sigh. I’m a sucker for a single parent book. This was also a very slow burn romance, which I love. It took this couple a long time to get together, but once they did… well, it was worth the wait!

If you love a book with a strong heroine, a swoony hero, and a cute kid, pick this one up! There was a lot of build up and push and pull, but it made the ending that much sweeter. I loved it!
“I’ve been yours. For as long as I can remember. It was true when we were kids. It was true the second I walked back into town and realized you were still here and still single. And it’s still true. It will always be true.”

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Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,414 reviews9,952 followers
October 13, 2018
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MY REVIEW: can also be found on my blog:

TRAILER PARK HEART: Is a full length from 'enemies to romance' novel by new to me author Rachel Higgins.

In this we meet Ruby Dawson, the girl who was born on the wrong side of the tracks & Levi Cole, the boy who had it all.

Ruby Dawson seemed like she was on the right track of leaving her small town, Clark City Nebraska behind her for good, it’s her final year at Clark City High School, and the last three months couldn’t come quick enough, graduation night and one rash decision of fulfilling her bucket list

1: Go to a party
2: Do something reckless
3: try and alcoholic beverage
4: Make out with Logan Cole
5: Lose my virginity

Before the chains that tethered her to the town she wanted to turn her back on are cut loose she finds herself in a predicament that she can't get out of.

Her life it seemed was always tangled up with either one of the brothers at one time in her life, Logan was Levi’s older brother, the nicer one of the two, the one she got on really well with, the one that never gave her a hard time, the one she had a secret crush on and at one time she thought she may have even loved him.

Levi was the one that went out of his way to make her life miserable or though it seemed and they had been sworn enemies for eternity.

Seven Years Later: Levi is the only brother left standing and the only living heir to Cole Family Farms, after his brother Logan was killed in duty seven years ago and has been asked to come home to take over the family business. The last person he ever expected to see again was Ruby, having thought she would've left this town behind her in her dust all those years ago.

These two were a hot hot mess, their banter, the two and froing these two were always at loggerheads made for a ping pong kind of read, if they could fight over something, they did. Ruby's character seemed repetitive, always down about the life she was born into, like groundhog day it always seemed on repeat, and I did roll my eyes on more than one occasion, Levi on the other hand garnered all the feels, he wasn't all he seemed, for me he is what made this book, all in all though an enjoyable read. 4 Solid stars from me..

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Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
November 5, 2018
This book had so much potential to be a really great read. Unfortunately, there was a heroine that ( in my opinion) made really selfish choices and I had a hard time over looking that.
Another peeve of mine is having the hero and heroine not getting together until very late in the story. With Levi and Ruby... they fought their feelings for one another....sometimes for very valid reasons... but by 90% I was more than frustrated that they finally hooked up at this point! I basically had 10% of the story to enjoy them being involved!

Even with my complaints though, I was able to finish the book! I also really liked Levi! He was a sweetheart and the three stars go to him! Lol! As far as Ruby goes though, I did not care for her one bit. Thinking about her and her choices get me mad all over again!!!

I will definitely be looking into another story by this author as I think maybe I would enjoy her work more if I wasn’t so frustrated by the heroine!
Profile Image for Dri ✰.
693 reviews235 followers
October 24, 2018
★ 3.5 STARS ★

“I wasn’t defined by other people’s opinions of me. I was defined by my belief in myself. I was a fighter. I was a survivor. I was the girl who lived her best life despite her circumstances.”

Profile Image for Susan's Reviews.
1,162 reviews658 followers
August 8, 2022
The writing and storytelling in Trailer Park Heart was exceptional. There is an element of truth running through this novel that raised it above the many hackneyed novels that deal with this "wrong side of the tracks" theme. I was expecting the usual breezy, lightweight, maudlin treatment of this subject, but this author is a native of Nebraska and knows of what she speaks, obviously. I was very impressed by the caliber of the writing and the highly engrossing narrative.

Ruby Dawson worked hard all of her young life with one aim: get out of Clark City and never return.

Levi Cole has crushed on Ruby his entire life, but Ruby is having none of THAT! I alternated between laughing and then shaking my head in consternation at many of Ruby's stubborn, misguided decisions. However, as I often say, sometimes a bad thing has to happen to make way for a good thing. One headstrong action on her part derails her entire life, forcing Ruby to stay in the town she hates so much.

