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Death and the Devil #1

Where Death Meets the Devil

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Jack Reardon, former SAS soldier and current Australian Meta-State asset, has seen some messy battles. But “messy” takes on a whole new meaning when he finds himself tied to a chair in a torture shack, his cover blown wide open, all thanks to notorious killer-for-hire Ethan Blade.

Blade is everything Jack doesn’t believe in: remorseless, detached, lawless. Yet, Jack’s only chance to survive is to strike a bargain with the devil and join forces with Blade. As they trek across a hostile desert, Jack learns that Blade is much more than a dead-eyed killer—and harder to resist than he should be.

A year later, Jack is home and finally getting his life on track. Then Ethan Blade reappears and throws it all into chaos once more. It’s impossible to trust the assassin, especially when his presence casts doubts on Jack’s loyalty to his country, but Jack cannot ignore what Blade’s return means: the mess that brought them together is far from over, and Ethan might just bring back the piece of Jack’s soul he thought he’d lost forever.

395 pages, ebook

First published February 26, 2018

About the author

L.J. Hayward

21 books591 followers
L.J. Hayward has been telling stories for most of her life, a good deal of them of the tall variety. She loves reading but doesn’t seem to have enough time between wanting to be a more disciplined writer, being the actual erratic writer she is, and working for dollars in a dungeon laboratory. She also lives on the Gold Coast in Queensland, but rarely sees a beach and can’t surf, though she thinks living on a houseboat might be fun. At least then she’d have an excuse to get a cat.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 701 reviews
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,789 reviews3,925 followers
February 6, 2018
Strap in, kids, cuz this one goes by fast!

I took a chance since Hayward was an unknown to me and I believe this is her first foray into MM, though I would never know it had I not snooped. I am beyond pleased that I clicked that request button because this is a Cupcake book! A blistering pace is set from the start that carries through to the finish.

Where Death Meets the Devil flip flops between events that took place a year ago and present day between Jack and Ethan. It's told entirely though Jack but I still got a great sense of Ethan, who is a strange brew of childlike exuberance, especially when it comes to his beloved cars, a dry sense of humor that oddly makes him seem very approachable and a cold lethality that makes him very dangerous indeed.

Jack works for a government agency called the Meta-State which is a collective and secret spy network between Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries who share intelligence in an effort to combat terrorism. He's ex-military and has some demons from his missions that crop up in organic ways. I like him. I don't know if I like him as much as a like Ethan but I'm a weirdo who digs assassins. *shrugs* Sue me.

One year ago Jack was undercover working for Valadian in an effort to gain intel on his involvement with terror groups when he wound up bound to a chair in a torture shack. In walks Ethan Blade, number 7 on the list of most notable assassins, and he figures his time is up. That would make for a short story and not nearly as interesting as the unholy alliance they form to get through the Australian outback relatively unscathed after Ethan helps him escape.

Skip forward a year and Mr. Ethan Blade strolls right into the super secret headquarters of the Sydney Meta-State offices and asks to speak to Jack.

This gif sums up my feels about this book around this time succinctly.

I'm not going to sum up the plot because it's best experienced firsthand but I will tell you some things to expect.

Expect lots of action-fight scenes, car chases, gun fights, dingoes...
Expect sophisticated writing with gloriously fleshed out characters, complete with backstories.
Expect a fresh voice when it comes to MM romance.
Expect sex scenes that are sensual, lush and build intimacy.
Expect numerous acronyms.
Expect to be kept guessing by the players involved and the plot.
Expect a rude and somewhat needy camel.
Expect to be amused...

"I miss food." Jack moaned. "Like the thick, juicy steak I had last night. So good."
"For the right price, I can make it your last meal."

This book is hard to classify. It's set in contemporary Australia but there are elements that are almost sci-fi or maybe cyberpunk? It's a little bit opposites attract with a sprinkling of enemies to lovers and heaping of slow burn or whatever you get when you stir those all together. Enemies attract burning? New category! I WIN! Whatever it is, I liked it and I want more of it.

Now for the question I know you're all waiting for, the romance. I would call this romantic suspense. There is a romance between these two, but it's non-traditional. They're not entirely enemies but they are at opposite ends of the legal and moral spectrum, so to speak. They do not trust each other. There are secrets and lies and omissions of truths galore between them and though they make great partners, I think it would've been disingenuous to these characters to bridge that divide and give them a big fluffy HEA. They have something and they both know it but will it stand the test of time? Who knows.

However, I'd be more than happy to take one for the team and read another of their stories to see them get a leeettttllllleeee bit closer to their own version of an HEA, because I'm a giver. 😬

My only quibble is something involving the case but I can't seem to muster up enough care to lower my rating over it.

Recommend to action, suspense, thriller and fans of gritty romance.


An ARC was provided by NetGalley.
Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
724 reviews42 followers
December 7, 2018
"It is entirely possible to miss something you've never had."

Former SAS soldier Jack Reardon, now working for a secret counterterrorism government agency called The Office, has already seen better days in his life.

Granted, some more on the worse side, too, but meeting his Waterloo in a torture shack in the middle of nowhere, aka the Australian Outback, after months of a deep cover op to infiltrate the organization of a mob boss in order to find out more about his possible ties to certain terrorist groups gone awry was not at the top of his bucket list. There are definitely better ways to celebrate one's birthday than to stare death in the face.

In this case, death goes by the name of Ethan Blade, one of the deadliest and most ruthless killers in the world. As it is with everything in everyday life, though, his persona is anything but a case of 'black and white', and this living enigma of a man seems to have an agenda of his own.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery behind dark shades.

Suddenly things take an unexpected turn...
Bildergebnis für american assassin gif

... and what follows is an absorbing tale about mind games, half-truths, doubts and lies, but also about an uncommon alliance, when both men find themselves side by side in a race against time, external circumstances and the Australian wildlife. What happens next requires not only trust and mutual respect, but also forms a bond between them that goes way beyond regulating their objectives. The latter forces them apart, though, only to see them being back to square one, one year later. Yep, you've got it! Birthday-time again. In a sense of déjà vu they are once more suddenly eyeball to eyeball as opponents, only to discover that they might just be pawns in some kind of terroristic chess game that plays for high stakes. And it is entirely possible that once again it is their lives what is at stake here.

Boy, that's how it's done!!! This is what I call romantic suspense at its best and this enemies-to-lovers story had my name written all over it. Let me give you a word of advice: better buckle up for a ride that warrants only the best drugs against high blood pressure and a pile of chocolate that threatens to put you in a diabetic coma when not rationed accordingly. Yeah, good luck with that! Once picked up it will be hard to put down again. Well, unless your name is Simone and real life forces you to, that is.

