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The Handyman

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Daniel Martin has never forgotten his childhood encounters with Frank Watkins, the man who built his family a summer home out of cardboard and plywood. Frank's gaze was oddly confusing, as if he was attempting to discern the proper way to behave because he didn't know how to respond in a human manner. Since Frank obviously wasn't an alien, young Daniel thought maybe the man was crazy. In the end, Daniel would learn the terrifying truth about Frank Watkins. And as an adult, Daniel is about to discover there are more of THEM out there...

334 pages, Hardcover

First published November 30, 2017

About the author

Bentley Little

132 books2,384 followers
Bentley Little is an American author of numerous horror novels. He was discovered by Dean Koontz.

Little was born one month after his mother attended the world premiere of Psycho. He published his first novel, The Revelation, with St. Martin's Press in 1990. After reading it, Stephen King became a vocal fan of Little's work, and Little won the Bram Stoker Award for "Best First Novel" in 1990. He moved to New American Library for his next two novels, but was dropped from the company after he refused to write a police procedural as his next novel. He eventually returned to New American Library, with whom he continues to publish his novels.

Little has stated on several occasions that he considers himself a horror novelist, and that he writes in the horror genre, not the "suspense" or "dark fantasy" genres. He is an unabashed supporter of horror fiction and has been described as a disciple of Stephen King.

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64 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 378 reviews
Profile Image for Char.
1,806 reviews1,731 followers
September 23, 2020
THE HANDYMAN was a blast, from start to finish.

I wasn't all that impressed at the denouement, but it was so much fun up to that point that I'm still giving 4 stars. I will warn everyone though, this audio contains just about every terrible thing you can think of; so trigger warnings for rape, and all kinds of gory violence.


This audio was a free download from Audible, as I am a member and this book is now part of the Audible Plus program.
Profile Image for Gary .
209 reviews200 followers
June 25, 2020
This started out by pulling me into the plot. I was gripped for a large section of this book and felt certain it was on its way to being a five star read for me. This author has established a formula that has been successful for him for good reason- it works. Typically his stories start out like mysteries which gradually ramp up in gore, violence and horror and typically finish in over the top fashion, sometimes bordering a bit on silly.
This book did follow that formula (and if I didn’t like it I wouldn’t have read it) and while it was familiar, the characters were especially well developed. The plot pulled me in largely due to the characterization, but suddenly the plot shifted point of view and began a series of flashbacks. I don’t want to spoil anything, but one flashback would’ve sufficed. Instead, I was hammered with flashback after flashback, each time hoping to get back to the characters that really interested me as soon as I finished it, only to find another flashback.
Despite this, the ending was satisfying and the sections that weren’t flashbacks were talent at its best.
Four stars.
Profile Image for Bill.
1,715 reviews125 followers
December 20, 2017
Get Franked.

Frank the handyman has about as much fix-it skills as I do. That’s saying something. My (lack of) repair acumen is legendary around our house. I have an absolute knack for breaking the unbroken and all my diy projects automatically require the attention of a professional to come and fix my work. I’m more of an idea man. Execution…not so much. At least Frank is good at the execution part. Real good.

Bentley Little’s stuff is formulaic, but it somehow manages to work anyway. You know what you’re going to get with him. Normally that may be a bad thing, but not with Little. He knows how to write an entertaining horror story and has been doing it for a long time. I don’t think I could read a bunch of his work, back to back, but I definitely need to read more from him.

I truly enjoyed this one. It was unsettling with some great concepts that I won’t spoil with a plot summary. You’ll just have to read it for yourself.

