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The FAA has been struggling with dragons attacking their planes, and hire Dane, a supernatural consultant, to look into the matter. What Dane finds in the woods is not quite the problem he expected: a group of dragon kits and their sick father.

When he learns the real reason the family was in the woods, his case only grows more dangerous, and while Dane is plenty experienced at watching his own back, taking care of baby dragons and their handsome, distracting father almost makes danger look easy.

79 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 9, 2015

About the author

Mell Eight

65 books268 followers
When Mell Eight was in high school, she discovered dragons. Beautiful, wondrous creatures that took her on epic adventures both to faraway lands and on journeys of the heart. Mell wanted to create dragons of her own, so she put pen to paper. Mell Eight is now known for her own soaring dragons, as well as for other wonderful characters dancing across the pages of her books. While she mostly writes paranormal or fantasy stories, she has been seen exploring the real world once or twice.

For more information on Mell’s stories and future writing plans, visit her website.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 119 reviews
November 7, 2015
This was my first read by Mell Eight, so I didn't know what to expect. On NetGalley this book is tagged as "LGBTQIA, Romance." The blurb also states that the book "contains some explicit content."

Let me be clear:

1. This book is NOT a romance.

2. This book contains NO explicit content whatsoever.

If you like cutesy fantasy stories with magic, mystery, baby dragons, sons of gods, banshees, and pixies, you may like this one.

The writing was fine, but I was completely underwhelmed.

The majority of the story focuses on the mystery of someone kidnapping and experimenting on dragons. This is a novella with 1,200 locations, so I think it's fair to say the mystery aspect felt rushed and frantic.

There are half a dozen kid dragons (kits) running around, and there's way too much focus on them. I don't care if the kids are red, blue, dragons, pixies, or HUMAN. I don't want to read about them in my romance books!

Only puppies and kittens are okay.

The nonexistent romance is between the daddy dragon and a son of a god (a very powerful magician), but they really don't talk until the god asks the dragon to move in with him (with the kids of course).


The ending is a HFN, I guess. There's no resolution to the dragon experimentation mystery. I for one won't be reading the next book to find out more, because I just don't care.
Profile Image for Jyanx.
Author 3 books106 followers
November 16, 2015
I received this book as an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I have to admit I am a sucker for Mell Eight's stories. I appreciate the sweetness to her stories, her characters, and their relationships. They are a guaranteed pick me up when I'm feeling down, and this story was exactly what I was looking for. I really liked the family of dragons, and how each of the little ones had their own distinct personality, and quirks. I liked that their past history had left it's mark on the kids, and that they didn't feel too much like stock little kids. I liked that the relationship wasn't the main focus of the story, and the mystery was front, and center. Considering what's going on in the story, and the characters it makes more sense to have it that way to me. Nothing smutty, but it seems like neither of them seemed like they were in the right headspace for that. That, and there were more pressing issues to be dealt with. I can't wait to read more of this series, and learn more about the characters, and their world.

art credit: Dragon valley by AndreeWallin
Profile Image for Ami.
6,040 reviews491 followers
December 14, 2015
2.5 stars

I really enjoyed the previous Mell Eight's dragon series, however, this one fell short. I like dragons -- and honestly, the kits were the highlights of this novella. I LOVED each and every kits -- Nickel, Chrome, Copper, 'Ron ... and cute adorable little Lumie, with the weird power of his own.

BUT, I thought the background of the story was fuzzy, and I was annoyed with the lack of world-built. I also thought that the romance was bland and felt like an afterthought. Like the author remembered that she should've added romantic relationship between Dane and Mercury. I wasn't annoyed about the lack of smut. I was annoyed with the lack of chemistry. Seriously, there was NO sparks at all between Dane and Mercury, the relationship built was MEH ... It would probably be better for me if the romance was left out altogether for the next book and rather the story could focus on the mystery of who was kidnapping the dragon kits.

