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Anarchy #1

Anarchy Found

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Everyone needs a hero.
That’s what Detective Molly Masters tells me. “What we need,” she says, “what the whole world needs,” she pleads, “is a champion.”
The only thing I want to talk about with Molly Masters is how I’d like to make her scream my name when I push her up against a wall, slide my hand up her thigh, and live out my wildest fantasies.
“Someone who will fight against injustice,” she says.
I’ll fight against anything you want, honey. Just come a little closer.
“Someone who will stand tall in the face of adversity,” she says.
I’ll do it standing, sitting, or lying down. See how easy I am?
“Someone who believes in the value of a good deed,” she says.
I believe in the value of me, sweetheart. Because I’m Lincoln Wade. Jaded genius, obscenely wealthy, capable of violence, and looking for revenge.
Molly Masters might have delusions of grandeur. She might see me as some superman capable of cleaning up the scum, filth, and corruption in Cathedral City.
But I’m not the hero she’s looking for.
I’m the dark alley where all her good intentions hide.
So be careful what you wish for, Molly Masters.
Because you’re about to get it.

398 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 2, 2015

About the author

J.A. Huss

136 books8,913 followers
J.A. Huss never wanted to be a writer and she still dreams of that elusive career as an astronaut. She originally went to school to become an equine veterinarian but soon figured out they keep horrible hours and decided to go to grad school instead. That Ph.D wasn’t all it was cracked up to be (and she really sucked at the whole scientist thing), so she dropped out and got a M.S. in forensic toxicology just to get the whole thing over with as soon as possible.

After graduation she got a job with the state of Colorado as their one and only hog farm inspector and spent her days wandering the Eastern Plains shooting the shit with farmers. After a few years of that, she got bored. And since she was a homeschool mom and actually does love science, she decided to write science textbooks and make online classes for other homeschool moms. She wrote more than two hundred of those workbooks and was the number one publisher at the online homeschool store many times, but eventually she covered every science topic she could think of and ran out of shit to say.

So in 2012 she decided to write fiction instead. That year she released her first three books and started a career that would make her a New York Times bestseller and land her on the USA Today Bestseller’s List eighteen times in the next three years. Her books have sold millions of copies all over the world, the audio version of her semi-autobiographical book, Eighteen, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award and an Audie award in 2016 and 2017 respectively, her audiobook Mr. Perfect was nominated for a Voice Arts Award in 2017, and her book, Taking Turns, was nominated for an Audie Award in 2018. Johnathan McClain is her first (and only) writing partner and even though they are worlds apart in just about every way imaginable, it works.

She lives on a ranch in Central Colorado with her family.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 440 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,233 reviews35.1k followers
July 9, 2020
4.5 Gun Girl & Bike Boy stars!!!


How do I begin to write a review for this book? I love superheroes, I love antiheroes, I love twisty stories and I love Julie’s writing so this was an epic book for me! Talk about an original concept. The direction this story took- I can just tell this series will be amazing. Now that I’ve read the first book (Lincoln’s) I WANT THEM ALL! Especially Thomas!


I don’t want to say anything about the story line, because I really loved the way that this one came together. Just as soon as I thought I had it figured out, I didn’t. The twists and turns and connections made the book. Discover them on your own!

Like most of Huss’s reads, this was super steamy, action packed and well written. I’m not sure what to say about our hero Lincoln. Is he really a hero? Not traditionally, but he’s my favorite kind of male lead. The kind that does all the wrong things but for the right reasons. 

Lincoln might not be good in all ways, but he’s good in all the ways that count. He’s strong and smart. He’s brave, and protective, and loyal. And that’s the hallmark of a true superhero.


Molly was pretty fantastic in her own right. She was determined, fierce, feisty and strong in her own way. And these secondary characters- Thomas, Atticus and Case- I have to know more about them!

Anarchy Found is a fast paced, unique and thrilling story. Once you start reading this book, you will be hooked. From start to finish. And you’ll want more! I cannot wait to see what is next to come from this series! It’s sure to be a crazy ride!
“You saved yourself. And don’t you ever forget that. You’re the superhero with all the power and I am nothing without you.”

Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,601 followers
December 6, 2015
3-3.5 Stars!!


It’s been two days since I finished this book and I'm still not sure about my rating. If I would have known some aspects of this story I would have never added in my already long TBR list. The story was good, yes, but unfortunately it wasn’t the book for me. It’s labeled as a dark read, but IMO it wasn’t. It was an interesting read with some dark and sci-fi elements, unique, with some nice twists and turns and I can say for sure many readers will love it.

“I’m Molly Masters. Daughter of Crazy Bill and sister to Wild Will, world-famous stunt riders. I grew up on a dirt bike and I can back a trailer up blindfolded.”

Molly Masters is all that, but she’s also more. She’s 23 years old and she moved to Cathedral City for a new post as Detective. She wants a new start and and she wants to forget that she lost two family members. She suffered from depressions and she still has some moments when she feels lost and alone. All she wants now is some control and excel at her job.

