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Passion #3

Passion Follows Pain

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NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: As a survivor of abuse myself, please be aware that this book touches on the subject of abuse and may be a trigger for some. It is not a story about abuse, but rather the damage that abuse causes on a person, both emotionally and physically.


For most of her life, the only thing Arissa Petros has known is abuse. She is just 19 years old when, with the help of a friend, she runs away from her abuser. Wanting as much distance between the man who has hurt her and herself, she travels to another state working as a housekeeper for an elderly lady with a broken leg. Arissa's never been away from home or another state so everything is frightening to her. She is torn between fear of the unknown and relief at being away from the man who abused her for so long.
Mrs Appleby is kind and caring and it doesn't take Arissa long to settle in to her new life. For the first time ever, she feels happy and safe, that is, until she meets one of the neighbours from over the road.
Lucian Andreas is the classic tall, dark and handsome man. He wants her and pursues her despite the fact she is terrified and wants nothing to do with him. As far as Arissa is concerned, men represent pain and aren't to be trusted. She has no desire to have anything to do with them ever!
Lucian won't give up on her though and slowly but surely he breaks down her defences. He is the first man she has ever wanted to spend time with. He makes her feel things she’s never felt before and she finds herself longing for the touch of his lips, the strong safe haven of his arms.
When Lucian finds out about Arissa’s past, it only makes him want her more, determined to prove to her that not all men are bad and that sex doesn't have to represent pain and humiliation. But first he has to come clean; reveal his true identity to her. He has to tell her he’s a vampire. Despite his initial fears, his revelation doesn't frighten her off and in fact brings them closer together. Lucian opens up a whole new world to her filled with passion and excitement. That is, until tragedy strikes and suddenly everything changes when Arissa’s past catches up with her and her life is in danger.
Will Lucian be able to save her in time? Can they survive? Will their relationship handle the stresses placed on it? Everything seems lost, that all hope is gone until that chance discovery one night. That one thing that changes everything……

297 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 10, 2015

About the author

J.A. Melville

39 books111 followers

From my teenage years, all I wanted to do was become a writer one day. Even now as an adult woman with three children who are not so little anymore, I've always lived with my head in the clouds, a dreamer, often amusing myself with my own imagination. It might have taken me awhile to finally live my dream, but I did it. I hope to one day be good enough to stand beside the many talented writers out there who have kept me entertained with their wonderful stories over the years. I live in a sleepy country town in Tasmania, Australia with my three children, my little dog who thinks he’s a Dobermann. I've had to overcome many emotional obstacles along the way to get to this point and attempting to self-publish a book does tend to make a person feel like they've thrown themselves in at the deep end of the pool. Here's hoping some of you actually like what I write and save me from drowning in the deep end as I probably forgot to mention, I can't swim. J. A Melville.

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Profile Image for Irene.
812 reviews
May 25, 2014
I have to say when people see that these books are about vampires they might be like "Oh not another one" or "Do they sparkle?". J.A. Melville's vampires are like no other.
This book started out rough. I literally wanted to cry. Just knowing what Arissa went through during her childhood made me cringe. However.....she got away. She met Lucian. OMG Lucian!! Every time he said baby it gave me chills. He was so soft, and sweet with Arissa and that was before he knew what happened to her.
You see all the other characters you met from the previous books. Got to love Fran and her mouth. When I got to 50% I was wondering where Arissa's father was, what was going to happen to him. Was Arissa going to become vampire? Who was Damien talking about in the end? When are we going to learn more about Adrian? All these questions come to mind. Now to wait for the next installment. If you haven't read any good vampire books. No need to look anymore. Go get Passion After Dark because that is where it all starts.
Profile Image for Susan.
669 reviews2 followers
June 22, 2018
This is a very well written tale about finding love when it's least expected. Arissa escaped from the clutches of her severely abusive father with the help of her only friend. As an extremely timid young woman walking her employer's dog, she meets an intimidating man who insistently tries engaging her in conversation. Her past makes it nearly impossible for her to be able to even look at him, much less speak with him. The interaction between these well developed characters brings to light some of the devastating effects abuse can wreak on the psyche of the abused. The engrossing storyline flows from the pages and right into your heart. But be warned, sensitive readers could be triggered by the story of abuses Arissa suffered. But I recommend this book be placed on your must-read list. This is an excellent series by a wonderful author.
Profile Image for Sassy Southern Book Blog.
4,865 reviews266 followers
February 20, 2017
Arissa Petros lives her life in fear. She has just managed to escape her abusive father with the help of her friend, Debbie, but she constantly worries he will find her. Debbie has set Arissa up with a job working for Mrs. Daisy Appleby in Hobart, Tasmania. Arissa has lived a life that no one would want and was a prisoner for many years and now that she is "free" she has no idea on how to even live.