So all the stars were for the dragons. The romance, unfortunately, was a failure for me. Having said that, I would still like to read the next story.
Profile Image for Heller.
973 reviews119 followers
December 12, 2015

I really enjoyed the set up for this series. I found Dane and his powers really interesting and Mercury and all his kits were really adorable. I'm a sucker for tiny dragons so this had me right away. It's all cut to black so don't go in looking for sexy times cause it's all off the page. I'm definitely up the next books.
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
April 21, 2020
My love for everything dragon isn’t exactly a secret, so it was clear I’d pick up this book. What with the blurb mentioning dragons as a problem for the FAA, a supernatural consultant called in to help track and solve the issue, and a bunch of cute dragon kits out to create the kind of chaos and mayhem only children can come up with, this was bound to be an interesting story. And boy, did it deliver on all the important points for me. The alternate reality Mell Eight has created here is fascinating with all kinds of supernatural beings out of the woodwork and struggling for their right to live among humans. There are threats, a nefarious plot, mysterious men struggling to contain their attraction for each other, and a great mix of funny and suspenseful moments. All of it is woven into a captivating tale that had me entertained from beginning to end.

Please find my full review of the second edition on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Ulysses Dietz.
Author 14 books709 followers
July 29, 2016
Dragon Consultant
Dragon Deception
Dragon Dilemma
(Supernatural Consultant, books 1,2 and 3)
By Mell Eight
Less Than Three Press, 2016
Covers by Aisha Akeju
ISBN: 978-162-004-6-777; ISBN: 978-162-004-1-25; ISBN: 978-162-004-8-009
Four stars

The Brady Bunch with magic and dragons. Oh, and gay, too. I decided to review this entire series in one go, because each novella feels incomplete without the others; indeed the entire series feels incomplete, and I suspect there are more to come.

Dane, who has no last name, is known far and wide as the Supernatural Consultant. Sent into the wild to bring in a group of dragons who have been harassing airplanes at three New England airports, Dane discovers that these dragons are refugees. Mercury is the only adult. The other five are all kits—young dragons—whom Mercury has rescued from secret laboratories where they have been experimented on by unknown humans for unknown reasons. Appalled by the idea that these misunderstood creatures are being destroyed, he takes them into his home, and thus a strange kid of family is created.

The series follows Dane and Mercury and their dragon children over the course of six or seven years. The narrative is by turns charming, amusing, and amateurish. Mell Eight’s writing is pretty good, but her grasp of English vocabulary fails her spectacularly at times. While the shenanigans of a houseful of dragon children is cleverly observed and lovingly detailed, the relationship between the two adult magical beings is given short shrift, even though it is at the center of the story. It’s not that Eight doesn’t present it as loving, but she doesn’t articulate the complex emotional and intellectual dynamics between Mercury and Dane, and this is frustrating. The subsidiary characters are all minimally drawn. Overall, the books feel sketchy, and could easily have been twice as long each with richer development of both character and plot.

I left my rating at four stars, because Eight’s idea is truly original (for all its echoes of Charlayne Harris). I know I’ll snap up whatever books follow in the series, because for all their flaws, the story of the dragons caught me and won’t let me go.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books374 followers
November 18, 2015
Oh the cuteness! This story was adorable from the moment I caught sight of the cover to the last page of the epilogue. Eight is Enough Paranormal Style! Had to have it. Oh don't misunderstand, there is an exciting plot and a smoldering romance, but the baby dragon kits bumbling and tumbling their way through things gave it a light top layer.

This was the first book in a new series. It had an urban fantasy feel to it the way Dane's paranormal consultant jobs and the ongoing issue of the missing dragons played out, plus there is room for more development in Dane and Mercury's love life.

The story opens with supernatural consultant, Dane, getting a terse call from the government's Federal Bureau of Supernatural Affairs about a dragon problem keeping all the planes grounded. Dane hates working with the arrogant human, but agrees to find out what's going on with the dragons before the humans get trigger-happy. Dane is already intrigued because dragons are loners and don't share territories, but there is clearly three separate dragons in the pictures that are emailed to him. Why are the dragons together and even working in tandem at that?

Time to do some sleuthing.

And what Dane uncovers creates an even deeper mystery and an immediate problem. He has several dragon children, an unhatched dragon egg, and a very sick dragon father. Dane drags the lot back to his place and sets up a temporary residence for the group while he figures out what is going on. It doesn't hurt that the beautiful male bronze dragon is attractive. Unfortunately, Dane has bad luck with his love life. Most get one glimpse of his magical power and run. Mercury sees him wield his power and doesn't seem to mind, but is that just because the handsome dragon is ill and weak? Not that Dane has much time to investigate that possibility when he's up to his hips in dragon kits and experimentation labs.