“What else can you do? I mean, why bother wishing for something you can’t have? Why bother with hope that will fail you over and over again, when you can count on revenge and retribution to deliver every single time?“

Lincoln Wade is a man who wants revenge most than anything. He doesn’t want to forgive or to forget about his past. He seeks his own kind of justice for what they did to him 15 years ago.


"But down that tunnel he so badly wants to retreat to, it's black. That's his world, I tell myself. He's darkness and he's giving me a chance to leave. I should take it."

Lincoln is an enigma for Molly. She’s intrigued by him even if she knows she should stay away. She knows he’s dark and maybe a criminal, but she can’t deny the strong attraction she feels towards him. Lincoln knows Molly is the opposite of everything he stands for and she eventually will make him weak and will make him fail, but he can’t stay away from her.

“Give in tonight, Molly. And I’ll give in tomorrow.”


My advice for you is to read this book without reading any spoiler-ish reviews. You will want to dive in without knowing some interesting aspects of the story. Trust me! The story like I mentioned above is unique, and yeah, refreshing because it was like anything I have read so far. I’m not really a fan of superheroes, I never was, so I can’t say I fully appreciated the story.

I enjoyed the pace of the story and the fact that it was so action packed. However, I can’t say the same thing about the suspense aspect. I don’t know if I was supposed to be on edge reading this story, but honestly I wasn’t at all. Overall the story was kind of predictable to me. Yes, it has some twists and turns I found interesting, but most of all I saw them coming.

The romantic and steam aspects are well done. I really enjoyed them. Both main characters were interesting in their own way. I’m not sure if Lincoln was truly a hero. I can’t say more about it, but if you decide to give this one a go you will know what I mean. I enjoyed his characterization and IMO his characters development was better than the female MC, Molly. He was an Alpha. He was loyal, protective, smart, brave, caring and some other qualities that make a male character a hero, but like I mentioned above I’m not sure he was a hero. At least not your usual hero.

“My Omega.”
And she says, “Yours.”
One word. I am undone. One word that might change my life forever. One word that might ruin everything. One word.”

Molly seemed a little flat to me (even if the story is told in dual POV, which btw I enjoyed), maybe because she doesn’t remember some things from her past?!Ugh…I don’t know. She was fierce and feisty, but at times her actions were a little reckless. Needless to say she annoyed me a little bit.

Molly and Lincoln’s chemistry was fantastically done. The author did a great job here and I have to say I loved their bickering, in fact all their interactions.

I found interesting some of the supportive characters and I admit they left me a little intrigued, so I might consider reading the next installment in the series.

Overall, this was an interesting read an if you want something different you should consider give it try!


“You are my beginning,” I say.
“And you’re my end, Molly. Everything ends with you.”
Profile Image for S.M. West.
Author 43 books1,221 followers
November 30, 2015
5 Alpha & Omega STARS

Words escape me! Have no clue How Julie comes up with these originally awesome stories! With a nod to the smart, sassy, beautiful Molly, I’m listing this book!

The perfect list – 10 things to rave about in this book:

1. Gun Girl – Molly Masters
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“The gun isn’t the weapon, bike boy. I am.”

2. Bike Boy – Lincoln Wade

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“I am mayhem, I am anarchy and I am found. But most of all, I am Alpha.

3. Shelia

Shelia is the ultimate sidekick, I want one too! I must say that she almost stole the show.

4. Alpha and Omega

“He was my beginning and I was his end.”

5. The sizzling, innate connection between Molly and Linc.

“If there’s any doubt about why you’re here, you better get up and walk out now. Because in five seconds I’m gonna fuck the ever-loving shit out of you. I’m gonna make you my prisoner. I’m gonna keep you here until I’m good and satisfied.”

6. The action, the bikes, the superheroes and villains.

7. Thomas Brooks

While this is certainly Lincoln's story, Julie gives us a tease into the other Alphas with bread crumbs as to what's to come. Images for 7,8 and 9 courtesy of Julie's Super Alpha Series, you must check it out and learn more about each Alpha.

8. Case Reider

9. Atticus Montgomery

10. All of it and there's more to come!

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I highly recommend this book! Especially if you're looking for something different and you love superheroes, alphas and bad ass heroines!

Look what arrived on my Kindle!! Yay!

I'm ready for you Linc, do you're best!

**ARC generously provided by J.A. Huss in exchange for an honest review.**

For more reviews and blog posts.

Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,351 followers
December 3, 2015
I don’t know. I just don’t know….


Random Thoughts: I mean all this when you could just have but a bullet at any time or made one of the suicide people do it or any stranger on the street to take out the leader. What was purpose of the school to begin with? If the leader can’t control his experiments then why not end all the alphas when they were just teens? I did like Sheila though! I’ll think about the story for a bit and perhaps change my rating.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
March 4, 2017
JA Huss does it again. Bringing us a romance that is unlike any other out there. Iron Man meets erotica. Anarchy Found brings us the first book in this series, the story of Lincoln and Molly. And just like every other book Julie writes, nothing is as it seems.

