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Ylesia is an installment of the Star Wars novel series the New Jedi Order. It was published in ebook form on 3 September 2002, and was later published in print with The Joiner King. Set at the same time as the Walter Jon Williams novel Destiny's Way, it is primarily the story of a relative of Han Solo's, Thracken Sal-Solo, who finds himself leading the collaborationist Peace Brigade. Solo's daughter Jaina Solo carries out the task of Force-melding Jedi pilots into a fighting force.

121 pages, ebook

First published September 3, 2002

About the author

Walter Jon Williams

243 books854 followers
Walter Jon Williams has published twenty novels and short fiction collections. Most are science fiction or fantasy -Hardwired, Voice of the Whirlwind, Aristoi, Metropolitan, City on Fire to name just a few - a few are historical adventures, and the most recent, The Rift, is a disaster novel in which "I just basically pound a part of the planet down to bedrock." And that's just the opening chapters. Walter holds a fourth-degree black belt in Kenpo Karate, and also enjoys sailing and scuba diving. He lives in New Mexico with his wife, Kathy Hedges.

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Profile Image for Jim C.
1,659 reviews32 followers
August 16, 2022
This is a short story that takes place in the middle of a series. In this one, our heroes are determined to take back the planet Ylesia from the Peace Brigade and their alliance with the Vong. This details the whole battle to take back this planet.

Although this is part of a long running series it can be skipped and you will have no problem with the rest of the series. I would advise not doing that because this is a likeable story. I thought the author handled the established characters well. It is interesting to see how Jacen and Jaina are now adults and basically the next generation of heroes in this universe. The ending battle was a nice battle and it felt like Star Wars which is more than I can say about some of the recent released books in the "existing" time line.

This isn't the best of this series and it isn't the worst. There are worse ways to spend a short time with a story. I enjoyed for what it is. I also like that it helped me get back into this particular arc that for whatever reason I stepped away from. I will definitely read the next one of this series.
Profile Image for Morgan.
Author 13 books98 followers
December 23, 2021
Read it in its chronological place in the middle of Destiny's Way. It's decent but not amazing. I'll say more about Walter Jon Williams's writing when I finish Destiny's Way itself. But I did like the Jag/Jaina bits in this, and the references to The Corellian Trilogy.
Profile Image for Bernard.
Author 18 books12 followers
January 23, 2020
I realize this was extra material cut out from another book and e-published separately, but I thought there were a few inconsistencies all the same. The action was written very well and the bite-sized plot was fine, but given the trouble Jedi had in previous encounters with the Vong in 1-1 combat I thought Jaina and Lowbacca were able to dispatch so many of them a lot more easily than they should have been able to. Maybe they're just getting better at it over time as the series progresses.

Also Thracken seemed a bit adrift. Not really many memories to go on here given last time I'd read a novel with the black sheep cousin/uncle of the Solo family, but he was so over the top racist and at the same time flippant I wonder if maybe he could have been written in a way to make him less comic relief and more serious antagonist.

Perhaps I'm just being too critical for this fill-in story. I did enjoy it and thought it was a tasty one afternoon read in the universe. Plus it was a interesting to see an author give the twins' generation some more serious relationship scenes, after having them grow up literally in the Star Wars books over the years. They're definitely not kids anymore!
Profile Image for Thomas.
2,043 reviews80 followers
July 7, 2022
I read this because it's a bonus novella added to the end of The Joiner King, which is next in line for my Star Wars reading project. I wanted to go ahead and read it and get it out of the way so I could be done with the Yuuzhan Vong.

I understand this was excised from Destiny's Way, and given its own release, to which I have to ask: If it wasn't good enough as part of a larger work, is it good enough to stand on its own? Why release it at all? (I know the answer to this question: $$$.)

This is a largely forgettable story. It doesn't add much more to the saga of the Vong, and I think it's fine to skip over it.
Profile Image for Meggie.
523 reviews68 followers
September 20, 2021
For 2021, I decided to reread Del Rey’s first attempt at a multi-author book series in the Star Wars universe: The New Jedi Order, which was published between 1999 and 2003. This shakes out to 19 novels, two eBook novellas, three short stories, and a tangentially-related prequel era novel.

This week’s focus: “Ylesia,” an eBook novella by Walter Jon Williams.


