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“I don’t even know who I am anymore.”
“All you need to know is that you’re mine.”

Seth would follow Domenico to the depths of hell. He promised to always be at Domenico’s side. But hell becomes all too real when they infiltrate the world of Toro - a notoriously security-obsessed arms dealer, who has eyes and ears everywhere.

Seth becomes unable to steal even a moment of intimacy with Domenico, and the tension grinds them down each day. Beyond the deceptive paradise of Toro’s villa, violence is an everyday occurrence, and the swimming pool could just as well be filled with blood. To survive, Seth has to become the man Domenico needs him to be, but in the process, he might lose who he truly is.

With Seth trained up, and Mark as backup, victory is so close Domenico can taste it. They just need to prove themselves to Toro as valuable assets. With each day though, Seth seems to be drifting away from Domenico, hidden behind a mask of cruelty and indifference. It is exactly what Domenico asked of him, so why is it so difficult to see Seth become his mirror image?


mafia, cartel, assassin, organized crime, homophobia, human trafficking, undercover, family ties

Genre: Dark, twisted romance / crime thriller

Erotic content: Explicit scenes

Length: ~115,000 words

WARNING: Adult content. If you are easily offended, this book is not for you.
‘Guns n’ Boys’ is a gritty story of extreme violence, offensive language, abuse, and morally ambiguous protagonists. Behind the morbid facade, there is a splash of inappropriate dark humor, and a love story that will crawl under your skin.

305 pages, ebook

First published March 4, 2017

About the author

K.A. Merikan

121 books2,689 followers
(Goodreads profile run by Kat)

K. A. Merikan are a team of writers who try not to suck at adulting, with some success. Always eager to explore the murky waters of the weird and wonderful, K.A. Merikan don’t follow fixed formulas and want each of their books to be a surprise for those who choose to hop on for the ride.

K.A. Merikan have a few sweeter M/M romances as well, but they specialize in the dark, dirty, and dangerous side of M/M, full of bikers, bad boys, mafiosi, and scorching hot romance.

K.A. Merikan also writes steamy M/M romcoms as Devon Doe.

e-mail: kamerikan@gmail.com

More information about ongoing projects, works in progress and publishing at:
K.A. Merikan’s author page: http://kamerikan.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kamerikan


- We are Polish,
- We're neither sisters nor a couple,
- Kat's an artist, and Agnes is a psychologist but neither works in her field,
- Kat's fingers are two times longer than Agnes's.

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Profile Image for Judith.
724 reviews2,870 followers
February 20, 2017
5 Stars.

Domencio could ask for anything,and Seth would give it to him.

More pics of Dom.

I read the first book in this series about 18 months ago and I was immediately hooked.These books are dark,gritty and violent but ultimately it's a story of two men that are just meant to be together.....

I can't put into words how much I love Dom and Seth.These Authors have created two men with such passion.love and commitment to each other.

This book is extremely fast paced and gripping.I couldn't read it fast enough.Dom is still searching for the elusive Mr Tropico and to get closer to him he must get close to his associates.They need to infiltrate the home of Toro,a Cartel Boss.However,things are never straight forward as they have to go under cover and hide their relationship.

With bugs and hidden cameras everywhere the tension rises as the two men can't be together.

Seth has to mould himself into a completely different man to the one that Dom loves.I couldn't have loved Seth more here.Although he comes from a Mafia background he doesn't embrace the lifestyle at all.He struggles with the kind of man he thinks Dom wants him to be, to the man he actually is.I started off loving Dom(and I still do ) but Seth has completely stole my heart here.

The supporting characters play an important role here.I ( like probably every one else ) don't like Dana but I've got a new found respect for here,when it matters she totally steps ups and even though MF isn't my thing I would definitely read her story.

And there's Mark......I've loved him from the very first moment he was introduced and wouldn't it be great to have a book about him?

And finally let's talk about Nero...the villain,or is he? I know it might be wrong but I found him so intriguing and really quite sexy.....

My favourite MM series to date.

Arc from Authors

This review has been posted on Dirty Books Obsession
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
725 reviews1,138 followers
June 27, 2024
|| 2.0 stars ||

I’m going to be honest here: I really skimmed the hell out of this book. I was just so damn bored, I couldn’t be bothered to read most of it.
I think it’s mostly because the book was so plot-driven with the whole mafia/cartel business (which I did not care about whatsoever), and because we hardly got any romantic interaction between Dom and Seth. It was just really really really boring.

Furthermore, I really didn’t like the fact that Dom suddenly forced Seth to be coldblooded and cruel. I would have assumed that Dom wants to protect Seth from stuff like that, but apparently not. Which was unfortunate because I truly like it much more when Dom is being protective and possessive of Seth and desperately wants to keep him safe… not force him to be a killer like Dom. It kinda ruined their relationship dynamic for me.
It’s also just such a shame because the reason I love Seth so much is because he is sweet and naive (despite living in such a harsh world), so it kind of sucked that his character wasn’t anything like that now…

P.S. I still can’t STAND Mark. He’s such an ungrateful brat!!

'Guns n' Boys' series:
1. He Is Poison - 3.0 stars
2. He Is Mine - 4.0 stars
3. Homicidal Instinct - 2.5 stars
4. Swamp Blood - 3.0 stars
5. Chokehold - 3.5 stars
6. Bloodbath - 2.0 stars
7. Gilded Agony - 1.5 stars
8. A Breath of Innocence - 3.0 stars
10. Black Lies - 1.5 stars

2.1. Paris - 2.5 stars
Profile Image for Ele.
1,310 reviews40 followers
March 3, 2017
5++ stars!

“You’re still here,” whispered Domenico when the soft kiss broke. Seth pressed his palm against Dom’s chest. “No. I’m here.” [...] And I will keep you by my side even if I have to bleed out for you.”

Wow! That really was a bloodbath. Please keep in mind that if you 're easily offended, and if morally ambiguous characters and their actions make you uncomfortable, this book is NOT for you. As for me...I LOVED EVERY WORD!

Dom and Seth's (and their growing family's) journey continues in Colombia. The plan is to return to Italy, where they can live safely and with the respect they deserve. The execution isn't so simple, though...Will they be able to work under Toro's nose without getting their cover blown? Will they manage to establish some sort of connection with Moreno? And most of all, who the hell is Mr. Tropico, and how will they get rid of him? You 'll have to wait and see.