Lincoln Wade is obscenely rich. And downright sex on a stick. When his bike crashes and a little spitfire comes to his rescue, he is gone. Obsessed. Molly Masters has caught his eye and even though he knows she can destroy him, that she is everything he should not want, he can’t help but take. He is an Alpha after all.

review 1

Molly Masters is a new detective in the Cathedral City, assigned to a case of mysterious suicides taking place at Blue Corp. But something isn’t adding up. There has to be reasons why all these people working on this top secret project keep turning up dead.

This book came alive as I devoured it. Each action sequence played out like the biggest action blockbuster in my head. But don’t fear, if action is not your deal this book is still a romance. It’s just like nothing you’ve experienced before.

review 3

I loved Lincoln. I loved that he is such an anti-hero. That he might do some good, but those deeds are done in the most illegal of ways. Selfish. Not to better the world, but for vengeance. I love that he was out of control.

Molly was yet another breath of fresh air when it comes to book heroines. Strong and fierce.

This story just had so much in it. But as much as Julie reveals to us in the start of this story, I have no doubt it is nothing compared to the full journey she is going to take us on. And her crazy cast of characters!?!

review 2

Meet the new team in town! I am not sure which one I will lust over more, but I’m picturing a scene straight out of Sodom and Gomorrah, well more so Sodom than Gomorrah.

review 4

Anarchy Found is a thrilling ride of erotic moments wrapped up in an action packed sequence of events. Romance has just been given a makeover and it is fucking brilliant.

Profile Image for Kim Bailey.
Author 6 books610 followers
December 20, 2015
My mind has been completely blown. I fucking LOVED it!
Maybe it's my inner nerd talking, but there was no way I could resist this book.

He's a Superhero for fuck sake! Okay, maybe he's more like an anti-hero (even better). He lives in a cave. Has a crazy, tragic background. Loves his woman with a lethal intensity. Has an incredible foul mouth. And he's a genius!
Oh, and he's soooo fucking sexy! Seriously sexy. I practically combusted. Lincoln is going on my all-time favorite book boyfriend list, no question.

Don't overlook the incredibly kickass heroine. Molly is not only a detective. She's ex-military. Part of a daredevil circus family. Gun toting. Dirt bike riding. Oh, and let's not forget that she's insanely intuitive. Extraordinarily passionate. She believes in fighting for what's right. Not to mention, she's equally as sexy as her leading man.
If I liked girls, she'd definitely be at the top of my list.

Bike Boy & Gun Girl
This story had my mind going in circles. All my attempts to guess what would happen next were completely useless. So many twist & turns.
True to it's superhero concept, this book packed a serious punch. So much action. So much intrigue.
I had a hard time not just reading this one cover-to-cover.

The absolute best part of this story is that it's so very unique. I've read a few books that are slightly similar. But none done quite like this. And none done quite as well as this.

Cant' wait for more!!!

Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
December 2, 2015

But I’m not the hero she’s looking for. I am the dark alley where all good intentions hide.

I am not a huge fan of comic books or superheroes, I don’t read them or watch the movies. I mean I can appreciate how hot Thor is, but I can’t even begin to tell you what it's about. With that being said you would probably assume I wouldn’t absolutely love this new series about SuperAlphas. Well, you would be wrong, because I am hooked.

Molly Masters is the only surviving member of her family and has just moved back to town to work as a detective. She is completely alone in the world and struggling with depression. She is trying to survive, to move on, but is barely living when she meets Lincoln Wade. Lincoln Wade is a complete mystery to Molly, but there is something about him that draws her in, she wants more. She just doesn’t know what that more is or what it will lead to.

Molly and Lincoln’s meeting is unexpected and accidental, but once it happens Lincoln can’t move on and forget Molly. For a man who literally has it all, denying himself the feisty detective isn’t an option, no matter what the risk involved.

Molly and Lincoln have completely different ideals and plans, but their chemistry is undeniable. So despite their differences they are drawn together. Let me tell, this story is super alpha hot. It also has these moments that just made me swoon, I love Lincoln and Molly together and how things unfold for them. I also loved how I know this is just the tip of the iceberg for this series and in true Huss fashion I am sure we won’t truly know everything until the very end. I am so excited for this new world and to find out how things unfold.

I am not even sure how to describe Anarchy Found, it’s sexy as hell, it’s a comic book on steroids, it’s everything you want! But you didn’t even know you wanted it because it’s so incredibly unique it never even crossed your mind. Julie killed this book, I am hooked on this series and just want more!

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
December 3, 2015
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review

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"I'm not the hero she's looking for. I'm the dark alley where all her good intentions hide. So be careful what you wish for, Molly Masters. Because you're about to get it."

Everyone needs a hero. While I agree with this sentiment, I also believe everyone needs to read a J.A. Huss book. Seriously, Julie can write any genre and trope from new adult, contemporary romance, science fiction, suspense, erotic thriller, mysteries and now superheroes. Yes, that's right Superheroes!!!!


"I believe in the value of me, sweetheart. Because I'm Lincoln Wade. Jaded genius, obscenely wealthy, capable of violence, and looking for revenge."

