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Sidewinder #3

Part & Parcel

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Nick O'Flaherty and Kelly Abbott had their happy ending in sight when a friend’s call for help almost ended with them losing it to the blade of a knife. Now, in the aftermath of near-disaster, both men are trying to heal and move on.

Moving on together, though, is harder than either of them realized it would be. Kelly struggles with simply being a lover instead of the Doc, while Nick is mired in his recovery. The distance between them inches along in stilted silence.

Desperately seeking solace, Nick finally gathers the courage to sort through the possessions his dear friend and fellow Sidewinder teammate Elias Sanchez left him when he died. Instead of comforting memories, Nick and Kelly find a stack of letters and strict instructions from Eli that prompt them to send out a call for assistance. With Eli’s letters in hand, Sidewinder sets out on one last mission together, seeking peace and absolution from beyond the grave—and from each other.

270 pages, ebook

First published December 19, 2015

About the author

Abigail Roux

35 books4,881 followers
Abigail Roux was born and raised in North Carolina. A past volleyball star who specializes in sarcasm and painful historical accuracy, she currently spends her time coaching high school volleyball and investigating the mysteries of single motherhood. Any spare time is spent living and dying with every Atlanta Braves and Carolina Panthers game of the year. Abigail has a daughter, Little Roux, who is the light of her life, a boxer, four rescued cats who play an ongoing live-action variation of 'Call of Duty' throughout the house, a certifiable extended family down the road, and a cast of thousands in her head.

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Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,967 followers
December 22, 2015
3 stars. Review posted December 22, 2015

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“What is it?”
“Absinthe. Thought I’d try something new since I was charged with romancing you.”
“I like it.” Kelly nodded, meeting Nick’s shadowed eyes. Then he grinned slowly, and Nick mirrored the expression. “My place or yours?”
Nick took Kelly’s chin in his fingers. “I realize this isn’t really a first date kind of thing to say, but . . . I love you.”
“My place, then, it’s closer,” Kelly said in a rush, and then turned to hail a cab as Nick chuckled behind him.

“But fuck, it’s not like we haven’t spent the last year playing with a drawer full of dildos, Kels,” Nick said wryly.

Practice makes perfect and don't forget to lube up.

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“I wasn’t sure how tonight was going to play out,” Kelly admitted. “There’s some in the bathroom, too. And between the cushions of the couch.” Nick chuckled, his smile bringing out the hint of dimples hidden beneath his beard and lighting his eyes. His fingers were gentle on Kelly’s ribs. “There’s even some in the Rover,” Kelly continued. “All over the Fiddler. I basically stashed lube all over Boston in the hopes of getting laid tonight.”

“Just hit me with the dick talk, I can take it,” Owen groaned.
“You can take the dick?” Kelly deadpanned.
Owen stared at the camera, and Kelly fought hard not to grin.

I feel like I need to apologize for liking Part & Parcel which is stupid and a waste of my breath, right? I don't know. Maybe my expectations were already down because before picking Part & Parcel up, I had two DNFs in a row and I might have been a little desperate for something decent to read. So yeah, P&P was a major improvement compared to my last two reads.


The story starts off with the first chapter that touches upon the ending of Crash & Burn and then spans over the recovery time of Nick. And we see Kelly and Nick having issues, working through them and, of course, sexing it up. And then halfway through, there is the entertaining reunion of the Sidewinder boys.

Minor and major issues
I didn't particularly care about the "dad angle". I was done with Nick's father awhile ago. Also, I could have done with less back and forth. I don't mind flashbacks at all, but in regards to the timeline, I'm all for less is more because due to the shortness of the flashbacks, it would have read smoother if there had been less. After my update at 32%, I tumbled into a little boredom hole. Though when the Sidewinder boys had their get-together around the 45% mark or so, things were looking up again. I enjoyed their reunion and their banter. And then there was Ty. I won't apologize for liking Ty better than Zane. So I was a happy camper when I got my obligatory Ty injection.

After my second update I kinda lost interest. I think the story should have been tighter and I could have done with less sex. Multiple gratification is not always such a great idea. I'd rather have a longer buildup, filled with great chemistry and irresistible sexual tension and only few sex scenes. Of course I would never delete that scene at 40% which was my favorite. Damn. Rough sex combined with a dose of tenderness is hawt. Enough said.

Kelly and Nick's conflict seemed a bit forced and Kelly's insecurities were totally OTT and contrived. I'm sorry but I just didn't buy his act. Confession time around the 85% mark was sappy and melodramatic to boot.

A facepalm moment at 86%:

I wonder what will be up next out of left field.

Cue eye roll @88%:

This is another of those ridiculous twists that I couldn't have cared less about:


Ten years ago. Blah.


61 x grunt, grunts, grunted, grunting


"Bullshit," Nick grunted, closing his eyes again.

"Oh God," Nick grunted, and he could only (…)

"Asshole," he grunted.

"Hey," Kelly grunted.

etc. etc. etc.

112 x smile, smiled

*Baba smiles*

The endearment babe


Though I did like Nicko as a nickname or an endearment. It suited Nick.

Some of my favorite quotes

“Trust me, you won’t regret the trip.”
“I trust you,” Digger assured him. “That’s where the
“Yeah, but you still get people to kiss it, so you’re welcome.”
“True that!”

“This is the worst thing a bird has ever done to me.”
“Shame, since you’ve always treated cocks so well,” Kelly said, his voice trembling.