You think you are prepared now? Hmm, I would not be so sure if I were you. What you get here is an unusual love story...

In this quiet, safe moment, the masks fell away and revealed the man Jack had caught glimpses of in the desert. This was Ethan. Not Ethan Blade, assassin, but Ethan, a young man doing the only thing he knew how to do it. This was the man Jack was drawn to, who attracted him, who made him listen and take risks. The man whom Jack wanted to protect and help. The man Jack trusted.

... wrapped up in an action suspense plot with a slight feeling of sci-fi to it and full of twists and turns that will keep you on your toes the entire time. Not just because the writing is enthralling from the get-go and never slows its momentum. It is also the setup of the story that only adds to the enhancement of pace and suspense. I have said it before and I will say it again: I'm not a fan of flashbacks. At. All. But in this story they make perfect sense. The chapters take turns between 'Now' and 'Then' and because they are labelled accordingly, I had absolutely no trouble to keep my mind on the story. There are hints in the present that indicate to events in the past and this guessing game made me clutch my Kindle and snarl at everything and everyone who tried to disturb me.

Was it OTT at times? Uh-huh. Was suspension of disbelief required? Sometimes, yes. Did it bother me? Hell, no, because despite this OTT-ness Ms. Hayward managed to convey depth, both in her characters as well as in the story itself. Opposites attract, but are Jack and Ethan really so different? Dealing with Ethan rattles not only Jack's world view of right and wrong and forces him to contemplate his life choices, it also makes the reader see that there are always two sides to every question.
"So, to answer your question," Blade said. "Yes, what I do is wrong. But for me, I'm doing it for the right reasons."

Sometimes it's funny how your perspective can change during a story. At the beginning I was completely rooting for Jack and with his painful past he fits my type to a T. Once Ethan appeared on the scene I was a goner, though, and I was Team Ethan all the way. What the hell is wrong with me that I have a penchant for psychotic, deliciously shrewd assassins??? ;-) Well, maybe it is the fact that Ethan is made of dozens of layers. His display of vulnerability and innocence, his sometimes childish glee when it comes to his hobby - umm, no not the killing thing, it's cars, mind you - his dry sense of humor and his interaction with Sheila, the pesky, attention-seeking camel made me want to hug him in a full body tackle.

As for the romance: you just have to be patient. The relationship development is very slow, but I promise you it is worth the wait and everything else would have made no sense, not to say it would have been implausible.

Letting the story end on a HFN is the only realistic way possible in my opinion. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT I DON'T WANT MORE!!! I can already tell that this story will stick with me for a long time and it goes straight onto my best-ever-epic shelf.

Highly recommended to all romantic suspense lovers!

netgalley netgalley2

Profile Image for Shin Mon Thway.
663 reviews1,654 followers
March 18, 2018
For the first time in a while, I have no freaking idea how to write a coherent review except to say that I was blown away. 😱 What a magnificent and unique and stellar book this is! 👏 Fun-effing-tastic all the way! 😱 I’ve been dying to read this book even before it was published. Thanks to my super enthusiastic raving friends. 😒😂 I was counting the days to purchase this book as soon as it was released and I read this one right away after I got my hands on it. And it was just pure ecstasy reading this novel 😍 and I was living the high for over a week and wasn’t able to write a review. But now, it’s time to share the world how much I loved this book. 😉

Jack is an undercover agent working as a bodyguard of a crime lord for over a year. Just when he thought his mission was going to be successful, Blade came. Blade is an enigma, twisted as fuck physically and mentally, ruthless yet passionate and caring at the same time. 😌 There are conspiracies bigger than a mere crime lord doing illegal dealings. Jack doesn’t know whom to trust and how to deal with everything. Meanwhile, even a year after he escaped from the gruesome desert of Australia, he’s still dealing with betrayals, flashbacks of his past and PTSD. It’s either trust himself and his instincts or be swallowed in this whole hellish catastrophe. 😌
What a unique style of writing! 😱 The alternate chapters of past and present and it beautifully worked for this story. 👏 I can’t write the detailed characteristics of MCs as usual because I simply don’t know how to explain them. Speaking of, I’m dying to read Blade’s PoV. 😁 It would be so enrapturing to read the twisted and pitch dark mind of that assassin. 😉 Blade is the epitome of contradiction! The good and the bad, the right and the wrong, the just and unjust. 😌 You won’t get any idea about what the hell you are reading until 15-20% but keep going anyway. 😂 It’s slow burn at first but flaming and sizzling hot starting from the middle. I don’t know how to label this novel too. Is it steampunk? Sci-fi? Contemporary? Crime thriller? 🤔 Hell, this is the kind of book that you have to live yourself to retell the story. And the sex? Oh, that fu*king glorious sex! 😍 There were fireworks, stars, volcanoes eruption and earthquakes when these two finally had sex. 🔥🌋🔥 The enthralling yet equally frustrating UST of almost 300 pages was worth it! 😱 I can’t wait, I just can’t wait for more books in the series. 😭 I need a next book like ASAP! Romeo and Juliet have nothing comparing with what these two have. 😂 And yes, I’m fangirling waving my wet panties shamelessly! 🤣

J&B foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! 😍❤️😘

Favorite excerpts from the novel: 💗💜💗

Confused, ah, yes. When was he never confused around the crazy bastard? Upset? Scared? Annoyed? Yes, yes, yes. But beyond all the obvious emotions, one twisted from yes to no and back again with rollercoaster intensity. Excitement.

Jack was following him before he made the choice to. Muttering, “Who’s loonier, the loon or the loon who follows him?”

“it is entirely possible to miss something you’ve never had.”

Could the two sides of Ethan Blade—the entranced reader, animal lover, and dedicated carer; the remorseless killer and deadly warrior—exist within one body?

this was what happened when you waged war. You fucked with karma; it fucked with you.

“Jack, Jack,” he managed between pants, “please.” “Yeah.” Jack found Blade’s hard dick with his free hand. “Yeah.” He stroked him in time with his thrusts, deliberately slow and shallow. Even as he mumbled, “Yes, yes, yes,” Blade shook his head, writhing, clearly wanting this, but needing more.

Had anyone else ever managed to crack through the tough layers of control? Jack hoped not, because he wanted this vision of surrender before him to be his alone. Which in turn scared Jack to no end. He’d not thought “mine” in a long time, and if he was going to start again, the seventh-ranked assassin in the world was the wrong launching-off point.