Gotham City has Batman. Cathedral City has Lincoln Wade. And who is Lincoln Wade? Well, he's an Alpha and unlike any superhero that you have read before. Let's just say he's a hero who seeks his own brand of justice and vengeance in his own dark and intelligent way. Lincoln has a past that is so complex, dark, and horrid. His past has molded him into what he is today.


"But down that tunnel he so badly wants to retreat to, it's black. That's his world, I tell myself. He's darkness and he's giving me a chance to leave. I should take it."

While Anarchy Found is an intense action packed suspense story, JA was also able to weave a very hot and intense love story. Superman had Lois Lane. Iron Man had Pepper Potts. Well Lincoln Wade has Molly Masters. And Molly Masters is the only woman who can drive Lincoln crazy with lust, passion, protectiveness, and love. Raw. Intense. Passionate. Tangible. Consuming. These are a few words to describe this strong palpable bond and connection this Alpha had for Molly. His gun girl.

"You didn't get the message? I'm a danger to society, Masters. And your job is to protect it. We can't be friends. We're enemies-then, now and forever."


Anarchy Found is a book that I can't properly review because I don't want to spoil the story. I honestly went into reading this book blind not really knowing what to expect or what it was about. All I knew it was some kind of superhero trope and Julie wrote it. The fact that JA Huss wrote it, I was already sold. And trust me when I say, Ms. Huss is an author who DELIVERS. And Anarchy Found is that book that will have you saying why can't all superhero books be this HOT!!!! So if you are looking for a fresh, innovative, and creative superhero story that is packed with suspense, grit, raw emotions, action and oh course hot steamy scenes then Anarchy Found is the book for you!!!!! There is a new super alpha in town...so get ready to meet Lincoln Wade and his gun girl, Molly Masters.

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Review can also be found on Four Chicks Flipping Pages: http://fourchicksflippingpages.weebly...J.A. Huss
Profile Image for Aisling Zena.
634 reviews507 followers
April 17, 2017
3.5 Super Alpha Hero stars

I can't really pin-point exactly what kept this from being a 5 star read.. It's original, refreshing and makes you feel like you're reading a graphic novel. I think for me, the reason for loss of stars would be the relationship of the couple. I can't say much without spoilers but some things just didn't click for me. If you like Superheroes or a step outside of ordinary romance do give this a try. It's worth the read.


P.S. Sorry for the short review, really pressed for time lately..
Want to read
December 11, 2015
I might get back to this... I might.
My brain couldn't really digest a book about Superheroes and super-villains (or SuperAlpha's, whatever I didn't get that far into the book) with a great big dollop of romance, they don't really go together in my head, they do go together actually but not so much. I'll blame it on Marvel. So basically it's me not the book.
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,776 reviews2,825 followers
February 17, 2017
I love this author, I really do. This was something a little different than I am use to from her. A superhero romance, yes indeed..


I really enjoyed this one. Great characters and an excellent plot, and COME ON I was totally picturing IRON MAN and RDJ when I was reading about Lincoln. I can't wait to read Chase's, Thomas's, and Atticus's books.



Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
December 23, 2015
I was somewhat disappointed, and for the first half of the book I had a hard time getting into it. I am hoping that with the books to come, and now that I know what this world is about that I might get into it more. I love this author's other work, so I remain loyal, and wish to see how this storyline progresses. I also like to think of Alpha Lincoln as more of an anti-super-villain than one of the good guys.. I think calling him a good guy is a stretch!

Bottom line; I wasn't wowed, but I'm willing to take another peak. I know this review isn't much, but with the holidays fast approaching, I'm extremely low on time!!! Merry Christmas to all...♥♥
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,829 reviews745 followers
June 13, 2018
This book was pretty kickass. This was completely different from what I've read from this author and she hit it out of the park. Anarchy Found is full of non-stop action with super hot anti-heroes and a feisty female counterpart. This series could easily be adapted to an action film. The imagery was very vivid. I loved every minute of it!
Profile Image for Linda (un)Conventional Bookworms.
2,760 reviews343 followers
November 26, 2015
*I received a free ARC of Anarchy Found from the author in exchange of an honest and unbiased review*

Anarchy Found is a deliciously crazy, fast-paced and action-packed ride! Secrets, extreme long-cons and a tiny dip of romance plus characters that are so damaged it's a wonder they function at all!

I loved every second of this read, every letter, ever word, every sentence, every paragraph, every page... you get my drift? Get this when it's released next week - it's amazing!

My Anarchy Found review:
It's hard to say what genre Anarchy Found is, because there is so much going on! It could be a bit like science fiction. There is definitely a lot of mystery, and also it is for adults, somehow contemporary but possibly set in a not too distant future. Thrilling, suspense, erotic... yeah, it's a very nice genre mash-up is what it is! And the characters blew my mind - both Molly and Lincoln were amazing, and I got a good feel for some of the other characters as well. Huss has gone and done it again - she's taken me on a wild ride with so many things I didn't see coming my head was spinning by the end.