“Montana, that’s fucked up. There weren’t even mountains in Montana, man, they were just, like . . . like . . . lumpy plains.”
“Lumpy plains?” Ty cried, and they were all rolling around in the back, no seat belts in sight, cards forgotten. “You better stop fucking talking to me until your ass is bilingual inside your head, okay.”

“Hell, I think we from Eli’s pervert voyeur ghost.”
“Agreed,” Nick growled as he pushed off the bed to disrobe. He went to his phone, turning the music off as he headed for the door. Kelly undressed as he watched Nick in confusion. Nick opened the hotel door as the phone happily played its music, and he tossed the phone out into the hallway. The music was still playing when Nick let the door slam shut and turned back to Kelly. “I’m not letting him watch, though.”

As a side note
Demanding $7.99 for this ebook is clearly overpriced. Thus publishers being greedy is nothing new yet remains a big nuisance.

Bottom line
I did enjoy parts of Part & Parcel and overall it's not a bad read at all. What I loved were Eli's letters and the bonus story of Ty and Zane at the end of Part & Parcel. My saying that I didn't waste my time with this book means something to me because I haven't been spoiled with plenty of decent books lately.

Happy reading everyone!


Pre-reading Part & Parcel:

I seriously hope it won't lead to another swan song.

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Profile Image for Ina.
117 reviews62 followers
December 26, 2015
Well, this is goodbye.
Some time ago i finally understood some things about this fandom and author.

If you think differently or don't agree to some things, then fandom on tumblr will fuck you up, but Abigail Roux will try to make you look stupid and write angry tumblr post about why all that talk about sexuality was legit and reader is just a hater. But the thing is - it was awkward and all that talk about "Kelly is a Biromantic Demisexual and Digger is a Hetero Sex Positive Asexual" was weird. Like really? Do we need to go that far? She could have just stopped at "Digger don't like sex". It's like she just decided in the middle of the book to make sure that we understood all scientific terms for all kinds of sexualities and made her characters say something like "oh, did you know i'm demisexual and it means bla-bla-bla." It's something i would see on tumblr and roll my eyes, not in a book. Believe me! Not that i don't support lgbtq communty. I do. I myself am bi. I just didn't like how author included some information in this book and made it look like it was just pulled out of the thin air.

And second thing what made me say "i've had enough of this" is Nick. He still is some kind of glorified hero. Everyone is always concerned about him and are making his problems so special, that i found it very irritating. And all that angst about things that happened long time ago... Oh, give me a break.

Even Ty, Zane and kittens didn't save this fucking stupid ending of this sidewinder saga.

So... Goodbye. A couple of books back it was good. But then Nick got the main role and it wasn't same anymore. So yeah, this is sad and bitter goodbye.
Profile Image for E.
415 reviews132 followers
January 27, 2016
This one gets a big fat MEH from me. I cannot with all the whining and the crying and the huffing and puffing, the lap sitting and improbable sexual positions, and ESPECIALLY all the "Babe"s.

I had to remind myself multiple times that I was supposed to be reading a book about some manly and gruff Marines and not a YA novel featuring a couple of 16 year old drama queens.

And let's not even talk about how Kelly seemed to have morphed into a particularly bitchy woman with all the These characters seem like totally different people than they were when the series first started, and these newbies are people I don't want to read about.

I expect to read about a whole bunch of angsty cry babies when I read certain authors. With this author I (used to) expect manly men getting into and out of improbable situations whilst cracking jokes and being assholes. If this series is going in the the opposite direction going forward, well then I'm out. Get back at me when these characters grow a pair.

Oh, and I almost forgot:

Dear Riptide Publishing,

The last few books I read from you guys (including this one) had way too many grammatical errors. I expect that from self pubbed books that cost $2.99. When I spend $7.99 I expect extra good books with professional quality editing and yet these books were sadly lacking at least one of those qualities. What is going on over there?

Not Amused
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
January 25, 2016
4.5 Stars!

What a great ending to two great series. While Sidewinder is a spin-off of Cut& Run, they really all should be read together.

I was not expecting this one to be as emotional as it was.

Yeah it was about Nick and Kelly and their relationship, but more than that it was about 6.5 brothers (Zane counts) and their journey. When they began, where they drifted in the middle, and how they found their way back together.

This book really brought everything full circle.
Profile Image for Bitchie.
1,464 reviews76 followers
Shelved as 'necronomicon'
December 24, 2015
You know, I was still thinking of reading this one. But after the latest round of toxicity brought about by this fandom, it's not just no, but hell no. And it's not because I have a problem with any character's sexuality, or how the story was written, but how the fandom, once again, came down on anyone who dared to question something, or expressed the opinion that it came out of left field.

All the readers don't follow all the various tumblr blogs, so all of them don't know what's been said outside of the books. If it's not in the books, don't expect all the readers to just know.