Lucien Andreas is a vampire and the moment he sees Arissa living across the street he knows that there is something about her that is different and that draws him to her and her pain.

As Arissa and Lucien grow closer will Lucien be able to protect Arissa and will she tell him about her past? Will Lucien be able to trust Arissa with the truth about who he is?

Will Lucien be there for Arissa when she needs him the most no matter how much she pushes him away?

This was a much more emotional book than the previous two and is definitely not for every reader. It deals with incest and sexual abuse and it can be very disturbing to some. That being said I thought the author did a great job of making you so involved with the story that you really wanted Arissa to come out on top and I was immediately on her side no matter what she faced.

Arissa was such a great character in that she was so afraid yet strong enough to get help to escape. Yet at the same time she was so afraid of what would happen if her dad would find her. That being said she craved a true and real love and when Lucien was able to show her a true love that wasn't one sided she felt safe with him and was able to develop into a more confident woman.

Lucien was so l,ove struck by Arissa but knew there was so much more to her due to the pain in her eyes. I loved that he stuck by her when everything was revealed and continued to do whatever he could to support her and be there for her. I felt so bad when she pushed him away and how he just wanted to do whatever Arissa needed him to do, even if it wasn't what he wanted. He really loved her and part of him was destroyed when he wasn't there for her when she truly needed him to be.

I really liked Fabian in this book and he is truly beginning to grow on me after hating him so much in book one. I feel like in this book he was really a "father figure" and I loved how he supported Lucien and Arissa. I also love that he and Sirene were still so passionate with each other!

I would love to see more of Arissa in future books as I loved this character so much and would love to see how she is getting through everything.

October 14, 2014
This is a review for the series books #1 through #5.

I normally do not read vampire stories. There I have said it. My last encounter with vampires was reading Anne Rice and crew of vampires. Their thirst was their way of expressing their primal bodily lust... therefore no sex, but they were full of attitude, jealousies, and thirst (pun intended) for power and control.

Reading the synopsis for this series by J. A. Melville had me intrigued on her take on the vampire life. I NEVER read Twilight... yes I am one of the few! So I decided to give these guys a try.

Out the five books out, my favorites were the first two, although the other 3 books were just as good, I must admit Fabian and Dominick were my favorites. Fabian with all his control issues is a favorite and his story is rather unique.

Dominick's story centers on the fact that he is a vampire looking for the love of his forever life. The struggles he goes through not only to convince a human that he is in love for the first and last time in his "life" is one of the reasons to read this book. Where previous vampires may have been unable or too moral to have sex with their prey, this new breed of vampires must have sex just as much as they must have blood. I would not be wrong to state that what you are reading here is vampire erotica. The sex is raw and explicit as well as full of passion.

In Fabian's character we have a controlling vampire who can be both sadistic and tender without batting an eye. He is the supreme vampire and he knows it. Witches are not his favorites and he would rather be far and away from them. He is cursed by them - or so he thinks. He is in for quite a surprise as he meets one witch in particular who will spin his world out of kilter and well as his "un-beating" heart.

All the stories are unique. This is a different vampire breed than the norm. The writing style of our author is worth praise. She depicts the surroundings, the passion, and these characters in such detail you will wonder if she actually has met real vampires in her life. I hope not, for her sake. These guys are not to be taken lightly!
Profile Image for Rebecca Austin.
3,129 reviews3 followers
February 26, 2022
This was a much more emotional book than the previous two and is definitely not for every reader. It deals with incest and sexual abuse and it can be very disturbing to some. That being said I thought the author did a great job of making you so involved with the story that you really wanted Arissa to come out on top and I was immediately on her side no matter what she faced.

Arissa was such a great character in that she was so afraid yet strong enough to get help to escape. Yet at the same time she was so afraid of what would happen if her dad would find her. That being said she craved a true and real love and when Lucien was able to show her a true love that wasn't one sided she felt safe with him and was able to develop into a more confident woman.

