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I Like Big Dragons #1

I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie

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Keifer Vassago, The Prince of Dragons, has enough on his plate without adding a brunette with a bad attitude to the mix.

Fate has a way of screwing all his plans, though, whether he wants them screwed or not. One second he’s fetching his brother from yet another situation that could possibly compromise the Vassago name, and the next that brunette is grabbing his assets.

Blythe isn’t after anyone’s assets, though. She’s a good girl. All she wants is to graduate from nursing school, get a job, and move out of her hell hole apartment. What she does not have time to deal with is a sexy bearded man that accuses her of grabbing his junk.

She tries to forget about the encounter, but fate’s a cruel bitch.

One second she’s a normal college student barely living paycheck to paycheck, and the next she’s setting her panties on fire with powers from an ancient immortal dragon.

To add insult to injury, she’s hearing voices, and none of them are figments of her imagination. Blythe’s life is turned upside down, and Keifer forces her to adapt even though she doesn’t want to. She likes her life just the way it is.

Not to mention she wants nothing to do with that arrogant asshole. She doesn’t care that he rides a dragon. She also could care less about his stupid beard, and his sexy eyes.

Yeah, who was she kidding? She wasn’t convincing anybody.

328 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 12, 2016

About the author

Lani Lynn Vale

153 books7,038 followers
Lani Lynn Vale is married to the love of her life that she met in high school. She fell in love with him because he was wearing baseball pants. Ten years later they have three perfectly crazy children and a cat named Demon who likes to wake her up at ungodly times in the night. They live in the greatest state in the world, Texas. She writes contemporary and romantic suspense, and has a love for all things romance. You can find Lani in front of her computer writing away in her fictional characters world...that is until her husband and kids demand sustenance in the form of food and drink.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 332 reviews
Profile Image for Gi's Spot Reviews.
1,114 reviews1,339 followers
August 27, 2016
In I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie, we are transported to a brand new paranormal world where magic and dragons exist, and are ruled and organized by their dragon riders…

Amongst them, or better yet, on the top of the commanding chain is Keifer Vassago, the Prince of Dragons. Keifer already has an immeasurable amount of responsibility, but when his youngest brother again ‘falls off the tracks’, he’s the only one who can impose himself and force him to fulfill his obligation. He knew it was no easy task, but could not foresee that it would become that much interesting, when this journey made him literally, run into his mate.

Blythe is a nursing student, part time diner worker, that lives her own life, and doesn’t interfere in other peoples businesses, but when she runs into a tall, dark, hunk of man pushing a young man from the next door apartment, she had no idea that that single moment would change her life forever, and open her reality to a brand new world. With a delicious dragon rider Prince. In this case there was no way to say no to that, because they were forever bonded…

“Coming here. I couldn’t stop myself though. It’s like I can sense your need. Your body calls to me like a fucking fire I can’t put out,” he groaned, glancing up at the numbers, watching them as they went at a turtle’s pace.
I chose not to say anything, knowing he knew I felt the same way. It was as if he were under my skin, permanently there for eternity.
He knew my wants, needs, and desires.

Their chemistry and fate is obvious and undeniable, but now Blythe will need to change and adapt her mindset for her new role and this society, and first of all she needs to me shown and taught all the fantastic ways of this magical world. This was a fantastic way for us, as a reader, to be introduced into this world, through Blythe’s eyes. It was done beautiful and fluidly.

After only a brief moment of hesitation, Kiefer and Blythe could not deny what her bodies and spirit were telling that. Their attraction was instantaneous, and they couldn’t deny they were meant to be together.

WOW!!! What an absolutely fucking stellar PNR debut!!! 'I Like Dragons and I Cannot Lie' is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best PNR I have EVER read!!!
Just when I thought I could love Lani Lynn Vale's writing anymore than I already did, she throws us this outstanding curveball, and managed to leave me completely astonished, because seriously this story couldn't be any better!!! Beware Lani, because if I fan girled before now it only got much worse, you won't be able to get me off your back, just don't call the cops on me! Or better yet, please do because if they're half as delicious as this dragon riders, damn....
I can't wait to dig into more of this astonishing world!!!! And Keifer... OMG, No words!!! Sigh...