The world-building of this one isn't deep or complex, but it was fun. Supernaturals are known to humans and every once in a while things get a little ticklish which is where Dane comes in. He runs his own private agency that deals with all sorts of paranormal matters from pixies possibly destroying a rose garden to baby dragons attacking planes flying over their territory. All in a days work for Dane. And if he has to bring home a displaced werewolf cub who chews all his wooden furniture? Why not? He's assisted by his banshee secretary and a helper on retainer who might be a lizard lady when he has to deal with children.

But as capable as Dane is, he's lonely. His life gets invaded by a ready made family who destroy his home piece by piece and bring all sorts of trouble after them and he melts into daydreams that Mercury and his kits will stay. The two guys share the narrative and spend a lot of time thinking they are inadequate for the other and anything they try to start up gets interrupted by one of the kits. Eventually, they figure it out. Sweet more than spicy for this first segment of the story.

All in all, this was full of light, laughter, excitement, and fun. I want more. More of Dane and Mercury and definitely more of the dragon kits and Dane's office help. Those who enjoy sweet M/M Urban Fantasy or Paranormal Romance should check this out. And that cover? So cute!

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
April 21, 2020
My love for everything dragon isn’t exactly a secret, so it was clear I’d pick up this book. What with the blurb mentioning dragons as a problem for the FAA, a supernatural consultant called in to help track and solve the issue, and a bunch of cute dragon kits out to create the kind of chaos and mayhem only children can come up with, this was bound to be an interesting story. And boy, did it deliver on all the important points for me. The alternate reality Mell Eight has created here is fascinating with all kinds of supernatural beings out of the woodwork and struggling for their right to live among humans. There are threats, a nefarious plot, mysterious men struggling to contain their attraction for each other, and a great mix of funny and suspenseful moments. All of it is woven into a captivating tale that had me entertained from beginning to end.

Please find my full review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,399 reviews132 followers
February 11, 2016
Absolutely loved this novelette/novella. I usually steer clear of anything described as "adorable", "cute", "sweet" or with kids. But this was a marvelous exception, (dragons!), and I hope to read many more in this series. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Jenn (not Lily).
4,436 reviews29 followers
December 4, 2017
Very cute story, good well-rounded characters, and an interesting mystery to open this series. Subtle romance between two lovely men who find it hard to believe the other could truly want a relationship. Definitely will be reading the rest of the series!
Profile Image for Truitt_T.
81 reviews23 followers
January 16, 2023
3.5 stars
This was adorable. Deep? No. Was the romance well developed? Nope. But I enjoyed it anyway. Dragons in peril, magical beings, and a bit of a mystery make for a fun, light story. And did I mention baby dragons? I’ll definitely keep reading the series when I need something light - popcorn for the brain.
Profile Image for Shirley .
1,942 reviews58 followers
May 18, 2020
Since there seems to be some confusion... yes, I did tag this book as a M/M Romance. No, it has no explicit content at all, but that doesn't mean that it's not a romance. There's no better way to categorize it than that though. I considered Dragon Consultant a sweet romance because two people found each other and fell in love. Sometimes less is more when it comes to the written word - the important part in Dragon Consultant is that love is love, it takes all forms and sometimes a found family is the very best kind. Now that we've gotten that out of the way...

Dragon Consultant was adorable. The dragon kits, from the youngest to the oldest, were witty, cute, smart and not easily won over. They had experienced a lot in their short lives and they didn't trust easily. Dane was determined to find out what happened to them though and then he was willing to fight to make sure it never happened to them, or any other dragon, again. He was a pretty great hero.

It didn't take long to figure out that Dane and Mercury were made for each other. They were cautious though and neither one of them had a lot of self confidence in the romance department. In some ways, they were as adorable as the kits.

Dragon Consultant wasn't a long story, but it wasn't lacking. That doesn't mean that I didn't want more and since it's part of a series, I'm in luck. The re-release of Dragon Deception is coming soon!

I received Dragon Consultant in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Tessa.
137 reviews10 followers
August 8, 2020
This was both fun and cute! :D The kits (kid dragons) were adorable ^^ I felt like the pacing of the story was a bit too fast at times, but that may be due to it being a novella.
Profile Image for Emily Wrayburn.
Author 5 books41 followers
August 10, 2024
Sigh, another dragon book where the dragons spend most of their time in human form, making them far less interesting.