While writing Destiny's Way, Walter Jon Williams stuck fairly close to his approved outline. However, he did remove one subplot that slowed the flow of the narrative, and reworked it into an 90-page eBook novella. Ylesia was published in September 2002, and was originally available for download for $3.50. Due to an oversight that left many readers expecting the story to be included in the mass market paperback of Destiny's Way, Ylesia was offered as a free download on StarWars.com in 2003 (and still is available on the Wayback Machine!); however, it was also included in paper format at the end of Troy Denning’s The Joiner King in 2005.


Once again, another NJO side story that I missed at the time--I only read the novels the first go-around.


Kyp Durron has targeted Ylesia, home base of the traitorous Peace Brigade, for a lightning-fast strike to teach them a lesson. But Jacen Solo has another plan: a risky raid into Ylesia's capital to capture the leaders of the Brigade, which includes his cousin Thrackan Sal-Solo. Bolstered by secretly dispatched Yuuzhan Vong reinforcements, Ylesia will prove to be a very difficult battleground...


Ylesia is set between chapters 21 and 22 of Destiny’s Way, sandwiched in between the public Knighting ceremony for the nine survivors from the Myrkr Strike Team and Admiral Kre’fey’s in-and-out attack on occupied Duro.

—We get to see one of the minor skirmishes that occurred before the Battle of Ebaq-9; while we heard about Ackbar’s plan for brief attacks on weak Yuuzhan Vong positions, they were mostly names (the Raid on Wayland, the Raid on Gyndine) rather than actual descriptive action sequences.
Ylesia explains why Jacen is serving with Admiral Kre’fey’s forces, on board his flagship. It was nice to see Jacen in a starfighter, before his realization that his skills could be best utilized elsewhere.
—It’s a fast-paced read, and you can easily follow the action (which is not always the case in these stories).

—I can definitely see why the Battle of Ylesia was cut from Destiny’s Way. It’s not a bad story, it just feels like a lengthy, unnecessary tangent. We haven’t really seen the Peace Brigade since Edge of Victory II: Rebirth. I’m assuming we won’t see them after Ylesia either, because the New Republic has rounded up most of their leadership.
—Jaina behaves with a reckless disregard for her life, but also is worried about her newbie pilots. Jacen is worried about Jaina. The Yuuzhan Vong are willing to throw away their lives in battle. None of these are new ideas, and are themselves repeated in Destiny’s Way.
—Hey, remember cousin Thrackan? We hadn’t seen him since Recovery, but he’s managed to stumble into a position of power that he absolutely does not want--and being Thrackan, he’s also able to worm himself to safety somehow. It’s nice to check in with him, but nothing changes here--again, Thrackan is stuck on a roller coaster of “gaining power” and then “overreaching himself, sentenced to jail time.”


If you were left wondering about the Battle of Ylesia after its brief mention in Chapter 22 of Destiny's Way, maybe check out this novella? I don’t think it’s essential to your understanding of the New Jedi Order--there’s some perhaps needless repetition, as Jaina and Jacen are struggling with the same issues as in Williams’s novel--but it’s quick and straightforward, and ties up some loose ends in the series.

Next up: the first book in the Force Heretic trilogy by Sean Williams and Shane Dix, Force Heretic I: Remnant.

My YouTube review: https://youtu.be/bgY8oic-GXk

Downloadable pdf of Ylesia from the Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/200505241...

October 2002 TheForce.net interview with Walter Jon Williams: http://www.theforce.net/jedicouncil/i...

“Destiny's Author: Walter Jon Williams”: https://web.archive.org/web/200502041...
Profile Image for Jesse.
258 reviews11 followers
February 14, 2009
The new Jedi order completely outpaces anything in the Starwars genre. This series was Dark, exciting, fast paced, and inspired. The writing was fantastic and the level of philosophy and force history was unparalleled. If your a fan at any level of the Starwars Universe than this series is a must read. It is on my top 5 of all time for a series and I treasured every moment I spent in that time. But beware, this isn't your typical Starwars book, be ready for a level of intensity that you've never seen. May the force be with you.!
Profile Image for Zooworld.
19 reviews4 followers
June 14, 2009
This was my first experience with Star Wars fiction, and I loved it so much I am now waiting desperately to get to the bookshop for more! The plot is interesting for an e-book/short story, and certainly draws you in to the Star Wars time period in which it is set.
Profile Image for Oliver.
84 reviews1 follower
January 4, 2023
Jacen saw Jaina’s face harden. “Right,” she said, “now I’ve got to be with the ground party.”
“Me, too, I guess,” Jacen said. “It’ll be . . . enlightening . . . to see cousin Thrackan again.