Written in first person present tense, with some chapter's from Molly's point of view and others from Lincoln's point of view, Anarchy Found managed to keep me on my toes all the way through! Every time I thought I had figured something out, something else happened to show me I was totally off mark. And that's just one of the things I loved about it. The story is quite dark, and there's still a lot the characters (and I) need to figure out, so I can't wait to get my hands on the future books in the series.

To be sure I'm not spoiling a single thing for anyone, let me just say that this is one of my favorite 2015 reads! Well written, well executed and also very bad-ass. Anarchy Found pushed all the right buttons for me, from the character development to the story-arc to the plot and of course, the super alphas. There is also some beautiful artwork that even looks great on my kindle! Black-and-white drawings with quotes - and that made me almost as mesmerized as the story itself did.

Some of my favorite Anarchy Found quotes:
The wannabe writer in me thinks like this. All poetic. Stringing words together just because they sound like music when you say them out loud.

He whips his helmet off, throws it on the ground, and gets to his feet. "Motherfucker," he says, eyes blazing with anger. His dark hair is cropped short and he has a two-day beard that casts the perfect shadow across his hard-edged jawline.

This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
Profile Image for Debra Johnson.
10.8k reviews171 followers
March 5, 2024
Purchased Amazon Jan 12, 2019

2.5 Stars

Poorly written. Horrible flow. Jumpy. Various editing errors. Repetitive.
Dialogue both mental and oral 'talked in circles'. Meaning there was a lot of words that went Nowhere. They just went round and round without moving the story forward.
Wasted words.

The storyline was a good one with a lot of potential. Unfortunately, it fell down a deep dark hole.

The best part about this story was the 'Steamy' scenes. Those were spot on. Super hot and sexy. I mean 'Melt your Kindle' and 'Take a Cold Shower' hot.

But everything else about the way this was written drove me nuts. I came close to dnf'ing many, many times.

I will not be reading the next in this series, but I am going to try another book by this author.
I have been told she has some great books out there and I want to experience them.
But this one needs a massive blue pencil and a rewrite.
Profile Image for J. Grayland.
Author 7 books128 followers
October 17, 2017
I am a big fan but unfortunately this one was not for me the only plus was getting to listen to the sexy voice of Sebastian York.
Profile Image for Snow.
2,264 reviews710 followers
December 4, 2015

3.75 this too is Julie Huss's style stars

Oh, well, this is actually somewhat different and yet it's typical Julie Huss's work.
It's science fiction genre with the familiar sequences of action, suspense and hot sex of known Huss style and those parts worked for me...

it was messed up and twisted BUT i know that part is gonna be Huss's style too so I wasn't surprised BUT over and all I wasn't thrilled by the story or the characters...

I liked Molly Masters/gun girl young woman, a detective (at 23?! well that was like...huh, really?!) that is dealing with the tragic events in her family while taking the task of solving the murders happening in the big corporation in the Cathedral City and along the way she happens to cross paths with Lincoln Wade/bike boy an eccentric billionaire, who's actually this weird, hot prodigy miracule, sexy hunk who has his "vigilante" modus operandi going on in full mode.

They have this weird connection (but somehow I didn't "feel" that!) of huge proportions (ALPHA & OMEGA, to each other as a nusproduct of some sick, secret prodigy school operation where the sick bastards take the kids as a part of an experiment project of making them controlable super humans, killer machines depending on each other, hence alpha and omega - well, don't ask, it's beyond my comprehention LOL)

and while the plot unravels and takes us more deeply into the twists and "mindfuck" turns, the secrets are unwrapped and hidden agendas and megalomanic plans of conquering the world take place...things are not what they seem...so, what else is new, right?

the set of action scenes is majestic, but the detailed descriptions of the "science fiction" parts were pretty confusing for me...and I didn't follow them like at all...

more like, I don't understand the shit you're saying you "master mind, hot shot, prodigy super smart fuck!"

so, this book was NOT my cuppa BUT i still appreciate the Julie's writing style...
Profile Image for ~Kristin~.
1,371 reviews142 followers
February 7, 2016
4 Stars
Julie, you've got the best warped mind around! I mean where does this she come from? I do kind of know, since I read your EOBS...but still, I'm once again so glad I boarded your crazy train!!
Profile Image for Tahsin.
1,190 reviews90 followers
December 28, 2015
Where she gets such original ideas, I'll never know. But man, can she deliver!

She does say in her EOBS that this is only the beginning, and it's setting the stage for a larger story - so I'm more than happy to wait for a year until this series is wrapped up. Because good things come to those who wait, right? And look at how she twisted the living fuck out the Rook & Ronin and The Social Media series - I won't believe this will be any different. And I mean the twists in this book - I promise I never even saw half of them coming. So yeah, this is goooooold!
Profile Image for Bing.
346 reviews24 followers
December 2, 2015
Anarchy Found

5 "Bike boy & Gun girl" stars!

Just when I think Julie had created all the unique, far-out and unparalleled ideas and plots, she comes up with this SuperAlpha series to blow me away once more! I thought Julie already impressed me with her brain, but this book proved I'm still capable of being in awe by what she's capable of creating inside that head of hers.