Come on over to Frank’s house. Dude throws a hell of a party. Or a party from hell, is more like it.
Profile Image for Elle G. Reads.
1,731 reviews923 followers
January 5, 2018
Release Date: October 31, 2017
Genre: Horror

It has been a while since I have read a book written by Bentley Little and now I remember why I have read almost all of his book up until this point. If you actually look at my stats for "most read authors" you will see Little at the top of my list. With that, this is a classic Bentley Little novel with disturbing horrors that will keep you up at night, and content that will make you squirm. Bentley Little has the unique ability to turn the most mundane things (in this case, the work of a handyman) into a tale of supernatural terror. I am both impressed and frankly disgusted by this novel. But the feeling of disgust won't stop me from reading more by him. It's the smallest details in things that he comes up with in these novel that repulse me, but it wouldn't be a Bentley Little book without them. If you like horror novels that tend to sway on the darkest of dark sides, this would be the perfect fit for you.


Daniel and his family needed a handyman to build their pre-fab summer home. Knowing how expensive regular builders can be they decided to let their neighbor (who has done a lot of this type of work in the past) do it for them at a much smaller rate. Unfortunately for them, this smaller rate has led them down a scary path where ghosts and murders take over their life.

This book is told in 3 parts. In the first part you will learn about Daniel and his family, and the wacky things that happened to them when they allowed Frank into their life. There is some downright creepy content in this part which is actually pretty fabulous considering it sets up the rest of the story.

In the second part of the book readers will be introduced to Franks victims. I won't go into details about them as it would spoil the story for readers who want to experience it for themselves but I will say that there is a ton of blood, gore, and disturbing things that happen to them. Literally, this book has so much of that and more.

In the third and final part of the book we get back to Daniels story and his hunt to find Frank and get rid of him once and for all. Things get really weird in this part of the book and while a lot of the stuff is completely unbelievable it is fun to read about. Bentley Little has a DARK mind and readers who have read his books for years will understand the type of content in this last part.


Overall, I really liked this one. I kept finding myself WANTING to read the book even long after I had to put it down. It's been a while since I felt this way about a novel so I was super excited to feel this excitement before and after reading.

Will I continue reading books by Bentley Little based on this one? You bet! I have long since been a fan of his work and will read his books until he stops writing them.

If you are a fan of horror novels- especially those that tend to teeter on the darker side (they are so unconventional that it's scary) then I recommend this book to you.

I read this book as part of my 2018 reading challenge. Want to join me? You can find my challenge on my blog >> http://bit.ly/2Cj8I8L
Profile Image for Addy.
269 reviews56 followers
December 26, 2018
This would have been a five star read except for the ending. Bentley’s endings are never that great, unfortunately, but everything else had my full attention. This was an audible reading and the performance was very enjoyable.
Profile Image for Cody | CodysBookshelf.
763 reviews282 followers
October 28, 2020
buddy read with my friend tracy. thanks for joining me, tracy!

because this is bentley little, i couldn’t bear to give this 1 star... but, i considered it. ironically enough, the handyman is the only little novel i’ve purchased twice: once in hardcover, and once on kindle. and so far, it’s the only novel of his i’ve thoroughly disliked.

a scant few scares and an initially intriguing premise hooked me, but i quickly found myself unable to connect with these characters—little often specializes in the everyman character, but these folks are painfully dry—and the overall story lacked the bite many of little’s other books feature. maybe i’m more of a fan of this author when he’s in satire mode, and this is more of a traditional horror story. i just found it boring.

i’m genuinely sorry i didn’t like this, and maybe it’s just a matter of the wrong time to read it. could i re-read it one day? crazier things have happened.
August 10, 2023
This book was good! It had all the elements for a great book such as; Horror, suspense, a good backstory and a mystery! If you want a good read and get lost is a story this is the book for you.
Profile Image for Jocelyn.
869 reviews
September 4, 2020
So, PSA on why you need a licensed (and insured) contractor to do your handy work 😂🤣

The Handyman was - insane. I kept trying to think “how is Frank doing this?” It was unapologetic and a good story. I wasn’t really in to the flashback/dreamscape parts (but that applies to all books).
Overall the book was better than I expected!
Profile Image for Marie.
1,036 reviews344 followers
July 25, 2024
Spooky Suspense!