After the enjoyable but ultimately somewhat pointless Recovery, I was interested to see how the New Jedi Order's second ebook novella, Ylesia, would fare in comparison. Much like The Apprentice, Ylesia is set within the events of an NJO novel; in this case, it's between chapters 21 and 22 of Destiny's Way, both written by Walter Jon Williams. Though this does make Ylesia feel like the filler-y detour it very much is, it nevertheless proves to be a thoroughly entertaining read which manages to give closure to certain previously established side plots in the series at large.

Perhaps my highlight of the whole thing is the return of Thrackan Sal-Solo after his seven novel long absence. Thrackan stumbles into a "partnership" with Lord Shimrra himself in which he is "promoted" to the rank of President of the eponymous planet Ylesia, the Peace Brigade's capital. He thus continues his streak as one of the EU's most delightfully abhorrent characters, and this novella might just be his best appearance yet. Thrackan's just such a self-absorbed chauvinist that you can't but smile at his degradation into minion status by the Yuuzhan Vong, while also rooting for him because of just how laughable and yet compelling he is. There's an interesting comparison to Nom Anor to be made here: While both are dastardly schemers who have so far always managed to fall on top of things, Anor is just on a completely different level to old Thrackan. One is a scheming villain you love to hate for his ingeniousness and dastardly nature, while the other is a scheming villain you love to hate because of just how much of a mumbling dope he is. Thrackan Sal-Solo is a great character and I love WJW's resolution to his story.

Thrackan is just one of many concepts to get a resolution in Ylesia. The planet Ylesia itself is of course originally known from A.C. Crispin's Han Solo trilogy, and I appreciate the callback a lot. Coupling it with the Peace Brigade is a rather brilliant stroke of writing, given who its previous masters were. Perhaps even more interesting is that Thrackan of all people actually becomes a Brigadier, and in a very funny stroke of "luck" of his, too. I mentioned my disappointment at the lack of memorable Peace Brigade members in previous reviews, so to have him on board in what could be the last time they have any sort of narrative weight is satisfying. Maal Lah was one of the more generic Yuuzhan Vong characters we've gotten, and while his return here doesn't really do anything to subvert that, it's still nice to see that he hasn't been forgotten, after all. There is one more NJO character that gets their story resolved in here, and it's hilarious. I didn't really get the feeling that Walter Jon Williams is a particularly comedic writer in Destiny's Way, but Ylesia is full of hilarious moments.

Is Ylesia an essential New Jedi Order read? Not at all; if anything, it's even more filler-y than Recovery was. The bits of closure we get are satisfying, but nothing that had to be told. The unique setting and focus on otherwise C-grade material do allow it to stand completely on its own, although, again, I couldn't imagine someone who only read Destiny's Way being left with a profound yearning for the Ylesia mission. I would still recommend Ylesia to any EU/NJO fan, though! Its lack of relevance doesn't negate just how fun the experience is. If the pre-Sernpidal SkySolo parts of Vector Prime feel like parts of a Bantam adventure, then Ylesia is straight up one big Bantam adventure. Thrackan fans, rejoice.
Profile Image for Kasc.
223 reviews
May 23, 2022
I have to admit that during my initial read of the New Jedi Order Series I skipped this story. At the time it did not seem interesting enough to warrant buying an E-book. Since it is included in my copy of The Joiner King I have just now finished it belatedly.

Beforehand I was rather skeptical thinking that Ylesia is an extra NJO story no one asked for and no one really needs figuring it cannot add anything relevant to the overall plot. In a way this assessment was not entirely wrong as it is perfectly possible to read and understand the series without ever getting around to this story. However, that does not mean that it is not as good as the rest of the material. It is just that at a little over a hundred pages it cannot really add a lot of relevant content.