In addition, the whole book needed more fleshing out. The romance was all tell and no show and I didn't feel any sparks, and I needed more world building.
Profile Image for Elaine White.
Author 43 books259 followers
October 25, 2023
Copy received through Netgalley


Dragon Consultant (Supernatural Consultant, #1) by Mell Eight
101 Pages
POV: 3rd person, dual POV
Content Warning: kidnapping, imprisonment and mention of medical testing of minors

#FoundFamily #PNR #ForcedProximity #SingleParent #MMRomance #MysteryToSolve


Honestly, I've been a fan of Mell Eight since I first picked up one of their books back in 2016, and I've always loved their writing style, their storytelling. This book has been on my TBR for years! When it was re-published by NSP, I knew I couldn't wait any longer to read it. It had a beautiful new cover, no doubt new edits, and I could start the series without the rest of the series being completed, meaning slightly less pressure to immerse myself for the commitment of a 4-book-series.

I'm so glad I did. This book was amazing!

Dragon Consultant is everything it says on the tin and more. Not just dragons, not just the supernatural, and not just as sweet and lovely as the cover implies. It had heart, warmth, danger, family, and a journey. It's a combination of sad stories, happy families, and found families.

When it comes to the characters, I was bowled over by Dane. He was so unique, with a mystery that remained hinted at but unsolved until late into the book. I loved that we learned more about him with every page, with every encounter with the kits, and every interaction with Mercury. Mercury was just as interesting; unconscious when we first meet him, and then such a protective father to his kits. Together, they had great chemistry, and an amazing adventure ahead.

I floved the kits! I absolutely fell in love with snarky Nickel, withdrawn Copper, and my heart melted with every glimpse of little Lumie. I loved how all the dragons were named after elements, just as their nature demanded. It was a great piece of storytelling that, instantly related their name to their power, purpose and nature. So clever!

I can't wait for Book 2.


Favourite Quotes

“Dane had to hide a grin; Nickel really was the cutest little potential murderer when he sounded like that.”
Profile Image for Kara.
674 reviews22 followers
January 12, 2016
So I want to start of this review by saying I loved the Dragon shifter aspect of this book! Dragon shifters are one my top favorite shifter books to read which make this so hard for me to say....

While I liked aspects of this novella and where the author was going with this story I felt like most of this book was about the kits "the dragon children". This book was just so much about them which don't get me wrong I did like reading about them and how much Mercury cared about them. But by the time this novella got to Dane and Mercury their part was so small I did not see enough of them together to believe the attraction between these two. It was like one second Mercury was thinking how attracted to Dane he was then Bam they are together with no real build up at least to me that is what it felt like. So while I did like most of this book the relationship between Dane and Mercury left me scratching my head confused. So besides that part I did really like this book for the Dragon aspect also other supernatural beings that were in this book. So this was such a short book I really do not want to give away any spoilers.

All together I did like this book I am just not sure what I feel about Mercury and Dean together!

I received this book free in exchange for an honest review from Inked Rainbow Reads.
Profile Image for Merissa (Archaeolibrarian).
3,823 reviews113 followers
May 8, 2023
Dane is a Supernatural Consultant who gets a job to find out why air space is being terrorized by dragon kits. What he finds when he gets there is an adult male dragon suffering from dragon fever and a bunch of kits that he can't figure out just how they all fit together. He makes a quick decision and takes them all to his large home, calling for help from a doctor friend for the adult male, and help from a mum for the kits.

This is a fast-paced novella as Dane finds out that there is much more to the dragons' story than he originally assumed. Dane is known as the Genie of the East but is in fact a son of a God, which has made having a relationship difficult. There is a bit of confusion between Mercury and Dane as both of them feel inadequate for the other one.

It is well-written, with plenty of story and character development, whilst still leaving plenty to hook you in for the coming stories. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 9, 2015
Profile Image for Aviva.
167 reviews31 followers
May 3, 2016
It was very sweet with cute babies dragons. I felt like the romance was kinda rushed and wouldn't have minded if the two characters had taken more time before realising they felt something for each other. It was too close to insta love for me but then other reviews seem to warn about the lack of romance so I guess it's all a question of what we expect in our books. Not that fair for the author when you think about it but it's something to ponder for another time. Anyway I will read the rest, it's good brain candy when I need sweet stories.
Profile Image for Veronica of V's Reads.
1,528 reviews42 followers
April 18, 2020
Dane is a supernatural consultant engaged by Agent Jacobson of the SupFed to investigate reports of dragons interfering with plane routes in New England. When he arrives on the scene, Dane discovers an adult male copper dragon deep in the throes of dragon fever, and four kits of different clans, with an unhatched egg. The kits have been fiercely defending their adoptive father, and Dane is all the more perplexed. Dragons are known to abandon their kits as soon as they can fly--being highly territorial creatures. More puzzling, is how the adult could have collected so many different kits.