So I'm done. I know I said I was done before, after being dubbed a hater and member of a hate group, but after this, I'm really fucking done. Stick a fork in me, done.
Profile Image for ~Mindy Lynn~.
1,395 reviews662 followers
August 21, 2018
I was extremely sad when the Cut & Run series ended. But when AR started up her Sidewinder series I got really excited. I knew it wouldn't be the same because there is no replacing my boys, Ty and Zane. But the thought of being able to still follow them in a way through this series satisfied me. Now although Zane and Ty are by far my favorite couple ever, I do love Kelly and Nick. I like them together. Their relationship seemed kinda perfect in the previous books, but this one really shows just how un-perfect it is and the struggles they have trying to get back to good.
I was so sure that the next book in this series was going to be with these guys on some wild adventure with Ty's cousin. That seemed to be where it was going at the end of the last book. So I was really surprised that this was a more emotional book then an adventure one. I wasn't disappointed though. I really enjoyed having all the boys back together. I loved that Zane was apart of the boys' group because I can't see them being together without him. I REALLY loved that we got some Zane and Ty in this book. It's what I had been hoping for when she started up this series and AR delivered so I am pleased.
The book had me on an emotional roller coaster with how all these boys were effected by their beloved Eli's passing. I enjoyed his voice in this book and the flashbacks. I liked them being all together and seeing these small glimpses into how they were with each other. These guys, for being so tough, were really affectionate with each other. In a totally platonic way of course. It was heart whelming to see how much these guys love each other and that they are truly brothers in the whole sense of what that means.
It was hard seeing Kelly and Nick struggle with the fallout of what happened in previous books. There was some trust issues and anger that hadn't been approached yet. They kind of swept their problems away which we all know only makes the issues build up until they're so big that they blow up and make a bigger mess. Then when the smoke had seemed to be clearing a bit here came more secrets and with that some more emotional turmoil. It was quite the emotional roller coaster. But I enjoyed it all.
Nick really has a lot more issues going on within himself then he does with his relationship with Kelly that he is dealing with and it was really sad seeing him have such a hard time. He had some juicy secrets and I can't wait to see where this new information takes us with these guys' next story.
Profile Image for Adam.
611 reviews370 followers
December 21, 2015
'Part & Parcel' is very different from both the preceding books in the Sidewinder series and the Cut & Run series. This book isn't about explosions or sinister plots. Part & Parcel is about romance, and forgiveness, and the friends that sometimes become more important to us than the families we're born with. I loved it from beginning to end.

Ty and Zane's story may have come to a happy end in Crash & Burn, but it was clear that Kelly and Nick still had a lot to work out. After all of the secrets Nick had kept, it was understandable that Kelly would question their relationship.

Most of book 3 of the Sidewinder series is devoted to Nick and Kelly working things out, learning to talk about the problems they'd avoided for so long. When I realized that this would be the focus of the book, I was initially a bit bummed out. I mean, I've come to expect that if any of the Sidewinder team are involved, there'll be shit blowing up and large amounts of gunfire.

But I can honestly say that I didn't miss the action. I loved getting inside the MCs' heads, finding out why they really loved each other. This pairing has been a bit questionable from the beginning, because it seemed as if the author had bent to fan demand, and was also trying to do some damage control for giving Nick too big of a role in the Cut & Run series. Part & Parcel put to rest all of my doubts. Nick and Kelly really do love each other, and they make each other whole. I ate up their heart-to-hearts and the angst.

And of course, there was the hot sex. I might get some flak for this, but I'd say that Nick and Kelly could give Ty and Zane a run for their money in the smoking hot department.

We're also treated to a reunion of the Sidewinders, including Ty and Zane, and we're introduced to the missing member of the Sidewinders, Eli Sanchez. Eli's memory has lurked over the Sidewinders world all the way back since Cut & Run. Through the flashbacks and the road trip he sends his old teammates on, Eli definitely made his presence felt, which is an accomplishment for a character who wasn't actually in the story.

This book is a good end to the Sidewinders universe. Nick and Kelly finally learn to how love one another and live together without wanting to kill each other, and we get to see Ty and Zane happy and whole. Overall, a great read for fans.

P.S. If you're craving a Ty and Zane fix, be sure to read short fic all the way at the end of the book!

Review copy provided through NetGalley.
Profile Image for Erth.
4,040 reviews
January 6, 2019
Part & Parcel picks up after the events of Crash and Burn with Nick recuperating from his near fatal injuries after having been stabbed on the streets of Miami. He and Kelly are having some relationship challenges after all the “liar liar pants on fire” he engaged in over the past few years (much like Tyler). Kelly seems to be reeling with shock, a side of betrayal and a good amount of righteous anger (because “forgetting” you proposed to someone is seriously bad form); and Nick is consumed with guilt, self-loathing and seeking forgiveness. I didn’t realize their relationship was so rocky – but then when you lay it all out like this – how could it not be? I also never really completely warmed up to Nick and Kelly – but Part & Parcel sold it – I like them.
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
January 10, 2016
Sooooo, I've been chewing on this one for a few days...

....and I'm having a hard time swallowing it.
You know when you go to a kick-ass steakhouse and order a prime cut of meat and it's DELICIOUS yet you keep getting a big ol' piece of fat that you can't choke down?
It's mouthwatering, tender and hot BUT filled with disappointing fat.
Yup, that's pretty much how I feel.

I LOVE Sidewinder and was crushed that Cross & Crown was a wide miss for me. I was...leery to continue because I didn't want to spoil my impression and love for all of these alpha men. Sadly, I was right to have such reservations. I feel like the more the series continues, the less I know them.