Of course, the primal reaction of their bodies stands out, not only in the regards of magic – with their interexchange of powers- but also sexually. You truly feel like they are drawn together, like industrial sized magnets, and that they will only be satisfied when they fully complete their mating. This explosive magnetism gave of course, some scorchingly hot and fiery – appropriate, given the dragon theme, lol – sex scenes. You could almost feel their most deep and primal desire to be joined that way, in the most delicious fashion. And then the serious and somewhat broody Prince of Dragons transformed in one deviously, impossible to resist, panty melting – or better yet, pantie incinerator- filthy talker.

“Don’t you dare come without me. The next time you come will be with me inside you, buried so deep you’ll feel me in your throat,” Keifer growled over the powerful engine.

Take it, Drakina. Let me feel that sweet cunt of yours pulse around my cock until you and I are the only things that matter in this world.

Blythe sure was one lucky woman. A brand new and exciting and a HOT sexy man, all in one day. What else could she wish for?! She was an amazing character on her own, sassy and strong, with a seriously independent nature, that gave Kiefer quite a few headhaches, LOL. And Kiefer, was absolutely amazing, OTT alpha, all the way, but with a secret sweetness and loving nature, specially reserved to Blythe (sure he has some asshat moments when the position demands were too high, but what man doesn’t?!), he more than proved his love and devotion to her. It was wonderful seeing their love and feelings blossom and that a special nature of itself. I LOVED this couple, and it’s going to be a tough one to beat. They were superb!

Of course this delicious package didn’t come alone, and with his two brothers and all the other dragon riders, they were more than a hierarchy, they were a true family on its own, a brotherhood.

That was how you made a successful brotherhood. You made sure that the people that would always have your back had a reason to have it. That they knew the person that they’d give their lives for was worthy.

I will not reveal any more of the storyline or characters, because it would steal from your enjoyment of this MUST READ. All this fantastic characters need to be savored while reading the story, but I can guarantee you will not be disappointed. It’s a definitely MUST READ, that it will really transport you to a brand new world…

WOW!!! What an absolutely fucking stellar PNR debut!!! ‘I Like Dragons and I Cannot Lie’ is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best PNR I have EVER read!!!
Just when I thought I could love Lani Lynn Vale’s writing anymore than I already did, she throws us this outstanding curveball, and managed to leave me completely astonished, because seriously this story couldn’t be any better!!! Beware Lani, because if I fan girled before now it only got much worse, you won’t be able to get me off your back, just don’t call the cops on me! Or better yet, please do because if they’re half as delicious as this dragon riders, damn….
I can’t wait to dig into more of this astonishing world!!!! And Keifer… OMG, No words!!! Sigh…

Gone was my breath.
I didn’t care about that, either.
I knew Keifer wouldn’t let me die by orgasm. He’d revive me later once he was done.
Gone was my pride. I’d do anything for him. Anything. Crawl. Beg. Steal. Die.
If he wanted me to, I’d do it.
But the thing about Keifer was, I knew that he wouldn’t make me.
Looking up into his eyes as he looked down into my own, something passed between us.
It was as if I saw his soul, and he saw mine. Pieces of our separate lives melded into one whole life.
And I realized what it was to be a dragon rider’s mate.
To be utterly and completely his.
Because that was what I was now, his.
And that was what he was, too. Mine.

