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Fresh out of vampire detox, Allison Carmichael has her cravings for human blood under control…just in time for the rest of her life to take a downward spiral.

After a loved one is murdered, Allison receives a cryptic message from the deceased. A warning to trust no one, not even those closest to her.

In order to identify the murderer, Allison must trust a mysterious stranger and piece together a series of clues while under the suspicious eye of a jealous boyfriend, a vengeful archangel and a jittery Ruling Council. When information is unearthed about the murderer and Allison’s lineage, her world isn’t the only one that’s rocked.

They say that the truth shall set you free, but will that be the case for Allison and those she loves?


First published October 16, 2014

About the author

Kelley Grealis

5 books254 followers
Kelley Grealis was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. She has a B.A. in Accounting from Baldwin-Wallace College and a Masters of Business Administration from Cleveland State University. She has loved all things vampire since she was a little girl, and it was that passion combined with thirteen years of Catholic schooling, that inspired her to write THE DESCENDANT. She lives in a Cleveland suburb with her husband and their two cats.

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Profile Image for Kelley.
Author 5 books254 followers
July 16, 2014
I wrote The Descendant (book 1 in the series) because it was the vampire tale I'd always wanted to read and since I couldn't find that book, I wrote it. I never envisioned that passion blossoming into a series, but here we are on book 3!

I hope you enjoy The Truth, the third installment in The Descendant Vampire Series. I had a lot of fun writing this book especially since the events that unfold in chapter 18 I've had in mind since I wrote the first book.

I hope you enjoy the unique spin I've put on the creation of the vampire and the subsequent plot lines as Allison searches for answers in The Search and then discovers why it all happened in the first place in The Truth.

The series was originally slated for 3 books, but after the final chapter in The Truth, I think I just may have written myself into a 4th!
Profile Image for Alisa  Jenkins.
632 reviews50 followers
August 30, 2015
“The Truth will set you free”
Ok, the truth made my crazy!! OMG loved this whole series, and I couldn’t wait to get ahold of this final book in the series. So much so, I asked the author to let me read it as soon as she was done writing. I got my wish, but now what. At this moment, after finishing the third and final book, I want more. But Ms. Grealis wrapped this series up perfectly, well she left a little leadway-if she wanted to go subseries with this.

Allison is still her testy little self, and I would be too after the year she has had. But she has found a way to see Matt, the husband she widowed when she became a Vampire.
Vincent, he may be handsome and all that. But he really has a problem.
Matt, he still wants Ali but can’t because of the Vampire/Angel laws. I love though that he still wanted to help her, and was there for her.
Felix, poor Felix. But damn he was so clever and tricky putting out all those clues. And to hide those clues while he thought someone was following him and he might die! OMG. And why did someone have to die!!!!?
Gabriela, such a B**ch, but so glad she got what was coming to her in the end.