In a nutshell, this is a scavenger hunt of sorts. Their deceased brother left a precise set of instructions in a series of letters for the gang to follow. They all band together without having to ask twice what Nick needs from them. At EZ's grave, they begin their adventure...a ghost lead party to remember where they came from.
Their typical shenanigans push them from one letter to another.
It was FILLED with emotions. I mean lots and lots of emotions.
They trudge along leaving a tear-streaked path behind them.
The scavenger hunt is meant to remind them who they are TOGETHER and it consists of non-stop flashbacks. I enjoyed seeing the boys in their younger years but I was also disappointed with some of the brotherly behavior Roux dishes out.
Several scenes had my eyes on a constant rolling loop but one cuddly bed 'bonding' moment rubbed me so hard, I had book-burn.

Nick and Kelly are having....problems. They are extremely physical and for some asinine reason one of the 'rules' of the trek include no sex. Okay??
So, they aren't touching and therefore they aren't talking and this leads to fighting and my annoyance.
But this wasn't nearly as vexing as the cafe revelations.
I felt a tip in the scales and suddenly I was in the classroom and not relaxing with my kindle...

I wish to expand my familiarity of sexuality but I don't appreciate it shoved in my face like a classroom lesson.
I felt as if the author had an agenda with this scene and it diminished my enjoyment greatly.
I was still trying to choke down the possessed phone and marines-not-sexually-involved-cuddling-in-their-underpants.
At this point, I couldn't swallow any more.

I began this spin-off ride utterly shocked-'n-awed....was prickled in the middle and then this dose left a bad taste in my mouth.
Light at the end of the book....

Looks like the Black Orchid Market is open for business. *giddy smile*
Ty calls to my heart and I might have to check up on him during his newlywed years.

*3 careful-not-to-choke stars*
Profile Image for Tamika♥RBF MOOD♥.
1,224 reviews144 followers
December 24, 2015
2 stars for the actual story. That should be clarified!

I feel like I'm in an Alternate Universe. This can't be Nick & Kelly. I wanted to pants them to see if they had the same equipment as me. Dude what the F*%&!!!!! The first 48% was them bitching and moaning about their feelings. Who are they??? I'm still so confused on the purpose of this. This hot & cold b.s. she did with them was nauseating. I literally would have put this book down before the halfway mark if I didn't get that minuscule glimpse of Zane.

I don't get the drama of Kelly. What is the problem? You know Nick. Been knowing him for 20 plus years. If he's Ty best friend rest asure that he's a LYING LIAR WHO LIES ALOT!!!! We know this. Yeah he lied, but I didn't know this book was going to be a time capsule of their lives. Why?? Why couldn't we just moved the f*&^ on. Seriously we gotta deal with the issues from book 7-9. Then it gets worst; Kelly because this jealous insecure person. I don't know this person. I'm not even going to touch the Irish Catholic guilt that Nick has riding around on his damn shoulders!!!

Torturous back and forth between this two. I couldn't even enjoy the little bit of laughs that we did have. I'm not even going to rant and rave about the two biggest B.S. bombs in this entire series. WTF was the point of messing with Digger. That was so left field and unbelievable. The situation with Nick's dad another eff you to the fans IMO. Really, now this is affecting him?

I would like Nick & Kelly to get a personality adjustment and come back to me.
I still don't know who are they? Maybe the ghost of Sanchez could ring my phone and help me out here. I'm so confused. This is how I know I wasn't interested the sex bored me, and I skimmed through it. No we are not doing that to these two. Sex doesn't fix everything.
Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
724 reviews42 followers
December 20, 2019
Update December 2019:
***4 - 4.5 Stars*** for the audiobook - Brock Thompson is a new to me narrator, but this was hopefully not the last time I listened to him


***5 Stars*** for everything Sidewinder (plus Zane) related (I inhaled all bits and pieces and bloody Eli Sanchez made me all teary-eyed, dammit!)
***2 Stars*** for the (in my opinion unnecessary) relationship drama of Nick and Kelly (the back and forth was annoying and incomprehensible)

all in all 3.5* rounded up to 4* because of the fantastic epilogue
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,475 followers
August 17, 2020
Get your spigots and pails ready to get you enough maple syrup for life, because this book is sappy!

And cheesy.

After the Cut & Run series, this spin-off series had another book so, like the Ty Grady-obsessed person that I am, I went at it like it was a cheesecake in the desert.... or whatever.

And, you know, if I wanted to experience marines crying this much I would simply show them my awesome moves on a stripper pole because even though I've never touched one in my life, I'm sure I'd kill it. Well, at least they would wish to kill it. They'd probably burn the pole after the unspeakable things that would happen to it.

So, yeah, there was crying. And hugging. And, spilling of secrets so they could forgive each other and cry and hug some more. Definitely one of the seven circles in Jilly's version of hell.

This book is a road trip set into motion from the guy from Sidewinder who died. He left a bunch of letters for them to read on the road trip so they can cry their way across the United States. Yeah. That fun. So, they go from place to place, working through their feelings and crying. Yes, I know I'm mentioning the crying a lot. But, there is hella lotta cryin' in this book. Seriously, there is more crying than a drunken teenage girl slumber party where they are all telling each other how pretty the other one is.

This book felt like a very long epilogue to Cut & Run. It was all about closure.... like so much closure. The good news is that I'm now ready to let go. I feel free of my attraction to these guys now. Yes, it was all the crying.
Profile Image for Renée.
1,107 reviews380 followers
September 14, 2024
Another reread

Reread September 2016

Original review:
I'm kind of speechless after reading this. It was so much better than I anticipated. Honestly, after Cross & Crown and how I suspended my disbelief for the Dan Brown-esque adventure in that one(worth it, but still), I was not expecting THIS.