ARC kindly provided by the author via Enticing Book Journey Promotions in exchange for an honest review

For full review with Blog Tour, check out my blog post here,
Profile Image for Chantal ❤️.
1,361 reviews852 followers
August 19, 2016
This was a funny and hot read with dragons. This is my first book with this topic and I must say it was well done.
Although, I found again that I was a little confused while reading this book. I felt like many aspects of this paranormal universe were expected to be already acquired by me (the reader) as some kind of inner circle knowledge.
Just small thing like the history of their world and knowledge of how this world worked.
Just more background would have been good for me here personally.
Also, I dislike how we move from location to location and person to person without any indication that these changes have taken place. Like we are in one room, then into another, then on a dragon, then outside or in a pool, what is with all the magical shifting placement? Can someone come into a room? Please let me know who is where and how they get there.
Just a small thing honestly. The flow was good but I just could not shake this disjointed feeling.
I would read her next book for sure
Safe without OW/OM drama, no cheating
Profile Image for Tink Magoo is bad at reviews.
1,275 reviews236 followers
October 17, 2016

4.5 Stars

Loved it.

The first chapter was a bit wavy, but I was soon completely hooked and flew through this in no time. With this being set in the modern day, there wasn't a great deal of detail about the world as it was or how dragons came to be, but that didn't take anything away from the overall story. It had enough sex, enough plot and the overall amusing tone to the writing made for a great read.

Looking forward to the next book.

"She screamed.

I screamed.

We all screamed for ice cream.

Or something like that.

Because she'd literally fried my brain cells."

Safety - No OW or OM drama what so ever. No separation. The heroine is a virgin. No details about his ex-partners, just that he'd had his fair share.
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
January 10, 2020
Anyone who has paid attention to my reading habits knows I'm a huge fan of LLV. I've made it my personal mission to read each and every one of her books (and she's got tons so it's gonna take me a while). When I realized that she'd written some paranormal romance, I couldn't believe my luck. Seriously, you should have seen the shock and pleasure on my face. My kids made fun of me for it, but I didn't care because one of my favorite authors dabbled in one of my favorite genres. And she killed it!

🔥 an instant connection between the lead characters. That might have a lot to do with the fact that Blythe was Keifer's destined mate.
🔥 amazingly hot sex. I mean Ah-MAZING! Way hotter than what I usually find in LLV books.
🔥 supernatural powers, linked to the dragons, and they differed by dragon so there was tons to learn and get excited about
🔥 a suspenseful edge that was both terrifying and hilarious. How this author can write a scary scene that makes me laugh is still a wonder to me...

I had such a fun time reading and discovering this other side to one of my favorite authors. Although I've barely made a dent in her backlist of books, I'm having the time of my life doing it. This little gem made me see LLV in a whole new light and I'm loving her even more. If you love all things paranormal, you'll love this book too! I'm off to continue this series 🐉🐉🐉

Find the full review HERE
Profile Image for Mizz.
1,074 reviews387 followers
April 16, 2017

Beware of Spoilers!

Star Ratings:
Heroine (Blythe): 5/5
Hero (Keifer): 4/5
Plot: 5/5
Grovel: none
Cheating: none
HEA: yes with pregnancy
Triggers: none

Average score: 4.5/5

Best Line: “Fuck the extra bedroom for people to stay in when they visit. I want a moat with water dragons that keeps those fuckers away.”

Worst Line: “Because Lord knows it’d be easier than busting my ass for an ungrateful shit like you!” – this is an unforgivable thing to say to a pregnant woman

Personal Review:
This was a great paranormal romance between a dragon rider and a nurse.

Random Ramblings
•I love old-fashioned ‘mating’
•I am glad she fought to finish her nursing course
•Pregnancy + rabbit = so funny!
•I would love to read Reed’s story

Overall Feeling:

I loved Blythe

November 16, 2016
I'm afraid to do a full review this because I'll start ranting so I'm going to say it was good for what it was

BUT this is Urban Fantasy not Paranormal.

Magic and true Dragons= fantasy
humans that shape shift into dragons =paranormal
urban= modern day setting

OK good to get that off the chest.

If you normally stick to romance you WILL like or love this book. If you spend your days looking for amazing fantasy romance reads you will be disappointed but you will still like the book. My biggest gripe in the majority of this genre of romance books are they are basically interchangeable with contemporary romance. This one broke that mold a little bit but not much.
March 28, 2019
Listen to this really sad and awfully true story.

Umaiya really really liked the plot but she just about hated the writing.