I pretty much loved everything in this book: the crime thriller aspect, the characters, the action scenes, the setting, the dark, twisted romance. But most of all I love that special connection, that unbreakable bond that Dom and Seth share. There simply isn't Dom without Seth anymore, and vice versa.

“Even when I couldn’t touch you, I’d watch you. And I’d think to myself that you’re all mine. That no one else can ever have you. That everyone else is just dust to you, but me.

Domenico never ceases to amaze me. I 've never met such a contradictory character before. On one hand he's this traditional, religious, cold-blooded murderer, and on the other, the possessive, crazy jealous, sweet lover. Seth might have painted his hands red losing parts of himself in the process, but in the end this is not who Seth is. Personally, I want him to stay just like that, and I think that Dom does too. Mark surprised the hell out of me. He might have started out like the typical horny 18-year old boy, but he really grew up by the end. I believe that Mark has a lot of Dom in him. Miguel is still a mystery, and I can't wait to find more about him. Dana...well, I got nothing. I can't read this woman at all.

It was hard seeing how being under Toro's roof impacted Seth and Dom's relationship. Many things were happening at once that had me on the edge of my seat, unable to guess what happens next. But in the most inappropriate moments, something would just make me laugh out loud, like Dom vs jaguar, or the conversation about Dom and Seth's imaginary daughter.

As for the steam, you don't need me to tell you how hot this was. If you follow this couple, you must know by now that their intimate scenes are out of this world.

After reading Bloodbath, it occured to me that the way I see this series has changed. Of course, the love story is epic, but what started out as two guys running away from the mafia, has evolved into this little family of misfits fighting against the tide, claiming things that were taken from them. It's not just a romantic story for me anymore, it's like my favorite TV series that I never want to end. As for the ending...
"Things are looking up for the Vincitore family." Are they, though?

This book is NOT a standalone.

*Review cross-posted on Gay Book Reviews.*

~BRing one of my most anticipated books of 2017 with my besties, Renee and Jewel.~

Profile Image for Dia.
534 reviews145 followers
February 27, 2017
5 BIG stars

Steve Boyd photo steve-boyd-15_zps7a516f01.jpg:

When I received an ARC for Guns n' Boys: Bloodbath I was reading the fourth book in this series, Guns n' Boys: Swamp Blood. To say I was over the moon is an understatement. I was deliriously happy and couldn't wait to get to this one. Still I savored each book and I can honestly say the story gets better and better with each book.

My favorite book so far would be the fifth one, Guns n' Boys: Chokehold. I could feel my heart break while reading it. It made me cringe. It made me want to cry. I almost sobbed for Dom! Despite the sweet end of the book, I couldn't believe how the authors made my head spin. You'd think I got used to it by now, but no. And I can't get enough of this!

I can't explain in words how much I adore this series! I think I'll mention this in every review because it's impossible NOT to fall in love with Dom and Seth. You feel the need to follow their story, no matter the heartbreak, no matter the sleepless nights.
You'd think you could get bored at one point reading many books with the same main characters, but this is what makes this series special, you just can't get enough.

I was pretty anxious about Dom and Seth's mission in Colombia. I can admit this much.
Just like them, I couldn't trust anyone. I was intrigued by Miguel. At the beginning of the book I hoped Mark would make a move on him, but then I couldn't really picture them together, well because NERO. Oh, he was very hard to decipher. He had something very powerful about himself and I loved each scene with him. He was determined to make people uncomfortable and it rose such jealousy in Dom and also Seth. I thought he had a death wish or something, because his actions were too unpredictable. I still don't know what's his deal. But can't wait to read more!

Mark - Well he was a disappointment for me in this book. As much as I felt sorry for his brutal past and poor choices, I liked him in the other books. I thought he became tougher, that the fact Dom and Seth adopted him made him realize how lucky he was! But clearly his head was not in the game. Yet. He made such stupid decisions and I just wanted to rip his head off at one point. He put them all in danger AND broke Dom's heart. I still don't trust his judgment. Hope he'll make it right.

Dana - I expected her to betray Dom. I couldn't understand why she would risk her life for him and their mission. She was an enigma and now I can't wait to discover more. We'll see what happens to her in the future, but the promise she stole from Dom made me question her true feelings. Anyway, I'm really glad she redeemed herself, for now.

Diego - What a post-credits scene! I must admit I am curious to find out more about him and his plans. Dom would break his neck if he'd knew what Diego has in mind for Seth.

I can only imagine the next book will be just as full of action, suspense, super HOT scenes AND a lot of surprises!

ARC kindly provided by the authors in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Rain.
2,105 reviews28 followers
December 22, 2022
*4.5* I was nervous to dive into this story, especially with this title! It wasn’t necessarily more violent, but the body count was certainly higher than the previous books.

I wasn’t a fan of Mark’s path in this one, but felt it was needed to mature his character and move him in a path for his future. I was almost as proud as Dom when his used his skills to protect himself.

When Dom looked at him now, he didn’t see a stubborn kid but a glimpse of the man who Mark would eventually become. Standing up for what he believed was right, even if it could cost him dearly.

Seth was the highlight of this book. I couldn’t help but agree with so many of his thoughts and how hard to tried to go against his own nature to be the man he feels Dom deserves. This story highlights his sensitivity, and his struggle to figure out who he really is.

“It’s too much, Dom. I thought I could handle whatever we’d face here, but I’m messed up. I can’t sleep, and when I do sleep I wake up worried what fresh fuckery the day will bring. I wish I was like you, but I’m not.”

This journey also focuses on Dom’s deep love and respect for Seth, just the way he is. Dom finally recognizes how hard Seth is trying to be someone else, and he doesn’t want that for his husband.

“It’s okay. You’re brave. You are... beautiful,” whispered Domenico, leaning into a soft kiss. Seth’s arms closed around him, and he shut his eyes, enjoying the embrace tightening around him. “I shouldn’t have asked you to do this.”

It honestly melts my heart to watch them fall deeper into a relationship that is based on so much more than the physical. Not that they aren’t all over each other, but it’s so, so much more than that.
Profile Image for Lilly [Hiatus due to School] .
938 reviews363 followers
June 24, 2023
“If I can’t have you, everything might as well fall apart. There is no me without you anymore”

Bloodbath was another wonderful addition to the series. It made me stressed as they tried to keep their covers.