Small backstory:

Something is a little off with handyman, Frank Watkins as Daniel Martin remembers the man was not quite right in the head and the things he would say and do frightened Daniel when he was growing up. Now that he is a man Daniel remembers what he went through with Frank being a neighbor and he sets off to find Frank to put his mind at ease, but what he finds in his quest to hunting Frank down is more questions than answers and lots of scary factors in between which makes Daniel's hunt for Frank a mission of urgency!

That is about all I can hand out on a small backstory without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This story by author, Bentley Little was one spooky ride into a haunted realm of suspense, mystery, and terror! I loved this story so much and it gave me shivering quivers as I would read this book late into the night! This book reminds me of when I first started reading Bentley Little way back in the late 90's.

The story just grabbed me and took me down into a deep pit of "spooks and scares" along with a twisted ride into suspense and tons of mystery that surrounds the handyman character, Frank Watkins.

The author keeps the mystery of this character wrapped up tight all the way to the end of the story and only lets the reader get a small glimpse of why the handyman is the way he is throughout the book. The build up of terror starts out slow and makes its way steady throughout the book till the last part of the book when everything seems to go into overdrive as more things are being revealed! Once again the author took me on a "ride of terror" as I careened along to the end of the story!

I have more books by this author simmering on my kindle and will jump back into his work later this year. Giving this book five "Suspensefully Scary" stars!
Profile Image for Lars (theatretenor) Skaar.
283 reviews31 followers
January 4, 2018
Woo, that was a RIDE! I loved it! I’ve only read this and The Mailman by Bentley but both were fantastic! I’m not even sure I can pick which one I loved more! Wow. This one was good.
I like how we got a little background then got into the main story, then in the middle we had a section devoted to little stories of more background then the closing section was back to the mail story and the ending sequence! It was laid out very well I thought!
Craziness in this story for sure. A little bit of supernatural like The Mailman. I’m not the biggest fan of supernatural as I am more a fan of real human horror, but Bentley’s books work for me, much like most of Stephen King’s work for me too even being rooted in the supernatural most often.
Profile Image for Heather R.
382 reviews18 followers
April 28, 2021
It’s not every day that a book has me writing song lyrics adapted to childhood favorites! But this one does. To the tune of “The Candy Man”: “Who can take a nice house, sprinkle it with gore, bury bodies in the drywall, in a tale of macabre horror? The Handy Man, oh the Handy Man can. The Handy Man can 'cause he mixes it with hate and makes everything suck!”

I had to write a review of this book because I’ve never heard of it, it’s unique and very interesting, and it’s one of the scariest books I’ve ever read. I’d never read this author before and just happened to give this a whirl because it was available for free on Audible. And wow, little more than a day later, here I am, breathless and feeling like I barely escaped!

It’s hard to give a good plot synopsis without spoilers, so I’ll just say it’s about a horrible handy man, whose problems go way beyond shoddy workmanship and poor work ethic.

Pros: the extremely spooky atmosphere, great characters, and the beginning through middle of the story. Cons: while the section about “the incidents” had some good story snippets, it probably should’ve been woven into the main story instead of just plopped there in the middle of the novel, ungrounded. The other problem was the abrupt ending. Like build up... build up... buildddddd upppppp.... super quick resolution - and WHAM - THE END! It was just a little too quick. I prefer when the book gives us a little kiss on the cheek before it turns to go.

To conclude, I recommend this to anyone who likes horror, or if you’re into thrillers but feel they’re not scaring or thrilling you all that much, check out this book. If this doesn’t scare you at least a little, you had better get your blood checked and make sure that’s not ice water running through your veins!
Profile Image for Mylene.
301 reviews1 follower
January 13, 2018
It was the house that Jac... (no cross that out) Frank built!