From page one, it basically came with its own one-way ticket to DNFville but she just couldn't do it.
Dragons. she was promised Dragons. How can you resist that?! Huh?! Huh?!

There was no story building, the hero was a right out asshole before meeting his "mate" and the heroine was so blase about everything even her TSTL mind perked up and took notice.

Individually, this is how disaster is spelt but mix it all together and it kinda grows on you. It also leads you to questioning your sanity.
What can I say, the fungus had me intrigued. But I can't forgive the writing. Unless seriously edited, I'm not continuing the series.

Umaiya out.
April 10, 2020
This was a good start to Lani's debut Paranormal series. The characters were immediately captivating. I enjoyed the family ties and the explosive action. When a story keeps me on the edge of my seat with suspense and thrilling adventure, I'm definitely satisfied. I didn't find this very romantic until late in the book. Because Lani did a great job building up this magical yet modern world I still enjoyed it just for those reasons alone. My favorite parts where the small dragons. I also loved how the characters could share power. Blythe and Keifer grew on me as the story progressed. I felt by the end their feelings had started to really be portrayed in a emotional way. I really enjoy when a couple spend time together and you actually feel "why" they fall in love. I'm hoping the next installment has more of a couple centered love story. I still enjoyed the start of what looks to be a sexy, magical and adventurous series.

#SafeRead #PNR #Action #Dragons
4 Solid stars
Profile Image for Stacie.
2,292 reviews257 followers
November 20, 2016
*DNF, barely even started so don't take my word for it.

I started this but didn't get past chapter 1, 5%. Whoever the narrator is in the beginning, is an ANNOYING, ARROGANT, ASS! I'm guessing it is the H in the story and if that is the case, not in the mood. Maybe another time.
Profile Image for Giselle Bradley.
808 reviews180 followers
January 20, 2019
DNF'd 30(-ish)% in. I tried guys, I really did. I hate this so much. I mean, wow, a paranormal romance with fated mates that literally have no choice and are essentially forced to bang each other even if they really don't want to! Wow! A novel idea! I've definitely never read a paranormal romance with any trope or plot similar to that before! Ever! I mean, are you kidding me? I don't even read much in the genre and I've already read this plot before! Maybe with less forced banging but still. In this one she literally wakes up having sex with this guy (that she initiates) because she just couldn't bare not to be having sex with him! Like really? REALLY? Ugh. Anyone else majorly weirded out by this? Just me? I hate so much that it's pretty much just "magic" that's making them want each other. It feels rapey to me. Am I really the only one who hates this so vehemently? I did like the originality of the dragons and their riders but that was pretty much wiped out when this scene happened: "By the time the fire was finally out, my panties were burned to ash. However, my skin was perfectly fine. In fact, the hairs that I’d planned on having waxed later in the week were gone. It’d given me a fire waxing…minus the wax." Like WTF? I just can't. (That scene by the way she just wakes up with her underwear on fire.) Bye forever book. I wont miss you.
Profile Image for Chelsea Camaron.
Author 110 books2,487 followers
June 24, 2016
Oh my heavens to Betsey, I was given an opportunity to have a sneak peek at this bad boy from Lani Lynn Vale. First, I love that Lani's style of writing that balances family, feels, and loyalty with lots of life follows through into this series.

Don't misunderstand this series is not shifters but instead Dragon Riders and with that the Dragon Warriors MC which hello hotness right there. This is a page turning, action packed adventure with solid world building creating a sanctuary for the dragons and their riders.

I don't want to spoil anything. Hands down Blythe was one of my favorite female characters to read. There are laughs, there are emotions, and there is suspense, all coming together to make this a must read this summer.
Profile Image for Mal ✨ | Tales Of A Bookbug.
628 reviews43 followers
April 16, 2020
Review: A great start to a new Urban Fantasy series from Lani Lynn Vale!Looking at the title and synopsis one would assume that this book is just another dragon shifter story.But, it isn't.In this world that the author has created, dragons exist and humans are aware of their existence.There are a special category of people known as the dragon riders, who bond with these dragons when they reach maturity.Keifer Vassago is the prince of the dragon riders.He runs into Blythe when trying to get his brother to come away from his fling's apartment.Both are instantly attracted to each other, but neither of them know the importance or the meaning of the connection between them.