The boys manage to infiltrate Toro’s villa and get close using the "gift" intended for Moreno. They must pretend to be cousins working together and nothing more. However, as they plan and play their roles, things start to go awry.

I was worried for Seth as he went undercover because this man, despite his upbringing and family, is such a softie. When he breaks down and tells Dom his feelings and fears...that broke my heart. He is not Dom, and Dom realises it and the way he protects what made Seth Seth was just the sweetest.

I loved how this story added another layer to their relationship. They’re as hot as always, but I also love how their relationship continues to evolve, with their love for one another becoming deeper and deeper. Their relationship isn’t perfect, but the devotion to and acceptance of one another is just so beautiful.

“It was the look of awe in Seth’s eyes that made Domenico want to become a better man and the understanding of every side of Domenico’s personality that made Seth so irreplaceable. Even when they fought, Seth was able to forgive him, and even though Seth could be so sweet himself, he also lived with the knowledge of what Domenico was and accepted it.”

“He’d told Domenico of his shameful fears, admitted how deeply he craved Dom’s protection, and it had been met with acceptance. As if he didn’t have to play up the brutal side of himself anymore to appeal to his husband’s sense of masculinity.”

“You are at my side. You are my home, and you make me forget the things I want to forget. Let me do this for you”

Dana is growing on me, and Dom’s reaction to her news killed me. He's such a traditionalist/misogynist and the things he decides to not budge on makes me laugh. I worry for any daughter he would have. Speaking of laughs, we get plenty of humor in this story as well which I enjoyed.

Also Mark annoyed the hell out of me. He stepped up when needed, but goodness, he also drove me nuts. Excited to see what’s going to happen between Nero and Miguel.

The ending was just spectacular! And that epilogue! I can’t wait for the next book.
Profile Image for ~Mindy Lynn~.
1,395 reviews662 followers
March 21, 2017
Gawd, how I love these guys.

I am so completely obsessed with this couple. They are one of a few couples that I absolutely can't wait to read about. I try to savor each page and take my time, but I just can't. I fly through the pages and have the hardest time putting the book down to deal with RL. Then I get that awful book depression when it's over. It's a real thing. I know you know what I'm talking about.

The extremes these men go to for each other is just crazy. But then again it just shows you how big their love is. How strong their connection is. And that is what draws you to them. How big they love and how strong they feel for each other. It's an epic love and relationship.

This one is just as dark, violent, chaotic, and gritty as all the ones that have come before it. They are completely steady in this way. You know what your getting when you start a Seth and Dom book. And I enjoy it all.

They are still searching for the exclusive Mr. Tropico and slowly but surely getting closer with every scheme they come up with.

I was really annoyed with Mark throughout this book until the very end. I just need this boy to keep his dick in his pants and his priorities on the right path. He gets too worked up and makes stupid decisions that ultimately puts everyone at risk. I was happy with him by the end of the book, but I just know this boy still has some growing to do. I can't wait to see what trouble he gets himself into in the next book.

I felt so bad for our Seth in this one. He did so well in his roll but it was literally killing his beautiful soul doing what needed to be done to help Dom. Dom wasn't blind to seeing how shut down their environment was making Seth. He worried yet kept encouraging it because all he could see was the bigger picture. But soon he got a clue and fixed it.

Then there is, Nero... I really enjoyed this character. I don't think anyone got a clear picture of what this character is going to bring in the future books. He is big question mark. I'm completely intrigued by him though and can't wait to see what kind of chaos he will bring.

Lets not forget Miguel... I am just as intrigued with him as well. He's just as big of a mystery as Nero is. By the way, I need these two to be together. Am I the only one that felt the sexual tension between these two? I need them to happen. lol

After reading the little bit about Diego at the end I am literally freaking out and needing the next book like yesterday.

It's going to be good, dolls! xx

This one wasn't as strong as the previous books, but I feel the author's were just giving us a taste of the chaos that is about to come. It was still a fantastic read and a great addition to the series, just not enough of Seth and Dom together for me. I wanted more sexy times and more tender but passionate moments these men seem to melt their readers (me) with.
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,871 reviews272 followers
February 16, 2017
BR with my BFFs Ele and Renee!!

4.5 Stars

Warning: there may be some spoilers for previous ​Guns n' Boys books in my review below. Proceed with caution.

Guns n' Boys fans, rejoice! Guns n' Boys: Bloodbath is almost here and fans of the series are going to love it!

First, a couple things of note -- Guns n' Boys: Bloodbath​ is not a standalone novel. You need to read this series in order from book 1, onward. The only book you can skip, if you wish to do so, is Blood & Marriage. Also, do heed the warnings. The Guns n' Boys series is not for the faint of heart. Let's face it, there is nothing morally righteous about Guns n' Boys. It's brutal. It's bloody. It's dark. It makes me laugh at the most inappropriate moments. ​And yet, ​Dom and Seth show each other such tenderness and love​, sometimes also at very inappropriate moments. And I love it all.​​ But if the brutal and dark subject matter isn't your thing, then I would not advise reading this series.

Now, for the good stuff...Guns n' Boys: Bloodbath has become my second favorite of this series, just behind Guns n' Boys: Swamp Blood. In so many ways, this series just gets better as Dom and Seth get closer to their goal, and to each other. And their romance is so epic and gorgeous, even amidst all the blood and death that inevitably surrounds them.

Seth -- "You've never seen me like this."
Dom -- "I always see you."

To Domenico, family is everything -- nothing and no one means more. And his family is his husband Seth and Mark, whom they've taken in as a son. Dana and Miguel aren't family, but they are loyal, and he trusts them (I still think of Dana as a snake waiting to strike, however). Bottom line, Dom will do absolutely anything to keep his family safe and to achieve their goal of being able to go back to Italy.

In Guns n' Boys: Bloodbath, Dom, Seth, Mark and Miguel are set to infiltrate Toro's organization. He has ties to Mr. Tropico and so, with their eyes firmly on their goal of finding out who Mr. Tropico is, they go in. Dana is already on the inside, and secure in her position as Toro's mistress, so they have an advantage that Toro knows nothing about, but not everything goes to plan.