The emotion and the characters in this novel seemed very real to me. This is not a "steamy" romance, although it certainly had elements of it in this story (and very beautifully done, I might add! I sniffled and "awwwwed" a time or two!) Life is messy and we don't always get what we want: I am a big fan of realism in a novel.

I did note a few inconsistencies regarding the character of Ruby's mother: she starts off as neglectful and horrible, allowing Ruby to go hungry at times and bringing a constant stream of men into their double wide trailer. Conversely, there is a passage in the first half of the novel, when Ruby admits that she is pregnant, where Ruby's mother says Ruby will always have a home with her, and that having Ruby was the best thing that happened to her. We then discover that Ruby's mother expects Ruby to pay for two-thirds of the utilities and for any babysitting her mother does, so while she is willing to give Ruby a home, she isn't THAT supportive of Ruby. (This seemed like Ruby was having a bit of a pity-party, but I figured the author wanted to portray Ruby as being so burdened, financially strapped and overworked that she would never be able to escape the trailer park.
There was also some confusion as to whether Levi had guessed, early on in the story, who Max's real father was, but then, later on, Levi behaves as if he is shocked and heartbroken when Ruby finally confesses the truth. I decided to overlook this potential flaw because by then the drama and emotions were running high and the story was so darned good at this point! I did not want to waste time flipping back in the novel to verify this, so I just carried on reading.

Ruby's character slowly evolves in this story. She goes from being a guarded, chip-on-her shoulder loner to a more accepting, happier human being. There are many wonderful, quote-worthy lines in this novel. This first quote sums up the conflict very nicely:
"There was something damaged inside of me, something that wouldn’t let good things happen.
Levi and I could have happened once upon a time, but I’d been too focused on telling him no, on not letting anything slow me down from leaving this town. And so I’d sabotaged whatever good thing was between us in the worst way possible.
And even though it gave me Max, it had ruined so many other things."

Ruby's personal growth is gradual, but steady. You come to admire this very flawed, but strong young woman who works her heart out to give her son a better life, while making sure that he knows he is loved and wanted. In the end, she comes to realize:
"The frustrating thing was, now that I had some f*****g perspective, I could admit that leaving Clark City and moving out of the trailer park and finding a life for myself elsewhere did not necessarily guarantee happiness.
Happiness wasn’t even a goal worth pursuing. Happiness was fleeting… fickle… temporary. Happiness was a waste of time.
What I really should have been chasing was joy. Joy didn’t come and go. Joy didn’t disappear or reappear depending on my circumstances. Joy was a rock-solid foundation with which to build my life."

I enjoyed the many philosophical passages in this novel. The story is told from Ruby's point of view, and her character comes across as intelligent, but defensive and headstrong, with a poor self-image. She likes to think she managed to survive the bullying and the sneering she had been subjected to all of her life, but she still does not feel worthy or deserving. When bad things happen to her she takes it in stride, because that, she figures, is her lot in life. Well, life - and Levi - ultimately prove her wrong. This was a great read, and I will definitely be checking out this author's other novels. I give this a 4.5 out of 5, rounded up to a 5 because I was truly entertained!

N.B.: I go through "genre phases" in my reading. When life is crazy busy or fraught, then I tend to go for lighter fare. I mix up slice of life or romance novels with magical realism, and all is eventually right with my world again. I've read a couple of this authors other books, but this is by far her best work.
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,107 followers
October 23, 2018
Live amazon https://www.amazon.com/Trailer-Park-H...

4 stars

Rachel Higginson delivers a heartwarming,intense and full of tension story.I was intrigued from the first pages, I loved the story line and the writing.


I loved the build up between the characters and they have a great banter.There was tension,intensity and sweetness between them.I loved that Levi was challenging all the time Ruby.Ruby is a great heroine that sometimes frustrate me.

If you like angst and tension in your stories then this is perfect!


Profile Image for Nicola.
1,390 reviews277 followers
October 22, 2018
Blending enemies-to-lovers with unrequited love, Rachel Higginson brings us a story of love, loss and second chances between a couple whose lives have travelled very different paths.

description I had lived my whole life in a trailer park on the wrong side of the tracks. And maybe that was my life story, but it wasn’t the story of my heart.”