Ethan was so damn tempting, like a deadly sin offered free with a bottle of good bourbon—all but impossible to resist.

“You didn’t let it remain professional for long. I resisted, but you . . . kept at me until I couldn’t help it. It was the first time, ever, I felt that way during sex.” If Ethan kept talking, he was going to feel that way again, very shortly. Resisting the urge, Jack said, “So, you could say, I was your first.” With a little gasp, Ethan stiffened against him. When he let the breath out, it was in a long sigh, relaxing his body as it went. “Yes, I suppose you could say that.”

Love grew out of hearts and minds, and those things were most eloquently, most purely, expressed with the lips. In the words a person spoke to show their thoughts, their opinions, their feelings; the way they smiled or pouted or grimaced; the subtle touch of a tongue to a lower lip; downturned at the corners often more expressive than a gesture or walkaway; a bitten lip to keep in a throaty groan. The mouth was the most intimate part of a person and, as with hands, the least guarded.

10 perfect agent and enigmatic assassin lovers stars

Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews972 followers
November 14, 2018
4.35 Wish you were here? Stars

For a comprehensive Fantabulous review, read my lovely Temptress Simone words 😘😘 here.

-The writing is differently good, The Then/ Now thing was confusing at first, but I did catch on. I loved how it all came together.


- It has scorching HOT Sex,🔥🔥🔥 with no kissing😁🤔, kissing is intimate and the mouth like hands is sensitive and that is the gospel according to Jack, I somehow approve. WE LOVE JACK.

-Ethan is an enigma, a Sugar baby (There is something like Sugar baby), a sicko, a car enthusiast, a pet/bug loving Assassin, a weirdo and yeah WE LOVE ETHAN.

- WE have action, suspense, betrayal and all the spy things. One moment you think you know the next you are like: Gah! There were some OTT moments but that didn't bother me at all.



This is Sheila, WE LOVE SHEILA


I am hooked. Novellas here I come.....

Profile Image for Chelsea.
286 reviews140 followers
July 22, 2024
✨HOLY FUCK, hear me out, think action hero movie... explosions, car chases, spy tings, mystery and betrayals, and then make it exponentially better by also MAKING IT GAY ✨


"CRIMINAL OFFENSIVE SIDE EYE TO ANYONE NOT READING THIS BOOK RIGHT NOW 👀 for the love of god, add it to your tbr, start reading it, put it in the oven and eat it, shove it up your butt, inject it into your veins, I don’t care how you do it…. Just read and consume it however you want for fun and for ETHAN BLADE IMMEDAITELY 🥵 plez n tank u xox"

Ethan Blade can disrespect me any time and I'll say thank you.

If this is on your tbr, this is your sign to read it or I will go Liam Neeson on your ass 💖
Profile Image for Line.
1,082 reviews164 followers
February 6, 2019
Completely cray-cray, but fantastic nonetheless.
THIS is what I want in my military/police/hardcore Alpha-men. Complete competency and an author who seemingly did her police/military procedure-research.
I loved that Jack was hardcore, but that he was basically office-bound for a long period of time and that it still read as exciting.
(I can't be 100 percent sure this is how they do it in Aussie, but it read really fucking authentic and believable!)

And can I just say that I love Ethan Blade, and that I have so much sympathy for him even though we don't have his whole background YET! Right, Ms. Hayward?!?
It takes some serious skill, IMO, to make me love a MC who basically killed 30 people, got up, dusted off and kept on going.

I cannot wait for the next one. This was SUCH a good 'MM-mystery-thriller-thingy' with lots of twists and turns and badass heroes.
The romance wasn't really 'romance-romance', but I could live with that, since the mystery-build-up, their banter and the development of their relationship was fucking brilliant.
And it might not be a 'romance-romance', but something was definitely happening between these two.

Just... I cannot wait for their next adventure. And there NEEDS to be a next adventure, their story is definitely not done and I am really looking forward to more Ethan and Jack-crazyness!

"... You’re an insane bastard, Blade."
"Half right, Jack."

Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,508 reviews70 followers
April 28, 2022
Reread August 2019

Can I add more stars, please? ***********************************************
The reread was even better and I ended up totally engrossed, captivated and gooey by the end AGAIN! What a simply brilliant book! I absolutely adored getting 're-acquainted' with these two and revelled in every single moment.
I also highlighted so much, that in the end I couldn't make up my mind what to add here. You just as well go and read the book! :)

Original review

* 5 stars +++*

Be prepared for ...

two breath-taking characters:
Jack: loyal, reliable, sincere, honest, an ex-army guy whose job is to rid the world of bad guys
Ethan: ruthless, cold, weird, heartless,a meticulous planner and sociopath OR is he?

a fascinating, mind-blowing 'romance' (these are the first stages - there is so much left unresolved with two more books to come!):
The men meet in rather 'unfortunate' circumstances which force them to spend a week together.
Long enough to get to know each other, to measure each other up and to get a little bit more close and personal.

(kudos for gif to Jan)

some thought provoking themes:
Can you trust a man like Ethan? Who seems to have no morals, no remorse and no feelings?
Ethan challenges Jack's view of society and life and rattles his deep-felt beliefs about right and wrong.
So how can Jack possibly fit vulnerability, a certain 'innocence', a sense humour and a love of animals (Sheila, the camel, totally gets the 'best pet in a book' Award this year!) into the image he has of Ethan, one the man himself seems to agree with?

Jack's agony (this is told from his POV only) between his intense attraction and his better judgement is brilliantly written. He (and the reader) never quite know where they are with Ethan.
Although we CAN see very clearly that Ethan hurts in some way (and there are some hints and revelations something did go seriously wrong in his past), that he seems to crave genuine human contact and that he is more than the seventh best assassin in the world.

"Do you trust me?" becomes a loaded question between the two. And the plot with its brilliant twists and turns adds to the dilemma. I was virtually glued to my seat. You can't take anything on face value. That's all I can say - anything else would spoil your reading. But I will say: brace yourself!

intriguing plot/timeline:
I am usually not overly keen on flashbacks. But this story lives from the change between 'now' and 'then' and it works beautifully. It adds and builds on it. Makes the reader more curious and yes, downright worried at times.

Ethan and Jack are easily one the best m/m couples I've encountered: they and their relationship are intense, mind-blowing and absolutely fabulous!

Can't wait for the novella and book 2!

Link to the novella which is an absolutely wonderful epilogue to book 1:
This is a must if you enjoyed the book, believe me!

Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Rain.
2,105 reviews28 followers
April 11, 2024
*4.5* The back-and-forth timelines threw me a bit, but once I got a hang of the ‘now’ and ‘then’ chapters I was hooked.