But I should've. It was clear in Crash & Burn that all is NOT ok between Nick and Kelly. Kelly, fun-loving, sweet Kelly, had his foundation shattered when Liam inserted himself into the lives of Sidewinder. Particularly using Nick to do it. And Nick kept a LOT of secrets from Kelly. Richard Burns. Remembering every part of the marriage proposal. When that all came out in the open in Crash & Burn, Nick was gravely injured before these two could work that out, and it's been festering. Well, here we go. I knew it had to come to the surface sooner or later.

Much of this book is Nick and Kelly working on things after secrets can tear you apart. It has a very similar feel to Ty and Zane's Touch & Geaux, honestly. And that is SO not a bad thing. No complaints. Nick and Kelly made it their own.

What was very different is that Eli Sanchez had a very strong voice in this book as the final Sidewinder member. Nick goes through a box Eli's mother gave to him after the funeral years ago, for the first time. And it gathers the Sidewinder team back together (including Zane as an honorary member) to go on one final adventure. The best part? It allows a lot of old hurts to heal that apparently Eli knew were still there not being addressed. He brings them out in the open through a series of letters to the team.

You can't not have fun and laugh out loud when Sidewinder is together. The vegetable/fruit/berry conversation made me almost drop my Kindle. Giving me glimpses of my Ty and Zane? Perfection. Ty is still and will probably ALWAYS be my favorite character from a series. And I also think Nick and Kelly needed to finally push through what had taken place in Crash & Burn.

Every part of this book will punch you right in the feelz, and I loved every minute of it!

P.S. There is a lovely little bonus all the way at the end, so keep flipping pages until you find it.
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,437 reviews502 followers
April 13, 2017
5 Surprising But Awesome Stars!

I know I have an unhealthy obsession regarding Ty and Zane, which would of course include all periphery characters and spinoffs, and though they will probably forever remain my favorite m/m couple, Nick and Kelly may have taken the #2 spot.

Right off the bat, this is steeped heavily in all things Sidewinder (which also includes Owen, Digger, Eli and Ty) so if you don't like that dynamic, then sadly this last entry is not for you. Though the focus is on Nick and Kelly's relationship, this is more of a homage to their past, present, and certainly their future. Also if you thought their initial coming together was too simple/sweet, their staying together is anything but, as they're blindsided over and over with unresolved issues. Old secrets, past hurts, and a shit ton of baggage threaten to tear them apart. What they thought should be easy - isn't. What they thought should settle - didn't. What they thought was unconditional - just might not be. Can they reconcile their anger and guilt?? Can they find redemption so they can happily move on??

Have no fear, this is still peppered with plenty of smexiness, humor, and glee, in and amongst some heavy, painful angst. Spurred by a dead man's last request, the guys embark on a journey to remember what's important, understand past events, and renew their bond. Of course this made me swoon, cry and laugh - the men remember what made them strong and find forgiveness in the other.

I marvel at the genius of Roux, as she takes every fun, and not so fun, event that has been riddled throughout this entire series and brought it full circle - filling in blanks and adding profound weight to what has happened in the lives of these six men. I am truly impressed and grateful for such a conclusion. Bittersweet but oh so satisfying, we regretfully come to the end of this wild ride.

However one thing remains certain. Nick, Kelly, Owen, Digger, Ty, and of course Zane, would certainly unquestionably bleed, not hesitate to kill, and no doubt die for the other - and that is a wonderful thing to know and witness.

Ooh fucking rah!!
Profile Image for Sharle.
152 reviews6 followers
January 17, 2016
I was hesitant about writing this review because in my limited association with the C&R fandom, I've noticed a tendency to malign anyone with a dissenting opinion. And I don't really have anything good to say about Part & Parcel. The thing about media though, be it books or television, is that we should critique it. Simply catering to the LGBTQIA+ community doesn't make a work of art above reproach. So fuck it, this is my account, and I have opinions.

Let me start by saying that I'm queer. Most of my friends are queer, many of whom are still learning new things about themselves every day and/or are searching for that one word that defines who they are and how they feel. I understand the need to see yourself represented when you open a book or turn on the TV. So when I tell you that I dislike a certain revelation in this book , it's not because I'm a bigot who refuses to read about something I don't personally identify with, it's because it wasn't particularly well done.

I've had issues with some characterisations of sexuality in the series before. Ty, Zane, and Nick are all canonically bisexual. Abigail Roux has made a point of mentioning Ty's bisexuality and his preference for men, yet has no compunction about them coming out as gay without any correction. "Bisexual" and "gay"are not interchangeable terms! Then there's Kelly. Look, I believe sexuality is fluid, that we are constantly changing and that our tastes might too. I can believe that Kelly identified as heterosexual for 30-odd years, then fell in love with a man. What I find inconceivable is the speed at which his whole relationship with Nick developed. Shock & Awe was PWP that dug Nick-and-Kelly into a hole that was hard to write out of. The end result was all the contrived relationship drama that went around in circles in Part & Parcel.

I'm losing focus (sorry, I'm on my third beer). My issue here was that I read 9 C&R books, 3 Sidewinder tie-ins, and Warrior's Cross. Don't tell me there wasn't enough time to develop his character. As it stands, that feels like a throwaway line so the author can claim to be inclusive. With complimentary textbook definitions for those who don't spend enough time on tumblr! I'd much rather get his own book and the chance to tell his story. But maybe that's just me. Who knows, maybe representation does start with a throwaway line at the end of a crappy old book.