Told from Ruby’s perspective, Higginson does a superb job in not only detailing her story but also Levi’s with no stone being left unturned along the way. Strong, determined and feisty, Ruby was as endearing as she was maddening—she occasionally came over incredibly thoughtless with her comments—but I adored Levi with his more honest, gentle and steadfast approach when he returns to his hometown seven years after he left.

description I’ve never wanted to be friends with you. Not when we were kids, not when I came back to town. And not even now. I have always wanted more. Always.”

Trailer Park Heart is definitely on the slower burn end of the romantic scale with a good dose of push/pull throughout and plentiful verbal sparring between Levi and Ruby as they get to know one another once again. But the payoff is absolutely worth it and if that’s what you enjoy, then this is certainly worth picking up

description You saw me. Just as I was.”

Guest review on The Bookish Sweet Tooth

Copy generously provided by the author for an honest and unbiased opinion.

Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
1,000 reviews1,164 followers
October 15, 2018
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Rachel Higginson gave us everything we wanted in Trailer Park Heart. Small town Scandal, unrequited love, jealousy, frenemies, and passion. This is a story that will have you rooting for a girl who has sacrificed everything, and falling for a boy who had more heart and passion then you could ever imagine.

All her life the only thing that Ruby Dawson has ever truly wanted, was to her leave her small town of Clark City Nebraska and never look back. In this town everyone knows each other and with that, comes the gossip and side glances. Growing up in a trailer park with a single mom was never easy and Ruby made it her mission to leave and go off to college the minute her Senior year came to an end. But one last chance to finally let her hair down has her coming face to face with her sworn enemy since childhood and that encounter, will set off a chain of events that’s going to change the course of her life.

It’s been seven years since Levi has been home and from the looks of it, nothing has changed. Sure, some of his classmates have gotten older and started families of their own, but other than that everything is still the same. Same diner, same gossip mill, and the same girl who swore that she was going to leave, is still there but for different reasons. What will happen when they realize that they have unfinished business?

I’ve always loved the way this author portrays her characters and gives the readers some fierce, strong female heroines. She’s never afraid to make them stand on their own and be the protective, independent woman that we all can be. As for Levi, I loved everything about that man!! He was sweet and charming and he knew exactly what he wanted so there was no need for games. I only wished that there was more communication from them in the past and present but besides that, this was a well written small town love story that's going to make you want more.

Profile Image for Tracy *To the point Reviews*.
647 reviews174 followers
October 25, 2018


I like Rachel Higginson, I really do... However, INNER DIALOGUE OVERLOAD!!! The entire book, up to where I stopped, is the heroine explaining and re-explaining the fact that she is the town's pirhia. The girl from across the tracks... the girl people talk down to... blah blah! It's everything that defines her, that shouldn't define her, that she obsesses over.

The book barely has any action because we are constantly being assaulted by her inner musing. Incessant, bordering on neurotic, recounting of the same events, people, circumstances. She rants inside her head constantly! And it's annoying as all fuck!!! NON STOP!!! PAGES AND PAGES OF IT!!!

Me writing the same complaint 5 different was is a perfect example of how reading this book felt.

What's more, it's a scenario where all these years later she still acts like a high schooler around the hero. Holding on to her grudge like a 15 year old. Dissing him and saying disparaging things about him. Seriously? Grow the hell up! I mean, she is a mother after all. She really is unlikeable from the get go. Yes she had it hard, but for god sakes woman, lighten up!! It's high tension OTT inner dialoguing that makes the story a stressful read for me. So much so that I had to step away.

Profile Image for Wil Loves Books!.
1,345 reviews488 followers
November 2, 2018
This was ok, all in all I was expecting something more angsty and more emotional. Boy was this heroine clueless and wishy-washy. She also behaved like a little girl and the story is so inconsistent I couldn’t make sense of it. Not to mention the inner dialogue is overly excessive. This is my first book by this author but I’m willing to give her another chance.
Profile Image for Antonella.
3,793 reviews527 followers
April 5, 2020
I really don't know what to say...I could say so much but I guess I just don't care.

