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215 pages, Kindle Edition
First published January 1, 45
Wrinkles and gray hair cannot suddenly demand respect. Only when the earlier years of life have been well spent does old age at last gather the fruits of admiration.
Those who lack within themselves the means for living a blessed and happy life will find any age painful. But for those who seek good things within themselves, nothing imposed on them by nature will seem troublesome.
First, because it takes away from an active life.Cicero deals with each of these objections in turn and does a good job at answering them. His positivity makes me think of the first stanza of Robert Browning's poem, "Rabbi Ben Ezra":
Second, because it weakens the body.
Third, because it deprives us of almost all sensual pleasures.
Fourth, because it is not far from death.
Grow old along with me!It is amazing to me that a book written some two thousand plus years ago can be so contemporary.
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith "A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!''
فهؤلاء الذين يفتقدون داخل أنفسهم الموارد التي تمكنهم من عيش حياة هادئة وسعيدة سيشعرون بالألم في أي مرحلة من مراحل عمرهم. ولكن الذين يرجون الحسنى في داخلهم فإن أيا ما تفرضه عليهم الطبيعة لن يسبب لهم أي ضيق.
لا يمكن للتجاعيد والشعر الأشيب أن يبعثا فجأة على الاحترام. ومالم يحسن المرء قضاء السنوات الأولى من العمر فل�� يتمكن في شيخوخته من قطف ثمار الإعجاب.