Military gay romance
Fast paced espionage
Set in Australia
Slow burn
Layers of half truths
Dry humor

Ethan and Jack are enemies, but maybe not? A fresh perspective on a sharply written, intriguing spy story.

I half read, half listened to this story. Rowan Scott does a great job as narrator!
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,437 reviews502 followers
January 4, 2020
4 Hearts!

Now that’s what a spy espionage mercenary story should be, and it’s no surprise at the multitude of readers already singing this book’s praises!

Know that Jack is a government man, ex military, and strongly patriotic. When his deep undercover assignment investigating a shady businessman is ruined by top ranking assassin Ethan Blade, he’s not sure what to think when the mysterious and oh so deadly man saves his ass instead of kills it.

Ensue alternating chapters of “then” and “now”, as one slowly sees what happens a year ago when Jack and Ethan meet, clash, fight and slowly, but quickly, develop a tenuous trust that’s tested when they reunite again. Though my impatient self was chomping at the bit wanting to know all the details, the process of what evolves is cleverly revealed. This was a very effective way to tell the story, keeping me on edge with constant guessing at the fast paced progression.

Narrated by Rowan Scott, I thought he did a great job, especially with the various accents. For those that need to know, there’s not huge differences in character distinction, but due to the well written story and Scott’s nuanced emotions, this was a very consistent entertaining listen.

This obviously kept my interest as it alternates between time, peppered with plenty of action, conflicting feels, and a complex mystery as Ethan and Jack unfold a top level conspiracy and a traitor who only these two working together can bring down.

Fast, intense, sexy. I look forward to reading (and/or listening) to the rest of this impressive series!

Thank you to the author/publisher for the audio in exchange for a honest review<

Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
688 reviews1,434 followers
June 4, 2022
4.5 stars

“Brilliant. And me? What does my personality type respond to?”
“Respect,” Blade said immediately. “You will only trust those you respect, but they must earn your respect and if they lose it, then you will be merciless with them.”
Jack felt like a fly pinned to a board. “Yeah? So you think you earned my respect?”
“Not entirely. You don’t trust me, Jack, and I don’t blame you for that. I treated you very unfairly in this.” He swallowed hard. “But I do trust you. And that’s why I don’t regret that night.”

Ethan bb, you deserve all the love in the world. 🥺 why do i always love the complex characters who have a tragic backstory and it makes me wanna hug and protect them? 😭 AND HIS EXCITEMENT AND LOVE FOR CARS?? SO CUTE!!

i'm usually hesitant when it comes to then vs now povs. i don’t mind flashbacks, but if the “then” is also part of the story, i find myself wanting to go back to the present instead but, surprisingly, i loved it here. maybe it was bc i was invested in both the early stages of how Ethan and Jack met and their adventures in the desert, as well as their current dynamic in the present story line. i also loved the action scenes and spy/assassin shit. 🤩

i loved Ethan and Jack’s banters/chemistry! but i'm also aware, bc of Ethan being mysterious and hiding certain secrets from him, it’s hard for Jack to fully trust him (if i was in Jack’s position, i’d probably feel the same way ngl). i can’t wait for the moment when he’s finally gonna trust Ethan completely. i just find it sweet how Ethan understands why and still trusts Jack, even if it’s not always reciprocated.
September 28, 2023
4.5***** stars

It’s been a little while since an audiobook gripped me so much that I found (on purpose!!) things to do around the house just to keep listening. Rowan Scott did a good job with narrating.

Australian Meta-State asset Jack Reardon and killer-for-hire Ethan Blade on the hunt for a traitor amongst the presumably good guys.

The story of this first book is told in two different storylines. The Then, when Ethan and Jack form an unconventional and unstable (and a little juicy) connection on a mission and the Now, when Ethan just walks into the Meta-State (as a wanted criminal) and demands to talk to Jack after one year of silence.

Had anyone else ever managed to crack through the tough layers of control? Jack hoped not, because he wanted this vision of surrender before him to be his alone. Which in turn scared Jack to no end.

He’d not thought “mine” in a long time, and if he was going to start again, the seventh-ranked assassin in the world was the wrong launching-off point.

And I guess never has a men who kept his socks on while having sex (and being otherwise completely naked) been as sexy and adorable still as Ethan Blade. ♡

And while both mcs have sex with each other there’s not really anything romantic going on at this point. So this is def a slow-burn, but that is not surprising considering this is a multi-book series featuring the same couple.

The only thing that bugs me now after I finished is that I don’t get this "Wish you were here?"-thingy. Am I dense? Did I miss something? Or does it even matter at all? Uuuuugh!! *pulls at hair

⇢ on to the novellas before starting with book 2.

Death and the Devil Series:

Book 1 - Where Death Meets the Devil - 4.5 stars
Novella Collection - Death and the Devil - 4.5 stars
Book 2 - Why the Devil Stalks Death - 4.5 stars
Book 2.5 - Dealing in Death - 4.5 stars
Book 3 - When Death Frees the Devil - 4.0 stars
Profile Image for JAN.
1,196 reviews917 followers
March 17, 2018
*** 3 Stars ***

I liked it, friends, but I was aiming for mind blowing which didn't happen.
Oh well, at least the story intrigued me enough to keep me going.

Despite not being my cuppa I have to admit that the structure of it was very elaborate, an intricate sequence of carefully placed events, smartly done. There was no loose ends, there was no bullshit, there were not "too incredible and ridiculous twists" just for the sake of it. It was clever and classy. Kudos to the author! However, none of it was enough to make me forget the lack of romance which is something very important to me. The romance took too long to happen and to be very honest, it was more like a few hot moments than anything else.


If you are looking for a MM story packed with action, suspense and little romance look no further.
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,922 followers
November 19, 2018

I am a big sucker for mystery/suspense romance books and when they also include some "man on man loving", it makes me a very very happy camper !! So this series is definitely right up my alley ;)

https://www.google.com/search?q=so happy gif

What I enjoyed most about this book was the back and forth between past and present. Normally I am not a fan, but somehow the author really made it work... I couldn't wait to see what was gonna happen on the next page.

Jack works as a "secret agent" of sorts (Australian Meta-State asset) and Ethan is like a "gun/killer for hire". These two don't meet in the best of circumstances ...but sometimes those are the most important ones ;) 

This storyline has so many twist and turns, secrets, and betrayals, that I am not even going to attempt to get into it...You should just read it yourself, the fewer spoilers the better !!

It is also a very slow build... and even when things do get HOT (and boy do they)...there is no real romance in sight....yet.