Here is a summary for those of you who want it:

If you don't want spoilers to know that this is some kind of second chance romance and my rate has a lot to do with me not connecting with the characters mainly heroine and her choices.
Profile Image for Eliza.
661 reviews849 followers
October 23, 2018
★3.5 STARS★

Ruby Dawson has worked hard to ensure her future would be different than the one that everyone in town had predicted for her. Raised in a trailer park by her ex-stripper mother, the odds that she would make a success of herself were well and truly stacked against her. On the cusp of proving them all wrong and going off to college, Ruby allows herself one night to let her hair down alongside the peers that spurned her throughout high school. Armed with her checklist of “firsts” Ruby crashes the party of arch nemesis Levi Cole.

Arch nemesis may be a slight exaggeration but Ruby and Levi have a rivalry that extends as far back as she remembers. They are night and day in many ways but they are similar in that they are both driven by their desire to leave town. Levi is the last person Ruby would like to bump into but in doing so it gives them the opportunity to talk and bring an end to their feud.

Seven years later, working in a diner and living in her mother’s trailer, is not the future Ruby would have ever envisaged for herself. She hates that she has proven the naysayers right but she isn’t forced to look at what she missed out on until a family situation has brings Levi back to town. She’d accepted the life she had but Levi’s return bring fresh perspective and forces her to confront truths she had long left buried.

I revelled in the underlying tension and chemistry in their relationship, and although I understood her reasoning for not wanting to give in, there were times when I found Ruby to be unnecessarily combative. I always enjoy rooting for the disadvantaged and Ruby certainly possessed some of a true underdog. It would have been incredibly tempting for her to fall into the damsel in distress category, but even with the sweet hero-like demeanour Levi’s had, she keep her feet firmly on the ground. Trailer Park Heart is a story that touches on loss, and hope but that dares to bloom in the most damaged of hearts.

Profile Image for Angela (Reading Frenzy Book Blog).
1,003 reviews479 followers
October 23, 2018
3.5 stars

Trailer Park Heart will whet your appetite for a sweet underdog love story.

Ruby has all the cards stacked against her. She is poor and lives with her neglectful mother in a trailer park on the wrong side of the tracks. However, she never feels an ounce of self-pity. I really admired her tenacity and resilience.

Levi has been Ruby’s rival since grade school. He comes from a well-off family, but they are equally matched when it comes to wits and taunting. I enjoyed Ruby’s high school flashbacks and how her perceptions change when looked at through the lens of adulthood.

There is a nice progression to the story and a lovely push and pull dynamic between Levi and Ruby. The author effectively uses pacing to establish some wonderful connections between a variety of characters. Ruby’s relationship with her mother is particularly fascinating. Ruby has such a huge heart that I couldn’t help but cheer her on toward a happily ever after.

I have some issues with the book that are difficult to delve into without spoiling the story. I will say that some of the characters’ choices seem illogical, and the narrative is repetitive in places.

Putting that aside, this book was well on its way to being a four-star read for me. Unfortunately, the story begins to lose steam toward the end and then things are wrapped up rather abruptly and details are skipped. Despite some flaws, I quite enjoyed this romantic story.

Recommended for fans of:
Opposites attract stories
Second chance romance
Small towns
* I received an early copy of this book from the author to voluntarily read. This does not affect my opinion or the content of my review. *
Reading Frenzy Book Blog
Profile Image for Betül.
1,040 reviews284 followers
October 19, 2018
**ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review**


I have a thing for stories about girls that are from the wrong side of the tracks falling for guys who are the complete opposite. In the prologue of this story we see Ruby and Levi in their senior year, and we get an idea what type of relationship they have. They are more enemies than friends, but it wasn't really toxic or anything in my opinion. They were teasing one another, and they both didn't really know how to express themselves. They are teenagers, and it is sometimes hard to get a hint in some cases. After an incident at the high school graduation party, Ruby's dreams are taken away and she can't escape the small town like she was planning for years. Seven years later, Levi comes back in town and is surprised to see Ruby is still living there. Levi, hopes to make his intentions more clear than he did in high school. Ruby, doesn't really know how to feel about this and does her best to keep a distance between each other. However, Levi isn't that easily pushed away.