I just can’t give anything away, not even a tiny bit. This is a must read, if you haven’t read the first 2 books, you must go get them and read them just so you can read book 3 and OMG too. The last two chapters of this book, you will be so engrossed and not even realize how much you are speeding through the book. I didn’t even realized I was so close to the end, I just wanted to know what was happening. So dramatic! And loved the punishment that was dealt to those who harmed others, changed events and co-horted with the wrong people.
And the ending, wow. Allison does diverse the ending she got-although I could do without that extra surprise thrown in there. But that extra surprise could be the start of something else wonderful from Ms. Grealis!
Profile Image for Tina.
Author 6 books324 followers
October 1, 2014
What we have here is a book that, The Truth will set you free!! While reading this book, I kept wondering which way it was headed and where is that X, but I did not see that coming. OMG! The mystery and suspense in this storyline will have you on the edge of your seat while reading. All the conflict between, the vampires, angels and even gypsies will have you guessing what will happen next. I believe this book is my favorite in the series so far. Every twist and turn in this story will have you saying "I did not see that coming." Even the love triangle between Allison, Matthew and Vincent will have you wanting Allison to end up with both guys but you know she can't. This author took this love triangle and made her twist, turn even deeper in to this amazing story. If you haven't read this series you should because everything about it will keep you guessing what will happen next. Can't wait until the next book comes out in this series. Love it!!!
Profile Image for J.D. Nelson.
Author 29 books152 followers
July 18, 2014
OMGosh! How much do I love this series? A LOT! And when the author asked me to read it before it went out to the public, I did a little jig in my chair!
This book will not disappoint The Descendant Vampire Series fans in any way. It's awesome! I'm not going to post spoilers, but this installment is going to knock your socks off! I can't wait until it's released so I can talk about it! Seriously guys, go buy this book!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
753 reviews11 followers
October 26, 2014
I've said it with the first two books, and I'm saying it again. I LOVE this series!! And the best part? It's not over!!!
Kelley brings us on an even more twisted journey in book three. It's page after page of suspense, intrigue and Allison's journey to discover who she really is.
Vincent is his usual charming, conniving self. Matt is his wonderful, still in-love with Allison and wants to help her no matter what the cost good guy.
Her vampire family are all trying to make sure that Allison doesn't fall off the wagon, so to speak.
I can't say more, because I hate spoilers, but you NEED to read this series. And you HAVE to read it in order or it won't make any sense. I'm DYING for Kelley to get book 4 out, especially after the way The Truth ended.
Be prepared for another wild ride with this book. Trust me when I say, you'll love every second of it!
Profile Image for Jennifer Treviño.
552 reviews5 followers
July 18, 2014
"The Truth will set you free" or so they say...but sometimes The Truth will startle your senses, snatch you away to another place & time on the hunt for clues left by renegade vampires, make you question everything, & leave you begging for more! Yes that is The Truth we speak of here! ;*) An action-packed journey with some of my favorite vamps on an urgent mission. Can you handle the truth once answers are revealed?
If you enjoy adult paranormal vampire stories unlike any others then you will want to check this series out. There are no sparkly vamps here, but plenty of Fangtastic goodness!
Profile Image for Breanna Eichhorn.
1,228 reviews11 followers
October 21, 2014
Allison is a recovering addict, but not for what you think. She was hooked on Human blood. She went thorough a detox that Vincent had to trick to go back to the castle. She was locked in the dungeon by Max. Allison was getting calls from everybody, Lorenzo, Max, Marlo and Vincent but she kept ignoring the calls. When she finally answered the phone she was told that Felix was dead. She went back to the castle to find that they were all in the library. She was lead to the room where she was transformed in. She loved the painting that was in that room. When she was in her hunting senses she could see words in the painting. After Felix's funeral she started to receive letters one by a carrier bird. Another by a man at the funeral. One of the letters told her not to trust his brothers and sisters. She gets help from Matt and Jenna, which is bad because Angels aren't supposed to be around vampires.What does Allison find? you will have to read the book to find out.
Allison is sad to loose Felix because he is the only one she is close too. She is trying to find out who killed Felix.Matt is an archangel and is supposed to stay away from Allison but he can't. Jenna is under angel protection. Lorenzo is the head of the Drakes. Max is the one who locked her in the dungeon for detox. Felix is the one who brought her the food when she needed it. Marlo is the level headed one. Vincent always seemed fishy to me.
I loved this book. This book is the third book in the descendant Vampire series. I loved how well the characters were developed. I couldn't put this book down. I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone.
Profile Image for Two Nerds With Words.
940 reviews54 followers
January 7, 2015
Reviewer: Justine
Disclosure: This ebook was provided by the author in exchange for an HONEST and not necessarily positive review.
4.5 Stars

This review took me a while to write because I was both disappointed and in love with it. I love how Kelley went about answering all our questions and resolved all the mysteries. The writing and creative crafting of this paranormal series really made it a beautiful and intense read.

My beef was with Allison and the crappy men in her life. Halfway through, I was ready to give up and wanted her to dump both of their dumb butts. Though Angel-Hubby boy did seem to take steps toward being redeemable. I just never felt either deserved her. And that’s all I can say without giving away too much.

Other than that, the meat and bones, the story was freaking fantastic and the book really wraps up the series but left a HUGE opening for more. This confused me; the story was just so complete, yet I felt there could be so much more. I did ask and found out there will be a book 4 but there is no ETA as the author is looking toward a new direction for now.

4.5 Frustrated Fairies

I was leaning toward a 4 but the story and writing swayed me higher.
Profile Image for Laura Whiskens.
Author 8 books10 followers
October 25, 2014
"The truth will set you free."