For the duration of their stay on Toro's compound, Dom and Seth are watched carefully. They cannot be together as a couple and that causes massive amounts of stress on both their parts. Seth feels insecure when he can't so much as touch Dom, and Dom gets cranky having to go without his husband. And they are both tested, repeatedly, but there are some things even a cold blooded killer won't do.

There were many times during Guns n' Boys: Bloodbath that I felt so awful for Seth. Seth is not cut out for such a brutal existence, but he can't bear to be away from Dom for even a short time, either. Seth can take care of himself, and in a pinch, he can fight and kill if that's what must be done. But Seth isn't really a killer. He wants to take care of Dom and Mark and grow a garden and cook and just be a family. Seth may be a Villani, but the family business isn't really for him.

Dom has grown to respect Seth in ways that he had not, previously, though, and that made me so happy. He still thinks of himself as the man of the house, so to speak, but he knows that Seth will always have his back, no matter what the cost. And that is important to Dom. And Dom will always put himself in the line of fire to save his beloved.

And Mark, who is seventeen now, is nearly a man and even he surprised me here several times. Dom has taught him well, and though Mark isn't as pragmatic as Dom, I do think that he'll be able to handle the life better than Seth. That is, if he can manage to think with his big brain. But he surprised me, and for that I cheered.

Dom and Seth are among my favorite book couples. They find such joy in one another and there is so much love and tenderness between them that I can't help but love them. Their sexy times are hot enough to scorch a planet and even then you can feel their love, and that is why I read this series. Because Dom and Seth, no matter what they face, are always all about each other. If that isn't love, I don't know what is.

PS -- The setup for the next book was seriously ominous. I don't even know what to think about it, but I can't wait to get there.

ARC of Guns n' Boys: Bloodbath was generously provided by the authors in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for CC.
1,167 reviews695 followers
March 27, 2018
4.5 Stars!

In Bloodbath, book six of the Guns n’ Boys series, Domenico Acerbi and Seth Villani begin their journey into the Columbian jungle intent on infiltrating the world of an arms dealer. Making such a connection is another step closer to their end game yet danger surrounds them at all times. Operating under aliases, Dom, Seth and Mark are challenged in new ways forcing Seth into a violent path and leaving Dom to wonder if Seth will be forever changed.

“This was his life, and it was time to face the bloody truth about it. Seth nodded and stroked Domenico’s hand. “Anything for you,” he said in Italian.”

When it appears that Domenico and Seth are finally accepted into the fold, another round of tests prove to be their downfall causing a bloody path of destruction in its wake. In regrouping and relying upon a vital ally, Domenico uses his acute senses to reign terror and to stake his claim in hopes of securing their future.

“His confidence was like fuel to the fire in Seth’s chest. “No one’s stopping me from this. I am going to have you.”

From the first page, the pace is swift with adrenaline spiked twists and compromising situations continually testing Domenico and Seth. While Dom thrives in violence, Seth is the opposite and Dom doesn’t want to see the innocence in Seth permanently shattered. In addition to Seth’s trials, Mark experiences a coming of age moment that further strengthens the connection he shares with Dom and Seth.

In this book, secondary characters continue to offer more dimension to the ongoing plotline. Miguel is an effective yet mysterious addition and the friendship he shares with Mark is comical at times due to Mark’s teenage ways. Dana certainly surprised me in this one, even though I still don’t fully trust her, she proved her worth. A most entertaining surprise is the introduction of Nero (his assets included) and I wonder how his role will continue to unfold. With Domenico and Seth, their bond proves to be strong enough to endure the bloodshed and scars.

As expected, the writing duo of K.A. Merikan pens an erotic read with compelling characters and a stimulating plot. This series would appeal to those seeking a romance embedded in an action-packed mafia setting. I highly recommend!

Guns n' Boys series:
Guns n' Boys He Is Poison (Guns n' Boys, #1) by K.A. Merikan Guns n' Boys He Is Mine (Guns n' Boys, #2) by K.A. Merikan Guns n' Boys Paris (Guns n' Boys, #2.1) by K.A. Merikan Guns n' Boys Homicidal Instinct (Guns n' Boys, #3) by K.A. Merikan Guns n' Boys Swamp Blood (Guns n' Boys, #4) by K.A. Merikan Guns n' Boys Chokehold (Guns n' Boys, #5) by K.A. Merikan Guns n' Boys Bloodbath (Guns n' Boys, #6) by K.A. Merikan Guns n' Boys Gilded Agony (Guns n' Boys, #7) by K.A. Merikan Guns n' Boys A Breath of Innocence (Guns n' Boys, #8) by K.A. Merikan

For more reviews/reveals/giveaways visit:

Profile Image for River .
450 reviews73 followers
February 27, 2017
The boys are back and this time more badass than ever.
In this new instalment in the Guns n' Boys series, Domenico, Seth, Mark and their new ally Miguel are traveling to Colombia. Their plan is to infiltrate Toro's organization with inside help from Dana.
They have been training for months and every one needs to be aware of the risks they are taking and face them head on, there's no room for weakness or mistakes because it could cost them their lives.

“I promised you the good times, and the bad. I will be right behind you,” -Seth

Seth knows Dom is counting on him so he gives his best and puts on a mask of indifference that they both hate.

"I'm with you on this. Say what needs to be done, and I'll do it." Seth


They were leading a dangerous life, and there was nowhere safer than at Domenico’s side. In his arms.

Domenico is so proud and confused by the new Seth, he appreciates that he is doing his part but is he losing himself by doing so? What Dom loves most about a Seth is his heart and the fact that he is not like Dom.

“If I can’t have you, everything might as well fall apart. There is no me without you anymore,” -Domenico

Our kid Mark made so much progress in this books. Let me tell you, when i met him I hated him, why was this nobody taking page time from my boys? But I've come to like him and appreciate him.
Mark is still boy and he makes mistakes but he is learning and he wants to make himself and Dom proud. His character development is amazing.


"I want to be my own man. On my own terms. With my family.” -Mark

Dom and Seth are one of my favorite couples and in this story their relationship develops even more. They are seeing sides of the other that they didn't know but at the end of the day their love is so strong and they are always going to do everything for the other.

“You are at my side. You are my home, and you make me forget the things I want to forget." -Domenico


What a great journey, I'm at the edge of my seat everytime I read a new instalment in this series because each book is better and a bit bloodier than the other. Are they going to learn who to trópico is? Will they ever be able to go back to Sicily? I need answers!