Molly was a police detective who grew up with a father and brother who were famous stunt riders. Dirt bikes were her thing until they became a painful reminder for her. She didn't relish the idea of mystery. Lincoln, however, wore the word like a second skin.

He was a freaking genius, specializing in Artificial Intelligence and other tech-savvy inventions. Let me rephrase that: he was a hot and sexy genius. Trust me when I say I'm twitching with excitement to talk about his inventions, but I won't, because I don't want to give away the story or even what Lincoln was all about.

This book had all the Huss trademark: solid characters that were neither plain good nor plain evil, cohesive plot, the story build-up, clues and hints of what the story was about dropped in strategic points, revelations given in perfect increments making the readers form their ideas.... then pfft! All your ideas will go up in flames because it wouldn't turn the way you thought it would. No matter how perceptive and clever you think you are, she will always manage to surprise the hell out of you, several times in one story.

Reading Anarchy Found was like going on a scavenger hunt. It was thrilling, exhilarating, made you feel excited to get to the end but wanted to savor the process of getting there. And Julie was like a gamemaster with all the control. When you think you had it all figured out, she will drop another bomb to shake your world.

Lincoln Wade, Thomas Brooks and Case Reider were like the trio of Ronin, Ford and Spencer but were cut from an upgraded and high-tech cloth. They each had a role to play.

Atticus Montgomery was another interesting character. A fearless, persistent and well-educated billionaire shrouded in secrecy.

I never thought I'd find myself reading a book about superheroes, so yes, this was a first for me, but what I've come to expect from Julie is not to expect anything ordinary. I just go with the flow knowing I will enjoy the ride and crave for more. So yes, paging Ms. Julie Huss, you've popped my proverbial cherry in superhero stories and now I want more!!!

Will it be selfish of me to say skip all the holidays and stay glued to your computer so I can have more of your Super smart. Super sexy. SuperAlpha guys? ( I promise to go to church and repent for my selfishness, will that work?)
Profile Image for Brandi.
1,158 reviews148 followers
December 3, 2015
I received an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

What can I say about JA Huss's work that hasn't already been said? How can I tell you to read this now if you don't know what you're getting into? Let me tell you: JUST READ IT NOW!

Huss has a magical way of creating characters that you love and understand. She also creates characters that you hate. The SuperAlpha series is amazing. I've never seen Superheroes like these.

Lincoln. Thomas. Case. Atticus. Molly.

These are your characters. They kick ass. Seriously. The stories and the lies and the world is so well built and well executed that I was never sure where it was going or what was happening. I love that about Huss books!

Get your copy. Read it. Find your own SuoerAlpha. I call dibs on Lincoln and/or Atticus.
Profile Image for Jen.
202 reviews34 followers
December 5, 2015
My Summary
Anarchy Found is a science fiction story about a superhero, his destiny, and his soulmate. Our male lead, Lincoln, literally crashes into Molly's life. He lives in a cave, dabbles in strange science experiments, and has secrets. Molly is the new detective in town. She's smart, has good instincts, and can't resist our sexy lead. This book is the story of their past, present, and future - their pain, their revenge, and their love.

What did I think?
I waited a few hours to write my thoughts down. I can't say the first half of the book was anything to write home about, but the second half was amazing. I have no choice but to split my review, so here goes nothing..

The First Half-
It's difficult to progress a story while building a new world. The first 40% of the book was boring. It was slow and I felt some scenes were unnecessary. I found myself wishing some things were revealed earlier in the timeline as it would have enhanced my reading experience. As far as our superhero and his leading lady, I couldn't feel a connection between our leads until halfway through the book. In the beginning, they were thrown together without any romance and it felt awkward. In truth, we just didn't know enough about the story to feel their connection and that ultimately annoyed me. Also, sex on the stairs? Uh no.. Wasn't feeling that at all. Sigh.

The Second Half-
After some of the past is revealed, the book takes off. The story becomes quite engaging. It's mysterious, suspenseful, and very interesting. The motivation behind Lincoln's revenge and how Molly fits in was very well thought out. Plus, the sex gets better!

The supporting characters were intriguing. I liked them very much. I must give special mention to Lincoln's AI hologram, Shiela. She stole the show. Her character was simply awesome! Anyway, I really liked how the story came together. What a turn around!

I am pleased that our other alphas will each be getting their own book. Now that the world is laid out, the books will only improve. I am a big comic book fan and everything you can think of has been written before. I found this story to be creative. Overall, I liked the book so I rate it 4 stars. I honestly can't wait to read Thomas, Case, and Atticus's books!

Because of Huss's previous novels, I will conclude with one thought. I find this book is not really contemporary romance genre. In my opinion, it's really a science fiction book with a romantic interest incorporated. Keep that in mind and try not to judge!

Rating Legend:
5 star-loved it
4 star-liked it
3 star-it was okay
2 star-didn't like it
1 star-hated it
Profile Image for Krista.
1,075 reviews84 followers
November 30, 2015
4.5 stars

I have to admit - I struggled with how to write my review for Anarchy Found. That is mostly because I have nothing I can compare this to - there is no standard. No set bar to reach. Anarchy Found is unlike any book I've ever read before (and I've read A LOT of books in the past four years).