I fell in love with both these characters and even though most everyone loves Ethan most...I am partial to Jack https://www.google.com/search?q=emoticons

I think the mystery/suspense was very nicely done in this one and it had me on the edge of my seat. I never once skimmed or felt bored. The book just kept me guessing and I love it when an author surprises me like that. 

The second book "Why the Devil Stalks Death"won't be out for a while yet (December) but the author has done us the awesome pleasure of writing some novella's, though some of them have a wonderful page count and can't really be called novellas.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor many pages gif

This was a wonderful "enemies to lovers" story...or I think it will be once the "love" comes into play ;) 

Highly recommended !!

This review has been posted on Wendy's Wycked Words

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Profile Image for Teal.
608 reviews235 followers
January 13, 2023
*** 3.5 stars ***

I procrastinated over this review for days, waffling as to whether I wanted to round up from 3.5 stars, or round down. And the answer is: I don't WANT to round up and I don't WANT to round down, I just want to rate it 3.5 stars dammit already Goodreads!

This book had the potential to be a 5-star read for me, because it's chock-full of stuff I love. Chock. Full. Action, adventure, espionage, betrayals, suspense, highly advanced tech, things blowing up, an awesome flying machine, and two tough alpha males sloooooowly falling for each other. Damn, just typing out that list makes me drool a little.

But. Ethan never came to life for me. He just never seemed real. I can't explain it. All the readers who didn't have that problem, and who got 5 stars worth of enjoyment out of this story — I envy you guys sooooooo much.

I even read it twice. On the second pass I read all the "Then" chapters consecutively, then all the "Now" chapters. Still couldn't overcome the Ethan problem.

Oh well. I don't regret reading it, and I'll read the next one when it comes out. Who knows, maybe at some point in the series Ethan will "click" for me. I can hope.

In the meantime, here's a picture of a "character" with an important role to play in the story -- the Kamov Ka-52 attack helicopter:

With coaxial rotors! Woot! Hey, I'm an aerospace engineer, I get excited about flying objects sometimes. Don't judge. ;)
Profile Image for Christelle.
808 reviews
December 20, 2018
Even better this second time :-)
**4.5 stars**

I’m going to start with the specific reasons I loved that one :
* It was personally special as it’s a gift from Vir ( **Muchas gracias, Vir <3 ).
* It’s a new-author-to-me and the writing style : really good and it perfectly worked for me.
* I read “Where death meets the devil : Coda” (free book) in the process, so no abrupt ending for me. (link : https://www.smashwords.com/books/view...)

Jack works for a government agency and is sent for an undercover mission to bring down a powerful and elusive terrorist. When suspicions of his true mission are highlighted, he ends up in a shack to be interrogated by one of the most famous professional killer, Ethan.

From there, it’s a fast paced journey for both Jack and Ethan to get out of there alive, ideally with the job done and a slow discovery of multi-layered characters. From start to end, convictions, trust, instinct and attraction are sorely tested and challenged.

Many twists, many deceptions (are they or not ?), many betrayals (are they or not ?) : nothing is as it seems and it’s nicely unravelled and complimented by the use of only Jack’s POV, and well-crafted moves from past to present.

I was a bit afraid of too much action and no romance, but no. There’s some action but more than that, there is a real intrigue. And then, the connection between Jack and Ethan was definitely present, nicely build and getting strong even though still to be nurtured. And yes, when it finally gets hot…it’s worth the wait.

There’s no cliffhanger, but there is much more to come and to explore about Jack and Ethan and I’m eagerly waiting for the next adventure of these two guys, with the promised release of “Why the devil stalks death”.
Profile Image for LenaRibka.
1,461 reviews425 followers
November 25, 2018
4,5 stars

Honestly, there are only two different ways you can feel about this book: either you LOVE it or you LIKE it.

But one thing seems clear: if you won't LIKE it, you have to stay away from MM Romance suspense books.

Wish you were here?..

The story:

Jack Reardon, former SAS soldier, and a current Australian ITA asset (Internal Threat Assesment) hasn’t yet fully recovered from his last undercover work. Or at least it is what ITA Director thinks and it is why Jack is not completely cleared for field work. Some things went pretty much wrong THEN, one year ago, and though Jack managed to escape, breaking free of the torture shack and the desert, he hasn’t yet convinced his bosses and shrinks that he is back and whole and ready.

NOW, exactly a year later after his fifteen-months-long undercover mission was discovered, Ethan Blade, his personal nightmare and currently number seven on the JSL (an assassins world best list -let me believe something like this really exists!), the one who betrayed Jack's undercover but nevertheless mystifying saved his life helped him to escape after<, marches into the main Office of ITA in Sidney, the most secure building in Australia and asks for Jack. FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE! Is he totally crazy?! Didn’t Jack tell him when they departed in the desert, that he would kill him if their paths ever cross?!

Wish you were here?..

That is actually the start of the story and we are totally in the dark at the beginning craving to find out WHAT really happened one year in the desert and WHY this attractive but extremely dangerous cold-blooded killer turns himself in?! Or does he have some other plans?

The story is clever done, we won’t get the whole picture at once, but the author gives up bit by bit the missing puzzles - the story swings between NOW and THEN – and every chapter brings us a little bit closer to understanding WHAT happened in the past and…at the same time - mixes up all our possible theories.

Wish you were here?..

THAT is a delicious something of this book: You never knows WHO tells the truth at the very moment, whom can you trust and who plays the wrong game. The moment you think you get it, all your soooo nicely built speculations suddenly fly apart. This delightful cat-and-mouse game is EXACTLY what makes this story to such an entertaining and unputdownable read. Add a great sexual tension, good humor and a solid writing and you have a highly recommended contemporary MM Suspense Romance of first-class quality. Be ready for a lot of FUN!

Some thoughts at the close:

I have to disagree with the readers who already scream for a sequel. Honestly, why can’t we just leave it a stand alone? For me, the most interesting thing in this book was a mysterious “interlude” between the MCs, an unawareness of what was going on and WHO changed the sides (if it was the fact at all, and and if, then WHY and HOW the person is going to get out of THIS situaltion). You simply CAN'T go on with THIS plot-structure for an eternity.

So let us leave it here, and enjoy the journey!

***ARC provided kindly by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
April 18, 2018
4.5 Stars!

I was hesitant to read this one. I was afraid it would be predominately suspense. And while the romance was not quite as developed as I would have liked there was enough building that I was satisfied. Pleasantly satisfied.

The writing was great. We even got some banter between the assassin and Jack. Ethan and Jack had great chemistry. And I was surprised by the amount of steam. While there was a build up to it, it was worth the wait.