Lucien was so l,ove struck by Arissa but knew there was so much more to her due to the pain in her eyes. I loved that he stuck by her when everything was revealed and continued to do whatever he could to support her and be there for her. I felt so bad when she pushed him away and how he just wanted to do whatever Arissa needed him to do, even if it wasn't what he wanted. He really loved her and part of him was destroyed when he wasn't there for her when she truly needed him to be.

I really liked Fabian in this book and he is truly beginning to grow on me after hating him so much in book one. I feel like in this book he was really a "father figure" and I loved how he supported Lucien and Arissa. I also love that he and Sirene were still so passionate with each other!

I would love to see more of Arissa in future books as I loved this character so much and would love to see how she is getting through everything.
Profile Image for Pratr- Authors.
442 reviews10 followers
September 10, 2014
This is book 3 in the Passion series. Arissa finally escapes her father after 19 years of physical, sexual and mental abuse. her one friend from school gets her a job taking care of a older lady and helps her to escape. The house she works at is across the street from Fabian's home where he lives with his sons and daughter.Lucian another sexy hot vampire sees Arissa out walking Daisy's dog and decided he wanted her. He had never felt that much attraction to any women that fast. He doesn't do relationships. You just take them home, have sex with them feed of them , give them a little blood and mind control them so they don't remember and send them on their way. The more he talks to Arissa on her nightly walks the more he wants with her. There is something about her that makes her shy away and he has no idea how to find out what it is. So he takes her home and lets Sirene do a spell on her so they can find out about her past.

Arissa's past was ugly and it was hard to read about all the things her father had done to her. It was such a wonderful read to see how Lucian went out of his way to get her to trust him and help heal her and make her not so afraid of men or even being around other people. Even Fabian takes her under his wing. There is a lot of suspense in this book. Slowly the vampires are falling in love and settling down with one woman. I think this one is my favorite so far out of the series. More depth to the story.
Profile Image for She Hearts Books.
2,113 reviews75 followers
July 11, 2015
Arissa has lived through a nightmare at the hands of the one man she was supposed to be able to count on for love and protection. Her father is a monster that has abused and tormented her for years since her mother's death. Now she has finally escaped from him thanks to a friend arranging a job for her far away where she can't be found. She loved the lady she is taking care of, but still suffers the lasting scars of all she went through. She has sworn off men until she meets Lucian. He is a vampire that lives across the street and is more than smitten with her. He comes into her life and shows her what real love looks like when she least expects it. Lucian is patient because he wants her in his life as well as his bed. When her horrific past comes back to hurt her, Lucian and his family are there to rescue her. Unfortunately when she suffers another loss she turns away from him and loses herself. Lucian won't give up on her. I so loved Lucian. Damn the vamp's inner naughty dialog is over the top hot. Plus he doesn't give up on her and what they have together. I loved his vamp family and can't wait to read Fran's story.

I give Passion Follows Pain 4 hearts!
Profile Image for reading the sheets.
267 reviews8 followers
October 5, 2014
firstly i love j a melvilles books she has a fantastic way of writing that pulls you right in.
Allegra meets Dominic in a club she is totally smitten by him,his looks and his captivating eyes, but he disappears and Allegra thinks she will never see Dominic again.A week later he reappears and it is revealed that he is a vampire.Dominic does not live the vampire lifestyle but there are others in Dominics life that do live that lifestyle.Fabian is Dominics sire and he sets his sights on Allegra,theres lots of hot sex in this book its a sexy passionate read and these two set the pages on fire!!The storyline is interesting and addictive i coudnt put this book down once i started.Dominic is one sexy vampire tattooed strong caring protective i loved him!!! Will Fabian get his way with Allegra or will she remain at Dominics side,theres twists and turns and ts always exciting.I love being in J A Melvilles exciting new world of sexy vampires....onto the next one now!
Profile Image for Merissa (Archaeolibrarian).
3,823 reviews113 followers
October 12, 2014
I received this book from Sweet 'n' Sassy Book Tours in return for a fair and honest review.

This book is hard. It is really tough to read and my heart went out to Arissa every time it was mentioned what she had had to deal with from the person whose seed she came from, I can't and won't call him her Father! I simply cannot imagine how someone could do this and reading it certainly wasn't easy. However, once started, I found myself gripped by the story and continued reading almost obsessively as Lucian tried to gain her trust and bring her out of herself.

The reactions from the others are funny to read and we see more of them and in particular, Fabien and Sirene. They help Lucian and Arissa in ways that they never thought they would need and stand by them at all times, even if Fabien is still growling at them at the same time.