It's not exactly a super hero book, although the men featured in this book are definitely super, and their hero potential is off the charts. It's not exactly a romantic book, even though some parts definitely had me swooning. It's not erotica, but prepare for some sizzling hot chapters. And it's not an MC book, even though our main character, Lincoln Wade, owns a few bikes and rides them like he means it.

Anarchy Found is none of those things, and yet all of them at the same time. Trust me - this is a good thing. And, what's even better is, this is just the beginning of what I'm guessing will be an exciting ride.

Molly is a green detective who is six months out from the tragic loss of her brother, who is the last family she has left. She runs into Lincoln one night on a rainy stretch of road, and has an interesting and unexpected afternoon with him. There's no doubt he left an impression on her.

But damn if he isn't one sexy asshole in that leather jacket, the tight jeans that show the muscles in his legs, that black t-shirt clinging to his chest like it's painted on, and a face I might be thinking about when I'm alone tonight.

Prepare yourself for some serious info dump in Anarchy Found. It definitely sets the stage for the rest of the series, and as such, there is a lot of backstory to reveal and absorb. Luckily, it's not done all at once in long droning paragraphs. The story of how Lincoln Wade and Molly Masters ended up where they are today is slowly revealed as Molly tries to uncover how and why employees of one company committed suicide.

Lincoln is unlike any hero you've ever encountered before - I promise you that. I can't tell you all the reasons why - that will spoil the fun. But, I can tell you that Linc embodies the anti-hero role. When he tells Molly that he's the bad guy, he really means it.

She's a cop. I'm a criminal. She's good and I'm bad. She's the end and I'm the beginning.

So, you have to ask yourself - if someone does bad things for a good reason, what does that make them? A hero? A villain with a conscience? Are good intentions enough to absolve someone of the consequences of their actions? These are all questions I found myself asking as I read Anarchy Found. Molly asked herself those questions too. And by the end, I think both of us had our answers.

One of my favorite parts about Anarchy Found was the connection between Linc and Molly. It was powerful from the very beginning. I had no idea how powerful it was, or why, until many chapters later. Before I fully understood everything that was going on, Linc's actions and words confused me. He would do and say things that conveyed that he loved this girl fiercely. And then, he would say and do something to contradict that. But, in the end, it was crystal clear that Molly was it for him, and always had been.

"I didn't save anyone. You saved yourself. And don't you ever forget that. You're the superhero with all the power and I am nothing without you."

There's a very strong sci-fi element to Anarchy Found. There were times that I found myself likening it to the X-Men franchise. Other times, it had a bit of a Terminator vibe to it. And, still other times, despite Lincoln's constant annoyance at the comparison, I could've sworn that he was a Batman wannabe and Cathedral City was the new Gotham. No matter what you compare it to, just be aware that each chapter sends you further and further down the rabbit hole, so where you start is light years away from where the book ends.

This review may seem a bit vaguer than usual, and I'm sorry for that. But, SO MUCH happens in this book. I don't want to give any of it away so that you can experience it all for yourself. Prepare for a wild and twisty ride.
Profile Image for Fabi.
1,031 reviews157 followers
March 15, 2016
This is a hard review to write because parts of this book were easily 5 stars for me. I have so many highlights from the first third of the book.

We meet Bike Boy aka Alpha aka Lincoln


"I am mayhem, I am anarchy, and I am found. But most of all, I am Alpha."

I was IN. Oh yeah, let's meet this bad boy. Right? :-)

When Gun Girl aka Omega aka Molly meets him...well, she has other ideas.


"Yeah, he's a creeper. Probably a criminal. Most likely a deviant, and a freak, and that just goes perfectly with the fact that he's an asshole."

Lol, so now I'm sold! These two are going to be FUN.

The storyline loosely follows a superhero theme. There are villains and villains (that's not a typo. where are the good guys?) and there are evil scientists and there are plot turns and twists and incredible reveals. Yup, total Anarchy.


I am all in, even when it turns unexpectedly dark. I think it's more the suddenness of the turn than the actual turn that bothers me a bit. But...onward because I'm all in.

But then, this happens:


But...I read romance. I like romance. I'm used to steamy scenes. So it shouldn't be a problem for me right?

In this case, it was. The detailed sex scenes came in out of left field. No warning, no introduction, no real meaning to them. Not only did they NOT advance the plot; in this case, they derailed it. I don't know if they are in there due to some formulaic writing secret I don't know about since I'm not a writer. But, damn!, way to ruin a good story. And NOT because of the sex. I read romance, I even read erotica occasionally and enjoy both genres. This just didn't fit in with the story and completely took me out of the zone.

I kept reading in the hopes that the last third of the book would circle back around to the great plot that it originally began with.

It did.