The suspense was well done and had me wavering until the end. I don't normally like switching between past and present but it really enhanced the reading experience here. I can't tell you how many times I would get to the end of a "then" or "now" chapter only to be left hanging and have to switch. It took a lot of effort not to skip a chapter to see what happened.

Ultimately rounding down simply because I was wanted a bit more romance development by the end but I am definitely hooked. And I'm jumping right in to the Coda next and will be impatiently waiting for the next book.
Profile Image for Rosabel.
723 reviews238 followers
November 11, 2021
I started this on a Sunday afternoon, trying to go back to the genre I love: mystery and guns. Big mistake, I have currently read all the books following this one, except the last one, I haven't slept, I have worked with half of my kind in this story and that ain't good!

But, I weirdly love this. 😭😭😭

Jack and Ethan, Ethan... I just can't explain how their dynamic affected me, every time, EVERY SINGLE TIME, Ethan said: half right Jack, I swear my heart melted a little bit, I wanted Jack to love him, he is not that cold blooded! And I WAS RIGHT (the insight of having read the rest).

But yeah, they were lovely, the story was really complicated and well crafted, the author managed to create two timelines and write them side by side (past and present), so there were a lot of cliffhangers, a lot of clutching my pearls and swearing to everything that exists, BECAUSE I NEEDED ANSWERS, but had to go back to the past or to the present to have them.

That shit gave me heart problems. 😩 but I wouldn't change it for the world really.

So yeah, I loved this, devoured the next ones. Love you Jack and Ethan! GOD! *faints* 😭
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,871 reviews272 followers
April 18, 2018
Color me blown away! I have never read this author before, so I really had no idea what to expect. Let me tell ya though, I'm ready for book 2 right the frak now! In fact, I'm lucky to have gotten any sleep the past couple days, because I could not put this book down! Fast paced, it kept me on my toes, and I fell in love with Jack and, especially, Ethan.

And now what to say about the characters? Oh, wow, I am in love. I, honestly, don't even know how to review the book I just read. The pairing seems unlikely, on the surface -- an assassin, who lives outside the law and makes his own rules and an ex-SAS soldier currently working in counter-terrorism, who plays by the rules -- but it worked. I loved how they played off each other, how they worked together, their attraction to one another and all the bits that made them an amazing team.

The story is told with alternating chapters of past and present. I rather liked that format, over a more linear structure. I got the information I needed while at the same time keeping some mystery.

If you like romantic suspense, you're going to want to read Where Death Meets the Devil!
Profile Image for Jamie.
644 reviews107 followers
February 2, 2023
This book was so good! Love the back and forth timelines. It took me a while to figure out what was going on lol, but once I did it was so impossible to stop reading, I had to know what would happen next. I know this is going to be a book I will reread at some point because it will be interesting to read it again with an understanding of everything. Definitely recommend this!
April 10, 2019
Audio - 2.5 Stars. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I need more than a nice voice.
Story - 3.5 stars

200% me and not the book.

It's not that I didn't enjoy the story. I did, but the "then and now" set up didn't work for me. And it was the entire book. I got frustrated.

I look forward to reading the other books in the series. I can't get enough of Ethan. I'm totally nuts for him!!!
Profile Image for Renée.
1,107 reviews380 followers
October 17, 2021
Time for a series reread.

4.5 stars

What a surprise little gem!

I loved how all of the information unfolded, between a year ago and now, one chapter at a time. Normally constant flashbacks would annoy me, but it worked here.

Every bit of action and suspense had me reading very late into the night.

But Ethan and Jack......seeing where the relationship would end up. THAT is why I need a second book now. I'm feeling unsatisfied with where things are.

Rounded down only because of the romance not being fully developed yet. I have no doubt it will come, but I wish something had been better established by the end of this book. Something firmer than the coda provided, though I loved that too.
Profile Image for Reem.
249 reviews1 follower
March 10, 2024

PS. Thank you Chelsea, for lovingly forcing us to read this wonderful book 🤣🫢😍!!!!
PPS. I hope there’s more Sheila 🐪.
Profile Image for Ariana Nash.
Author 47 books2,026 followers
March 19, 2021
This was INSANELY good.
I am such a sucker for enemies to lovers, and this hit all the sweet spots.

Jack Reardon's undercover operation goes wrong and he finds himself tied to a chair in a "torture" hut, his prospects not looking good. He's a goner, until the Big Man leaves his assassin to finish the job.

Assassin Ethan Blade (not his real name) has a rep, and Jack fears his prospects of survival just got a whole lot worse. But Ethan frees Jack, beginning an action-packed romp through the Australian outback, between two guys who really should hate each other but also kinda can't help but be attracted to each other. They're both killers, both trained to survive, and they don't trust each other. But what's a man to do when they're in the company of a hot piece of ass?

It sounds simple but it's actually layers of deceit and twisty turns, with tiny breadcrumbs of truth left for the reader along the way. Told via a combination of flashback's and present time, (which I usually hate, but works effortlessly here), we begin to understand the two men and what really happened in the desert, and why Ethan Blade has returned now, because his reasons sure ain't good.

"You crazy bastard,"
Half right, Jack."

This was my best read of 2021 so far and makes me want to knock a star off all the other five stars so I can rate this one higher. Brilliantly plotted, beautiful action, tense and mysterious, and absolutely scorching HOT, it's everything I want in an MM novel. Ethan Black is exactly the kind of anti-hero/villain who gets under my skin, and Jack is so damn perfect for him, I just can't help but love them.

I even bought the novellas that take place between books 1 & 2. And I NEVER buy novellas. However, if you like this first book, the novellas add a lot to the story, and should be read, before book 2. Also, they're hot AF.

1.2 Where Death Meets the Devil: Coda
1.4 Bargaining with the Devil
1.6 When the Devil Drives
1.8 Devil in the Details
(grab the boxed set - it makes life easier).

Absolutely brilliant. Loved every damn word of it. And I cannot wait to dive into book 2.
Profile Image for Sarah.
776 reviews38 followers
March 11, 2024
4th re-read. I absolutely love this series and can’t resist reading it again anytime I manage to convince a new friend to try it. This was such a fun and hilarious buddy reading experience and I still got my yearly fix of Ethan and Jack. I think it is so bloody clever, the subtlety to the plot is brilliant and i love the intricacy of the story’s background and its back and forth time line. Knowing what is going to be revealed in future books just added to the stakes in this and made me love the characters even more. I found myself still laughing at the dry humour and just generally thoroughly impressed once again by this authors writing style and how captivated I have been by these characters. Also kudos to writing a book set in Australia and doing it well. There is no awkward outdated slang, Jack is a sexy man of Indian/Australian heritage and there are zero cringey Aussie cliches. Ethan remains my unrivalled ultimate badass favourite book character.