Regardless, I rather enjoyed Ylesia, which is a brief account of the events on and around the corresponding planet. Formerly controlled by the Hutts, Ylesia has become the designated Peace Brigade headquarters during the Yuuzhan Vong war, where none other than Thracken Sal-Solo is supposed to step in as President/Commander in Chief. Needless to say, the Jedi interfere and several of them, including Jaina and Jacen, embark on a mission to strike against the Peace Brigade on their new home planet.
Ylesia turns out to be a fast-paced, diverting read. My personal highlights of this story are, for one, the inclusion of Thracken and, for another, the Solo twins working together.
While quite one-dimensional, Thracken Sal-Solo is a fun character. It is very easy to dislike him, but somehow his opportunistic, often idiotic behavior always manages to amuse me.
If I am not mistaken, this confrontation with the Peace Brigade is the first instant in which Jacen and Jaina work together on a mission post Myrkr and Jacen’s time spent with Vergere. I think their twin-dynamic is very interesting and here it is displayed in a unique way. For once, Jaina is in charge and as the story progresses, differences in the twins’ strengths or rather areas of expertise become more and more prominent. I always like to see authors point out how, despite their shared roots and special bond, the twins are two very different people, which is something that is increasingly shown as the NJO series develops.

All in all, Ylesia is a surprisingly good, rounded-out addition to the NJO series. Yes, it is absolutely possible to skip it without hampering understanding of the overall series. Nevertheless, Ylesia is a solid story so there really is no need to do so.
Profile Image for Malkhai.
231 reviews2 followers
August 19, 2018
Original review: https://myshelfbooks.wordpress.com/20...

There is not much to tell about this book. It’s a short story that takes place in the middle of the previous book, so the reader has to adapt their internal timetable to not get lost with this tale.

The book narrates the battle of Ylesia. The Yuuzhan Von obliterated the hutts living there and now the planet is controlled by the Peace Brigade (a.k.a. Vong Puppets). The new leader of that Brigade is not other than Thrackan Sal-Solo, cousin of Jacen and Jaina Solo. They are not friendly with each other… The New Republic has a plan to capture the Brigades’s leaders and make their trials public to rise the moral among the loyal followers of the New Republic. Obviously, nothing is simple when there are Vongs involved…

It’s an easy and well-paced read. Nothing remarkable, but a nice peek to that huge Universe that is Star Wars. Thankfully, the author doesn’t waste time trying to sell the plan to the readers with lots of political and military meetings (as in other books of this saga) and gets his hands dirty pretty fast. Not boring at all, but far from memorable. I guess I will remember that I have read this because it will forever saved on my Goodreads list…

In this okayish book there is a bright light that I have really enjoyed. Maybe it’s because I’m a huge fan of romance books, so the nods to Jaina’s relationship with Jagged Fel has made me smile from ear to ear. Han’s and Leia’s daughter is one of my favourite Star Wars characters. I was so pissed after the last book due to what Luke told her… I’m glad she is getting a bit of happines from the Imperial pilot. Let’s hope it last!! Romance and Star Wars are not usually best friends…
Profile Image for Elwin Kline.
Author 1 book10 followers
June 28, 2024
"It was okay / I liked it." - 2.5 star rating, rounded up to a 3.

Of all of the ".5" entries of the New Jedi Order (NJO), this one is my far the most insignificant aka 'Can Skip' status.

What really threw me off is this does NOT take place after book #14, Destiny's Way (DW), but instead to my surprise takes place in-between chapters 21 and 22 of DW.

I had no idea, so I read this out of order and it was really confusing for me at first. After some research, a huge wave of understanding and relief took place... but also disappointment as this was pretty unclear originally for me. Especially labeling it as 14.5 and being an actual in-between story being 100% the case for all the other .5 books.

Some positive things about this book:

- Shimrra is such a cool Supreme Overlord.
- Nom Anor is really good in this.
- Shadow Bombs are pretty damn cool.
- More Lowbacca, my new favorite Wookiee.
- Peace Brigade takes a big hit in this. Hate those guys.
- You find out what happened to Ylesia in-between chapters 21 and 22 of DW.

Onward to book #15!