What does this mean for Allison Carmichael, fresh out of vampire detox? This third installment marks the end of an excellent trilogy about vampires, who came not from Dracula/Vlad the Impaler, but from the serpent from the Garden of Eden.

With a message from a murdered friend telling her to trust no one, Allison is left alone to seek out the clues to bring her to the illusive truth. Can she ever be with her true love, husband Matt? Or will Vincent, her sire, finally be able to win her heart without his usual tricks?

Fast paced and uncovering secrets and surprises from start to finish, The Truth is yet another great read from indie author Kelley Grealis.

I'm not usually a fan of vampire stories, but I have been converted. I would thoroughly recommend this series to anyone wanting to read something different to the formula, run-of-the-mill vampire story. A great read.
Profile Image for Carmen  Beach.
Author 4 books68 followers
October 10, 2014
Talk about some new twists and turns in The Descendant Vampire Series. Allison follows some mysterious clues in the pursuit of the truth. A truth she doesn’t have the foggiest idea that exists, but will truly set her heart free.

This third book in the series, again, is full of imagination—not your usual vampire tale. Grealis leads the reader down a path of vampire detox, unsolved murders, illicit activities, more vampire Bible lore, Allison's love life, and more than a few huge surprises. Makes me look forward to the next one! Well done.
12 reviews21 followers
October 24, 2014
Wow! The Truth is a fantastic read! Kelley Grealis spins a tale like no other I've read before, Vampires, Angels and the Bible and she does it beautifully and flawlessly. I highly recommend this book!
Profile Image for Cricket.
190 reviews3 followers
October 22, 2014
Allison has been having a rough year, she just finished detox from human blood and has is still dealing with not being able to be with her husband Matt. Things couldn't get worse right? Wrong! She finds out someone she loves has been murdered and no one has a clue who did it, the Vampire council is breathing down her neck about two men she killed six months ago, because the news won't let the murders drop and to top it off a mystery vampire seems to be following her around. She has received a note telling her not to trust anyone not even her own family and giving her a clue to follow so she will understand why she should not trust those around her. ( There is more to the note but I do not want to spoil it for anyone) Vincent her creator is jealous of her friendship with Matt and keeps picking fights. She needs Matt's help to solve the mystery of the letter but between Vincent and the angel Gabriela it seems like it will be impossible for them to make a move without being followed. This one is a page turner I literally finished it in less than four hours. I had to find out what would happen next, and the ending, WOW!!!
653 reviews14 followers
October 24, 2014
The Truth is the best book of the series, not that the other two were not great but this one just out-shines them. I guess I am a sucker for things having an ending that makes sense and not leaving you wondering and having to fill in your own. But of course, there are those questions that would make another book just waiting to be read.

I loved the fact that Allison is on a scavenger hunt throughout and you are on it with her. Ms. Grealis does not give the reader any insider information that Allison doesn’t have which makes it fun to try to figure out the riddle. There are those little clues all along the way and just when you think that you know, you find out that you don’t. It just makes you want to continue reading.

The catch line ‘the truth will set you free’ is very much the driving force throughout. Just as Allison gets closer to it, so does the reader. No spoilers here, you have to read the book to find out what the truth is and if it really does set Allison free. This is a true must read for anyone who like the first two books and for anyone who like a good vampire mystery.
Profile Image for Paranormal Books R Us.
461 reviews32 followers
December 13, 2016
Things have finally come to a head for newly turned vampire Ali. The vampire Council is breathing down her neck, her coven is watching her like a hawk, she's not supposed to even talk to her (kind of) ex husband just because he happens to be an Angel. When the unthinkable happens Ali starts to realize nothing is what it seems and no one can be trusted but even she doesn't know how big of a lie is being told. All she does know is that The Truth will set her free and she is determined to find that truth no matter what it takes.