I loved this, highly recommend and can’t wait to get stuck back into the novellas and book 2. Reading this alone was brilliant but seeing it through the eyes of fresh readers and experiencing their enjoyment of it with them has been so much fun.

The novellas are a must read! They add so much to the story, some are lighter than others but there is essential background information that’s pertinent to the central plot and character development.

Oh and also this first book js currently no longer published but the audio book is available and as I strong armed my friends into reading this I contacted the author and she very kindly sent a free kindle copy. She is contactable on her website email and was lovely. The other books will all remain available.

Every read - 5+ stars
Profile Image for Corina.
780 reviews2,488 followers
February 12, 2019
4.25 stars

Sadly I don't remember anymore how I found this author, I would love to thank the person who made me aware of this series - because I'm hooked!!

I got this book a couple days ago and all I want to do is read this series. It's a fact, I can't get enough of Blade and Jack. And might even call myself a teensy bit obsessed. Additionally I can add L.J. Hayward to my new author list of 2019.

There are a couple things I adored about this book.

Slow burn

Beautiful writing

Unique voice

Charismatic characters


This book couldn't have been more different to all the other M/M books I usually read. The romance was there but it was much more in the background than I'm used to, at least for the majority of the first book. Definitely slow burn - but it was oh so good!!

It was a kind of enemies to lovers trope, wrapped in an exhilarating secret agent/assassin plot that kept me glued to the pages. 

The writing was fantastic, and it hooked me from the very first page. Combined with a unique plot, and incredibly fascinating characters, this novel had everything I like.

I had actually no idea that I needed this novel in my life - but boy am I glad that I found it.

It's no secret that I love anything unique, different and original and this novel had it all in spades.

One thing that stood out the most was the way the author structured this novel. The story was told in NOW and THEN chapters, but each chapter ended in a mini cliffhanger. I don't think I ever read a book structure quite like this before. I couldn't stop myself from turning the pages, and every interruption was met with my scowling face. Just to clarify, I'm not the biggest fan of flashbacks, but the way the story was written worked perfectly for this plot and the author couldn't have done it any better.

I'm planning on reading the rest of this series ASAP - I'm just hoping that my schedule  won't throw too many hurdles my way. Because this couple is my new obsession and I need to read more about these two highly entertaining characters.
Profile Image for Fabi.
1,031 reviews157 followers
April 23, 2018
A non-stop thriller with two extremely complex characters. A plot that reveals itself excruciatingly slowly. One little clue at a time while keeping the reader on the edge of the seat experiencing high-octane action and breathtaking suspense.

Is this a romance novel?

ummm... yes, I'm going to say yes ~ maybe

It's definitely not your typical boy meets boy and falls in love romance. It's not age-gap. It's not OFY. It's not second-chance, enemies-to-lovers or friends-to-lovers. It's not any of the typical MM Romance tropes.

Instead, it's a masterfully plotted, suspenseful thriller, gay lit novel with undertones of forbidden romance.

Since I'm all about the unique, action-filled plots, this was a real winner. A sprinkling of speculative science make it a solid five star for me.

Wonderful Buddy Read with the awesome Turning Pages at Midnight group.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,365 reviews554 followers
February 9, 2018
4.5 stars

I'm gonna start out this review with why I'm taking .5 off of this amazing, wonderful book. Why? Well, only because of the ending - it's not bad at all, it's actually a very tentative happy for now, or...just...happy for the moment? I'll explain later. But what happens at the end frustrated me beyond belief, despite the fact that our two MC's were indeed together at the end. Why? Well...

But after my rant in the spoiler tag, why am I not giving this less stars, why did I absolutely love this? Because of everything before those last pages of the book.

I fucking loved this book. It was so intriguing and such a page turner, and I just never wanted to put it down.

Jack and Ethan were so great together, even as I questioned their motives, even as I was scared they would truly betray each other and not actually have feelings. But they had such great chemistry and were so great together I just couldn't, deep down, believe they would ever turn on each other.

So I HAD to keep reading.

And this was so exciting. Believable? Probably not. Like would this ever happen in real life? Maybe, idk...I don't know what really happens in the super top secret intelligence/spy/assassin world. But the plot is a little far fetched to me. Still, I didn't care because the point of books isn't always having to be realistic. It's a made up world - even if it's as realistic as it can be, its characters (and more sometimes) still aren't real - and our imaginations can do crazy, wild, wonderful things. As long as they tell an amazing story with amazing character written in depth, with a plot that flows well and keeps the reader invested, then I am so there for it (unless something SUPER unrealistic happens, then I'm like...nah. But nothing ever felt crazy unrealistic in this book, so).

I felt like I was on the edge of my seat with this one from the very beginning. What were Ethan's motives? What was his end goal? Finding that out kept me flipping from page to page. And then later on, Jack's goals as well.

And ya know, I just loved these two together and it was, in its own strange way, a romance. Do they get to "I love you's"? No, they don't even get close. But do I think they feel that, or are at least on their way to it by the end? Hell yes. Which is why I want more more more - and will be forever saddened if we don't.

But maybe the author will choose not to because of the nature of this romance. Ethan is pretty damn brutal - but also, we get to see that beneath all that brutality and dead-eyed assassin behavior, there is more to him, more to him that shows you that he's a damaged, broken man who has faced horrors in his past we - and Jack - never get to find out.

Well...Jack might find out one day...and maybe us too if there's a sequel?? You catch my meaning *wink wink nudge nudge*

There was so much of Ethan we never get to know about, because of it's all in Jack's POV. And I totally understood why for this book, because it had to be that way because we had to wonder if we could truly trust Ethan until the very end. It was a very well executed literary move.

But if we got a sequel or a short story, anything, I would like Ethan's POV. And if we didn't get it, I would be fine with that - I just want to know more about him, so much more.

We get to know Jack quite a bit in this because it's from his POV, but we could still know more.

I just was left with a feeling of love for this book at the end, but also a burning desire to know so much more about these characters. And to see them fall deeper and deeper in love. .

And the reason I'm harping on about a sequel or extra short story is because this didn't feel finished at the end, at all. I feel like there is SO much more story to tell. I was left feeling a little disappointed only because the story felt incomplete, and I just wanted so much more.

But I loved this book so fucking much - so sequel or not, this book is soooo worth the read. It's exciting and suspenseful and surprising with a lot of wonderful mystery thrown in and more.