The end is almost within sight! Not that I want it end, as this is such an amazing ride.
Profile Image for Ernest Solar.
Author 7 books46 followers
March 15, 2018
Ylesia by Williams was a decent story. I’m glad I read the story, because the whole New Jedi Order story arc is fascinating to me on me levels. But I don’t believe the story added anything to the characters history or the timeline of events. In all reality it probably could have been added to Destiny’s Way and we the reader wouldn’t have known the difference. If anything Ylesia does a great job of convincing any reader that Thracken Sal-Sol is just plain annoying and needs to be placed on a prison world and forgotten for several millennium. But hey, that is just my thought. Overall, the best part was towards the end when Jacen has his moment of realization related to the Yuuzhan Vong. If you are a true Star Wars fan, you will enjoy this short tale and appreciate William’s contribution to the universe.
877 reviews25 followers
January 26, 2018
This ebook is going on while Destiny Way is going on. I didn't read NJO books 11-14, only a few different sites summary's and peoples' review, but I was still able to follow the action. Unfortunately, my library no longer has copies of the remaining NJO books 15-19, but I guess I will just have to read the summary online stuff for the conclusion of it.

Anyways, the events are the when Jaina and some of the other Jedi's go to Ylesia to overthrow the Peace Bridge and this new government order, whose President is Thracken Sal-Solo. There is good action and most of it involves Jaina. Overall pretty good.
Profile Image for Darryl Dobbs.
267 reviews1 follower
September 16, 2017
I thought the Thracken Sal-Solo character was dumb before, and it's still dumb.

He goes off to make a deal with the Vong, who of course just punish him by making him president of a Hutt planet that they had taken over. Of course, that happens to be the same planet that the Solo twins and friends decided to attack. And to add more ludicrousy, Pwoe - who had named himself Chief of State and nobody acknowledged it, was on the planet as well, trying to sign a treaty with the Senate of Ylesia. Anyway, I'm just glad it was a short read.
20 reviews
July 18, 2022
the timing makes this story feel out of sync. events take place during destiny's way, which just makes this one hard to fit, either read to early and get spoilers on destiny's way or read after and then it feels oddly disjointed since you already know what's going to happen, who might live/die, etc as the battle has already been fought.

felt unnecessary and if really important could have been looped into the destiny's way story line. overall, ok, not great.
June 12, 2023
Ylesia is a short story that takes place towards the end of Destiny's Way. It concerns the attack on the Peace Brigade's headquarters on the planet Ylesia.

It's okay but I don't really understand why it was split from the book. Maybe because it would be a bit out of place, but at the same time I feel it could have been shortened and integrated into the main story. Not much happens other than the return of Thrackan Solo, and a bit of development from Jaina and Jacen after his return.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Darlene.
138 reviews1 follower
September 15, 2024
This part was left out of book 14 (I think) of the New Jedi Order series. I would actually read this after the 14th and before the 15th book of that series just because it makes more sense.
If you wondered what happened to Thracken Sal-Solo and (most of) the Peace Brigade leadership in the series, this book may have some answers. However, it's not really necessary to read it if you don't want it.
Profile Image for Katie.
383 reviews4 followers
April 20, 2024
Feels like it’s doing too much and not enough at once. Should have been left a part of Destiny’s Way or not released at all. Retconned the single bit of NJO I have genuinely enjoyed. Author thought the interview for his *Star Wars tie-in book* was a good place to be a pompous asshole about how no media other than books can ever tell a good sci-fi because mass audiences are too stupid.
Profile Image for Jeni.
1,053 reviews33 followers
April 15, 2021
Nice little story. I always appreciate some Jag/Jaina. I had thought this book would have taken place between 14/15, but it makes sense for it to take place during Destiny's Way, and answers my question of that book of how Jacen wound up on the bridge guiding the Jedi meld.
52 reviews
July 24, 2018
A well placed novel in terms in timing and pacing in this series. Enjoyable
Profile Image for Matt Bergevin.
59 reviews
March 31, 2019
Fun throwaway adventure with the Yuuzhan Vong, focused on a liberation mission. Doesn’t add much to the overall story, but was still sorta exciting (despite knowing everyone would come out ok).
68 reviews2 followers
December 21, 2020
Great side story focusing on the peace brigade and thracken sal solo, as well as some nice Character moments between jacen and jaina, showing their bond and love for each other.
Profile Image for Ronald Kelland.
296 reviews8 followers
March 27, 2021
It was decent, but is really a great example of the New Jedi Order series being dragged out much longer than it needs to be.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews

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