Loved it! This book was full of so many twists and turns I was completely surprised by the ending. And when you read as much as I do that is always a special thing. I really enjoyed everything about the story and I think it wrapped things up rather nicely for the series. Though I sincerely hope there will be more books in the future because I would love to see what happens next for these characters. As far as I'm concerned this book is a must read and in my opinion it is definitely recommended.
Profile Image for Angela.
325 reviews25 followers
October 22, 2014
*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

I had been anxiously awaiting this book as I the last book left me wanting answers. But, I also didn't want the story to end. This is a great series with some kick ass characters and some head spinning twists. I love Allison and Matt and this crazy roller coaster of a series. I didn't know what to expect in this installment but I didn't expect what I got. It was a fantastic ending to a fantastic series. Kelley did an awesome job with this series and wrapping up all of the loose ends. I really wasn't happy with the story ending but the way Kelley worked it, it was amazing and left me satisfied. I would still like more story because I'm greedy like that and because I love these characters, but that's what always happens when you get a great story. You never ever want it to end. You feel as though the characters are a part of you and you don't ever want them to leave you. I give The Truth 5 books.
Profile Image for Emily.
5,497 reviews526 followers
October 21, 2014
Allison Carmichael knew that she didn't have all the answers about her days before becoming a vampire. After her first days as a vampire had her unhinged and on a bloody rampage, a stint in vampire detox has healed her of the urge. Although Vincent continues to try and insert himself in her life, Allison is weary of accepting his role in her life. Her husband who is now a widow because of her vampire life, Matt is an official part of the angel army. When a loved one is murdered Allison doesn't know who to trust and as she discovers the answers, she uncovers more about herself than she could possibly imagine.

Another fantastic read by Kelley Grealis. Full of twists and turns, this had me captivated to see which way the story would turn. Can't wait until the next book.
Profile Image for Natasha House.
Author 16 books105 followers
February 20, 2015
When Allison is faced with more mystery surrounding who she is, she dives into a series of clues left by a deceased friend.

What I liked: These books always suck you in right away, and the Truth did just that to me! I love the descriptions, and the well-written dialogue that grabbed my attention the entire time. I loved the mystery, the clues, the tension of Allison and Matt’s relationship, plus Vincent thrown in the mix. All a very well-played out story that leaves the reader engaged the entire time! I’m always a fan of Kelley’s books, and I can’t wait to see her make it big one day!

What I didn’t like: Honestly, I don’t have any complaints with this book. Usually I find at least one thing to nitpick about, but not this time!

This was one happy reader!
70 reviews1 follower
October 21, 2014
Let me just say that the third installment to this series is just ...omg great!! I really loved this series and the spin it does with vampires and their origins. I have never read anything like this series. There is so much going on that you are snagged from page one and Grealis just keeps reeling you in!!! Not one book in this series was a disappointment!!! NO SPOILERS HERE! You won't waste your money cause this story is worth every penny!!

I was given a copy of books by author/publisher to read and review in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Kim.
806 reviews3 followers
November 2, 2014
FANG-TASITC!!!! AMAZING!!! WOW!!! MYSTERY AND SUSPENSE!! TRUTH!! This book was the best of the 3. OMG I so love how everything was written. How truths came out. Allison and Matt trying to solve a murder!! Kelley did a great job with this story making it better than the first 2. It was really intense on what was happening in the book. Oh the Mysteries that were going on.. JUST LOVED THIS BOOK..
Profile Image for Angela.
Author 14 books13 followers
July 9, 2015
This novel revealed all I needed to know about Allison. It has an amazingly surprise twist ending that leaves the reader begging for more! Allison is once again trying to figure out her own truth. All of the answer she has sought that have not yet been unveiled. Who can Allison trust? What is exactly going on with Matt? Does he still have feelings for her? Is Vincent's love true, or just a hoax? Find out by picking up a copy, but make sure you've read "The Descendant" book #1 first. :)
5 reviews
February 3, 2016
Great book

The whole series has been very entertaining. It has been very hard to put the book down it will keep you wanting to know more. I hope that there will be more books in the future.
Profile Image for Jessica.
185 reviews17 followers
September 23, 2015
Is that it? Is that how the series ends? Or is there going to be more? Because I got to say I want more! The mystery in the last book was awesome :) I didn't figure it out
Profile Image for Casey.
141 reviews
May 6, 2015
I truly enjoyed this story. Mixing vampire lore with biblical was a fantastic spin. I've truly enjoyed reading this book and I look forward to more stories from the author.
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