In the famous nursery rhyme “This is The House that Jack Built”, you have a cumulative tale about the effects of Jack’s shoddy construction on the people he served (or perhaps tricked) rather than the end results of the construction itself. In other words, it was not a tale about Jack’s house, but rather a story about how his work affects all these random, unrelated people. The nursery rhyme (as many, in that era) has an aura of creepiness and violence.

Bentley Little captures that sentiment perfectly in “The Handyman”.

I have always been a HUGE Little fan. However, I have not been as enamoured with his latest novels as I once was with some of his earlier stories. In “The Handyman”, he shows his readers why we have always loved his work in the first place. He creates a creepy, and disturbing atmosphere that just begs the reader to keep turning pages. The random linking of characters juxtaposes the haphazard way in which Frank (not Jack...wink wink) goes about constructing his true home. The flashbacks to earlier places and times also help with that effect. Further to that, Mr. Little really creates a true evil monster in Frank. A person so vile, and endearing in some ways (think Freddy Kruger), that he almost demands a follow-up book. The reason I am also making this suggestion is that there are some stray ends in the story that I would love to see wrapped up (ie: Irene, The Little Man, the Dark Wife, Betsy and George...). But, even with the loose ties, this is a story that works, so it is a fairly simple task to overlook some of these missing pieces.

Last note: I loved the random reference to “The Store”. (Bentley Little fans know what I’m talking about).
Profile Image for Danger.
Author 35 books706 followers
October 4, 2018
While the pacing of the story had a few problems (the 'incidents' section, while cool, felt like it was added just to plump up the page count, and the ending of the book felt way too rushed) the plot and Little's style of writing are great. For most of the book I had no idea where it was going to go next, making every revelation a surprise. Dark and gory and a little campy too, this book was FUN with a capital F. A recommend.
Profile Image for Brendon Lowe.
274 reviews90 followers
October 30, 2023
The Handyman is a wonderfully woven story of horror, hauntings, supernatural phenomena and dispicable characters.

Frank is a handyman the problem is he just isnt very good. Everytime he does a job fixing a house or making some renovations the jobs go way over time and things are worse than they started off as. After Frank leaves strange occurrences start to occur in the houses and death plagues the familys. Frank is not all who he initially seems to be, he is dangerous beyond all comprehension and it all started back in the Vietnam war.

Daniel who's life has been ruined by Frank seeks answers and to track him down. What he discovers is not of this world and terror is just the start of the discoveries he makes.

The build up to the story takes it's time and this was the most riveting part of the book for me. We meet Frank and slowly discover his quirky nature and odd behaviour. The book builds up with occurrences of weirdness and death surrounding him and it really builds the tension. The ending pumps up the dread and creepiness to the next level with the final conflict. A great book if not a little long in parts at certain times.
Profile Image for Mike Kazmierczak.
369 reviews14 followers
July 21, 2020
I'm not sure if this is Little's best book but if it's not, it's pretty close. In looking over the titles of other Bentley Little books that I have finished, the various stories are memorable but not always the endings. I've had a problem with the endings of Little's books but not this time. He both broke his normal rhythm for a story and yet kept it at the same time.

Daniel Martin is satisfied with his life as a realtor until one day a couple buying a house through him make a side comment about a "Frank House". This opens up memories of Frank Watkins, a handyman from Daniel's childhood. Frank was odd and not quite right. He was also not a good handyman, but no one found that out until too late. Now years later Daniel takes the steps necessary to make right what troubles Frank unleashed years prior.

To my previous comment, Little follows his normal rhythm by building on something very much common in everyday life and then twisting it to the extreme. Pretty much every homeowner has used a handyman of some sort for some odd job that is beyond their abilities. While not fearful of dead animals being used as part of the repair, things breaking shortly after being "fixed" is a common concern. And Little plays on that concern. But then he breaks his Modus Operandi by having his antagonist, Frank, be out of the picture. It is only when Daniel starts hunting him down that Frank starts to become a powerful force. The mysterious screwing-with-someone's-life that is a staple within a Little book was shown through a different angle. It made the book so much more enjoyable while still staying true to what readers find creepy.
Profile Image for Reeda Booke.
414 reviews29 followers
November 20, 2017
Typical Bentley. He has a knack for taking a seemingly innocent type of character and turning him into something that gives you the chills and leaves you feeling uneasy. In this case a run of the mill handyman who not only does shoddy work, but throw in some Vietnamese voodoo witchcraft, and you have a handyman from hell.