The plot of this book is basically P.S. I Love You, just with a bunch of Marines with a borderline sexual bond. It's really sweet. I loved getting to know Sanchez and the Sidewinder relationships, and using Zane's POV did well to make the reader, an outsider, feel included. (Hey, I found something good to say!)

It makes me sad to say that I am over Nick. The more he gets hailed as the Second Coming, the less I care. Ty and Zane got shafted in their own series to cater to him. Kelly, whom I love, gets the sidekick role. I do not care about his dad. I do not care about his guilt. I barely even care about his relationship with Kelly anymore and I jumped aboard that ship in Touch & Geaux! (Though I'd read all the books about his friendship with Ty and his burgeoning bromance with Zane - because Ty&Zane, duh.)

In fact, I read this entire book for Ty, Zane, and their kitties. Mostly for Zane though, because let's face it, only my love for him could make it worth it.
Profile Image for Dalia.
280 reviews93 followers
January 5, 2016
I couldn't ask for a better first read in the new year. This book is just perfection. It's about the Sidewinder brothers reuniting and dealing with the hurtful past on a journey planned by their dear, missing friend, Eli. It's about forgiveness and love.

This time Nick and Kelly have to deal with their problems that they can no longer run away from and work on strengthening their relationship. They learn how to communicate with each other and talk their shit out.

The journey with these guys was wonderful and full of emotions. I cried, I laughed and in the end I was so, so happy. I adore Ty and Zane and I have come to love Nick and Kelly as well. I will never, ever get bored of these two couples. They hold a special place in my heart.
Profile Image for Diana.
597 reviews18 followers
January 18, 2019
Oh boy, I know I am the odd man out here, but I really struggled with this one. Don’t get me wrong, I loved reading about Ty and Zane and learning more about the Sidewinder crew, and I also enjoyed the storyline of taking the trip per Eli’s request, which was emotional in itself. All the llama drama between Nick and Kelly was just exhausting and just kept going on and on and on. I agree with some of their issues, but because of lack of communication, it snowballed into way too much drama for me.

There are tons of rave reviews about this one, so I know it’s because of my cranky a** mood I am in. Please don’t let my ramblings deter you from reading this one. I have read C & R, as well as the other 2 books in the series and loved them all.
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,922 followers
August 25, 2016
I really enjoyed this one. It was nice to read about all the Sidewinder boys again...especially Ty and Zane, who will forever be one of my most favorite couples.

There were some moments that made my eyes twitch though.

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Like the "no sex" rule....I found it ridiculous and it also took down the level of hotness of this book....which made me cry a bit ...lol. I would have loved some steamy Ty and Zane scenes...but this was a no go.

There were some steamy interactions between Nick and Kelly, but I didn't really care for those much. This also brings me to my next eye-twitching point. Too much Nick and Kelly. I knew going in that they were once again the main couple, but their bickering and fighting and emotional crap just got on my nerves after a while. I think I will never be a Nick fan.... I'm a full on Ty and Zane fan !!

Other than this I enjoyed this book and there were some very funny and also very emotional moments. I especially appreciated Zane's pov, these were my favorite parts ofcourse. I was very happy to see that the Sidewinder boys pulled him into their little club.

I still have hopes that maybe one day we'll get a follow up on Ty and Zane.... it would make me so happy !!

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Profile Image for Alisa.
1,835 reviews198 followers
December 25, 2015
I wanted to love this. Really I did. The story starts with a prologue that goes over a bit of the end of Crash & Burn and then goes to Nick's recovery time. He is not doing well and he and Kelly are having issues. And sex. They have a lot of issues and a lot of sex. The first 40% is just......issues, angst and sex. I was losing interest fast because I came to this party with a promise of Eli. FINALLY at around 50% we get to the Eli part of the story. That I loved. It was funny and emotional and touching. I loved the letters and the instructions and all that went with that (being vague to not spoil anyone). The gang was all there for that part and things are always good when we get Team Sidewinder together. Unfortunately too many things didn't work overall. I'm just going to do a short summary of things I liked and things I didn't so I don't go on and on.


The part of the story with Eli's letters.
Every scene Eli (or his memory) were in.
The fact that Ty & Zane were there.
Seymour.....loved this. So much I'm going to do this with my family.

Didn't like:

Kelly & Nick were exhausting: I like angst but this was TOO much and most of it seemed manufactured to me. They've known each other too long for most of this story line to work for me. They were bringing up shit that happened 15 years before. I can't buy that. They would have worked through that by now. Plus Kelly was a doc in WAR. He cannot be the naive, fragile flower he's portrayed in this book.

Too much sex: Yeah, I can't believe I'm saying that either but there you have it. Too much. I skimmed over half of them. I was like "Not again. Uugg.....can we just get back to the story?"

Too long: The book was just too long. The first half was almost boring and by the time we got to the good stuff I was half way checked out.

Nick's dad plotline: I can't say much about this cuz of spoilers but I will say this whole thing was complete and utter bullshit imo. I didn't buy it all. It was totally against Nick's character and it actually pissed me off. More manufactured drama. I genuinely HATED where the author went with this.

The timeline: This was choppy and all over. Some was in the present. Some was in the past. There were dates at the top of each chapter so I knew the time frame but it was just all over. It didn't work for me as a story telling style.

So......big, big disappointment. Loved about 30% of it. Hated about 30% of it. And the rest was all somewhere in between.