How far would you go before your body and mind caved in? Arissa finds out and takes you along with her. Emotional, tense, exciting, hot, it's all here.
Profile Image for Pearls.
291 reviews23 followers
July 23, 2015
This book was given to me for an honest review. But I just saw here on Goodreads that the book has been "unpublished" by the author and is going through revision. I honestly don't know which version I read.

I agree to review this book because I love vampire romances. The power and sexuality totally rocks my socks. Lucian does that for me. He is a wonderful specimen of a vampire. The premise of the abused heroine needing a protector being the catalyst that changes his ways is one that works for me, and in that regard the book is on track.

However, the writing was repetitive and stilted and the storyline completely predictable. For example, I don't need to be told 5 times why Adrian is an adult. I would have liked to see the growth in the heroine instead of her magical makeover after one night of liquid courage.
Profile Image for Danielle Wright.
Author 13 books38 followers
January 13, 2016
I had the honor of reading this while it was being written. It's a beautiful story of trust. With our leading lady Arissa, being abused most of her life, trust in the male species is a beyond difficult concept and one that she is not open to exploring. Enter our male lead Lucian. He knows that Arissa has dark secrets and doesn't trust men at all. He hopes with some patience, determination and kindness he can open her eyes to a whole new world and show that trusting a man does not have to be painful trusting a man can fill you with passion that explodes into pleasure!

This book was amazing. My favorite so far out of the series. Lucian is perfect, so protective, and caring and gentle. He will do whatever it takes to protect Arissa, and help her overcome her past. So much emotion and feeling in this book. I cried so much and I loved every word of it.
Profile Image for Maria York.
667 reviews12 followers
July 17, 2015
I love this series! Everyone of these books twists with each other with the same people and the addition of a few next extras! In this book it's all about Lucian! He's been living it up the way all single sexy vampires do, feeding and having sex a lot of sex! That is until he sees the girl who's moved in a crossed them road from him! Arissa has lived a very horrible and down right wrong life since she was little! She was beaten, abused and raped by her father! But when she finally has the chance to excape she does! She has sworn that she will never ever let a man close to her let alone ever have sex with one!
But Lucian wants Arissa something fierce and what he wants he will always get! Until he figures out he has feelings for the girl!
Amazing read and I can't wait for the next book!
Profile Image for Andrea Pineda.
29 reviews3 followers
September 12, 2014
Read this story was hard for me a very sick father/daughter relationship, i feel bad for her and all the things her father do to her made me sick, angry, sad at the same time. No one deserve be treating like that specially a family member. Im glad that she have a happy ending. Fabian, oh my sweet Fabian, i imagine him so sexy!!!!. Lucian was so good with Arissa, i was laughing when they decided to go to the another house because in Fabian's house there is no privacy. I want a vampire for my own specially Fabian. Thanks Jacqui for write this amazing story, you mix passion and action so well that i want read more of your vampires. I loved this book.
Profile Image for Mary Mooney.
2,490 reviews58 followers
August 21, 2015
Reading these stories as Jacqui is writing them is such an honor. Watching them unfold into a fantastic series is overwhelming. Another great addition to the Passion series and will keep you on the edge of your seat and have you wondering what will happen next. This one will break your heart at times but well worth the read. This story will have something for everyone, so pick it up and enjoy the whole series.
Profile Image for Mary Mooney.
2,490 reviews58 followers
September 3, 2015
Reading these stories as Jacqui is writing them is such an honor. Watching them unfold into a fantastic series is overwhelming. Another great addition to the Passion series and will keep you on the edge of your seat and have you wondering what will happen next. This one will break your heart at times but well worth the read. This story will have something for everyone, so pick it up and enjoy the whole series.
Profile Image for valeria.
671 reviews22 followers
April 8, 2016
Her father is a monster, it is assumed that he should take care of her, that nobody will hurt her, not the other way , im glad that she could escape from that place, for me he deserved a little more punishment for all what he done, it is less repetitive than the previous book, we could see small appearances of characters from previous books but most of all focuses on Arissa and Lucian, and i'm still intrigued with Adrian and Francesca, but first its turn of Damien
Profile Image for Debbie.
57 reviews4 followers
April 30, 2014
This book is amazing. I cannot fault J A Melville at all. All of her books are brilliant and deserve more than 5 stars. I was lucky enough to read this book before it was released and was proud to be given that honour. Jacqui is an outstanding author. A definite must read. I would recommend this book to everybody.
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