"He focused his gaze on Domenico’s amber eyes, so that if he died today, he could remember them better before his soul left his body." Seth

This book didn't have a lot of Miguel, a character I'm so intrigued by. But it did introduce us to a maybe possible love interest for him? I don't know what Kat and Agnes are planning for him but his relationship with Nero has the pontential to be explosive.

He looked like a sexy, trashy slut everyone could have in the darkroom. -Domenico about Nero

Don't let Dom's description fool you, Nero might be trashy and weird but he is one crazy scary and smart mofo. (There's an extra scene about Nero and Miguel in the GnB page, go and read it because hot damn yes! these guys need to happen)

I hate that I have to do this but, I bow to Dana, bitch is crazy and her fixation with Dom makes me 100 shades of uncomfortable and stabby but without her my boys would be dead by now so I'm seriously curious about her future.

And last but not least.. That extra chapter.. Oh my god! I hate someone more than I hate Dana and I only read a few pages of his POV. I feel like more blood is coming and Domenico is going to enjoy it and I can't fucking wait.

“All you need to know is that you’re mine.” -Domenico

“I am. You have every last piece of me,” -Seth
Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
March 15, 2017
4.5 blood red stars rounded up to 5 because still no 1/2 stars here on GR.

Would you do anything for love...

If you're looking for something cute, fluffy, sweet, mushy and adorable...carry on because this is probably not for you. However, if you're interested in edgy, dark, intense and gut clenching...well, pull up a chair. I think you've just come home.

'Bloodbath' is to say the least an accurate title for what happens in this story. Dom and Seth are embroiled in a world that is harsh, cruel and dangerous on a daily basis. Any day that's good is a day that you survive. But Dom wants more than survival and Seth...Seth wants whatever keeps him at Dom's side. But being with Dom has a price and the real questions are 'is Seth willing to pay that price?' and 'does Dom really want him to?'

As always there are really two stories being told here. The first one is the obvious one. It's about Seth, Dom and their struggle to reclaim the life they had to give up. The second one while maybe not quite as obvious I think is still fairly apparent to anyone who follow's this series. It's about Seth and Dom's struggle to retain who they are as individuals and what they have together as a couple. For me Seth is the light to Dom's dark. These men balance each other. Seth brings a light and promise to Dom and makes him remember that there are good things in this world and that he in spite of all he's had to do is still a good person worthy of being loved. Dom keeps the dark from Seth and protects him from a world that would easily consume him and from having to lose the light inside him that Dom so passionately loves.

The events of 'Bloodbath' tested both of these men as we watched Seth lose himself in a world of violence that seemed to be consuming his soul little by little and left Dom conflicted between what he needed Seth to do and what he could live with Seth doing.

Once again I was all in on this one from start to finish. Dom and Seth share a love that is incredibly intense and ultimately binds them to each other above all else and it was at the point where Dom found himself pushing Seth to become what he was never meant to be that Dom realized the how and why of his love for Seth that things became so clear for him and he pulls Seth back from what would possibly be a point of no return for Seth and their relationship.

I love the passion and intensity that the authors have given to these characters and each story allows us to see them grow as both individuals and as a couple. The challenges that they face are not the norm and I certainly wouldn't want all my books to be as intense as Dom and Seth's stories are I find myself enjoying this series more and more with each subsequent release and I'm already anticipating what comes next in Dom & Seth's story.

As with the last couple of books that I've read in this series when I reached the end I found that there was a song rattling around in my brain that for me became the theme song for that particular story and this time the song was another rock classic...
I'd Do Anything For Love (take a minute and enjoy)

An ARC of 'Bloodbath' was graciously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for patrícia.
400 reviews
March 16, 2023
Well, I'm completely fucked... spoiled... ruined... nothing will ever compare!

This book was a whole level of awesomeness! The balance of the story, the feelings, the growth, all those emotions are just boiling. I just love them so much. I even like Dana.... If last book I wanted to bitch slap everyone, in this book i wanted (most of the time) to hugg and cudle everyone! It was so rich in their development, action packed and so much tension! 

So, Seth, Dom, Mark and the very talkative Miguel, are taking over Colombia following the mysterious Mr Tropico and at the same time infiltrating the Moreno's cartel. They are on an undercover mission in Toro's villa, totally bugged and with secret cameras everywhere, pretending to be human traffickers and delivering a "gift" to Raul Moreno, the cartel boss. Nothing can go wrong, right? 

Dom and Seth are "cousins " so no shenanigans... They are watched and under surveillance 24/7... And not being able to touch, talk, or simply hold each other takes its toll on both. Mark falling in love with the "gift" and the arrival of the brothers Moreno to the villa there are no doll moments.

We meet the green spawn of satan Nero Moreno who, as we can imagine, just wants to get in Miguel's pants. He is just so scandalous and comical in his approach to everything, that you know there has to be so much more underneath. Spoiler alert he hits on anything that moves, so we have dual sides of jealousy that are just the best! (Nero sits on Seth lap, and Dom loses it... Nero kisses Dom and Seth loses it.)

Dom is a machine, and we discover that Seth has a great eye, and that Mark is all grown up! 

The ending was amazing, full of action, sacrifice, family is the most important thing above all!

Dom and Seth's love reaches the maximum exponent of delivery, dedication, and understanding here! And there's nothing more romantic, sexy, and hot AF than a bloodbath by candlelight!

So they are taking over El Encanto and living la vida loca with a hen of chickens:) 
That Diego... I don't like him!
Profile Image for Renée.
1,107 reviews380 followers
February 16, 2017
What do you say that's new about an established couple like Dom and Seth?

This series is certainly not for everyone. Morally ambiguous to the nth degree doesn't begin to cover it. There's blood, there's gore, there's violence, there's casual rape talk. And with any other book/series, I'd be going nope, nope, nope.

But this is Dom and Seth. They're different. They're special. They're in my heart. The love, passion, and affection these two have for each other is palpable. I just eat them up. They are certainly in my top 4 couples of all time from a series (in case you're wondering, the others are Ty/Zane, Boyd/Hsin, and Ben/Nik).

This installment has the boys travelling from Mexico to Colombia on their mission to find out who Mr. Tropico is. Cartel leaders, Toro and Moreno, supposedly know Tropico, so they're planning on infiltrating the cartel while undercover to gain some information.