A creepy as heck, but fun read. Recommended for horror fans.
Profile Image for Chris.
741 reviews15 followers
April 9, 2018
The first part of the book is told in a young boys perspective.I found it warm, honest and funny, as you’d expect from a 10 year old. Daniel and his family are on vacation, driving the back roads, and come across an idyllic small town. His mother says, “I could live here.” And so the discussion between Mom, Dad and the boys begins as they look at pre-fab home kits and acquire a vacation home/lot. Daniel and his brother, Billy, are excited as the parents come across and eventually purchase a lot for sale by owner, Frank.

Frank is also a so called “handyman” but only after it’s agreed to purchase the lot near his house and have Frank construct the A-frame kit does this family realize something is horribly wrong with their decision. With him and with his work. Frank.

Is weird, he stares a bit too long. He does not seem to be as handy as he’s sold himself to be. Lives with his wife Irene who is nice and grandmotherly, but weird in her own way. Any and every construction or remodel he does is flawed and haphazardly and dangerously done. On purpose? The A-frame is lacking paneling, floor tile, etc because Frank’s mode of operating is to always pad extra materials and / or take parts from jobs he works on and incorporates them into other buildings he works on later. This is quite eerie. This is Frank. You will find out why he does this.

Frank takes on different last names beginning with the letter W. When he and his wife put their house up for sale, a new family moves in. They feel something is not right with the house and they are right when first, a skeleton of a child is found behind the wall in the basement. All this is experienced first hand and duly noted by young Daniel.

The reader is taken on a mind boggling excursion as Daniel loses his entire family, one by one, to unexpected death. Who comes to mind? Frank.

There is a horrible pattern emerging over the years, missing people, dead people and animals, houses that Daniel (now a realtor and young man) goes into that has a piece of his childhood’s A-frame furniture, or other pieces that were supposed to be installed as part of the building kit. Bones of people, animals incorporated in walls or floors of new buildings or foundations. Frank’s unique and grisly calling card.

Daniel is trying to hunt down Frank for answers. There is some kind of connection between these two, but we don’t know it yet and neither does Daniel. There are homes built by Frank at several locations that Daniel visits in order to track down Frank. Each experience is surreal; a mind game of sorts. There is a sense of time expansion or compression. Nothing is as it appears to be. Shadow figures flit around. Ghoulish and haunting faces of Frank’s wife, Irene, reflect in mirrors, windows.

It’s at this point that things start becoming weird and sketchy for me. Odd Frank sightings. More “accidents” with people or animals. Deadly accidents happening. Another “handyman special” occurrence like roofs caving in, walls falling down, toilets leaking, etc. Frank. It’s always about Frank.

The story starts going into ghosts, supernatural. There is involvement by a ghost hunting TV crew. Frank is using some knowledge he gained from a priest in Vietnam to terrorize people now and hold close all the ghosts to himself in this cockeyed, handyman special mansion he’s built for them all in the middle of nowhere.
He continues to kill and incorporate body parts or bones of these people or animals into this elaborate construction project. As we know, he’s done this before in other homes as well. It’s actually quite gruesome and sick.

The ending comes down to a supernatural ghost type fight finale between the goodness of Daniel and the wickedness of Frank. I just couldn’t get into this ending, this last part - maybe it was just me.

Oh, By the way, Frank asked me to pass this along to you if you ever happen to need any home remodeling services.

Frank W.
Your Handyman from hell.