The same day, Keifer loses his powers and Blythe sets her hair and panties on fire!Turns out, they are mates and since the process has begun, his powers have been transferred to Blythe.He takes Blythe away to their sanctuary for safety and slowly they begin to develop a relationship.Blythe forms a bond with Keifer's dragon and begins to learn how to control her powers.Throw in a sect of dragon-rider-haters, a crazy family and a scary prophecy, we get a fantastic romance with action,suspense and steam.

I loved the characters in this book.Blythe is such a feisty heroine.Some interactions between her and Keifer were downright hilarious!And the chemistry between them was well done!Keifer's family was also pretty awesome.The author has put in a lot of work into creating a unique and original world with a very interesting background and history.The dragons were also fascinating.My favorites were Declan and the three ice dragons!

My only gripe with the book is that I think the author could have spent more time developing the relationship between Keifer and Blythe.It felt a little rushed with all the things and distractions going around them.The ending scenes also had a lot of action packed into them.All in all, it was a great start for a completely unique fantasy series!Can't wait for the next book in the series! :D
Profile Image for Tori.
2,842 reviews480 followers
October 14, 2016
Vale’s newest series pretty much stays on par with her romance suspenses except she adds a dash of paranormal with dragons. A well paced, sexy, humorous PNR that was an enjoyable fast read. Looking forward to the next in the series.
Profile Image for Kim  Brewing.
3,415 reviews34 followers
August 21, 2016
Okay, I went into this open minded. I love LLV writing so I decided to give it a go even though "dragons" weren't my thing...

I loved it! The snarkiness that LLV is known for is here as well as sibling issues. These are part of what makes this a great story. I enjoyed "seeing" this new world located in our world. Keifer is big, bold and (according to Blythe) beautiful. He has a lot resting on his shoulders and finding a mate wasn't even on his radar. Blythe is almost done schooling to become a nurse and working as a waitress. Once night after working twice as hard because her coworker and neighbor didn't show, preferring to spend time with her boyfriend, she meets Keifer - as he drags said boyfriend and brother from her neighbors apartment. What follows after that meeting is what this story is all about. One of my favorite characters is Declan. His dry wit is awesome...who is Declan you ask - Guess you should read it and find out.
Profile Image for Emily.
5,498 reviews526 followers
August 19, 2016
Keifer Vassago is the Prince of the Dragons, he had not thought much of a mate as he had enough responsibility as it was. When he loses his powers though he realizes he has met his mate, Blythe though as no clue as to what is going on. Blythe went from sleeping peacefully to having a little fire incident that is freaking her out. With the help of his dragon, Declan, Keifer brings Blythe home to begin their life together. However, adjusting to newly mated life is not as easy as they hoped as Blythe has ideas of her own and the threat of the Purists are constantly looming.

This was fun, I think it hopped a bit around during the story. Like the overall idea of this series and eager to see what happens next. I hope there is a Farrow story, I bet it will be good. Highly entertaining.
Profile Image for DG.
51 reviews
August 19, 2016
I will admit the title caught my attention...big time. Just got to say...I love the whole dragon who can telepathically communicate with their bonded person thing. Maybe it goes back to How to Train your Dragon? Everybody loves Toothless...right??? Who knows but I loved this book. Strong, hot alpha...everyday to strong h. Dragons, baby dragons, bad guys and....more dragons!!! Yeah...just give it a try.
325 reviews
April 15, 2020
I felt like I was coming into the middle of a storyline and had missed the first book in the series which laid the foundation for what I was reading.
Profile Image for Ratula.
2,015 reviews
August 23, 2016
This was extremely underwhelming. I felt like the heroine had a weird/almost comical personality that did not really jive with the H and the book.
Profile Image for Ivy Deluca.
2,306 reviews313 followers
January 29, 2020
I am on my quest of clearing out my kindle of the backlog and I picked this book pretty much Because I was laughing at that title and I was in the mood for a paranormal romance. Now I’d read The very first book Ms. Vale wrote and it wasn’t my cuppa. But I truly believe in trying anything three times and wanted to give her writing another shot because I have GR friends who love her books. This was a mixed bag.