Mercury, it turns out, discovered government labs experimenting on dragon kits and eggs and began destroying them and rescuing any orphans he could find. He was raising four kits and the egg before he fell ill of dragon fever. Dane's magic is strong enough to teleport them all to his warded estate. He's furious at the treatment of the dragons, and can't wait to take it out on Jacobson whose behavior is highly suspicious for being involved.

This is a sweet and innocent love story between Dane and Mercury. Dane has a considerable amount of magic, prompting Mercury to guess his origin. Dane's used to beings being attracted to his power, and not himself. He's accustomed to using a glamour to cover his less-than-human physical traits. He's quite taken with handsome and heroic Mercury, and is rapidly endeared to the kits, who are all little fierce personalities. Mercury has magic himself, but he is sure no one like Dane could be interested in himself, a barely fit dragon with four and a half wild (nearly feral) charges. He hopes to recover before one of his kits accidentally burns Dane's home to the ground. This is the beginning of the series, and we get a great insight to these engaging characters, the stakes, and the battles that Dane chooses to join, to ensure no more dragons are being tortured or experimented upon.

On the page we only see some mild affection, but there's potential for a loving relationship to grow between them, as Dane makes it clear he'd love to assist in raising the kits, and helping them learn to control their magic. I'm looking forward to reading on in this series.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
758 reviews53 followers
April 15, 2020
This is a fun little novella that was a pleasure to read. It was entertaining and made me smile quite a bit. It’s only about 95 pages so it’s quite a short read.

Dane is the premier consultant in cases of a supernatural nature. So when a case of dragons tangling with planes comes up on the Federal Bureau of Supernatural Investigation’s radar, it’s referred to him. Dane immediately uses his magic to track down the dragons. His first encounter is an amusing one.. he discovers baby dragons in a forest! The reason that they are running amok seems to be a sick father Dragon!

Without a second thought, Dane gathers them all up and “magics” them to his home. He brings in a doctor and a friend to help with the kits. His house rather quickly becomes chaotic! Each of the kits has a very different personality with individual quirks. This was what made this book most enjoyable for me!

Lumie is an odd little toddler dragon who seems to be able to break through any magical wards and boundaries. Nickel is a little fighter and is fiercely protective of his father! Mercury – the adult dragon is very ill with dragon fever and as he recovers it becomes clear that things in their family are not what they initially seem!

There’s a bigger mystery within this novella… and I’m not going to spoil it for you. Suffice to say there’s a lot more going on than one dragon family simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

There is a queer relationship in this novella It begins very subtly and is quite sweet.

All in all, this was enjoyable and there’s another installment coming!
Profile Image for Mar.
33 reviews
April 19, 2020
*I requested this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

This book is in a genre I have recently become really interested in - contemporary fantasy. It is set in what approximates modern day, but with magic, magical beings, and all that that entails.

This story is told in a dual perspective between Dane, a magical consultant, and Mercury, an adult bronze dragon, who has come to Dane for help. Someone is kidnapping dragon kits and doing experiments on them.

I liked the set up of this world. It seemed as if magic and magical beings are known to the world at large which is an interesting set up. Although beyond Dane having a connection with a Federal unit for supernatural beings, we don't really see how the magical world and the non-magical world interact. And for the most part, I enjoyed the characters we met in the story. While they were enjoyable, none of them were too complex and the relationship between Dane and Mercury seems to have happened very quickly.

While as a whole I enjoyed this story, many of the threads in the story felt like they wrapped up too easily. The relationship coming together, who the villain is. I also did not love how Dane referred to Nickel. The first time, Dane referred to Nickel as a sociopath was kind of humorous but after that it became too much and was unnecessary as a whole. It felt more like Dane was making fun instead of trying to understand Nickel. He seems to understand that on a whole these dragons have been through some very awful things but that empathy stopped with Nickel.
Profile Image for Sherry.
741 reviews12 followers
April 19, 2020
2.5 stars

Fair warning: This novella is a reprint of a work originally published in 2015.