One call does it all 888-HOR-RORS
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
or...a lifetime.
Free estimates. References not available.
Work not guaranteed. Cash, credit or your soul. Referrals always appreciated!
As always, thank you for your business

Profile Image for Marcy Reads on IG.
363 reviews470 followers
October 6, 2021
After reading The Haunted, I was eager to read more from Little. I chose The Handyman as my next journey. This was ok, maybe I read this too soon after The Haunted cause I can't help myself in comparing the two. I felt a little bit of a disconnect with this one. There are a lot of scenes of animal abuse in this novel, and while I'm super sensitive to that topic this one really didn't affect me negatively. I don't know if it was because those scenes weren't super descriptive or if it was because of the disconnect I felt. Either way it was enjoyable and some aspects were super creepy.
Profile Image for WHL (Bill).
214 reviews16 followers
April 14, 2024

Flat, uninteresting characters. 

It had a good unique storyline but simply fell flat for me.

After plot buildup, the ending felt rushed and disappointing. The Handyman was Free with audible membership. 
Profile Image for Irene Well Worth A Read.
949 reviews107 followers
January 24, 2018
In Bentley Little's newest twist on ordinary mundane events that turn into supernatural disasters we have Frank, the jack of all trades and master of none. Frank can put your haphazard summer home together, fix your toilet, remodel a room, and ruin your life.
Frank is a liar, a cheat, a thief, and something far more sinister. He may not have a license, and there is no warranty on his work, but there is one deadly guarantee. If you hire Frank your life will never be the same.
Profile Image for Kay Oliver.
Author 11 books185 followers
April 12, 2018
I can't decide if I liked this or The Mailman better. I gobbled this book up. Frank is one hell of a handyman.... Yikes! Using dead animals and dead people for wall insulation.... images I'll never get out of my head. And I think it's safe to say I'll be very weary of any handymen I hire around my house. The imagery, the atmosphere, the characters and the scares were all on point. Little is an absolute master.
Profile Image for Sylvia Clark.
389 reviews25 followers
May 19, 2022
Dark and creepy
Twisted and demented
This kinda put me in the mind of Black House by Stephen King

A handyman does shitty jobs when fixing anything for someone. But what is he really after? One encounter with him may cause a lifetime of bad things to you
Profile Image for James.
Author 110 books443 followers
August 18, 2020
Finished a re-read with the wife. Great novel -- probably not one of my very favorites from Little, but still damned good and super-creepy at times!
Profile Image for Katherine.
117 reviews23 followers
April 21, 2024
This is the Bentley Little I love.
Whenever I stack with a bad book aftertaste, I take Stephen King or Bentley Little. So fas as I've read almost all the King's books, so here is Bentley Little.
His books are the cozy place for me to get some rest.
All we acknowledge about his writing scheme, and it works every time.
Though, here in The Handyman I was a little annoyed by how slow, stubborn in no-paranormal-causes, gutless and feeble Daniel was. Otherwise I enjoyed this book, it gave me so much needed bookish restart.
Profile Image for Reading is my Escape.
994 reviews50 followers
September 20, 2020
Creepy as hell. I'll never look at handymen the same way.
This was a great audiobook - terrific narrator. I hated to stop listening. Mostly I just wanted to know what was Frank's deal and how did he do it. The end came a bit quickly, I don't know if I wasn't completely paying attention or what. But I was surprised how quickly things resolved. Still a great book!
Profile Image for Yvonne (go.for.a.walk.chuma).
332 reviews5 followers
July 8, 2021
Makaber und fesselnd

Immobilienmakler Daniel Martin hat die Geister seiner Vergangenheit begraben – das zumindest dachte er, bis bei einem Verkaufsgespräch zufällig die Worte »Frank-Haus« fallen. Schlagartig sind die schrecklichen Kindheitserinnerungen wieder da und Daniel muss sich ihnen erneut stellen. Alles begann mit Frank Watkins, dem lausigen und seltsamen Handwerker ohne Lizenz, der ihn und seine Familie mit der Sanierung des Ferienhauses in den Abgrund riss. Daniel recherchiert erneut und findet heraus, dass sein eigenes Schicksal nur eines von vielen ist, die Frank zu verantworten hat. Er sinnt auf Rache und will ihn aufspüren, doch seine Suche ist gefährlich … und tödlich.