I enjoyed that last part of the book, but not as much as the first part. The first part was a 5 star for me. The middle was a 2 star because it was totally unrelated to the rest of the plot. The last third was a 3 star for me. It circled back around and picked up the plot. But it lacked depth and details. It needed quite a bit more development.

And, sadly, last but not least, the book still needs a tiny bit more copy-editing. <--- my pet peeve.

I feel I'm being generous in giving it 3.5 stars. But it started with a bang and now I just want to go find a book that will start like that and continue like that the whole way through.

Off to the hunt...
Profile Image for Grace.
2,183 reviews109 followers
November 28, 2015
4.5 stars

Open your mind. Expect the unexpected. Because JA Huss just kicked the romance world on its ass!

My first thoughts when I finished: What the fuck did I just read? Julie’s mind is a crazy place, thankfully! Never a dull moment.

And beyond those first thoughts, I couldn’t stop thinking about this story because it is so different than any romance book I’ve read before. Did you see the genre? That’s not a joke. This book felt like stepping into a Marvel comic, only with a heavy dose of romance.

The two main characters, Molly Masters aka “gun girl” and Lincoln Wade aka “bike boy”, meet in a random moment on a dirt road. Or was it random? Lincoln is not your average guy, far from it indeed.

“Oh my God,” I repeat. “You’re Batman.”

So she wasn’t quite right. But he does have a cave. And gadgets galore. And a hologram sidekick named Sheila. Not making this up.

From there, the story gets complex and I don’t want to give it away. What I can tell you is that Molly represents good, Lincoln represents evil, but they are each fighting for the same thing. Something that is out of their control. Something that has guided them for years.

Initially I was a little discouraged by Molly’s abilities as a detective, seemingly clueless as to why a series of suicides were happening at Blue Corp, the business empire in Cathedral City. Once the facts were revealed, I could understand how no one would suspect what happened. This story truly had that action adventure feel:

1. A city overrun by criminals.
2. The mystery man, Lincoln.
3. Unexplained deaths.
4. The tower, Blue Corp, and the unlikeable Alastair Montgomery.
5. The clueless girl who likes making lists.
Hmmm . . .

Although Lincoln knows that Molly could run if she knew the full truth, he can’t seem to resist her. Their heated moments are spontaneous, like neither is in control, and lust drives them. And I think this passionate connection overtook Molly, because I felt she was too quick to forgive when learning the truth. Lincoln pulls some things with her that would take me a lot longer to get over, but he has a purpose. Ultimately I understood that, especially when I learned the history and reasons for his revenge.

I am mayhem, I am anarchy, and I am found.
But most of all, I am Alpha.

This book is wildly creative. It’s a story of righting wrongs. It’s a story of reconnecting with the past and changing the future course. The author took me out of my comfort zone and into her crazy imagination. She kept me engaged and desperate for answers. I fully expected a cliffhanger, but have no fear, there isn’t one. This story was a fun and unpredictable ride. I’m hoping we get Case’s story next!

Final note: I loved the drawings throughout the book, from the same artist that created the cover.

*An ARC was received for an honest review.
Profile Image for Di Covey/TwistedBookReviews.
1,083 reviews216 followers
December 3, 2015
4.5 Supervillian Stars!

"Everything about Molly points to danger for me. She’s a cop, I’m a criminal . She’s good and I’m bad. She’s the end and I’m the beginning."

JA HUSS does it again. Sci-Fi Erotica. Who would've thought, I'm not sure many authors could pull this off. X-Men meets Batman with smoking hot scenes, action packed twists, and a whole new world I can immerse myself in. I'm intrigued. I loved each character, the side characters just as interesting as the main. This was written like a comic, a movie. I'm a huge fan of Superheroes, X-Men being my favorite, and this book rocked all my fantasies. Who doesn't want to be dominated by a Alpha. I had to wipe the drool off my face a couple of times. The banter between Molly and Lincoln had me laughing, the action packed scenes had turning the pages, the badassery had me smiling from ear to ear, and the mystery had me biting my nails on the edge of my seat.

You know what you get when you read JA Huss? You get everything.

I can't wait for the stories for each character.
Profile Image for Kristi.
207 reviews23 followers
December 3, 2015
I love action adventure superhero movies and shows.
Iron Man. He's yummy.
Thor. I want to do so many things with (and to) him.
Arrow. Yes, please.
Batman. YES. YES. YES.
Add some super hot romance, an incredible storyline that blows you away, so much that you can not NOT put this book down, and you get the genius that is JA Huss.

I love the super fluff romance stories, the escape is what draws me in.
But I'm addicted to a unique storyline, and Huss never disappoints. My all time favorite tv show was Alias. It was the pure perfection of equal parts suspense action, good storyline, and crazy good chemistry between the characters. This book is that and more!

Anarchy Found, or what I call it, Biker Batman, delivers all my favorite ingredients in this new series...
Romance- check
Addicting storyline-check
Hot characters with insane chemistry-check
Left me wanting more-check

It's so good, my husband is reading it now!!! I'm off to stalk the website... Did I mention this series has its own website? Amaze balls. Thank you Julie Huss for sharing your genius with us.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 440 reviews

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