Trailer Park Heart is overall a good contemporary romance. I was expecting this story to have a more emotional punch, but it was in my opinion more light-hearted with a few somewhat emotional scenes. Some behaviors, especially Ruby's, were chaotic and came across as a bit immature at times. They are in their mid-twenties, but sometimes acted like they were still teenagers. It didn't bother me too much though, I understand that people can hold grudges and act up on it, because they didn't get any closure in their teenage years. However, this did make it harder for me to connect to the characters. Also the last quarter of the book was a bit rushed, which contributed to me not being able to enjoy seeing the characters as a couple. Their 'relationship' was complicated from the start, and not being able to see them as a real couple for at least a couple of chapters, left me wanting more. If you like what you read in the blurb, then I do recommend you give this book a try!
November 9, 2018
4 ⭐'s

“I want to be so much more than your friend. I want to be your everything.”

This book felt a bit slow in its pacing, however, it was really slow in its romance. It was killing me! I hate waiting almost the whole book for the H/h to get together...seriously, this was torture...but in almost a good angsty way.

Ruby is the trailer trash poster child and I felt bad for what she had to go through although she learned to play the victim well...maybe too well.

Levi was the little boy who pulled Ruby's hair to show he liked her. The hard part was that he flipped back and forth between being sweet and torturing Ruby and all that did was confuse her even more.

I was happy that as adults they worked on breaking the cycle even if it took forever for Ruby to see it.

And the other little whammy? Well, I understand Ruby's reasonings but it didn't make it right. I can't even image. I didn't think Levi was going to get past it.

Overall, I enjoyed the childhood enemies to lovers story even though it was a slow, sweet torture. I just think we were due more happy times after going through all that.
Profile Image for Jo - •.★Reading Is My Bliss★.•.
2,419 reviews237 followers
October 21, 2018
Ruby Dawson grew up living in a trailer park with her mum. Being known as the girl who lived in a trailer park all through school gave her the motivation and determination to work hard, graduate and leave her small town. She knows she will never return and never live in a trailer park ever again.

‘I wasn’t defined by other people’s opinions of me. I was defined by my belief in myself. I was a fighter. I was the girl who lived her best life despite her circumstances.’

Ruby is a girl with a life plan, up until her final week in high school, she meticulously stuck to that plan. On her graduation night she did something completely out of character but planned. You see, Ruby had a bucket list of sorts that she wanted to see through before she left for college and little did she know that this list would be the turning point in her carefully laid out plans.

Ruby never left her home town and is still living in a trailer park. She didn’t go to college either. Ruby is a waitress at the local diner and for the most part is doing okay. Well she was until Levi Cole came back into town. The boy who gave Ruby her first kiss on graduation night, before he shot her down and walked away.

Levi and Ruby were kind of friends all through school. They constantly teased and ribbed each other, in quite a competitive way. Ruby thinks that Levi hates her so she convinces herself she hates him back. In fact, Levi would like nothing more than to call Ruby his girlfriend. He wants to date her but Ruby is not interested in anything that could potentially foil her life plans, a boyfriend would just complicate things and surely he is not truly interested in her?

None of that matters now, seven years have passed since she last saw Levi and she plans to avoid him as much as she can. Levi is stunned when Ruby walks up to his table to take his order. First, she is even more beautiful than he remembered and second, what is she doing working in a diner? It just makes no sense to him, the girl who had big dreams to fly now seems flightless.

‘It had been seven years. He was supposed to have moved on with his life and forgotten about me. He was supposed to have found somebody else and become a different person. He wasn’t supposed to notice me anymore. Or care about me. He definitely wasn’t supposed to see me. Not like this – not at my most vulnerable.’

Levi is determined to get to the bottom of what happened since he last saw Ruby. More than ever, he wants her to see that he truly does care about her and maybe he can convince her to give him a shot. However, Ruby is holding onto a huge secret that has been weighing her down for years and once the truth comes out she is convinced that Levi will walk away from her once and for all.

I absolutely loved this story, it had everything I love in a second chance romance and so much more.
Profile Image for G.
498 reviews187 followers
January 22, 2022
4 stars
I was not expecting this book to be this good. The chemistry, the angst... ugh *chef's kiss*
This was my first book from this author. Looking forward to reading more from her
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,858 reviews1,488 followers
October 23, 2018
Note: There were multiple reviewers for this book, and we didn't all necessarily agree on a rating. That's books, right?