Taking into account the fact that this is Ms.Vale’s first paranormal, I will say there are some interesting ideas for a dragon series where the hero isn’t a dragon shifter. I enjoyed some of the world building a lot because it’s different and has good potential. I really liked the little quotes at the beginning of each chapter and wish those lines had been part of the main dialogue. Unfortunately, I felt the story overall was uneven and too much was shared upfront instead of parsing out some of this information bit by bit in a more natural, organic way.

As a result of the worldbuilding, I think the romance suffered from a lack of attention. It was pretty insta, and there wasn’t a strong connection other than sexual between Kiefer and Blythe. However, all that being said I was intriguedwith this ‘verse and I really liked the set up for the second book so I’m willing to continue with the series even if this particular book didn’t quite work for me. And yay for taking another book off the TBR Mountain.

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Profile Image for Lea Bookjoy.
1,595 reviews81 followers
July 27, 2022
French & English reviews

OMG mais qu'est-ce que c'est que ça !!?

Comme je suis une fan des livres de LLV, j'étais plutôt enthousiaste à l'idée d'essayer sa série de fantasy ... ET GROSSE ERREUR !!
J'avais l'impression de lire un brouillon : les personnages étaient fades et caricaturaux (notamment l'héroïne dont les réactions étaient vraiment décalés (zéro inquiétude d'être kidnappée, zéro inquiétude d'avoir des pouvoirs, de voler sur un dragon ...)), la romance trop instalove pour moi (même avec l'histoire de "mate" qui sonnait un peu faux), l'intrigue était à peine développée (j'aurais voulu plus de détails sur la façon dont l'héroïne s'habitue à sa situation, sur les Puristes ...) et l'univers qui aurait pu être intéressant était hyper brouillon !

Bref, je vais tenter le deuxième tome quand même parce que j'avais eu une réaction similaire avec le premier tome de la série The Elders Races de Thea Harrison mais en tout cas, si c'est votre premier livre de Lani Lynn Vale, il n'est pas DU TOUT représentatif de la qualité de cette auteure !


OMG but what is that !!?

As I'm a fan of LLV's books, I was pretty excited to try her fantasy series ... AND BIG MISTAKE !!
I felt like I was reading a draft : the characters were bland and caricatural (especially the heroine whose reactions were really offbeat (zero worry about being kidnapped, zero worry about having powers, flying on a dragon ...)), the romance too instalove for me (even with the story of "mate" which sounded a bit wrong), the plot was barely developed (I would have liked more details on how the heroine gets used to her situation, on the Purists ...) and the universe that could have been interesting was super messy !

Anyway, I'm going to try the second book anyway because I had a similar reaction with the first book of The Elders Races by Thea Harrison, but in any case, if this is your first book by Lani Lynn Vale, it is NOT AT ALL representative of the quality of this author !
Profile Image for Ang -PNR Book Lover Reviews.
1,737 reviews147 followers
February 11, 2020

I really liked this one, it’s everything you need in a short sexy story. I loved the concept of the dragons and dragon riders it’s all very well written and I look forward to reading the next one. Keifer is the price of dragons, and he has stumbled upon his mate. i like a good fated mates story, dragon shifters too. I loved the fun diaogue and witty humor, the tight knit family too. I think if you like quirky romances and something simple and easy to read this is perfect ofor you, go in with an open mind.
Profile Image for  B.E.Love.
1,314 reviews130 followers
August 2, 2017
I loved this book and this entire series, so it seems that I have found a new author I am in love with. Everything I have read so far from Lani Lynn Vale I have quickly fallen in love with and been sucked into the story and the world she created. In this series (and like the previous series I read from this author I'm going to review the three books in a lump sum because right after each book I couldn't wait to review it because I had to read it right now). We get a nice new twist on PR. I haven't read a series like this before but thats another reason I loved it so much.