Mein erster Little entpuppte sich als wahrer Pageturner mit hohem Spannungsfaktor. Eine ruhig erzählte Geschichte, die mit Gruselmomenten punktet und auch zeitweilig an blutigem Horror nicht geizt. Besonders gelungen fand ich die Charakterzeichnungen. Hier schafft Little Nähe und man fiebert mit dem Protagonisten von der ersten Seite an mit. Besonders die nachdenklichen ruhigen Momente, in denen Daniel reflektiert, gefielen mir ausgesprochen gut.

»Ich verstand, dass es nicht, wie alle behaupteten, die ‚Qualitätszeit‘ war, die zählte, sondern die Menge an Zeit, die man miteinander verbrachte.«

Die Art wie der Autor die Geschichte erzählt verleitet zum steten Weiterlesen. Es gibt Zeitsprünge und auch hin und wieder verschiedene Perspektiven, aber alles ist stimmig und bremst in keinster Weise den Erzählfluss.

Einen Punkt Abzug gibt es lediglich für das abrupte, für meinen Geschmack zu schnell erzählte Ende. Hier hat der Autor leider etwas Potenzial verschenkt und es blieben ein paar wenige Fragen unbeantwortet. Schade, vor allem wenn man die teilweise sehr ausführlichen Rückblicke in die Episoden, in denen Franks niederträchtige Taten beleuchtet werden, vergleicht.

Ein gut geschriebener, fesselnder Horror-Roman mit hohem Spannungsfaktor trotz ruhigem Erzählton. Insgesamt eine Leseempfehlung für Fans des Genre und Liebhaber des Makabren mit kleiner Einschränkung: Es gibt einige brutalere Szenen, die für Zartbesaitete und Tierliebhaber (hier muss ich mich einschließen) etwas problematisch sein könnten. 
Profile Image for June.
29 reviews23 followers
October 19, 2022
When Daniel Martin was a young boy he encountered a man named Frank Watkins. Daniel never forgot the encounter, largely because handyman Frank did some work on the Martin family's new home: and it turned out to be a job completed using plywood and glue. The poor works lead to a tragedy that tears Daniel's family apart.

It turns out that Frank has a penchant for carrying out catastrophic home improvements, and somewhat bizarrely these works had occurred all over the country.

When adult Daniel once again runs in to Frank, his world takes another turn for the worst. He is about to find out that there is a lot more to Frank Watkins than he ever could have guessed.

This started out great... if not a little odd. It was good though, and at the halfway mark was looking like a five star read. Unfortunately BL followed his penchant for a more bizarro ending, and this didn't quite work for me.
Profile Image for Nathan Gabriel.
38 reviews
December 15, 2022
Great start... lousy finish.

Wooden dialogue between characters, uninspired prose and a plot that quickly loses it's way.

This book starts strong with a wonderfully inventive premise. However, it becomes repetitive and over long. By the time the last few chapters rolled around, I was ready to move on to my next book but stuck it out just to see what happened. I was sorry I did. The ending lacks imagination and leaves a lot of unanswered questions.
Profile Image for Shelly Cook.
311 reviews8 followers
May 5, 2021
Ok so I’m not a major Bentley fan yet and I’m definitely not a professional Bentley reader...the couple books I’ve read by him were interesting and left me with question marks over my head. However, this one was great! I really, really enjoyed it and I liked the ending. Parts were sad, and some were rough to read, but the characters were so well-written and they just pulled you right in. Definitely a great, solid read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 378 reviews

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