Based on the Rachel Higginson's stories I've read, this author always delivers amazing enemies to lovers stories with an added emotional punch. Trailer Park Heart was no exception as Ruby and Levi were so sexy and swoony together. I really enjoyed this heartwarming story as it showcased Ruby's transformation from being closed off and protective to being open to love and life's chances. This was fabulous!

This story starts off with a bang and I was hooked from the getgo. Ruby and Levi had a tumultuous and somewhat acrimonious relationship, which hit my banter-meter in all the right places. There was an added sweetness to Levi which I loved as it balanced his blunt personality so well. The slow-burn aspect of this story was also amazing as I felt like readers were really made to feel the palpable sexual tension and connection between Ruby and Levi.

Furthermore, while I don't usually love secrets in my stories I really enjoyed them in this book as I felt like I was on the edge of my seat the entire time wondering when hidden secrets and past misconceptions between Ruby and Levi would be addressed. It was such delicious angst and I could not get enough. My heart practically melted with Levi as he was just so sexy and charming and the perfect match to the sassy spitfire that Ruby was. The author conveyed him perfectly as he was like the storm that blew up the calm and stable life that Ruby always wanted for herself. He always saw her for who she was and knew her worth all along. In high school, he was the popular boy who would turn his green-eyed gaze on her and spin her world around and then years later when he blew back into town, he systematically turned her world upside down again. It was brilliant!

All in all, this was fantastic and I look forward to more from this author in the future. Bravo! 4.5 stars! ~Ratula


Oh, my heart! Levi and Ruby just left all kinds of dings and bruises all over it and yet here we are, despite all the damage, feeling happy, satisfied, and smiling so big. Well played, Ms. Higginson.

I mean, oof. I don't even know how to categorize this romance. It's got a little bit of so many elements: second chance, friends-to-lovers, slow burn. It is all those things and yet not any of those things at the same time.

I know, super helpful, huh?

So here's more clarification: it's incredibly emotional, smart, snappy, and just a little bit heartwrenching. I giggled, I cried, and I spent some time wanting to knock Levi and Ruby's heads together and then give them both the biggest bear hug because - seriously - so many feels. So many complicated and authentic feels. And gah, y'all, I loved every minute.

Trailer Park Heart was everything I've come to expect from a Rachel Higginson, only turned on its side a little bit. The storytelling was honest and engaging, the writing was smart and captivating, and Levi and Ruby? Well, they're just holding court in my heart right now. Fantastic characters. Real characters. Theirs is a bit of a bumpy road, and I already mentioned the wear and tear on my heart, but good gravy y'all - 100% worth the ride! ~ Shelly, 4.5 Stars


You guys! I read the blurb to Trailer Park Heart and just knew I had to meet Ruby and Levi. An enemies-to-lovers romance is one of my favorite types of reads and I couldn’t wait to dive in!

I was immediately drawn into the crazy dynamic between Ruby and Cole. That their differences and their similarities were what both attracted and repelled them to each other.

Ruby and her upbringing were a huge hurdle for her to overcome. She had to fight for everything she did and had because of where she lived and her family life. She wanted nothing more than to leave her small minded town behind and have a fresh start. But life has a way of screwing with the best laid plans.

And Levi. His life of privilege didn’t necessarily lead to a life of happiness. He’s been away from home, away from their small town for years, and while a whole lot has changed, some things haven’t. Like his attraction to Ruby. And their undeniable spark. He just needs to get her to realize it too.

Oh, Ruby and Levi. There were so many times I wanted to hug you both and at the same time lock you in a room together to get yourselves sorted out. I truly did enjoy their building romance—that things aren’t necessarily what are seen on the surface, but that sometimes there’s a need to dig deeper, to look beyond the perceived bias to see the truth of the situation. I totally bought into Ruby and Levi falling in love and staying in love.

But I had issues with some of the storylines that built up their pasts, and predicated their future. There were some accountability things I’d like have had cleared up between Ruby and her mother. Between Levi and his parents too. Because there were some incredibly emotional parts that would have greatly benefited me as a reader to see resolved and fixed and really see the healing happen. ~ Missy, 3 stars
Profile Image for Maia.
210 reviews3 followers
December 22, 2018
Best read of the year. Haven't read a book I liked this much in the longest time. I won't gush about it because I'm too tired , also because I just looked up a few reveiws & mostly went into this blind so I'd suggest the same to anyone who's interested.