Is it light on the romance and steam? Yeah....but that doesn't mean it isn't there. It's a slow burn, for sure, but only because of how the story is structured - and i loved that too, going back and forth from THEN to NOW. It worked so well for this story and how it needed to be told.

So I was pretty damn enamored with this book, overall. I loved it to pieces. Except for that ending because it was so damn open ended. If this is all we're gonna get? I'll definitely lower my rating to 4 stars. But if we get a sequel this rating will stay as is.

But yeah, peeps, just...you have to read this. It'll be so worth it, despite the ending - which is still happy, it's still good. It just wasn't a closed ending - and therefore wasn't a satisfactory one. For me, at least.

But definitely read this. I recommend it 100%. Loved it loved it loved it :D

***ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review***
February 26, 2018
Reviewed for Sinfully.

4.5 stars

Read the blurb for this book and that's all you need to know going into it. Told from Jack's point of view with chapters alternating between "then", a year ago with Jack on a mission deep undercover in the Australian desert where Ethan Blade enters his life, and "now" when Ethan returns.

The story unfolds alternating with chapters from "then" and "now". The parallel chapters worked very well. Something that comes up "now" that you can't really figure out is then tied to something in the following "then" chapter making decisions and actions clearer. It builds the story of Ethan and Jack and ties Jack's ill-fated mission to Ethan's return piece by piece.

Betrayal, loyalty and trust are the main themes running through the story. Whether it's personal or business or something in between, Jack is tested throughout.

Jack - ex-military, now a meta-state asset, has done what he has in order to protect his family and his country. His motives remain, but he has started to wonder if he's been used as a pawn. With his loyalty being questioned by his employers, Ethan only confused things more during the time they spent in the desert a year ago. When he shows back up in Jack's life things get even more confusing. Having Jack's point of view throughout the story makes him a character that you know well by the end of the book. While his motivation for what he does remains the same, he looks differently at how to achieve it and how those around him act.

Is Ethan Blade a sociopath? Does he have a conscience? He's brutal, but charming and there is a story behind why he does what he does. From the beginning Jack catches glimpses of a sadness and vulnerability in the man. While we know more about Ethan by the end of the book, the reader, and Jack, still only know what he wants us to.

Ethan and Jack have a great chemistry whether they're fighting, bantering or fucking. Enemies to grudging partners in survival, back to enemies then to lovers of a sort. Both have a healthy respect for the other's talents, abilities and intellect. It's a slow burn with plenty of tension. Even though they were only together for a short while "then", with the amount of emotional and physical trauma and turmoil it seems like they were together much longer. In the "now" the dynamic continues. They have a simmering attraction to each other that I ate up.

The storyline that plays out is a constant back-and-forth. You're never sure who is playing whom, what is the truth and what the motives of the players are, although as the narrative progresses, you have a better feel for some of it. There is plenty of action. Both men have the action-hero thing going on and Jack even has a hi-tech enhancement in one area which gives this story a slightly futuristic spin, though it feels firmly set in the present.

This is a story I imagine many readers will race through - full of action, intrigue and suspense - but after the first few chapters I found myself slowing down and carefully reading every exchange between Ethan and Jack, looking for the hidden meanings in their words and the clues as to where they were both coming from and where they might be headed.

The ending is a definite HFN, with no mention of a sequel. The setup is there and I would love to read more of these two, especially considering the one important aspect of their relationship that never happened - I won't say what it is, but you'll know what's missing when you read it and you'll probably be wanting that scene as much as I was. I would absolutely read more, but the story is complete and at the end I was satisfied with where they stand. Highly recommended for those who like romantic suspense that is heavy on the action and complex characters that will keep you hanging on their every move.

Profile Image for Ula'ndi Hart.
929 reviews15 followers
October 30, 2018
Overall book rating: 5!!!!
Audio Book: N/A
Book Cover: 3.5

Yes!!! Yess!!! Oh Yeeeesssssss!!!!


L.J. Hayward – My very first read from your talented pen but for sure NOT the last!

Ethan and Jack....

In case you’re wondering. Yes. I’m officially short of words here.

There are so many things I absolutely LOVE about this story!

The writing is engaging. The characters draw you in like a giant Venus fly trap! And the emotions run WILD!

It all just CLICKS into one great experience.

Action, Chemistry, Confusion, Love-Hate, Attraction, Mystery, betrayal...You name it and it’s pretty much thrown into the mix.

Each of the Main Characters has their own thing going on.

Ethan is his own special brand of “something-else” and he had my full attention from the get go. Born a “Sugar Baby” (Read the damn book and you’ll understand) He not only presents a challenge in being a A-list assassin, but also in his personal life.

Ethan is a mystery but somehow he makes me want to protect him in a way?

Strokes. That was what they were. The leavings of a whip. Stroke after harsh stroke of leather biting into Blade’s back. Blade’s smaller body. Before he’d finished growing.

“Fuck,” Jack whispered unable to take his hand away now he knew what they were. He spread his fingers wide, pressing his palm over the scars. “You were whipped?” As a kid? But he couldn’t ask that. He knew it, but to hear it might just snap his control.

Blade froze. The trembling stilled and he even stopped breathing. After a long minute, he shook his head.

From the switch between cold calculating killer to scars on his back, he has me captivated in ways I crave to be captivated. It holds great potential. That’s a fact.

Jack is I feel at a crossroads in his life. He kind of doesn’t feel as if he fits in at the moment. He’s under “suspicion” at work and he’s playing games with the office psychologist. Finding Ethan is not something he’s all that happy with but he can’t seem to shake the attraction to this alluring man.

He's not just a soldier, he's also a guy who's battling past demons. Trying to find the line between black and white as he's currently maybe a little bit lost in the grey area of it all.

Getting into his head about the way he views kissing is also something I really enjoy.

Kisses were like hands. Revealing, expressive, intimate—and, also like hands, most people didn’t see how powerful a kiss could be.

Love grew out of hearts and minds, and those things were most eloquently, most purely, expressed with the lips. In the words a person spoke to show their thoughts, their opinions, their feelings; the way they smiled or pouted or grimaced; the subtle touch of a tongue to a lower lip; downturned at the corners often more expressive than a gesture or walkaway; a bitten lip to keep in a throaty groan. The mouth was the most intimate part of a person and, as with hands, the least guarded

It's crammed full of goodness. Even when it hurts.

I LOVE how it all fits together! It’s just one of those books that make me bounce around on my chair. I love it. Full stop. No eloquent wording here just super excitement.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 701 reviews

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