The heroes in each book are dragon riders and once they bond with a dragon they get powers. When a dragon rider touches his other half it starts the mating and neither can deny each other and they don't want to. They each need the other to live but also can't imagine being with anyone else. We also see their enemies who are out to destroy all Dragon rides and stop the prophecy that the King (hero from book 1) has set into motion.

I loved each book and each book we get more and more of the story and pieces fall together. I think this is only supposed to be 3 books but I really, really hope that isn't the case because there are tons of side characters in these 3 books that I want books for badly. And storylines we have been given small bits of but they aren't finished. I loved all the characters in this series from main o side characters the author did a great job creating these characters. I will say I hoped for more details about certain things in this series( in this book than the next 2), I was just hoping for more details and info and it felt almost like some things I wanted more information on were skimmed over more than I would have liked.
Profile Image for Lara.
22 reviews7 followers
June 14, 2017
Um livro leve e gostoso de ler, onde tem comedia e cena muito quentes...
Profile Image for phoebess.
1,521 reviews98 followers
August 28, 2016
In this book there were amazing dragons and characters. And yes, I put dragons first! Deal with it. I decided to do that mostly because of Declan and his running commentaries or hilarious mouthing-offs to Kiefer and Blythe. Speaking of main couple, they were okay together but nothing special which was a little bit disappointing (but hey, sometimes it happens). I liked them individually a lot, though, especially Blythe's ironic and sarcastic nature.
And then there was the story with those funny tidbits under every chapter number and the absolutely bombastic book title... All that action, magical bonds and sharing powers with dragons grabbed my attention from the beginning and I was really enjoying it. But it wasn't always perfect. Sometimes I had to concentrate so hard to fully understand what's happening and why because not everything about this world was properly explained. The important thing was it didn't ruin the story for me at all. Fortunately.
One last thing: I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie had everything I love so much in books—dragons, shirtless men and MC... Er, I have to go now and take a shower to cool my tits (as Declan would say). Be right back...
She screamed.
I screamed.
We all screamed for ice cream.
Profile Image for Hanife.
Author 31 books335 followers
Want to read
August 19, 2016
İsim resmen güldürdü. Kapak desen neyin kafasını yaşıyor bilinmez. Ama ne demişler, 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'
Profile Image for Bambi Unbridled.
1,286 reviews139 followers
January 27, 2018

You guys all know that I am a sucker for dragon stories, so this book (title and blurb) intrigued me. When I saw that the hero would be the Prince of Dragons, I thought dragon shapeshifters. But this story involves dragon riders... and the dragons are sentient and communicative with the humans. I loved that aspect.

Unfortunately the story and writing style did not work for me. It seemed like the author hit all the plot highlights, but ignored all the details that would have drawn me into the story. I wanted more character development and less skipping ahead. You would be reading about one day, then it would be a month later, then 3 weeks later, then 2 weeks later... it was just going in fast forward and I didn't have time to connect with any of the characters. As this continued happening toward the end, I felt like I missed some big plot points. Almost to the extent that it seemed like some of the book was missing. I debated rewinding to see if my attention wandered and I just missed something... but I couldn't find it in me to care enough to rewind and relisten.

There were some good aspects, and I am in the minority with this review. Like I said above, I loved the dragons. There were also some humorous moments, like the heroine's panties catching fire (literally) any time she had a dirty thought. But overall, it just didn't work for me. As these are short reads/listens, I might give the series another shot when I have the time, but it's not something I am eager to continue right this moment.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this audiobook that I received from the publisher, Tantor Audio.

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3,160 reviews103 followers
September 20, 2019
This was funny and cute. It was also cheesy at times too but that just ratcheted up the fun factor for me. I thought the ending was too abrupt and there were definitely a lot of unanswered questions so I will try to continue on with this series.

I have one complaint about the female narrator. Her pacing was off a lot and she would end sentences weird so it took me out of the story more than a few times.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 332 reviews

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