***There is a Ty & Zane bonus story at the very end. Past the author bio etc***
Profile Image for Meags.
2,321 reviews591 followers
December 21, 2015
5 Stars

I feel like this is the Sidewinder story I’ve yearned for since we were first introduced to the whole team in Divide & Conquer. Being a huge fan of all of the Sidewinder boys (including Zane – because I consider him an honorary team member), I can confidently say that the avenue this story took was hugely satisfying for me as a reader. There was plenty of emotional turmoil as per usual, and although it was light on the action, I found I didn’t particularly miss the heart-stopping thrills and shenanigans these guys have found themselves embroiled in in the past (and let’s face it, we probably had our share of trauma from Crash & Burn earlier in the year). This story focused instead on delving deeper into the past of all these fantastic characters, uncovering (more) secrets and dealing (again) with the emotional fallout.

This installment sees Kelly and Nick facing some really tough issues impacting their relationship. What seemed like an effortless transition from friends-to-lovers has finally become more complex and complicated. They both have issues to work through, separately and together as a couple, if they truly wish to make it for the long-haul. I loved the way their scenes played out – there were some emotionally intense, and sometimes deeply upsetting moments hashed out between these two, but it was handled perfectly, demonstrating the kind of angst I love to eat up in my books.

I love, and will no doubt continue to love, the dynamic between all of the Sidewinder men. I appreciate their ability to have me laughing my ass off one minute , and then bawling my eyes out the next. This series (along with the Cut & Run books) continue to impress.

Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,136 reviews3,074 followers
July 19, 2024
✅ Ty and Zane and Team Sidewinder
✅ Ty’s kittens
✅ Good feelings and heartwarming
✅ Pace
✅🆗 Plot
✅🆗 Some romantic drama

3.5 stars

Once upon a time, Eli decided to reenact “P.S. I Love You” with Team Sidewinder.

Whatever help Nick needed in Washington required everyone, and the last time they’d all been together, they had destroyed a Colombian cartel in Miami. It was kind of a big deal.
“Oh God, we’re going to die,” Zane muttered as he and Ty approached the others.

I enjoyed this one more than the second book of the Sidewinder series. The plot is easy-going and not super elaborate, but this felt like a long epilogue for Team Sidewinder. An opportunity for them to resolve all their issues and get rid of their guilt once and for all after all they’ve been through in the past few years, and it felt nice and heartwarming.

I am not sure how I feel about Kelly’s drama when it comes to Nick. While I understand some of his feelings and worries, it also seems like it came out of nowhere at times, and it was only added to the plot for some extra angst… He went from being head over heal in love with Nick, no matter what he said or did, to being pissed at him for anything and everything.

This final book of the Cut & Run / Sidewinder series is about closure, making peace with each other and ourselves, and living free of guilt and remorse. It’s about brotherhood, love, forgiveness, and love, and it felt like the perfect conclusion to Ty, Zane, Nick, Kelly, Owen, and Digger’s story.

1. Cut & Run ⭐⭐⭐.5
2. Sticks & Stones ⭐⭐⭐⭐
3. Fish & Chips ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
4. Divide & Conquer ⭐⭐⭐⭐
⭕️ The Warrior’s Cross ⭐⭐⭐ (standalone)
5. Armed & Dangerous ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
5.5 Dine & Dash ⭐⭐⭐
6. Stars & Stripes ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
7. Touch & Geaux ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🍀1. Shock & Awe ⭐⭐⭐ (Sidewinder trilogy)
8. Ball & Chain ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🍀1.5 High & Tight ⭐⭐⭐ (Sidewinder trilogy)
🍀2. Cross & Crown ⭐⭐⭐ (Sidewinder trilogy)
9. Crash & Burn ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Follow me on Instagram 🙂
Profile Image for Natalia.
771 reviews
April 14, 2021
5th re-read April 2021
It's always bitter sweet when I finish with this universe. Until next year...
Profile Image for Elsbeth.
1,231 reviews41 followers
January 6, 2016

BR, January 1st with Paul, Nathan and Sonia.

This story was different than others. No shooting, no mystery, no people running after each other.
This book was about friendship, forgiveness and love.

It starts where Crash & Burn ends, with Nick severely hurt in the hospital after

It’s about the Sidewinders torn because of the threat of losing yet another one of their own.

Kelly and Nick have a lot to conquer. Kelly getting used to the idea of not doctoring Nick that much and just being his partner.
But how to do that when so much has happened? How to built that trust again?

I really enjoyed the idea of reuniting all of the Sidewinders by Sanchez’s letters. Nick received the letters after Sanchez’s death.

Sanchez has his ways to reunite all the boys and we get a roadtrip!!

This was quite an emotional journey and I loved every part of it.

Nick… Oh Nicko..

“You gave so much of yourself to each of us, and we never realized it.
And you never asked for anything in return.

You cut yourself into teeny tiny pieces and just kept giving them away, but you never got them back because once you gave them up, we cherished them so much we kept them.”

Of course I loved Ty and Zane.. DUH Loved that Zane was involved as one of the Sidewinders.
Loved Ty’s kittens who went with them on the roadtrip.

Sanches’s secret gives great oportunities for a sequel. So hopefully this wasn’t the end of Sidewinders.

There’s so much to say but just read the book.

P.S Do not forget to scroll right to the end of the book for MORE of Ty and Zane’s awesomeness!!