In the world of the story, supernatural creatures of all kinds live openly among humans, but not always without problems. In this case, magically powerful Dane is asked to intervene because dragons are disrupting air travel. When he investigates, he discovers a bunch of dragon kits and an adult dragon, Mercury, who is dangerously ill. Saving Mercury’s life is only the beginning of the action, however, because it turns out that the reason Mercury was taking care of a bunch of unrelated kits in the first place was because he rescued them from secret labs where they were being experimented on by humans. Horrified, Dane agrees to help the dragons put an end to the experimentation.

So, the novella has a bit of mystery, lots of magic, a bunch of kids (well, kits), and just a hint of romance between Dane and Mercury. I liked it all well enough until the story cut off very abruptly at the end, which disappointed me. There’s an awkward, unnecessary epilogue that is clearly just an interlude in the action, given that the people who are behind the labs are still out there. According to the author’s website, more re-releases in the series are planned, which will likely tie up the plot threads left dangling in this one.

I’m not sure whether I’ll continue on, but readers looking for light fantasy romance featuring magic and dragon shifters might want to give this series a try.

A copy of this book was provided through NetGalley for review; all opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Anne Barwell.
Author 22 books107 followers
April 25, 2020
I loved this feel good story about found family, and dragons. I’ve read this story before in its first edition, but it was definitely worth another read, and it’s one I’d read again.

The world building is great, and I loved the details, especially about the types of dragons. The dragon kits are cute, even Nickel, who would totally deny that description, and I’m intrigued to see what happens further on in the series, particularly with Lumie and Alloy.

I liked the chemistry between Dane and Mercury, and how, although their mutual attraction and romance is a part of the story, it’s not centre stage because of the kits and the race to find dragons in trouble. This story has a real family vibe about it, which I loved.

Dane’s an interesting character, and I’d love to know more about his background, and suspect we’ve only seen the glimmer of what he’s capable of. Ditto with Mercury as he spends a lot of the story recovering from his illness. I loved the scene where he tries to protect the kits, despite barely being able to stand. The kits, although young, all have very individual personalities and abilities. I liked the way the magic is described, and the threat of stolen magic and those behind the kidnapping of dragons is far from over and feels very real.

The supporting cast round out the story and their world nicely. I particularly liked Becky, Dane’s secretary.

I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Annie.
4,249 reviews75 followers
May 11, 2020
Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Dragon Consultant is the introductory novella in a fantasy M/M series by Mell Eight. Originally published in 2015, this reformat/re-release was published 20th April 2020 by NineStar Press, it's not quite 100 pages and is available in ebook format.

This is a backstory/prequel for the series with world building and magic system featuring a demigod paranormal investigator and a vulnerable bronze dragon dad (with kits). It's sweet and lightly humorous and full of romance. It's not erotica, there's no on-screen physical descriptions apart from a few passionate kisses and a lot of soulful longing.

It's very light, the characters are anthropomorphic fantasy creatures (demigod investigator Dane has a banshee called Becky as an office manager), there are a whole bunch of young dragons foster dad Mercury has adopted/rescued from evil humans experimenting on them, add magic and stir. There is a light mystery plot element, to find the nefarious secret government science lab experimenting on the elemental air dragons, rescue them, take out the bad guys, and live happily ever after.

Very clean content, a few "damn"s and nothing worse. There are some potential triggers, kidnapping, experimentation on minor (dragons), magical murder, etc.

The author writes clearly, readably, and well. It's above average for the genre (paranormal romance).

Four stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.
Profile Image for Anabela.M..
959 reviews15 followers
April 20, 2020
3,50 ⭐

I felt like this story was about the kits more than anything else. They were adorable, each with their own colorful personalities and quirks. They practically took over Dane's house, and I laughed so much seeing him loose control over his life, both personal and professional.

For the rest, it all felt kind of rushed. The investigation of who's kidnapping and experimenting with dragon kits and eggs was inconclusive, but maybe there'll be more next in the series. As for the relationship between Dane and Mercury, the kits' dad, it seemed more like something the author remembered to squish into the story. Just one kiss and few pages later they already slept together. In my opinion, seeing this is a series, it would of made more sense if the romance had been given more time and better developed through more books.

Overall, this was an interesting and fun read.

*ARC provided by the author via IndiGo Marketing&Design in exchange for an honest review
Displaying 1 - 30 of 119 reviews

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