But things never go as planned for our boys, do they? There's murder and mayhem, it's par for the course. And no matter how painful a forced separation of affection hurts Dom and Seth, they come out stronger for it. They come out stronger through every trial.

Mark, their adopted son, really grows up in this book. His POV chapters were a joy to read. He surprised me more than once in this book.

And, thankfully, while Dana plays a role in this book, she didn't make me ragey. That's hard for her to accomplish with my level of hate for her.

While not my favorite of the series, this was a great addition and fans will love it!

P.S. There is a hidden bonus epilogue allllll the way at the end. Don't miss it.
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,392 reviews325 followers
February 20, 2017
Is good to be back with Dom and Seth, my danger-philic, gun-totting, fearless m/m couple. They have yet another crazy wild ride in the midst of Colombia infiltrating a crime lord name, Toro with the help of their growing family, Mark, Miguel and Dana.

The book is titled Bloodbath, but every book in the series is full of gore anyway, so from action POV it isn't more gruesome or violent compare to the previous books. I can really see Seth growing more and more bold and willing to get the job done despite his nurturing nature. However, underneath his bravado, we can still see his struggles and I'm totally with him when he make his point. Why can't they just flee and start fresh somewhere else? I feel like shaking Dom and make him see reason. But I guess, if they were to just gallop off to the sunset, then there wouldn't be more books for them.

I love the teenage Mark and I love the fact that Dom and Seth adored him like their own son. But Mark really deserve a severe spanking for the things he did here. I feel like castrating him and make him a eunuch. Gah! Teenage hormones really can't be trusted. Thank goodness by the end he sorta redeemed himself. I hope after this fiasco, he learn his lesson and finally grow up.

Talking about Dom's ever growing clan, Dana and Miguel and possible Nero? I would die for a story for each of them, especially Miguel and Nero. I didn't paid much attention to the sulky Miguel, but Nero is simply enigmatic. I would like to know more about him. And although I'm not a big fan of Dana, it does seems like she gonna be a permanent fixture of Team Dom. I just hope she won't steal his virtue while he's unaware.

It been a six book journey and now Dom and Seth are officially husband and ... husband. One thing that didn't change is their passionate love affair that transcend reason and morale. I don't care that they are bad people doing bad things or that they have nasty fight with each other on the occasion, I just knew they are gonna love each other to death and back and remain faithful no matter what happens.

The post-credit was a nice touch, but it just pique my interest and my worries. Oh my God! Seth, becareful!! Why does he always attract the attention of creepy stalkers?
Profile Image for Rina Pride.
329 reviews87 followers
March 25, 2021
Já posso dizer que gun's boys está no meu top livros MM! Domenico e Seth ganharam um lugar no meu coração 💘 Vou sentir muita falta quando chegar na reta final da jornada deles, jornada muito louca que faz meu coração acelerar de nervoso por cada perigo que passam. Sem dúvidas o livro 6 foi um dos mais tensos da série. Toro e seus servos foi uma das trupes mais detestável que passou pela história, os caras são repugnantes em todos os sentidos. Mereceram o final que tiveram, onde a trupe de domenico entra.. Vai rolar julgamento final! TRUPE DOMENICO TÁ CRESCENDO... TEMOS SETH, MARK, DANA, MIGUEL. Falando no markkk, eu tive vontade muitas vezes de entrar no livro e mandar uns tapas na cara dele por causa da paixonite desnecessária que ele teve 😧 Tavam numa situação complicada, Mark vai e faz merda, mas no final se redimiu. Se o mark deixasse a trupe por causa de paixonite seria ridículo num nível desagradável. Fiquei muito tocada com seth ( como sempre fico) seth não é um homem de violência, tudo que ele fez foi para ser um suporte forte para o homem forte que ele ama, mas no fundo ele detesta violência, entendi perfeitamente quando ele decidiu que não queria mais fazer certas coisas relacionadas com mortes e tal. Seth é um ursão carinhoso, domenico é totalmente capaz de protegê-lo e deixar seu homem não sujar as mãos.
Profile Image for Donna.
288 reviews25 followers
March 15, 2017
Another great book in this series! I love Dom and Seth so much. Seth went through a lot and it was good to see he found his way to survive all the killing and darkness in their world. It was good to see Dom grow, too. Even Mark did some growing up. I love the character of Nero Moreno and I hope he and Miguel get their own love story, too.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,365 reviews554 followers
January 15, 2020
4.5 stars

Pretty great 6th installment in this series that I am loving so much.

This finds Dom and Seth about 8 months after the end of the last book heading to Colombia to finally infiltrate Toro's organization.

They pretend to be human traffickers - although they don't know that until they kill the actual ones and find a girl being held in a trunk - to get into the organization.

Dom and Seth play straight when they get there, so for weeks they aren't able to even tough each other, really, and it frustrated both of them to no end.

But of course, when some jealousy comes into play, that changes some things. (i.e. Dom gets too possessive to let it go or just let Seth handle it.)

But that ends up speeding things along and before long, things ramp up and a takeover approaches.

I was happy that for the most part Dom and Seth were in a good place during this installment - because I've read the blurb and review for the next one, so that'll be oh so fun to read - and we got at least one big with no major blow up between these two. (It doesn't have to be all angst all the time.) There was one fight between these two, but would there be a book with these two without at least one fight? (even if it's a minor one)

And I was actually expecting Seth to go a little closer to the edge that he does in this based on the blurb, but I don't think Seth lost much of himself. It took a toll on him, for sure, and maybe eventually he would have lost parts of himself, but for the most part he still had what made Seth Seth so I was actually a little relieved and had expected much worse, like Seth becoming very closed off and acting more brutal than he ever has and changing for the worse, but that didn't happen.

And maybe the takeover happened at around the right time, because Seth was beginning to feel the effects of pretending to be such a brutal person.

Mark's story was interesting in this too. He falls for Charlotte, the girl who is taken to be given to Raul Moreno eventually, as he's guarding her - because Dom and Seth say that Mark is gay so Toro thinks it's safe to leave him with her - but they were doomed from the start, because it starts when Charlotte is a prisoner and they're confined to this one room. Sure, that's a lot of time to talk (and have sex) but it's still only getting to know each other in this one room, with what's happening to Charlotte hanging over their heads.