At first I was hesitant because of the title, I didn't want to read another book which was a pity party about a girl who lived in a trailer park & belonged to the the wrong side of the tracks while still managing to look like a Victoria's Secret Model. Thankfully it wasn't.

I really loved the author's take on life & how sometimes it doesn't turn out how you want it to, some very highlighter worthy lines in here.
I thought this was my first book by this author, turns out it isn't. I haven't really loved or really liked the previous books I've read of hers as it turns out when I checked my ratings. Frankly , I don't remember what those were about.
But I loved this one, so I'm gonna keep an eye out for her in the future.

P.S Non-A**hole-hero. He was a cheeky nice guy which is hard to find. Likeable heroine, who didn't melt into a puddle in front of the hero.
Profile Image for Black Ink Riot.
184 reviews38 followers
July 3, 2023
This book should be used as a cautionary tale for the necessity of Planned Parenthood.

Bear with the rant to follow - it’ll circle back to the above point, I swear.

So the FMC, Ruby, is raised in poverty by her single mother in a trailer park and she has worked hard her whole life with the singular goal of making it out. She becomes the valedictorian, gets into college out of town, and is on her way to achieving her goal of breaking the cycle of poverty she’s been trapped in.

So cut to her **OF COURSE** getting pregnant the first time having sex ever (even though they used protection!) and how does the author write this go-getters response?!?

--> She has the baby, doesn’t go to college, works at the same diner she has since she was 14, and 7 long years later barely has enough money to take care of her child while she stays in the trailer park with her mother.

When she finds out she’s pregnant, she doesn’t even consider the options of abortion or adoption, but just gives up ALL her aspirations and whines about it for most of the book. Look - pro-choice means that it’s her choice, but in light of who this character was supposed to be and what her dreams were, you’d think that either:

1) she’d consider or even choose one of the above options

or 2) work her ass off to improve her situation and not stagnant in a dead end job just because….
Because it was an obvious set up for the dumb as fuck tired patriarchal fantasy that the author wrote where the rich guy comes back to town, falls in love with her and sAVeS her and her child from a life lived in poverty.

Haven’t we as a society moved past this shit yet?

—> Can we actually have books in this genre where abortion is discussed / considered / chosen - and not just the “I could never do it” or that “I had one and it ruined my life” angles?

—> Can we stop using a surprise pregnancy as an obstacle to a character’s personal growth and fulfillment?

—>. Can we please STOP producing these harmful fantasies of do absolutely nothing on your own, make nothing of yourself, but just **be attractive** and your rich prince will come swoop in to save you??
Profile Image for Jacqueline J.
3,534 reviews347 followers
January 17, 2019
All in all a pretty good read. I'm not really a fan of 2nd chance stories. This one was different because the hero had loved the heroine all those years ago but the heroine was totally oblivious then and now. So there was that wasted time element that I don't like plus the heroine was so blind. But the story itself was well done and fairly well plotted.
Profile Image for Michelle Claypot_Reads.
2,400 reviews61 followers
December 31, 2018
This was my first read from this author but will definitely not be my last. Ruby and Levi definitely don’t have an easy road & come with a truckload of baggage BUT none it matters. This story was sweet, emotional and Levi Cole is the stuff BBF are made of. Definitely recommend
Profile Image for Mandy.
1,542 reviews228 followers
October 26, 2018
I couldn’t put this book down once I started. My emotions were all over the place while reading this one and I absolutely fell in love with this story and these amazing characters. This is a top pick of 2018 and I can’t recommend it enough! Fantastic!!!
Profile Image for Dawn.
1,463 reviews284 followers
November 2, 2018
Really enjoyed this one...full review to follow

This one had me from the prologue. I felt the tension and forth coming doom-ish future that was looming within the room. The misunderstanding that would eventually lead to a life changed in a moment. And with that hanging over everything I was consumed by these characters. I totally enjoyed the angsty back and forth. The will they ever get over the elephant hanging in every room they enter moments. Which had me flipping through the pages quicker than usual. My only uhhhh moments with this story is the repetition of why and who they were. It seemed to be a character amongst all the others and sometimes dragged for me a bit. Having confidence in one self when we have been pre-determined in our mind as something else is a hard thing to overcome..and watching unfold with these characters drew me in completely.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 412 reviews

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