Profile Image for Jennifer☠Pher☠.
2,916 reviews261 followers
May 30, 2024
Re-Read, 2024

This is a killer. It is just such an emotional ride, journey and necessity. I am so very thankful this book was written. Not just for the healing it brings to Sidewinder, but for my selfish need of more Ty & Zane.

This totally did not help with my issues with Nick & Kelly this go round though. This sort of made it worse until it was a little better.

It delivered on all fronts and is a fantastic addition to this total series.

This was an unavoidable series/spinoff re-read and I am so glad my girls gave me an unintentional push even if I couldn’t wait for them. I dove deep this time, one right after another and am so happy I did. I’d love to do the audio again, maybe next time.
If I could rate this with five more stars than I am already rating it, it still wouldn't be enough.

Just wow. This book took characters I have consistently been in love with through all the books and made me fall in love all over again and fall really, really hard.

I really don't know what to say honestly. This was so emotional. So much more than I ever expected.

I think I'm in shock.

I don't know.

I can't think of a better send off for my favorite boys than this was. It was just brilliant.

I waited to read this so I could do a full re-read of both series, in the order they should be read so I'd be completely up to speed and ready for the end. So, I have spent the Summer listening and refreshing my brain. I am so glad I did it this way. I am so glad that all the stories were fresh in my head. Reading this, the full circle book, right after all the others just made it that much better. I can't wait to do it all over again.

Thanks Abi, thanks for creating characters that I love with all my heart and giving them a send off that they deserve.
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,625 reviews524 followers
August 13, 2016
I can't say anything other reviews haven't mentioned about this book. I agree that the Nick and Kelly in this book aren't the Nick & Kels I've been reading thus far. This book was an emotion overload and wasn't enjoyable. Why emasculate them?

I am not sure why this author enjoys modifying or altering her characters but I've had enough. I am not over what she did to Ty Grady's character and I cannot continue as she deconstructs all the remaining members of the Sidewinder team. Thus, I don't think I will read anymore books in this series.
Profile Image for clear skies.
895 reviews28 followers
January 2, 2016
Um...yeah what was the point of this book?

Look just because two men have been friends for 20 years doesn't = them becoming a couple asap. The fact is that is what the author did, realised her mistake and tried to backtrack and make up random nonsense to insert some useless tension and obstacles. It didn't work love no matter how much you state everything was a "plan".

Nick and Ty are basically the author...not sure why no one points out how often she breaks the fourth wall. It's gross. No wonder Zane is my favourite character because she never made him. Secondly I have no issue about Digger being but it also makes me laugh that the author said that was the plan all along. No it wasn't. Digger has been in like 5 pages of this whole universe and somehow we're suppose to buy this. This was a personal thing because it is something the author found out about herself. Nothing more. Also people praising her for this...no offense but it was one line about a character that has made no impact to this series in any way other being called the "batshit crazy" one so lets calm down.

Positives? Very few but the writing as always is very quick moves well and very easy to read. Knowing how much Eli loved his boys was also nice. We didn't get to know Eli much other than his love for his friends and how fun he was and of course .

I'm assuming this may be the end of Nick and Kelly? I don't know and I assuming if Owen gets his own book that will be a M/F and Digger's will be about his revelation.

You know who I would like to see a book about is Aiden...I think that would be good.

I mean...the Sidewinder series is a hot mess and the only real people who are going to rave about it being amazing is this crazy fandom. Overall, it wasn't as bad as the last Cut & Run book but also it could have been 300 pages of the word 'and' and it would have had the same impact on me. It's just a bore but these books will keep being churned out regardless.
Profile Image for Jayme.
57 reviews3 followers
December 18, 2015
I'm amazed. I wasn't too excited about this book; it wasn't Ty and Zane and I really wasn't invested in Nick and Kelly's relationship. I have never been so wrong in my life. Part & Parcel is fantastic and I loved it more than I ever expected. I was hoping for a glimpse of Ty and Zane, and I got much much more.

Watching Sidewinder interact on the journey Eli sent them on was very fulfilling; these guys know how to live and to love and it was fascinating to see how they handled each stop they made and every letter they read. There are a few bombshells dropped; two of them are sure to have ramifications in the future, and I'm looking forward to reading the next step they take.

Be sure to read to the very end - there's a surprise waiting for you!
Profile Image for Astrid.
27 reviews29 followers
January 27, 2016
Review to come. But seriously, I have never read a book in this series which I sighed in disappointment over so many times as this.
3 stars is being nice, because there were good passages, but prepare for a sob-story of a book only challenged by the author's own on social media.
March 7, 2016
So yes, I missed the action and I wanted to conk Nick and Kelly's heads together once or twice, but I think this was a necessary emotional purge for the Sidewinders after what happened final three Cut & Run books.

Elias Sanchez is back from the grave and Sidewinder plus Zane are on a road trip following his instructions in a bid to put the team back together as brothers and friends. There are lots of tears, breakdowns and feelings. We get a glimpse of Sanchez (and possibly his ghost) who seems to know these men almost better than they know themselves.

In addition to the team trying to reconnect and repair broken trust, Nick and Kelly have a lot of personal issues to work out and a few more secrets are revealed. The men were all broken and hiding and I'm fine with this story being almost a coda to the Cut & Run books, but I'm hoping that Nick and Kelly are on the right track finally and some of the fun that the relationship started with (especially in Shock & Awe is brought back into the story.

Make sure you read all the way through for a great Brick & Mortar short!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 489 reviews

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