And Mark finally truly comes into his own in this as someone who is supposed to be in this world should be like. I don't know - or think - he'll ever get to Dom levels, but I think there's parts of that ruthlessness now in Mark.

And Mark isn't as sure of Charlotte as Dom and Seth are of each other, so Mark chooses to stay.

There's also the introduction of Nero, who is strangely funny. Annoying at first and his persistent flirting in annoying, but he is intriguing. Wonder if he and Miguel will have a romance? Hm...

And also this Diego guy...didn't like his POV at the very very end. I'm really getting tired of having to deal with people trying to get with Dom and Seth, and I'm sure Diego will be the worst yet, so...fun *sigh* no more after this dude, please. Enough is enough.

Buttt to end on a high note, Dom and Seth were as perfect together as ever and their love, as always, shines through in this. (And Seth saving Dom was pretty damn nice. Seth isn't meant for this life but when push comes to shove, Seth is no weakling or pushover.)

Onto the next!

Profile Image for Laxmama .
618 reviews
March 4, 2017
I was so excited to get my hands on this book, from the day I started this series I have fallen in love with these hot insane men. I can say there is not another couple I have read like them. They have the most unique, special yet perfect for each other love - it's far from perfect. It just works for them, I know sometimes it's so over the top, yet I cannot get enough and anxiously anticipate the next book in the series. Not getting into the story as to spoil it, they keep getting stronger together, moving forward towards their goal, they have accumulated their own "family" which some I want to know more about. This book we had tons of insight with Mark which was fun, but I want especially want Miguel -I think there is going to be a really great story with him.

I still have not had enough Seth & Dom, actually have fallen more for them each book & cannot wait to see what comes next.
Profile Image for Chris.
2,070 reviews
March 26, 2017
Seriously what an episode!! I was so stressed with all of the undercover business that I couldn't think straight- so worried about Seth, Dom & Mark.... sweet Jesus this was nail biting. I can't believe there is another book - I hope the wait isn't long, I really need to know what the fuck is next ! Surely some peace & romance would be great, but I guess that's NOT going to happen, only violence & bloodshed mixed with off the charts heat is good enough for these two guys
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
1,005 reviews25 followers
March 6, 2017
There are so many great reviews for this book so lets not just rehash what everyone else has already said. I'll sum it up, this book is spectacular. I can't wait for the next one, I'm going to drive myself crazy. Dom and Seth are everything. Their love is everything you have ever wanted in a romance, minus all the blood of course but besides that it's literally the best love ever.
The bonus scene made me so mad, I mean who the hell is that guy and who does he think he is perving? It just left me salivating because I know the next one is going to be just as extraordinary as all the other ones in this series including this one. If you have not read this series please pick up the first one and work your way over to this one and wait like the rest of us for the next one. This is by far one of the best M/M series around.
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,119 reviews251 followers
May 27, 2017
*** Bloodbath is a rousing but dark, Mafia/Cartel style thriller with lots of blood and guts.
Bloodbath is a rousing but dark, Mafia/Cartel style thriller with lots of blood and guts.
Dom, with his amber eyes...
Dom, Seth and Mark insert themselves into the cartel household and it's difficult right away. We see a kidnapped girl, homophobia and murders. Mark is kept off of the radar while Seth and Dom are in the mix, and Miguel is with them. Dom and Seth find the wine cellar, which has the benefit of no cameras. Holy hotness and super sex happen in there, and as usual, Dome and Seth are raw, needy, and wild ! Wow !
Waiting for Raul Moreno is agony and his gay son Nero causes issues, plus there's a baby on the way. After some tests of loyalty, and Nero outing Dom and Seth, they are used to be bodyguards for Dana.
Mark is tasked with guarding the precious cargo,

which he bungles. A whole lot is happening and we aren't sure who in the ranks are trustworthy. Even after the "outing", they are discreet in public. When everything comes to a boil, the bloodbath is spectacularly horrible.

It begins because Samuel attacks Mark to take the girl that is meant to be Raul's gift.

There the battle begins and the body count is large.
Mark makes an amazing and adult decision which makes Dom proud. They are taking over the villa and awaiting a deal with Raul Moreno, and still expect to meet Mr. Tropico.
Needless to say, Dom and Seth are stronger than ever, even after some tumultuous connections as we progressed. These two are bonded for life, need each other, and are desperately devoted.

These authors get the emotions flowing and we can feel the terror, fear, and then hope in our characters. The story flows along for a fabulous ride. Truths are revealed, realizations are made, and more understanding gained. We get a HFN and we know there are more additions to follow in this series, because their adventure has not ended. We also get a quick insert as to the content of next one.
Highly recommended ! ENJOY !
Profile Image for ivanareadsalot.
620 reviews209 followers
August 25, 2024
Oh I get it Dom. I get it. I'd let Seth do whatever he wanted if he rocked up like this. I too have a weakness for radiators. (throw back to GnB#1)

Profile Image for Anja.
111 reviews21 followers
February 16, 2017
I don't even know where to start. It feels like I've been waiting for this book for ages, even though it was only a little over a month. By now it's no secret that Guns n' Boys is one of my favorite book series ever! With "Bloodbath" K.A. Merikan have added another great, action-packed installment to the series.

Bloodbath picks up where Chokehold left of. Dom, Seth, Mark and Miguel are preparing for their big plan to take over Toro's household. At first everything seems to be going according to plan...until it doesn't. But we all knew it wouldn't be that simple! The scenes in Toro's household were painful to read! Because of Toro's paranoia the whole property is bugged and full of hidden cameras so Seth and Dom weren't allowed to touch or even share a few tender words with each other and that definetely took its toll on both of them. It was heartbreaking to read about how much they missed each other and wished they could be intimate again. But knowing our boys, they always find a way and that leads to one of the hottest scenes yet! All I'm saying is "wine cellar" ;)

I was never the biggest fan of Mark or Miguel, simply because I didn't want other characters to take anything away from Seth and Dom's story but I really liked both of them in this installment. Sure Mark did some stupid things but he's young and he's learning and he really gew up a lot in Bloodbath. In the end he did the right thing, family is always after all. I was really proud of him and he really grew on me! Miguel was also a fun character and I actually can't wait until we get to read his story. I think it's gonna be really interesting!

But of course Seth and Dom were the highlight of this book! I think K.A. Merikan know by now how much I love Dom! He is as fierce, protective and possessive as always. His jealousy actually gets them into big trouble but I definetely couldn't be mad about that since it just showcases how much he loves Seth! There was one chapter from his POV that had me biting my nails! It was so well written, you could feel Dom's anxiety, nerves and his love and worry for Seth jumping off the pages and I wasn't even bothered that we didn't get to read the action part from Seth's POV because reading it from Dom's, who was on the other side of it all, was that much more intense! I love that Dom can be so badass and cold-hearted that he kills without remorse and yet when it comes to Seth, he turns into a puddle of goo!

But really it was Seth who stole my heart in this book! He really tried his best and he would have followed Dom anywhere, done anything, even though it was slowly killing him inside! His willingness to do it all really showed me how much he actually loved Dom! He would literally do anything for him and I really admired that! But sometimes I was wondering if it was all worth it, just to go back home, if they wouldn't even recognize each other anymore after all was said and done. I just really felt for Seth in this installment and I think he underwent a lot of growth! He finally admitted and actually accepted, without shame, the fact that he was not cut out for this life and that he can't be like Dom. And that is totally okay. I thought that was a very powerful scene and it was really sweet that Dom completely accepts that. He wants Seth to be himself and to be happy. And I actually love Seth's innocence and that he would rather cook his delicious meals and take care of Dom in other ways. He still supports Dom unconditionally. I love their dynamic and I think Dom actually needs someone like Seth in his life or else he would probably lose himself in all the blood and murder.

Bloodbath was so action-packed I was constantly on the edge of my seat! And yet, K.A. Merikan have managed to throw in lots of tender moments between Seth and Dom -no matter what situation they were in- that their readers have come to appreciate so much! I for one can't wait for the next book in the series and what our boys have up their sleeves next ;)

Thank you to K.A. Merikan for providing me with an ARC. Not that I really gave you much of a choice since I was pestering you almost every day haha. Thanks for putting up with me ;)
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,753 reviews379 followers
March 13, 2017
So good, violent and passionate and dark

I keep running out of things to say about this series of books from K A Merikan but they are simply outstanding.

Seth and Dom are Butch & Sundance, Bonnie & Clyde, Harley Quinn & The Joker, all rolled into two deliciously dark and brutal Italian Mafioso packages.

There's no glamour here, it's harsh and vicious and cruel and unrepentant and it's insanely erotic with heat levels approaching molten lava.

The boys world just keeps on getting more complicated and more twisted and I know Kat and Agnes have said they expect there to be 10 books in this series so I have to wonder just what else dangers and dramas they're going to be put through.

And who is Diego, what's Dana's ultimate motivation, what's Nero's game and when's Miguel finally gonna crack?! I cannot wait to find out.
Profile Image for Bianca.
27 reviews5 followers
April 21, 2021
Profile Image for Jade.
1,322 reviews27 followers
March 4, 2017
4 - 4.5 stars
This one was really good. It's been awhile since I read a Guns n' Boys book so I was a little rusty on the whole who was who (but that's on me for at least not doing a quick reread of the last book). There were a few things that I wasn't the biggest fan of but overall I enjoyed it and really cannot wait to get my hands on the next one. The little after the credits scene was so intriguing and has me hopelessly waiting for the next one!

"You are not bringing gonorrhea into this relationship!"
Oh my god that had me dying! I think that was my favorite line out of the entire book. The love and passion between these insane and unstable men just makes my heart beat a little harder for them<3 The fact that they are still able to feel jealousy no matter how in love and secure their relationship is is pretty hot. I also really loved seeing the word husband, totally made me swoon each time.

“You are at my side. You are my home, and you make me forget the things I want to forget. Let me do this for you,” he whispered in the end, dropping his knife to the tiles and cupping Seth’s nape"
And Dom finally realizing that he doesn't want Seth to turn into him had me breathing a sigh of relief, because poor Seth has been running from that his entire life and now he doesn't have to be that person anymore(*fingers crossed* because with these authors you never know!)
I do not know what this says about me but I find it insanely hot every time they get all wrapped up in their little Domenico and Seth world when there are dead bodies and blood all around them. Making out and sharing intimate loving words while killing is so them and it seriously gets me every time.

And I will say that Mark was just a little dumb shit in this one. I understand that he is teenager and is learning and will make mistakes, but the shit that he pulled was just so unnecessary and so fucking stupid. He could have gotten them killed, and what was Seth thinking keeping it a secret from Dom. Totally made me want to tear my hair out.

Oh and I think

I'm also really curious to see what Kat and Agnes are going to do with Nero and Miguel. Nero is just fucked up in the head so I'm not putting any preconceived expectations on that little psycho. Miguel was off page for almost the entirety of the book and the small scenes that we did see with him didn't give the reader much, outside of him being into men but too disgusted and ashamed to admit it. He wasn't a real chatty Cathy in this one, so I guess we will see more development with his character in the coming books. And their weird violent thing that they have between each other was really fun to read so I'm really interested to see where that is gonna go.
Profile Image for ♣️ Lynda ♣️.
450 reviews44 followers
February 19, 2017
Welcome to Columbia!

The foursome has arrived (in dramatic fashion) to meet Toro (and Dana) and find a way into his home and business. They need to get to Raul Moreno and more importantly figure out who Mr. Tropico is!

Mark has really grown into a man here. I think Miguel has been another good influence for toughening him up. Miguel still intrigues me and I would like read some of his POV.

Nero Moreno. Shark like teeth and green hair. The son of the "Cannibal" and an interesting addition to the storyline.

Dom and Seth are still a sexual power couple. Here we see Seth doing things that he wouldn't normally do. It's all to maintain the family but is he losing a part of himself in the process? I hope not and we can see that Dom doesn't want that either. Through everything they have built this amazing relationship that withstands anything!

Everyone hates Dana but here she proved herself worthy to me. I was worried a few times about her but she did what needed to be done and even got herself a little payback!

This book was about as bloody as I expected and maybe just a little more. Lots of action that pulls you in from the beginning. Piracy, human trafficking, jaguars, bombs and punch that packs a wallop.

The cutout at the end left me hanging off a cliff!! WTH ladies!!

Arc received in exchange for an honest review
Displaying 1 - 30 of 111 reviews

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